Chapter 294 Travel Together!

After returning, Ladias rushed forward immediately and acted like a baby to Xiao Luo.Because of the impact of time travel, the space began to change, and the traces of the battle became more obvious. The whole space looked broken, giving people a feeling that it might be broken at any time.After Xiao Luo appeared, the big-billed gull turned into dots of fluorescent light and disappeared.

Xiao Luo touched Ladias' slender neck affectionately, took out new clothes from the backpack and put them on.Xiao Luo's backpack was replenished with a lot of new clothes by Xia Yi, but he was not worried about running out of clothes.

Dakoto also opened its small backpack, and took out a brand new red cape-like dress from it. He was about to put it on while shaking, but was snatched by Xiao Luo, saying: "Why are you wearing this kind of clothes again?" Clothes, feel like you pack them tightly, it really affects your image."

Dakdo said helplessly: "I'm used to hiding myself."

"Don't wear this kind of clothes, you look good like this."

Dakdo said awkwardly: "I'm not used to it."

"You'll get used to it if you wear it a lot." As he spoke, he threw the clothes in his hands away, "Don't wear this kind of clothes in the future. Also, the hair is too long, so it's easy to cut it. The weather in this world is very refreshing. Long hair smells bad if it hasn't been washed for a while."

Duck was so embarrassed, he pulled his hair and sniffed in front of his nose: "No!"

Xiao Luo rolled his eyes at him and said, "Your own underwear smells good."

"..." Dakdo was speechless for a moment.

"Let's go to the lighthouse. After meeting Fang Tian and Sister Jingjing, go out and ask Sister Jingjing to help you choose two rooms."

"I will buy it myself!"

"It's just you!" Xiao Luo looked him up and down and said, "Your vision can compare with that of a woman!"

Dakdo: "..."

Out of space, after diving out of the cave, Xiao Luo threw out Bald Bird's elf ball, and rode Bald Bird together with Duck to fly to Zhenghui's lighthouse.

The bald bird was seriously injured, so the speed was not very fast.On the way, Xiao Luo asked Darko curiously: "You said what would happen if we went to the lighthouse when we came?"

"What do you think will happen?"

After pondering for a while, Xiao Luo said: "Seeing Fang Tian and the other two, is everything auspicious?"

Dakdo glanced at him and asked, "Then who do you think saved them?"


Dakdo said: "The question about time and space is a paradox, and it cannot be verified, so don't even think about it, you can't think of a reason."

"makes sense!"


After approaching the lighthouse, Bi Diao honked.

Xiao Luo looked forward and found that Fang Tian and Jingjing were fighting elf battles on the beach, and shouted excitedly: "Hi—Fang Tian—Jingjing—" Shouting crookedly in the competition Stand up on your back and wave your hands vigorously.


Bi Diao let out a cry of dissatisfaction, and accelerated suddenly. Xiao Luo immediately fell backwards unsteadily. After being supported by Dakdo, he sat down obediently with palpitations.

"Rebel!" Xiao Luo angrily patted Bi Diao hard.

Call ~
The flames on Bi Diao's head exploded, and Xiao Luo was in a panic.

Xiao Luo was about to have a fit, but was persuaded by Dakdo: "Stop making trouble, sit down!"

"This stuff is getting more and more excessive!" Xiao Luo was still upset.


Bi Diao let out a disdainful cry.

Darko chuckled, he saw the bond between a human and an elf, but he was rather amused by their way of getting along.He secretly thought that Xiao Luo must have suffered a lot from Bi Diao.

But he didn't know how much Bi Diao had suffered in Xiao Luo's hands, and no one would know except Dr. Xiao Tianjuan.

Jingjing and Fang Tian also noticed Bi Diao's figure at this time, and the elves fighting on their mobile phones excitedly beckoned to Bi Diao.

Bi Diao landed slowly and folded his wings, Xiao Luo jumped down and said to the two: "Hey, we met again just after we parted."

Jingjing spat: "What just separated, we have been waiting for two days!"

Xiao Luo scratched her head: "This really weird!"

Fang Tian chuckled and said, "Let's go, let's talk about advanced lighthouses, you should also take a good rest."

The four of them walked into Zhenghui's lighthouse, and after eating something, Xiao Luo and Dakdo rested in the room that Fang Tian had prepared earlier.The two of them were also very tired this day, they fell asleep as soon as they lay down, and slept until noon the next day before waking up slowly under Jingjing's call.

