Chapter 340 Flame Chicken VS Koga Ninja Frog!

Little Luo was taken aback, he didn't expect the Hippo King to be defeated so easily.

After taking out the poke ball and taking back the Hippo King, Xiao Luo took out another poke ball and threw it out: "Flame Chicken, I'll leave it to you!"

White light fell, and the flame chicken's slender and tall body appeared on the field.


With a long cry, the flame of fighting spirit burst out from the flame chicken's wrist, making a chi-chi sound.With disdainful eyes, he took a slightly haughty look at the Koga ninja, which was much lower than him.

Jiahe was dissatisfied with the frog, let out a low cry, and looked at the flame chicken with sharp eyes.


After feeling the difference of the Koga Ninja Frog, the flame chicken put on a fighting posture, beckoned to the Koga Ninja Frog, and motioned for it to attack.

"Hmph, Koga Ninja, let it see how good you are, use the street test knife."

The Jiaga Ninja Frog rushed up, and with a misty white light on its arm, it shot fiercely at the flame chicken's head.


The flame chicken turned its head to avoid the attack.Jiahe Ninja's eyes were fixed, and the street test knife followed and swept over.

The flame chicken immediately lowered its body, dodged the attack again, leaned back and flipped back to distance itself from the Koga Ninja Frog.

"Don't let it escape!" Xu Yang immediately followed the command.


Koga Ninja ran quickly and chased after him.

"Flame kick!" At this moment, Xiao Luo finally gave the command.


The blazing flames wrapped the soles of the feet, and the flame chicken kicked out extremely fast, and kicked the Koga Ninja Frog that came straight in an instant.

Jiahe was startled, and hurriedly raised the street test knife to block in front of him.

The huge force made the Koga Ninja frog unable to bear and slid backwards for a certain distance.

"Come on, flame chicken, use continuous flame kick."


The flame chicken croaked, and the flame of fighting spirit on the wrist became more and more blazing.Pointing to the ground, he immediately headed towards Koka Ninja.Both feet were wrapped in hot flames at the same time, and they attacked the Koga ninja frog fiercely and quickly.

Koga Ninja Frog was very calm, facing a series of flame kick attacks without panic at all, his figure moved like the wind, dodging the flame kick attacks one by one.


Seizing the opportunity, Jiahe endured the frog's street test knife and went straight to the flame chicken's chest.


The flame chicken's eyes were sharp, and its claws moved together. It instantly grabbed the street test knife and blocked it.Then a flame kick hit the Koga Ninja frog's abdomen.Jiahe endured the cry of the frog and soared into the air.

"Koga Ninja Frog, Water Shuriken!" Xu Yang's expression became serious.


Koga Ninja Frog, who was in mid-air, swung his hands, and the five water shurikens whizzed towards the flame chicken with a sharp sound of piercing the air.

"Spray flames!"

Call ~
The flame chicken spewed out a crimson flame, which completely blocked the water shuriken.There was an explosion in the air, and white water vapor instantly filled the entire venue.

"Jiaga Ninja Frog, use Pray for Rain!" Xu Yang immediately followed the command when the Jiaga Ninja Frog landed on the ground.


With the long cry of the Koga Ninja Frog, the sky darkened instantly, and there were bursts of thunder. Immediately, it rained heavily on the field, and the raindrops fell.The flame chicken frowned and let out a dissatisfied cry.

Can the power of the flame chicken's fire element trick be weakened by praying for rain? !Xiao Luo smiled slightly, secretly thinking that the Flame Chicken is not only good at fire-type tricks.

"Flame Chicken, attack, Heaven Fist!"


The flame chicken responded, clenched its claws, and rushed towards the Koga ninja frog with bright white fluorescence!
"Water Shuriken!"


The five water shurikens were shot again by the Koga Ninja Frog. Because of the rainy weather, the power of the water shurikens was obviously much stronger than last time, and they rushed towards the flame chicken with a strong sound of breaking through the air.

"Smash it!"


The flame chicken's eyes were fixed, and his fists danced like the wind, smashing the water shuriken one by one, and scattered them on the ground.

"It's now, Koga Ninja, try your sword on the street!"


Jiahe Ninja Frog took the opportunity to charge up, launched a street test knife, and repelled the Flaming Chicken fiercely when the Flaming Chicken was unable to react in time.


The Flame Chicken screamed angrily at the Koga Ninja Frog.

"Hmph, Koga Ninja, come back with a water shuriken!"


The five water shurikens launched again and hit the flame chicken.

"Flame chicken, avoid it!" Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded.

