Chapter 296 Elf Hunter?

Another three triangle irons flew towards Geng Gui at high speed.Geng Gui was shocked, and hurriedly dodged and flew back.The triangle iron followed closely behind, and the distance between the two became closer.Geng Gui changed color, gritted his teeth, pulled his hands, and shot a huge black shadow ball with all his strength.However, after a bang, the triangle iron broke through the smoke screen and locked around Geng Gui. The current swam away, and Geng Gui showed an extremely painful expression.

"Damn it, who the hell is it?" Seeing Geng Gui and Darkley being arrested one after another, Xiao Luo looked resentful.

"Xiao Luo, what should we do? They want to capture Geng Gui and Darkley." Jingjing watched anxiously as Geng Gui and Darkley flew towards the submarine wrapped in a triangle iron.

"Fang Tian, ​​take care of Dakdo first." Xiao Luo and the water elves moved Dakdo onto Chenglong's back.Chenglong is the largest and most suitable for carrying people.Afterwards, Xiao Luo hugged the water elf's neck and said, "Water elf, let's go."

The water elf responded and rushed towards the submarine.Because of the relationship between Geng Gui and Darkley, the speed of the triangle iron was much slower. After a while, the water elf blocked Geng Gui and Darkley in front.

"It's now, Water Fairy Surf!"


The water elf shouted, and there was a magnificent water wave on the surface of the sea. Crystal led Xiao Luo to stand at the top of the water wave, controlling the water wave to cover the two elves of Geng Gui.

"Fang Tian, ​​Jingjing, prepare to use the freezing light!" Xiao Luo shouted with all her strength.

Fang Tian and Jingjing are powerful, and they immediately understood what Xiao Luo meant.At the moment when the surf covered Geng Gui and Dakdo, the two commanded at the same time: "Chenglong (giant marsh monster), use the freezing light!"

Two zigzag blue light beams hit the surfing trick, and the air-conditioning spread instantly, and the water elf's surfing was gradually frozen, forming a spectacular frozen wave in the sea.The triangle iron was also frozen in it and restrained from moving.

call out!
Two tiny missiles hit, and Xiao Luo was shocked: "Run, water elf."

After two loud bangs, the ice wave broke fast, and the triangle resumed its action again, and soon flew into the small opening of the submarine.

Rumbling, after taking away the two elves, the submarine began to dive slowly.

"Bastard, there is a way to fight head-on." Xiao Luo cursed with tears in his eyes.It's a pity that it is absolutely impossible for the submarine to ignore it, and it still dives without haste.

"Roar—" "Roar—" "Wow——"

The huge golden Gyarados, Charizard and Kuailong flew towards Xiao Luo at high speed under the leadership of the two Celebi, and behind the three elves were Darkley and Latios of Dakota.

The fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon each carried a thin young man in their hands.Seeing Celebi in Dakota, seeing two young men covered in scars, and then contacting today's events, Xiao Luo vaguely understood what was going on.He took a bitter look at Dakdo, who was already in a coma, and thought to himself how many things he had gone through to be so cautious.Comparing with Darko, Little Luo suddenly felt that his previous life was really wasted.

Xiao Luo shook his head, temporarily put aside the messy thoughts in his mind, and shouted to the Gyarados: "Gyarados, the underwater submarine, don't let it escape, give me a tornado to swing it."


The Gyarados roared loudly, and the sound shook the sky. Afterwards, the Gyarados' huge body swung into the water.Not long after, the sky darkened, accompanied by rumbling thunder.An exaggerated tornado was generated, bringing up the empty sea water, connecting the fields, and forming a vortex with strong suction in the sea.

Xiao Luo tightly hugged the water elf's neck, and hurriedly directed it to leave this sea area far away.Fang Tian and Jingjing had already fled early, and even elves such as Lattios and Charizard did not dare to approach the center of the tornado easily.

If there were no divine beasts, the sea would definitely be dominated by Gyarados, and a tornado is enough to prove everything.I saw that the tornado connecting the fields intensified, the wind roared, the rain was pouring, and the tornado was slowly expanding.

Not long after, a submarine spun up from the sea and was carried into the air by a powerful tornado.


There was a roar from the bottom of the sea, the tornado exploded and turned into high winds and waves, and the submarine was smashed to the surface of the water, causing sparks to rise.

