Chapter 293 Dividing the spoils!

After Chuang Shi Shen left, Xiao Luo invited the three of them to come to a relatively flat place to sit on the ground. The four of them were already in a mess, and they didn't care about these details.

Xiao Luo smiled and said to the three of them: "I know you are all confused, so if you have anything you want to know, just ask!"

Fang Tian and Jingjing looked at Dakdo at the same time. The strength of this world can also represent a certain status. He wanted to ask Xiao Luo many questions, but in the end it was decided that Dakdo would ask first.

After pondering for a while, Darko said: "You have mentioned the relationship between Arceus and you, so what happened to those two elves just now?"

"Origin!" Xiao Luo explained, "The foundation of this world, the ultimate source of the power of no elves, is also the existence that maintains the normal operation of this world. My agreement with the Creator God is to collect these sources."

"The ultimate source of power? To maintain the normal operation of the world?" The three of Dakdo were completely shocked, and they never expected such a result.

Xiao Luo nodded, and at the same time explained to them everything he learned from the Chuangshi God.

Dakdo wondered: "It doesn't make sense according to what you said. If it is the source, how could it be something we can deal with, and you said before that you have harvested the source alone, which is not realistic. If the power of a department That would be too much of a joke."

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "I've considered this question too, but I also don't understand why. I guess it has something to do with the original world. The God of Creation said that the original source is completely different inside the original world and outside the original world."

Dakoto nodded and continued to ask: "Aren't you from this world?"

Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the conversation between the Creator God and the Iron Ninja, and nodded with a wry smile: "I am indeed not from this world."

This heavy news surprised the three of them again, but they didn't get entangled in this issue.After Dakdo knew what he wanted to know, he said to Fang Tian and Jingjing: "I'm done asking, you guys ask!"

"I'll ask first, I'll ask first!" Jingjing pulled Fang Tian, ​​and hurriedly said, "Why did Chaomeng, Yameng and Chuangshishen suddenly appear here? Also, what should Chaomeng give you just now?" Is it a mega evolution stone? Why is there no mega keystone? Why are Chaomeng and Yameng together with Chuangshishen..."

Xiao Luo hurriedly waved her hand to stop her and said, "Sister Xuanxuan, you ask one by one if it's okay, you pushed so hard, and I forgot what you asked before."

Jingjing rolled her eyes and scolded: "What a fool! Let's talk about it."

Xiao Luo smiled indifferently, and said, "Chaomeng and Yameng once fought against me, but they were defeated by Chuangshishen..."

Jingjing interrupted Xiao Luo excitedly: "Have Chaomeng and Yameng been defeated by the Chuangshi God? Is the battle fierce? My God, I can't see such a battle..."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Is there anything exciting or not? You should be able to imagine Chaomeng fighting Arceus after watching the battle just now."

"Ah? Completely crushed? Hey, Chaomeng is so pitiful! Why did I meet you and Arceus!" Jingjing looked depressed.

Xiao Luo looked at Jingjing speechlessly, secretly thinking that it was indeed a woman, it was inexplicable!

"What about the mega stones? Just now I saw that Chaomeng gave you a lot of them. My God, those are mega stones. They are hard to buy!" Jingjing continued to ask.

Xiao Luo shrugged and said: "As you have seen just now, I often have to deal with Yuan Yuan, so I asked Chuangshi God about the mega evolution stone. After all, strong combat power is the guarantee for defeating Yuan Yuan."

"Why is there no mega keystone?"

Xiao Luo stretched out the bracelet and shook it: "I have this, it was given to me by Arceus, and it can be used as a mega keystone."

Jingjing looked at the original bracelet thoughtfully and asked: "So you called Chaomeng and Yameng just now through the bracelet?"

Xiao Luo smiled and gave Jingjing a thumbs up, which means that you are too good, you thought of it all at once.

"That..." Jingjing twitched and said to Xiao Luo, "Do you have the mega evolution stone of the giant marsh monster? Give it to me. You won't need it anyway."

"This one……"

"Reluctance?" Jingjing asked.

"No, no!" Xiao Luo quickly shook his head, "It's just that there are too many, I don't know the evolution stone of the giant marsh monster!"

Jingjing excitedly said: "I know, I know, you take it out and I will choose."

