Chapter 341 Little Li!

As soon as he walked into the elf center and sat down, Xu Yang asked: "If you think about it, you also understand what I mean by looking for you!"

"You want me to deal with Xiao Li with you?" Xiao Luo asked uncertainly.

"That's right, I really want you to deal with Xiaoli with me." Xu Yang nodded.

"Aren't you his opponent?" Xiao Luo asked.

After Xu Yang was silent for a while, he said, "The strength is about the same, but its spirit is a little weird."

"Weird? What kind of weird method?" Xiao Luo was a little strange.

Xu Yang explained: "Based on the level of a normal elf, it's hard to say who wins and who loses when I fight with Xiao Li. But Xiao Li's elf is extraordinary. Every time it is estimated that his elf loses the ability to fight, , Those elves will always have black fluorescent lights all over their bodies, standing up vigorously, and their strength will be even closer. Therefore, if you want to defeat Xiao Li, you can't do it through simple battles."

Xiao Luo frowned: "Really?"

"That's right, it's true!" Shiqi said, "There was a new trainer who was very strong. He was also dissatisfied with Xiao Li's approach and challenged him. As a result, Xiao Li only used one The elf defeated all the elves of that trainer."

Shiqi sighed and said: "If it is a normal elf, it would be exhausted. But Xiaoli insisted on countless tricks to defeat the opponent. In the end, the trainer was severely punished by Xiaoli. , and threw it into a certain forest in Tianwang Mountain, and it is unknown whether he is alive or dead."

Xu Yang nodded and said: "This is why I dare not express my dissatisfaction. If I am not 100% sure, my result will be very miserable."

Xiao Luo said thoughtfully: "So you plan to unite and attack Xiao Li."

"This is the only way at present. Otherwise, if Xiaoli doesn't leave, we will always be threatened by him." Shiqi said, "I don't know why, it's strength can go up, but it chooses to stay here."

Xu Yang continued: "Xiao Luo, you are very powerful, you should stay here for a while. Now we have contacted quite a few trainers. Wait for a while, and when the time is right, we will completely eliminate Xiao Li!"

Xiao Luo was silent for a while, and asked, "When will Xiao Li come back?"

"Should be back at night!" Shiqi said.

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "I want to see Xiao Li's strength first!"

"That's no problem!" Xu Yang said, "Xiao Li will also take the initiative to ask the trainer for a battle every night. You can observe carefully then."

After a few people chatted for a while, Xu Yang suggested to go to the backyard to watch the battle between the trainers.Xiao Luo also agreed.

After handing the injured elf to Joey, Xiao Luo followed Xu Yang to the backyard to watch the battle between the trainers.While watching the game, Xu Yang introduced two trainers to Xiao Luo. One is Xiao Chen, who has a cold personality and is somewhat similar to Shi Qi.The other is Lin Hao, a very silent and lazy boy.

Several people gathered together and expressed their opinions while watching the battle.Xiao Luo's style of play is relatively simple, so he rarely speaks.Lin Hao, on the other hand, makes people stunned every time he speaks. He feels that his ideas are too wild and unconstrained, but at the same time he can't help but want to try it.

After watching for a long time, Xiao Luo has some desire to fight.He blinked and said to Lin Hao, "Are you interested in fighting with me?"

Lin Hao quickly waved his hand and said, "Just kidding, I'm no match for you. And I don't want to fight."

Xiao Luo had no choice but to cast his eyes on Xiao Chen: "How about you, do you want to have a game?"

Xiaochen was stunned, nodded and said: "Yes!"

Xiao Luo giggled, and jumped onto the field that Xiao Li transferred to.This behavior made Xiao Chen hesitate.

"Go up, it's okay!" Xu Yang patted Xiaochen's shoulder and said with a smile.

"In case Xiaoli comes back..." Xiaochen still hesitated.

"It's okay!" Xu Yang said, "I always feel that Xiao Luo can deal with Xiao Li!"

Xiaochen was stunned, then nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll go up and try!"

Xiaochen jumped onto the field right after him.Xiao Luo once again appeared on the field that Xiao Li transferred to, and immediately attracted the attention of a group of trainers.

"Three against three, you can replace the elves, no problem?" Xiao Luo said to Xiao Chen with a smile.

"No problem!" Xiaochen nodded.

