Chapter 298 Dakdo's Future!

Xiao Luo and others stayed in Weibai Town for two days. Two days later, Dakdo recovered completely, Xiao Luo and others bid farewell to Dr. Xiao Tianjuan and left Weibai Town for Kaji Town.

Without Xiao Luo's command, the fire-breathing dragon and other elves automatically landed in front of the small courtyard where Uncle Liu lived.Pushing open the gate of the yard, Uncle Liu was lying comfortably on the recliner, basking in the sun leisurely.After seeing Xiao Luo and his party, he smiled and said, "You're back?"

Xiao Luo nodded and asked, "Where's Aunt Xilan?"

"She, she went on a trip with an old friend, and now I'm the only old man at home." Liu Bo said, nodded to Dakdo and the others, and then said to Xiao Luo, "Greeting your friend for me."

Xiao Luo responded, entered the room and placed a few small armchairs in the yard, and said to Dakdo and the others: "Sit down, don't be restrained."

After several people were ready, Xiao Luo introduced Dakdo and the other three to Uncle Liu, and said to Uncle Liu, "They plan to go to Tianwang Mountain with me."

"Go to Tianwang Mountain?" Uncle Liu frowned, "Does anyone recommend it?"

Fang Tian smiled and took out an exquisite round badge from his backpack and showed it to Uncle Liu: "Jingjing and I were recommended by someone."

Uncle Liu nodded, and looked at Dakdo again.Dakoto smiled slightly and took out the same badge.

Only then did Uncle Liu smile and said, "Very well, I feel much relieved when you go to Tianwang Mountain together."

Uncle Liu got up and went into the room, and after a while he came out with the same badge, handed it to Xiao Luo and said, "This is yours, and you can go in if you show it to the guardians at Tianwang Mountain. Since there are so many people accompanying you You go, I won't go."

After Xiao Luo received the badge, Uncle Liu looked at Xiao Luo dotingly again and said, "I've heard about your work in Feiyun City. It's very good. It's my luck to accept you as my disciple."

After finishing speaking, Uncle Liu looked at Duck again and said, "I also know a little about your affairs. You are very good, and you are better than Xiao Luo at present. But..."

Dakoto frowned slightly when he heard the words, but because Liu Bo was Xiao Luo's master, he didn't say much.

"But what?" Xiao Luo asked curiously.

Uncle Liu sighed, and said, "Spiritual beasts have the limitations of divine beasts after all." After a pause, Uncle Liu looked at Dakdo and continued, "Maybe you don't like what I say, but I'm doing it for your own good."

"The starting point of the divine beast is very high, perhaps much stronger than most elves at the beginning, but the growth rate of the divine beast is too low. Just like your Darkrai and Latios, they will only increase in strength with age It is almost impossible to improve their strength through training. Maybe they will become your absolute main force in the future, but if you want to improve your strength over a period of time, you must not rely on them."

Liu Bo's words made Dakdo change color slightly, and he had vaguely felt this situation before, but he didn't take it to heart.

Liu Bo continued: "If you only have these elves, then this trip to Tianwang Mountain may not achieve much for you."

"Then what should I do?" Dakoto already believed Liu Bo's words.

Liu Bo said: "Take in new elves and go to Tianwang Mountain to sharpen them. Although the starting point is a bit high, you are a very talented trainer, and you must be able to make them grow soon."

Dakdo said bitterly: "Now you tell me where to find some potential elves."

"No?" Liu Bo laughed, "That's not necessarily the case."

"Where is it?" Darko was a little excited.

Liu Bo said: "Capturing is obviously impossible. It is impossible to meet some elves with great potential for a while. However, the way to obtain elves is not necessarily through capture."

"You mean..." Dakdo vaguely understood Liu Bo's meaning.

"That's right! Go buy the elves captured or robbed by elf hunters."

Xiao Luo frowned and said, "Master, is this okay?"

Liu Bo said: "There is nothing good or bad. If you don't buy it, there will naturally be trainers who will buy it. Your soft-heartedness will not change the fate of those elves."

