Chapter 297 Dakoto, you are awesome!
Geng Gui and Darkley were brought up by the two together, and the two personally untied the triangle that bound Geng Gui and Darkley.Geng Gui and Darkley, who had regained their freedom, were furious and raised their hands to attack them, but Xiao Luo stopped them.

"That's it, I keep my word, you can fend for yourself here." After Xiao Luo finished speaking, he put away the water elf and the megalodon shark that had already lost the ability to fight, and then rode a fire-breathing dragon and left with all the elves.

After catching up with the cruise ship, Xiao Luo came to Fang Tian's Fang Tian.Hunter J was tied up with ropes and sat on the ground in the far corner of the room, while Dakoto was lying on Fang Tian's bed, still unconscious.

Xiao Luo squinted at the hunter, and asked Fang Tian aloud, "How is Dakdo?"

"I don't know yet. There is no doctor on the cruise ship. We can only confirm the situation in Weibai Town." Fang Tian said.

Xiao Luo pondered for a while, and said, "Let's leave now and arrive at Weibai Town earlier, I'm not at ease."

Fang Tian and Jingjing nodded, they had already expected Xiao Luo to have such thoughts in such a situation.

"Then I'll trouble you, Jingjing and I don't have any elves to ride."


Fang Tian carried Dakdo on his back, Jingjing pulled Hunter J and Xiao Luo came to the deck of the cruise ship together.

"Gyarados, Kuailong, Charizard, come out." Xiao Luo released three elves again.

White light fell, and three elves calmly appeared on the deck.

Fang Tian and Dakdo were arranged on the Gyarados.The Gyarados is the largest in size, and it is most suitable for carrying two people.Xiao Luo rode the fast dragon alone, Jingjing and Hunter J squeezed on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, and following Xiao Luo's order, the three elves flew towards Weibai Town together.

After a long period of time, Xiao Luo and his party came to the sky above Weibai Town. Amidst bursts of roars, Xiao Luo and the others descended directly to Dr. Xiao Tianjuan's research institute.

Dr. Sweet Roll, who was attracted by the voice, was surprised when he saw Xiao Luo, and even more surprised: "Xiao Luo, why are you here?"

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Dr. Sweet Roll, long time no see!"

"Hehe, you, I let you come to my place to play when you have time, but I have never seen you here. It has been two years in the blink of an eye. This is the first time you have come to my place."

Xiao Luo was a little embarrassed and said: "Isn't this busy!"

"Okay, I know you're busy. Let's go in and talk about it later." After speaking, Dr. Sweet Roll noticed the unconscious Dakdo and the tied-up Hunter J, and asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

Only then did Xiao Luo introduce Fang Tian and the others, and explained: "We were suddenly attacked on the cruise ship, and Dakdo is still unconscious..."

Dr. Sweet Roll hurriedly said: "Come in quickly, I'll call the doctor to come and have a look."

Dr. Xiao Tianjuan hurriedly took Xiao Luo and others into the research institute, and after settling Dakoto, he hurriedly called his friend doctor.After the diagnosis, the doctor told them that Dakdo was fine and would wake up anytime.Only then did Xiao Luo and the others feel relieved.

After the doctor left, Xiao Luo came to Hunter J and glared at her angrily.Before Xiao Luo could speak, Hunter J asked with some concern: "How is Dakdo?"

Xiao Luo glared at her again, but didn't answer, and asked instead: "Have you been staring at us for a long time? Hunter J, you are only active in the Sinnoh area, why did you appear in Kanto?"

Hunter J bowed his head and remained silent.

"You must have attacked Darko many times, right?" Xiao Luo asked again.For a person like Hunter J, Xiao Luo would not believe it if it was said that he had just set his sights on Dakdo.

Hunter J remained silent.

Xiao Luo snorted dissatisfiedly: "If I didn't want to leave you to Duck to deal with, I would send you to Miss Junsha right now."

" let him..." Hunter J was a little surprised.

"do you have any opinion?"

"You let me go, no matter what you ask, I will promise you."

Xiao Luo laughed: "Are you dreaming?!"

Hunter J was a little angry and said, "What exactly do you want?"

Xiao Luo frowned, feeling a little strange: "Are you so afraid of Dakoto? Will he kill you?"

