Chapter 434 Unstoppable!

Xiao Luo didn't make any preparations, and in fact he didn't need to make any preparations.If you can capture Zhenxin Town, then there must be a lot of Rockets members in Zhenxin Town, but for a master, ordinary trainers really have no threats. The whole Zhenxin Town can pose a threat to him. That's just Sakagi.

Little Luo Daji appeared in the sky above Zhenxin Town on Latias.

"Latias? Who?"

As soon as Xiao Luo appeared in the sky above Zhenxin Town, a large group of Team Rocket members surrounded him.Hearing the chaotic shouts, the controlled native residents of Zhenxin Town also poked their heads out of the windows, wanting to see who dared to attack Zhenxin Town at this time.

"That's...Xiao Luo!"

"It's Latias, only Xiaoluo has Latias."

"Little Luo is back? Why is he back now? What should I do? Sakagi is still here."


Xiao Luo is very famous in Zhenxin Town, so naturally many people know him.

"There are three people behind him!"

"That's Keles, Jena and Gree!"

"They were arrested by that person? How is this possible? They are all champion trainers."

"Quickly report to the boss, Kles mission failed and was arrested."


After a while, a leader of the Rockets appeared, and his expression was obviously a little ugly after seeing the three of them.

"Take him down!" the leader waved and ordered.

Although the members of Team Rocket were a little afraid of Xiao Luo, they had to obey the leader's orders and could only throw the poke ball to deal with Xiao Luo.

"Come on, toucan!"

"Big-mouthed bat, you too!"

"Stinger jellyfish, use the water cannon!"


White light shot out from the elf ball one after another, and the elves rushed towards Xiao Luo aggressively.

Xiao Luo snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, two elf balls flew out.



The flame chicken rushed out of the white light, and immediately killed a big-mouthed bat with one kick. After catching the rebound, it lifted into the air, and the flame kick swept out instantly.

bang bang~
A toucan and a moth fell to the ground screaming.

On the other side, the wings of the fossilized pterosaur had a metallic luster, and they flew through the air like lightning. When Rocket Chicken eliminated the three elves, the rest of the elves were easily overthrown by it.A dozen or so elves were densely covered in the air just now, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The flame chicken opened its mouth and sprayed out a crimson light, and the trick from the ground attack was scattered, and the red light shot down domineeringly and arrogantly. After an explosion, a large group of elves screamed and flew out, even some trainers They were all affected, and the life and death of those who were bombed on the spot were unknown.

The response of the fossil pterosaur is even simpler. The speed of the tricks from the attack is extremely slow in its eyes. With a flap of its wings, it walks through the gaps of various tricks, clinging to the ground, and the steel wings sweep across. The elves and trainers encountered all soared into the air.

A straight line was emptied, and the fossil pterosaur rose at a right angle, and a golden light shot out of its mouth instantly, sweeping again along the emptied straight line.Before the flying elves and trainers could react, they were severely shot down by the golden light.Under this kind of attack, it is estimated that they were almost spared.

The flaming chicken landed on the ground, with a sharp look in its eyes, it instantly fixed on the leader who ordered the attack, touched the ground with one foot, turned into a red light and rushed up.

"Protect Captain!"

I don't know that Team Rocket member yelled, and Team Rocket members next to the leader immediately protected the leader behind them. In front of them, there was a defense line composed of their own elves.

But all this had no effect on the Flaming Chicken. I saw the Flaming Chicken rushing in front of the row of elves, sweeping its powerful long legs against the ground, and the row of elves flew up. No exception.Immediately afterwards, the Flame Chicken retracted its paws, launched the Flame Fist, and attacked again when Team Rocket members were still in deep shock.

bang~ bang~ bang~
Two flaming fists and a knee bump, the three members of Team Rocket who were protecting their heads immediately opened their mouths, clutching their stomachs and falling down in pain.

The Rocket Chicken didn't give the leader any time to react. With a pull of the chicken's claws, he pulled the leader's collar to lift it up, and then jumped to the side of Latias who had landed on the ground.


Seeing that the Flame Chicken had caught the leader, the Fossil Pterosaur launched a destructive attack, flapping its wings quickly, and a huge tornado slowly formed, destroying all the remaining Team Rocket members and elves.

"Geng Gui!" Xiao Luo called out.

Geng Gui threw the three of Kles to the ground, and the fossil pterosaur landed, pressing its claws on the ground one by one, opening its bloody mouth wide, and growling threateningly at the remaining one.Faced with such a threat, the three of Kles' hairs stood on end, especially Jena, who was threatened by the big mouth of the fossil pterosaur, trembled in fright. She was sure that as long as she moved a little, the big mouth of the fossil pterosaur would The mouth will definitely bite her to pieces.

