Chapter 342 VS Xun Xi!

"Sickle helmet? You still have such an ancient elf!" Xun Xi was slightly surprised!

"I got it by accident!" Xiao Luo explained with a smile.

Xun Xi nodded, followed closely to direct Hua Beibei and said: "Hua Beibei, the wind of the fairy!"

Call ~
Hua Beibei spun, a pink whirlwind mixed with a little fluorescent light whistled and blew the sickle helmet.

"Sword Dance!"

The sickle helmet double sickle is raised, the body rotates quickly, and the strength of the rotation easily blocks the attack of the fairy wind.

"Hmph, the sun and flames!"

Xun Xi made the command easily, not paying attention to the sword dance of the sickle helmet.

call out!
A scene that surprised Xiao Luo appeared, Hua Beibei shot a thick white light without any power, instantly engulfing the still rotating sickle helmet.

"This... how... is it possible!" Xiao Luo looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

"Hi... Dou..."

After the sun and flames passed, the sickle helmet mixed with white mist and gasped for breath.Grass-type tricks are too restrained against the sickle helmet, and it is a blessing in misfortune to be able to stand firm under the sun and flames of a quadruple strike.

Haven't lost the ability to fight yet?

After being slightly surprised, Xun Xi commanded again: "Hua Beibei solve it, Magic Leaf!"


Around Huabeibei, leaves with colorful light appeared, and as Huabeibei waved his hand, the leaves flew at a high speed, and rushed towards the sickle helmet ferociously.

"Sickle helmet, let's do the sword dance again!" Xiao Luo commanded through gritted teeth.

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet roared vigorously, spun again and used the sword dance trick, and bounced the magic leaves to the ground one by one.

"It's now, moon attack!"


Hua Beibei let out a clear cry, and a white energy ball quickly formed in front of her, and it hit hard towards the sickle helmet.

Xiao Luo snorted coldly, pointed at Hua Beibei angrily, and said, "Counterattack, sickle helmet, split attack!"

"Hi Doo~"

Scythe Helmet charged towards the Moon Attack with sharp eyes, and at the moment it was about to hit the Moon Attack, he turned around and passed the energy ball of the Moon Attack.Then the sickle glowed white, and it slashed fiercely at Hua Beibei with a roar.

Hua Beibei couldn't dodge in time, she was split and knocked to the ground.

"Continue to attack, try the knife on the street!"

hi doo~
The sickle helmet rushed forward imposingly, and the white-glowing sickle dragged on the ground, sliding out a deep trace, with terrifying power.

Xun Xi was terrified, and hurriedly commanded: "Hua Beibei quickly use Flower Dance!"


Hua Beibei stood on the flower and spun quickly, and countless petals appeared on the field in a whirling motion, rushing towards the sickle helmet.

"Hi Doo~"

Sickle Helmet's eyes were firm, and despite the sharp blows of the petals on his body, his eyes were fixed on Hua Beibei...

hi doo~
The sickle helmet roared angrily, and the street test knife rose from the ground, slashing fiercely at Hua Beibei's body and knocking her into the air.Immediately afterwards, the sickle helmet was also wrapped in the rotating petals and fell to the ground.

When the scene returned to calm, the two elves lost their ability to fight at the same time!
"Come back, Sickle Helmet (Hua Beibei)!"

The two put away the elf at the same time.

"Why can your Huabeibei use Sunshine Flame without charging energy?" Xiao Luo asked her doubts.

"My Huabeibei is a little special. It can store a part of the power of sunlight in the flower, and it can make Huabeibei emit a flame of sunshine in seconds!" Xun Xi explained.

"So that's how it is!" Xiao Luo suddenly realized.Secretly thought, the world is full of wonders, such Hua Beibei will appear.

Afterwards, the two swapped out the poke ball and threw it out at the same time.

"Go, Charizard (demon fire red fox)!"

"Roar~" "Wow~"

White light fell, and two powerful fire elves appeared on the field at the same time.

The demon fire red fox, a witch-like fox-shaped elf, holds a branch-shaped staff in his hand, and an unquenchable flame burns on the branch.

Seeing that the opponent also used the fire element, both of them were taken aback.

Xiao Luo smiled and took the lead in attacking: "Charizard, spray flames!"

Call ~
Without any energy accumulation, the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a red hot flame, hitting the demon fire red fox.

"Demon fire red fox, we also use flame jets!"

Both wanted to test the strength of the other elf.