Xiao Luo hurriedly took out the evolution stone from her backpack and handed it to Jingjing.Just when Jingjing was carefully selecting, Dakdo's eyes lit up next to him, and he took out an evolutionary stone emitting a shining blue light and said to Xiao Luo, "Give this to me!" Without any question or embarrassment .

Xiao Luo muttered a few words, but didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction, and asked Dakdo: "What is the evolution stone of an elf?"

"Latias's, and this..." Duckdo picked out another evolutionary stone with red fluorescence inside and handed it to Xiao Luo, "This is Latias's, you put it away and give it back. "

Xiao Luo was overjoyed, and hurriedly put away the evolutionary stone in his hand.This time Latios didn't come with him, otherwise he could give it directly.

"I found it, this is it!" Jingjing finally found the evolution stone of the giant marsh monster, and she couldn't be happier.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "What's the use of just having evolution stones, you also need mega keystones!"

Jingjing smiled slyly, took the backpack and took out a string of exquisite necklaces. Below it was a mega keystone: "The keystone is universal, as long as you have the heart, it's not too difficult to get."

Xiao Luo smiled, congratulated Jingjing and said to Fangtian, "You can choose one too."

Fang Tian quickly waved his hand and said, "I'll forget it." Although he said so, his eyes kept staring at the evolution stone, showing longing.

Jingjing spat softly and said: "Machismo is at work, don't pull it down! Xiao Luo, put it away."

Fang Tian smiled awkwardly and remained silent.

While the relationship between the two made Xiao Luo feel amused, at the same time, he felt that they were a perfect match.

Xiao Luodao said to Jingjing: "Sister Jingjing, just help him choose one."

Jingjing frowned slightly, staring at the small group of evolution stones and said: "He has a storm salamander that can mega-evolve, but... I don't know which one it is."

Storm salamander? !

Xiao Luo glanced at Fang Tian with a little surprise, the Blood Wing Wyvern is not an ordinary elf, and being able to have this kind of elf is enough to prove that Fang Tian is extraordinary.

"Fang Tian, ​​take a look at which one belongs to the Violent Salamander, and take it yourself. I don't have a Violent Salamander, so it would be a waste to keep me."

"Then...then I'm not polite!" Fang Tian picked out an evolutionary stone with a faint blue light from the evolutionary stones.

After the three of them picked one, Xiao Luo put away the evolution stone, and the other party said, "Do you have any questions?"

Fang Tian nodded, and after a long silence, he said, "You were brought by Celebi through time and space, right?"

"Yes!" Xiao Luo nodded. The Chuangshi God had already said this before he left, so there was nothing to say.

"Did you come here specially for Jingjing and me? Did Jingjing and I already..."

Xiao Luo and Duck were stunned at the same time.Xiao Luo sighed, and patted Fang Tian's shoulder lightly: "Why think so much, at least you are fine now."

Fang Tian cracked his mouth and smiled, Fang Tian and Dakdo said solemnly: "Thank you!"

"I should really be thankful, for you, Duck and I almost lost our lives. But it's not a loss, we caught two origins." Xiao Luo said with a smile, "But this is not the end, when we go back, the two of you You must treat us to a good meal."

"Haha..." Fang Tian laughed loudly, "For sure, Jingjing and I are waiting for you at the Zhenghui Lighthouse, and I will definitely treat you to a good meal when the time comes."

Xiao Luo lightly punched Fang Tian, ​​eyes turned to Jingjing intentionally or unintentionally, and said, "Come on!"

"Hey..." Fang Tian laughed shyly.

Xiao Luo said to Jingjing again: "Sister Jingjing, Fang Tian is better, don't keep bullying him, I can't stand it."

Jingjing's face turned red, and she feigned anger and said, "Go, you want to die!"

Xiao Luo laughed, and said to the two: "Then we're leaving, remember to wait for us at the lighthouse."

Fang Tian nodded: "See you soon!"

Xiao Luo: "See you there or be square!"

Dakdo stood up, and Geng Gui also flew over with the heavily injured Dakley.The two Celebi connected everyone together, special energy surged, Xiao Luo and the others began to be wrapped in fluorescence.

"Remember to wait for us at the lighthouse..." Xiao Luo turned into streaks of fluorescent light and disappeared in this space after Fangtian and Fangtian finished saying this.


(End of this chapter)

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