The flame chicken jumped high, dodging the attack of the water shuriken.

"Attack, try the knife on the street!"

Jiahe Ninja Frog rushed a few steps, followed by the flame chicken, jumped up, and crazily shot towards the flame chicken with its misty light arm.

"Come on! Flame Chicken, Heaven Fist!" Xiao Luo commanded loudly.

A fierce duel, both elves were inspired.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce confrontation was staged, and the two elves launched a unique move with both hands at the same time, crackling and fighting at a very fast speed.This time, the duel continued from the air to the ground. The two elves moved so fast that the eyes couldn't keep up with their speed...


Jiahe endured the frog and yelled fiercely, and slammed out a strong and powerful street test knife.


The flaming chicken crowed angrily, and met it with a white fist from heaven.

Sparks splashed, and a wave of air spread instantly.The two elves flew back.

"Flame Chicken, kick at low altitude!" Before the Flame Chicken stabilized his figure, Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded.

The low-altitude kick can weaken the opponent's speed to a certain extent. Xiaoluo's purpose is very clear, to weaken the speed of the Koga Ninja frog and then defeat it with the agility of the flame chicken.However, the flame chicken's performance was beyond his expectation...

"Roar...roar..." the flame chicken forcibly stopped its retreat and rushed in the opposite direction.

"Stop it, Water Shuriken!" Xu Yang commanded sharply.


After stabilizing his figure, Koga Ninja Frog threw five huge water shurikens and roared at the flame chicken.


The Flaming Chicken concentrated, twisted its body, and actually passed through the gaps of the five water shurikens.


The flame chicken glared at the Koga Ninja frog sharply, squatted down, and a powerful sweep hit the lower body of the Koga Ninja frog.Koga endured the pain of the frog, and his body fell to the ground involuntarily.

"It's now, Heaven Fist!"

The flame chicken stood up, and hit a heavenly fist violently before the Koga Ninja Frog fell to the ground.

After being attacked by the God Fist, the Koga Ninja screamed in pain again, and its body took off.

"Spray flames!" Happiness came too suddenly, Xiao Luo commanded loudly excitedly.


Even in a rainy environment, the jet of flame is still very powerful, and it instantly hits the Koga Ninja Frog with a strong scorching breath.After a bang, the Koga Ninja Frog fell straight to the ground.

"It's not over yet, flame kick!" Xiao Luo knew that Koga Ninja would not be defeated so easily, so he continued to issue instructions.


The flame chicken jumped high and came to the top of the Koga Ninja Frog.The right foot was burning with raging flames, and a rotating back heel flame kick fiercely hit the Koga Ninja frog's abdomen.Koga bowed his body in pain, and fell to the ground at a high speed with a scream.

After bouncing twice, the Koga Ninja completely lost its ability to fight.

"What do you mean?" Xu Yang glared at Xiao Luo, with a faint murderous look rippling.In its view, the final flame kick pursuit is completely unnecessary.


The Flaming Chicken landed lightly, and instantly blocked Xiao Luo's face. With corny eyes, he pressed against Xu Yang tightly, and the flame on his wrist made a threatening sound of hissing.

Xiao Luo patted the flame chicken's waist, took out the poke ball and put it away regardless of the flame chicken's objection.

"For unnecessary trouble. Do you really think that a jet of flames can kill your Koga Ninja?" Xiao Luo asked with a smile.

Xu Yang frowned, and after a while of silence, he took out the poke ball and put the Koga Ninja Frog away.

"Let's go to the Fairy Center to talk!" Xu Yang said lightly, and invited Xiao Luo again.


Xiao Luo nodded and jumped off the field with Xu Yang.

Shi Qi followed and walked behind Xu Yang, looking at Xiao Luo with a trace of awe.Perhaps because of Xiao Luo's defeat of Xu Yang, she, Xiao Luo, has a new perspective.

Mei naturally followed Xiao Luo.An Xia hesitated for a moment, then followed.

"What are you doing?" Shi Qi asked, glaring at An Xia.

"You care about me?" An Xia stared back at Shi Qi dissatisfied.

Xu Yang glanced at An Xia, and said to Shi Qi, "Let her follow!"


After a few people walked into the elf center, the backyard became lively...

"This is a good show to watch!" Someone gloated.

"Xu Yang has always been at odds with Xiao Li, and this time there is such a powerful trainer, now Xiao Li is in trouble."

"Hey, I can't see it, don't forget that Xiao Li also has helpers. And...hehe..."

"I really hope they can really win and drive Xiao Li out!"


(End of this chapter)

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