The battle between the two officially started. Xiaochen first sent out a super iron tyrannosaur, which was very powerful and had a hot temper.Xiao Luo directly sent Lie Bite Lu Shark to fight, showing off his fighting style, fighting fiercely with Super Iron Explosive Dragon.In the end, after receiving a powerful arm punch from Super Iron Explosive Dragon, he used the dragon claws to hit Super Iron Explosive Dragon to the ground.

Then Xiaochen sent out a strange force, which was still a brute force elf.Xiao Luo changed his strategy and no longer chose to fight hard.After circling for a while, he hit the monster force with a super powerful dragon charge.

Xiaochen's third elf is Nine-Tails, it should be Xiaochen's trump card, and it is very powerful.At the beginning of the game, he bit Lu Shark in a hurry.In the end, being calculated by Xiao Luo, Dragon's Charge combined with Earthquake and Dragon Claw to knock him down.Xiao Luo's strength was first revealed, and the strength of biting Lu Shark shocked the audience.

After Xiao Chen failed, Lin Hao couldn't bear Xiao Luo's hard work and reluctantly played a game.Lin Hao's fighting style is completely different from Xiao Chen's.Lin Hao's command art is even higher than Ye Kong's.

At the beginning, the magical cooperation of Lin Hao's Giant Swamp Monster's various tricks put Xiao Luo's Giant Pincer Mantis in trouble for a while.It's just that the elf's strength was a little insufficient, and Xiao Luo seized the opportunity to instantly kill him with the scissors cross fist after adding two sword dances.

Afterwards, Lin Hao used the rare Lucario, bone thrusting and flame kicking, and made full use of Lucario's waveguide ability, and finally defeated Xiao Luo's Giant Pincer Mantis.

After the failure of the Giant Pincer Mantis, Xiao Luo sent the Electric Shock Beast to defeat Lucario with incredible speed.Immediately after, Lin Hao sent out the last elf - Elle Duo.After another confrontation in command, Lin Hao miscalculated the abnormality of the electric shock monster protection trick, and was easily defeated by Xiao Luo.

After getting a general understanding of the strength of the two of them, Xiao Luo quietly waited for Xiao Li's return in the backyard.To Xiao Luo's disappointment, Xiao Li didn't come back even after waiting until dark.

On the second and third days, Xiao Li never showed up.Xiao Luo has also been occupying Xiao Li's field to start battle training with the trainers here.Outside of Xiao Luo, none of the trainers dared to take the initiative to occupy Xiao Li's field.But in the past few days, as soon as Xiao Luo played, many trainers began to boldly step onto the field to challenge Xiao Luo.

After waiting for a week, Xiao Li never showed up.Xiao Li didn't show up, but a new trainer appeared.The trainer is called Xun Xi, a handsome young man who is slightly silent, and Xiao Chen is in charge of the newcomer test.To Little Luo's surprise, this trainer named Xun Xi was very strong, and his attack methods were terrifyingly fierce. He easily defeated Xiao Chen with only two elves.

On this day, when Xiao Luo brought Mei to the backyard, Xun Xi was already standing on the field that Xiao Li had transferred to.After Xunxi came, there was another trainer who dared to occupy Xiaoli's field.After defeating his opponent, Xun Xi turned his attention to Xiao Luo.

"A fight?" Xun Xi asked Xiao Luo with a smile.

Xiao Luo froze for a moment, nodded and jumped onto the field.

"They say you are the strongest trainer here? It's really hard to believe, how old are you this year, fourteen?"

"Under 13!" Xiao Luo laughed.

Xun Xi nodded: "I want to fight with you, but I already used an elf just now. Five against five, the elf cannot be replaced."

"Yes!" Xiao Luo nodded in agreement.

"Go, Hua Beibei!"

Xun Xi took the lead in throwing out the elf ball, white light fell, and an elf standing on the flower and floating in mid-air appeared on the field.This elf is so small that at first glance, it is easy to overlook the little elf above the flowers.

"Hua Beibei, a single elf. Immediately after she is born, she will find the flower she likes, and she will cherish that flower for the rest of her life."

Xiao Luo immediately took out the elf illustrated book to learn about it.

Very ordinary elves!
Xiao Luo didn't think much about it. After putting away the illustrated book, he took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Scythe Helmet, it's up to you!"

White light fell, and the sickle helmet was raised high. The pair of sickles appeared on the field aggressively.

 Three chapters already, one more chapter today, wow ha ha ha! ! !Ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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