The Gyarados broke through the water and flew into the air, the smoke dissipated, and the sun shone down. Bathed in the golden sunlight, the Gyarados had an indescribable majesty and holiness.


The Gyarados roared at the submarine, as if threatening.




The fast dragon, fire-breathing dragon and other elves flew up, centered on the tyrannosaurus, and roared at the submarine.The fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon threw the youth in their hands towards the submarine fiercely, regardless of their life or death.

A flame shot up into the sky, burning a large hole in the submarine.Then, a storm salamander flew up carrying a cool girl.Immediately afterwards, two more strong men climbed out.

"These two trash!" The girl cursed at the boy left behind by the stupid fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon.

"It's actually you!" Fang Tian who surrounded him cried out in surprise when he saw the girl.

"Who is it?" Xiao Luo asked sullenly.

Jingjing took the lead in explaining: "Hunter J, the notorious elf hunter in the Hezhong area. Fang Tian and I met her when we were traveling in Hezhong. She is very powerful."

Xiao Luo had a vague impression of her, but at the moment, she didn't care about recalling anything, and said angrily: "No matter who she is, she has to pay the price for what happened today. Gyarados!"


The Gyarados roared furiously, and when it opened its mouth, it shot out a beam of destructive death.The golden light roared, and the speed of the storm salamander was not slow. With a flap of its wings, it flew high and avoided the attack.


The moment the tyrannosaurus salamander avoided the destructive death light of the tyrannosaurus, the fast dragon moved, and the huge blue dragon shadow enveloped it. Accompanied by the dragon's chant, the dragon's charge came out vastly.The Bloodwing Wyvern couldn't dodge being hit by the Dragon's Charge, and after a loud explosion, the Salamander staggered back.

Call ~
A spurt of flames followed, hitting the storm salamander as well, causing it to scream again.

"Damn it, you don't help!" Hunter J roared at the two burly men below.

"Go, Megalodon."

"Iron claw lobster, you go too."

Two Poke Balls were thrown out one after another, and the Megalodon and Ironclaw Lobster appeared in the sea.However, before they could take any action, a shadow ball and a purple beam of light struck in an instant, and the two elves immediately lost their fighting ability without making a sound, and turned over and lay in the sea water.

Darkley and Latios looked at the two burly men with unkind expressions, which made them very nervous.

"A bunch of trash, Storm Salamander, let's go first!"

"Want to leave?" Xiao Luo snorted angrily, "The elf who caught me still wants to leave, there is no door! Celebi!"

The two Celebi stood in front of the storm salamander, their eyes glowing green at the same time, Celebi's exclusive illusion was activated, and the green fluorescence bound the storm salamander and hunter J to death.

"Roar~" "Wow~"

Gyarados and Kuailong took the opportunity to come up with a destructive death light with two swords combined.The two beams of destructive death light blended together halfway, forming a thicker and more dazzling golden light, with a surge in speed, hitting the immobile Salamander.The storm salamander fell into the sea, and Hunter J was still restrained by Celebi.

Xiao Luo recruited the fire-breathing dragon, and the fire-breathing dragon knowingly landed beside Xiao Luo and took Xiao Luo up.

"Where are Geng Gui and Darkley?" Xiao Luo asked fiercely.


The fire-breathing dragon roared at Hunter J, cheering for Xiao Luo.

" the submarine!" Hunter J showed a fearful expression.

"Water spirit!" Xiao Luo turned her head and called out to the water spirit.

The water elf nodded, swam to the side of the submarine and jumped onto the overturned submarine, ignoring the two burly men standing on the submarine, and jumped directly into the submarine.After a while, the water elf jumped out again and nodded to Xiao Luo.

Only then did Xiao Luo feel relieved, twisted Fang Tian and said: "You and Sister Jingjing take her back first, don't let her run away."

Fang Tian pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, be careful."

Fang Tian took Jingjing and Dakdo away, and Celebi and Dakdo's elves also left with them.After Fang Tian and the others left, Xiao Luo looked at the two burly men who were at a loss, and the three violent elves followed behind him with a look of anger.

"I'll give you two choices. First, go down and bring Geng Gui and Darkley up, and leave this place to fend for yourself. Second, let Kuailong deal with you directly!"


Kuailong grinned at the two of them.

The two trembled, turned around and climbed into the submarine along the hole...

 I have something to do today, just one chapter, I'm really sorry! !

(End of this chapter)

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