After washing up, Xiao Luo asked Jingjing, "Where's Dr. Zhenghui?"

"He has been out for the past two days, and he doesn't know when he will come back."

Xiao Luo let out a sigh, and said again: "By the way, I forgot to ask you last time, how did you find such a hidden space?"

Jingjing said: "You may not believe it, we saw a super ancient Pokémon, a fast dragon, a huge fast dragon!"

Dakdo asked curiously, "How big is it?"

"It's too big, it's estimated to be 20 meters high."

" can't?" Dakdo opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"We didn't believe it either, but we did see it. It was precisely because we followed it that we accidentally discovered that cave and entered that space."

Xiao Luo asked, "Where's the fast dragon?"


"Disappeared?" Xiao Luo was taken aback.

"Well, it sank to the bottom of the sea and disappeared. I think it's somewhere in this ocean."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "So what, the ocean is so big, you want to find it again!"

Jingjing sighed: "That's right, it's really hard to find out."

This time, Fang Tian walked in from the outside, saw the two of Xiao Luo and smiled and said: "You are awake, the car is ready, let's go to Hualan City together. Your elves also need treatment."

Jingjing rolled her eyes at Fang Tian and said, "What's the hurry, they haven't eaten yet."

Fang Tiandao: "There's nothing delicious here, anyway, it's not far from Hualan City, let's go to Hualan City to eat."

Xiao Luo said: "That's good, let's go to Hualan City first!"


After the group arrived in Hualan City, they went to the Elf Center first. After handing the injured Elf to Ms. Joey, Fang Tian took Xiao Luo and others to a high-end western restaurant not far from the Elf Center.

This behavior made Jingjing dissatisfied for a while, thinking that Xiao Luo and the two were on an empty stomach, so they shouldn't eat such greasy food.

But Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "How can a traveling trainer pay attention to these things?"

The reason why he said that was because the steak here was so delicious that his mouth was full of oil.Although he has been to Hualan City many times, he has never eaten steak here.

After eating, Xiao Luo dragged Dakdo into a hair salon.Let the barber cut off all his slightly curly hair, leaving a short head of spirit.Later, Xiao Luo asked Jingjing to help pick out a few more T-shirts for Dark.

Jingjing first chose a pure white T-shirt to replace the dark T-shirt on Dakoto.Although the clothes could not be more simple, they have a special charm on Dakdo at the moment.Dakdo, who was originally slightly melancholy and deep, became a sunny and handsome boy in a blink of an eye. If he smiled more, it would probably add a lot of points.

After Jingjing carefully selected a few more clothes for Duck, they found an open-air drink bar and sat down.

"Xiao Luo, where are you going next?" Fang Tian asked.

"Go to Weibai Town to find Dr. Little Sweet Roll first, then go to Kaji Town to find my master, and then go to Tianwang Mountain!"

"Tianwang Mountain?" Fang Tian and Jingjing exclaimed at the same time.

Xiao Luo wondered, "What's wrong?"

Fang Tian chuckled and said, "We are also planning to go to Tianwang Mountain to practice."

"Are you planning to go too?"

Fang Tian nodded and said: "Jingjing and I planned to go to Tianwang Mountain, but we couldn't help being curious about the ancient elves, so we delayed for a while. Otherwise, we should already be in Tianwang Mountain."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "That's just right, we can go together this time."

"Of course it's fine. With you two strong partners, Jingjing and I don't have to worry about anything anymore."

Xiao Luo was puzzled: "What are you worried about?"

Fang Tian explained: "Tianwang Mountain is not peaceful. The people who enter there are a group of rebellious people, and they all want to improve their strength, so fighting there is commonplace. You should also know that there are elves there. One is easy to deal with. That’s why I’m worried about what Jingjing and I will encounter if we enter Tianwang Mountain.”

"Is this the situation in Tianwang Mountain?" Xiao Luo turned to look at Dakdo.

"I don't know either!" Dakdo frowned.

Fang Tiandao: "Actually, these are nothing. It's normal to have group fights there, and it's still a weird competition. It's common for trainers to be attacked by elves there. It's even said that people die every year in the In Tianwang Mountain."

Xiao Luo asked, "How do you know this?"

Fang Tian smiled sheepishly and said, "I also heard it from someone."

Xiao Luo nodded and drank his drink thoughtfully.


 Thanks to "Yu Zui" ℡ and Li Yongqi for their great rewards! ! ! !I'm so moved by the beef...

(End of this chapter)

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