Liu Bo looked at Duck and said, "How to decide is up to you!"

"But..." Dakdo blushed slightly, and said awkwardly, "I have no money!"

Uncle Liu chuckled and said, "With Xiao Luo here, you still worry about money."

Xiao Luo suddenly dissatisfied: "Master, what do you mean?"

Fang Tian said at this time: "If you plan to buy elves, Jingjing and I can still help. Frankly speaking, some of the elves in Jingjing's hands and I got them through this way. Regarding Liu Bo's words We still agree."

"That's right!" Jingjing said, "Buying those elves helped them instead. Instead of letting them be buried in the hands of other trainers, it's better to let them shine in the hands of Dakoto. Fang Tian and I have a good family background, Let us pay for the purchase of the elf, as our repayment for Dakoto's life-saving grace."

Fang Tian chuckled and said, "I agree, it's time for us to do something for you. Xiao Luo, if you like it, we'll buy some for you."

Seeing Dakdo's hesitation, Xiao Luo made a decision and said, "That's all right, let's help Dakdo buy elves. Now there is only one problem left, how to find those elf hunters."

"Hunter J!" Fang Tian and Jingjing looked at each other, smiling and speaking at the same time.

"Hunter J?" Uncle Liu was surprised, "How do you know her?"

Xiao Luo smiled and told Uncle Liu what happened on the road.Uncle Liu chuckled, looked at Da Keduo meaningfully, and said, "There's no need to bother her about this matter."

Xiao Luo understood immediately, and said pleasantly, "Master, do you have a solution?"

Uncle Liu said with a mysterious smile: "Go to the port of Manjin City to find a guy named Old Man Ze, and tell me that I let you go there. There are quite a lot of elves there, enough for you to choose."

Xiao Luo immediately stood up and said, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go now."

Uncle Liu waved his hands and said, "Don't be in such a hurry, you should be hungry when you just arrived, eat something before you go."

After they had a simple meal at Uncle Liu's house, they immediately set off to Manjin City to look for Old Man Ze.

Soon after, Xiao Luo and his party arrived at the port of Manjin City. After putting away the elves, Xiao Luo randomly grabbed a middle-aged man and asked, "Hello, do you know that there is an old man Ze near here?"

"Old Man Ze? Are you looking for his spirit medicine?" the middle-aged man asked.

Xiao Luo was taken aback, then nodded and said, "That's right, I'm here to buy some spirit medicine."

The middle-aged man let out an ooh, pointed to a hut not far away and said, "That's where Old Man Ze lives."

After Xiao Luo thanked her, she led Dakdo and the others towards the hut.

As soon as he entered the hut, a strong smell of medicine came to his nostrils. The room was full of bottles and cans. There was a counter less than two meters long, and a hunchbacked old man stood inside the counter.

Seemingly hearing someone coming, the old man asked without looking up, "What medicine do you want to buy?"

Xiao Luo asked, "Excuse me, are you Old Man Ze?"

Only then did Elder Ze look up at Xiao Luo and the others: "Aren't you here to buy medicine?"

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "We are here to buy elves."

Elder Ze changed his color: "What kind of elf, I don't have one here, go out quickly."

Xiao Luo didn't care about the old man's attitude, and said with a smile: "My master Liu Bo from Kaji Town sent us here."

"Uncle Liu?" Elder Ze was surprised, "Is that old guy still alive?"

Xiao Luo was speechless, and after a sly smile, he sent a message: "Master asked me to give this to you."

Elder Ze finally opened the envelope and looked at it. After a while, he said angrily: "This old boy, why is he still alive and well?"

Afterwards, Elder Ze glanced at Xiao Luo and said, "Are you his disciple?"

Xiao Luo nodded slightly embarrassed and said, "Yes."

Elder Ze nodded, looked at Xiao Luo and his party again and said, "Come in with me." After saying that, he walked out of the counter and led Xiao Luo and others into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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