Geng Gui's eyes released circles of dark purple ripples, and soon, the leader controlled by the flame chicken fell into a hypnotic state.

"Where is Sakagi?" Xiao Luo asked in a deep voice.

"In Dr. Oki's Institute!" The leader's answer was a bit dull and blunt, and the hypnotized voice was like this.

"Where's Dakoto and Xiaozhi?"

"Also detained at Dr. Oki's Institute."

Knowing these two pieces of news is enough, and Xiao Luo doesn't want to ask more.He winked at the flame chicken, and the leader was kicked far away by the flame chicken.

After such a short delay, a large number of Team Rocket members led by the leader surrounded him, and there were a lot of them, rushing towards Xiao Luo continuously.


The flame chicken concentrated, and the flame of fighting spirit on his wrist sizzled.

"Xiao Luo, what should we do?" Geng Gui asked.

Xiao Luo said with a fierce look on his face: "Go straight up!"

Geng Gui froze for a moment before saying, "Okay!"

Geng Gui stepped forward to make a move, but was stopped by Xiao Luo: "You don't need to make a move, just control those three people."

Hearing this, Geng Gui stepped back, and activated the illusion technique, controlling the three of Kles.The fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings and flew up, hovering over Xiao Luo's head.

Seeing that the members of Team Rocket were getting closer, and some people even started throwing poke balls, Xiao Luo then took out three poke balls and threw them out.White light fell one by one, and the electric monster, the sickle helmet and the giant pincer mantis appeared side by side next to Rocket Chicken.

After a few elves looked at each other, they rushed towards Team Rocket members.The four elves led the way, and Xiao Luo followed behind the elves, walking towards Dr. Oki's Institute step by step.

The Rockets have many people and many elves, aggressive and fearless.But these have no pressure on the flame chicken and other elves. The flame chicken's long legs are dancing like the wind, and I don't know how many elves have been kicked over; the sickle helmet is even worse. Start wreaking havoc at the center of Team Rocket; the pair of giant pincers of the giant pincer mantis is ever-changing, either attacking or blocking, coupled with its superior speed, fighting is as easy as playing; the electric shock monster is more like a killing machine , dancing with both hands and tails, pushing forward unscrupulously.As for Team Rocket's flying elves... it can only be said that the sky belongs to the fossil pterosaurs.

The elves were still very restrained and did not use large-scale special attacks, mainly because this was a residential area, and Xiao Luo was afraid of causing unnecessary casualties.

Fighting all the way down, the road is full of unconscious elves and Team Rocket members.The Rockets were finally scared, and they finally realized that their opponents cannot be defeated by numbers.The attack stopped, and the members of Team Rocket looked at the flame chicken and other four elves in horror, and kept retreating as they advanced.Xiao Luo still followed behind the four elves expressionlessly.

Suddenly, Xiao Luo felt ice-cold all over, and felt an inexplicable palpitation.


The face of the giant pincer mantis in front changed drastically, and rushed to Xiao Luo's side with a swoosh, pressing Xiao Luo to the ground.

The figure of Heavenly King Ah Ju appeared out of thin air, and an extremely sharp short knife slashed fiercely on the back of the giant pincer mantis, splashing rows of sparks.

How can it be!

Ah Ju was stunned, he never thought that such a perfect sneak attack would be destroyed by Xiao Luo's giant pincer mantis.

To suffer!

Ah Ju couldn't care less about beheading Xiao Luo, so she dodged back immediately with a flick of the poke ball.

However, it was too late, and all the elves, including the flame chicken, rushed forward in a rage, even Darkrai and Latias appeared.

The first one to catch up was the furious electric monster. Its speed was still abnormal, and its thick and powerful arms swung at Ah Ju.At the same time, the tail of the Electric Shock Beast was also drawn, and Ah Ju hurriedly blocked it with a horizontal knife, trying to cut off the tail of the Electric Shock Beast.

The sickle helmet caught up in time, and a sickle slashed down, knocking Ah Ju far away.


The electric shock beast looked at the sickle helmet gratefully.

"Hi Doo~"

Sickle Helmet's expression remained unchanged, and he rushed towards Ah Ju again with a calm face.

Ah Ju's cloak flicked and disappeared out of thin air, and Xiao Luo's elves were at a loss for what to do.


(End of this chapter)

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