After a muffled bang, the intertwined flames spread into a big circle and splashed in the center of the field like fireworks.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon claw!"

The fire-breathing dragon stretches its claws together, and green energy covers it, forming a huge dragon claw. Its wings swoop ferociously and dive like a demon fire red fox.

"Illusion!" Xun Xi commanded simply and neatly.

The demon fire red fox's eyes were white, and the blue fluorescent light instantly enveloped the fire-breathing dragon and restrained it.


The fire-breathing dragon glared at the fiery red fox, and then struggled violently!

The demon fire red fox opened its eyes angrily, and the shackles of the illusion technique strengthened again.


The Charizard's muscles bulged and made a crisp sound.


A deafening roar sounded, the fire-breathing dragon stretched its wings to the extreme, and its body stood upright.The blue fluorescence faded in an instant, and the fiery red fox screamed unwillingly, and staggered back.


There was another roar, and the fire-breathing dragon glanced sharply at the demon fire red fox. The dragon's claws were activated again, and it swung at the demon fire red fox.

"What a powerful force! The demon fire red fox, hurry up and avoid it!"


The moment the dragon's claw hit, the fiery red fox nimbly rolled over, dodging the attack.

"Spray flames!"

The fire-breathing dragon stopped immediately, turned around and spewed out a jet of fire violently.


The demon fire red fox had no time to react when it was hit by the jet of flames, and staggered backwards.

"Demon fire red fox, don't lose to it, phantom attack!"

The demon fiery red fox quickly stabilized his figure, swiped his cane and slashed out a wide colored light blade, slashing towards the fire-breathing dragon at a high speed.

"Dragon Claw!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and the dragon claws were activated, and the attack on the phantom was a double claw attack.

The phantom attack was blown up, and affected by the shock wave, the fire-breathing dragon was slightly embarrassed.

"Counterattack, Dragon's Fury!"


The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth wide, and a milky white energy ball with red sparks slowly formed.

Dragon's Fury flew out at a high speed, hitting the demon fire red fox with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

Facing Dragon's Wrath, which was nearly one meter in diameter, Xun Xi changed color slightly, and hurriedly commanded: "Demon fire red fox, protect!"

A green shield appeared instantly, protecting the fiery red fox.

There was a loud noise that shook the venue, and thick smoke billowed from the venue.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon claw!"

The fire-breathing dragon launched another dragon claw attack and plunged into the smoke screen...


The demon fire red fox screamed and was shot out of the range covered by the smoke screen and fell to the ground.The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and blew away the smoke, with an unusually ferocious expression, like a demon coming to the world.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, don't lose to him, use illusion!" Xun Xi's voice revealed a strong sense of unwillingness.

The demon fire red fox quickly stood up, his eyes were white, and he controlled the fire-breathing dragon again.


The fire-breathing dragon roared and struggled violently again.

"Don't let it break free, smash it down."


The demon fire red fox let out a long cry, the blue light in its eyes glowed, and with a wave of its cane, it violently smashed the fire-breathing dragon to the ground.

"It's now, phantom attack!"

Zhang Xuchang's light blade roared and slashed towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard, quickly use the jet flame!"

Call ~
The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth, and a scarlet flame hit the phantom attack. After an explosion, the two tricks canceled each other out.


After a series of duels, the two elves began to pant violently, glaring at each other.

So strong!

At this moment, both of them had this idea in their hearts.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, spray flames!" After a slight pause, Xun Xi gave the command first.

"Let's decide the outcome, fire-breathing dragon, blasting electric shock!"


With a long roar, the fire-breathing dragon rose with vast blue flames all over its body, and with its wings fluttered, like a blue meteor, it hit hard against the flames of the demon fire red fox to make an impact.


The demon fire red fox desperately sprayed flames and exploded, trying to resist the advance of the explosive electric shock.


The fire-breathing dragon has a ferocious expression and strikes desperately.


Finally, amidst the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, the explosive electric shock broke through the sprayed flames and violently hit the demon fire red fox.The violent explosion shook the entire elf center, and a long-lasting mushroom cloud was formed on the field.

When the smoke and dust on the field dissipated, the fiery red fox was lying at the feet of the fire-breathing dragon, with his cane thrown aside, completely losing his fighting ability.

Electric sparks lingered around the fire-breathing dragon's body, the fire-breathing dragon screamed in pain, its feet softened, and it half-kneeled on the ground.Although he barely lost his ability to fight, it was obviously impossible to continue fighting.


(End of this chapter)

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