Hunter J turned his head to one side and ignored Xiao Luo.Xiao Luo didn't ask too many questions, anyway, it was enough to hand her over to Dakdo when the time came, and she didn't want to take care of the rest.

Later, Xiao Luo approached Dr. Sweet Roll: "Dr. Little Sweet Roll!"

"Xiao Luo, do you have something to do here this time?" Doctor Xiao Tianjuan was very keen.

"Didn't Arceus tell you?" Xiao Luo was slightly surprised.

"Arzeus?" Dr. Xiao Tianjuan was taken aback, and asked, "What happened?"

Looking at Dr. Sweet Roll's expression, Xiao Luo knew that Arceus had never looked for him, so he explained the cause and effect of the matter aside.

"So you're here to fetch the crystals of Palkya?" Dr. Stevia asked.

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "Well, in order to explore the hidden small space, Palkiya's power is needed."

"I see." Dr. Sweet Roll readily took the purple crystal from his neck, handed it to Xiao Luo, and said, "Then I will leave this to you."

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I'm lying to you?"

Xiao Tianjuan laughed loudly and said, "I said that you are the one selected to save the world. If you don't even believe me, who do you think I should believe?"

Xiao Luo just laughed without being pretentious, and ended up hanging the crystal around his neck and said to Dr. Xiao Tianjuan: "Arzeus said that the original space has been completely sealed, so it will be useless to keep you with the crystal." Yes, just give it to me."

Xiao Tianjuan suddenly realized: "No wonder I wanted to go to that space a few days ago but I couldn't open it, so it was like this."

After the two chatted about the origin, Xiao Tianjuan asked, "What are you going to do with that elf hunter?"

"Leave it to him when Dakota wakes up."

Dr. Sweet Roll was silent for a while and said, "Don't do anything too radical, it's best to leave it to Miss Junsha."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "I know, I believe in Dakoto."

Xiao Tianjuan said earnestly: "Xiao Luo, this world is not as bright as it seems on the surface. I hope you have a clear conscience in everything you do."

Xiao Luo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Does the doctor still not trust me?"

Dr. Sweet Roll laughed, patted Xiao Luo on the shoulder, then turned and left: "I'll go and prepare some food for you, you must be starving too!"


After the sky was completely dark, Dakdo finally woke up, and the moment he saw Hunter J, he froze.

"How could it be you?" Dakdo had a bitter look on his face.

"Why can't it be me!" Hunter J looked aggrieved.

Duck shook his head and said to Xiao Luo: "Xiao Luo, let go of the rope!"

Xiao Luo let out an oh, and obediently untied the rope.Hunter J regained his freedom, rubbed his sore wrist, stared at Duck and said, "What are you going to do with me?"

"What can I do with you!" Dakoto smiled bitterly, "Forget it, let's go!"

"Huh? Just let her go like this?" Xiao Luo said in surprise, "She almost killed you."

Duck said: "I'm fine, forget it, let her go!"

Xiao Luo's eyes turned back and forth between Dakdo and Hunter J, as if he understood something, he smiled and gave Dakdo a thumbs up quietly.

Hunter J snorted, turned around and was about to leave.Dakoto was silent, and just as Hunter J was about to go out, he said, "You...don't be an elf hunter in the future, it's too dangerous."

Hunter J turned his head and smiled and asked, "Then tell me, how can I live without making money? You support me?"

Dakdo was taken aback, and slowly said: "Wait until I become the champion, I will look like me!" Dakdo looked at Hunter J with burning eyes.
Xiao Luo, Fang Tian and Jingjing were stunned by Lei on the spot, their mouths opened wide.

Hunter J blushed, and said with a pooh: "You have to survive!" After finishing speaking, Hunter J walked out quickly.

Fang Tian seemed to have remembered something, and hurriedly chased after him, and threw an elf ball with a flick of his hand: "Your violent salamander!"


After a while, the sound of flapping wings came in clearly, and Dakdo stared blankly at the door in a daze.

Xiao Luo suddenly slapped Dakoto on the shoulder: "Yes, Dakoto, you are awesome!"

Dakdo smiled wryly: "Go aside!"


(End of this chapter)

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