Chapter 435 That's So Arrogant!

Xiao Luo was also terrified. After regaining consciousness, he pushed away the giant pincer mantis pressing on his body, and angrily threw out a poke ball, white light fell, and Lucario appeared.

Xiao Luo was very annoyed. Before coming here, he believed that only Sakagi could pose a threat to him in Zhenxin Town, but the fact turned out that he was almost hacked to death before he entered Dr. Damu's Institute or saw Sakagi.Xiao Luo's face was a little hot, it was too embarrassing.Even when he was beaten to death, he didn't expect that the one who threatened him was not the elf, but Ah Ju.

"Lucario, find him for me." Xiao Luo roared uncontrollably.


Lucario closed his eyes, and the power of the waveguide was rippling in circles. In the blink of an eye, Lucario moved and shot out in a circle, forcing Ah Ju out.


As soon as Ah Ju appeared, he was surrounded by Xiao Luo's elves, all staring at him unkindly.


The Flame Chicken dealt with the Mo Ruo and Abo monsters that Aju was using to contain them, rushed over angrily, and attacked Aju with a knee bump.Facing the attack of the master elf, Ah Ju naturally didn't dare to face it head-on, and hurriedly jumped back to get out of the way.

Before the Flame Chicken could chase after him, the electric monster behind Ah Ju moved without any tricks, and punched Ah Ju on the back, knocking him to the ground immediately, unable to get up again.

"Hey Dou~" The sickle helmet held up the sickle and wanted to go forward, but was pulled by the electric shock monster next to it, and slowly shook its head at it.Xiao Luo didn't say anything, so naturally he couldn't let the sickle helmet do anything, otherwise it would be hard for Ah Ju not to die if the sickle went down.The fact that the sickle helmet is not easy to shoot does not mean that the flame chicken is not easy to shoot. It just punches and kicks to vent its anger. Fortunately, it is still a little rational and did not strike hard.

After the flame chicken vented for a while, Xiao Luo finally spoke out.

"Flame Chicken, bring him here!"

Hearing this, Flame Chicken threw Ah Ju in front of Xiao Luo like a dead dog.

Ah Ju has not yet lost consciousness, half-closed her eyes in pain, panting violently.

"We should have some friendship, right? How could you be willing to take such a ruthless hand?" Xiao Luo asked with an unkind expression.

"Each... each is his master!"

Xiao Luo snorted angrily and kicked it up: "Everyone is in charge, has the alliance ever treated you badly?"

Xiao Luo kicked so hard that Ah Ju couldn't bear to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I want to see how much you are worth in front of Sakamu! Geng Gui, take him to find Sakamu together."

Geng Gui controlled Aju and Keles together.

Xiao Luo had lost his patience, stepped forward, and yelled at the frightened Team Rocket members: "Get out, or none of them will survive!" After speaking, he took out a few more elves Ball, Flame Chicken and other elves also came up and stood behind Xiao Luo to cheer him on.

A group of Team Rocket members looked at each other in blank dismay, trembling with fright, but they didn't dare to run away.

"Don't listen to him, let's go together, boss Sakagi will be rewarded for catching him!" an unknown fan fanned among the members of Team Rocket.

Xiao Luo's face darkened, and he called out full of murderous intent: "Lucario!"

Lucario rushed into the members of Team Rocket, grabbed a member of Team Rocket and threw it towards Xiao Luo. The sickle helmet quickly stepped forward, and slashed down with the sickle amidst the man's horrified shouts. In one section and two sections, blood gushed out, and internal organs flowed all over the floor.

It was also the first time for Xiao Luo to see such a scene, and she was a little nauseous, but she was forced to endure it.Xiao Luo's face became even more ugly, as if he was about to explode at any moment, and once again yelled loudly at the members of the Rockets: "Get out!"

"I... I quit, I want to go home!"

Under this kind of threat, someone finally couldn't restrain the fear in his heart, and fled in a hurry.With one comes a second and a third... Before long, a large group of Team Rocket members escaped cleanly.

Xiao Luo also gave up the plan to go up, put away the elf, and flew directly to Dr. Damu's Institute on the fossil pterodactyl.

The courtyard of the research institute was empty, which surprised Xiao Luo, but Xiao Luo didn't care about it, and ordered the fossil pterosaur to land at the door of the wooden house that he was all too familiar with.

After putting away the fossil pterosaur, in order to prevent accidents, Xiao Luo took out the elf ball of the fiery monkey and opened it in his hand. With a flash of white light, the fiery monkey calmly appeared beside Xiao Luo.

Going forward to push the door of the research institute, but found that the door was locked from the inside, Xiao Luo stepped back a few steps and winked at the hot monkey.The Fiery Monkey stepped forward and punched the heavy door panel. With a bang, the entire door panel was shattered, and sawdust was even splashed inside like a sharp knife.

As soon as Xiao Luo was about to follow the fiery monkey, a few elves rushed towards him, but the sad thing was that these elves met the fiery monkey and swung a few punches in a row, and those elves fell on their backs, humming was overturned.

Walking into the research institute, Xiao Luo finally saw Sakagi again, and stared at Xiao Luo with burning eyes under the guard of the four Rockets cadres. Compared with Sakagi a few years ago, the current Sakagi also showed some aging , the wrinkles on his face became more and more obvious, and some white hair appeared on Dabei's head.To Xiao Luo's surprise, Kona was also here, standing beside Sakagi expressionlessly, wearing a black professional suit, with a hot and eye-catching figure.

"Xiao Luo!"

In the corner of the institute, Dakoto, Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi's mother Hanako and Dr. Oki were tied together.Several people were surprised when they saw Xiao Luo.

"Stinky boy, why are you here? What are you doing here!" Dr. Oki seemed to be blaming Xiao Luo, but his face was full of worry.

"Xiao Luo, hurry up and leave us alone!" Xiao Zhi's mother Hua Zi said in a hurry.

"Xiao Luo, Sakagi is a master, you can't beat him, get out of here!" I haven't seen him for a few years, Xiaozhi has grown a lot taller and is very handsome, but his clothes are still the same as when he was a child, no matter how ugly he looks.

Only Dakoto calmed down after being surprised.

"Finished?" Duck asked.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "It's done! Sister-in-law Rowling asked me to come over and see if you stole someone!"


Dakdo glared at Xiao Luo fiercely: "It's time to joke around, let us go soon, I feel uncomfortable all over from being tied up."

Hearing Xiao Luo's tone, Dakdo finally felt relieved, and at the same time was deeply shocked by Xiao Luo's achievements. He thought it would take at least four or five years for Xiao Luo to come back, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.Five years, just five years to advance from a regional champion to a master, this kind of speed is terrifying.

Dakdo's attitude surprised the Rockets cadres, knowing that the boss is a master, he dared to speak in such a tone. Could it be that a master came?Naturally, the few people would not have thought that Xiao Luo was the master, and they all became more cautious.

Sakagi frowned, and after thinking for a while, an astonishing conjecture suddenly came to his mind, which scared him a bit.

Could it be true? !

No, it must be impossible!

"Fire Monkey!" Xiao Luo called out.

Hot Monkey walked towards Dakdo and the others as if no one was there, intending to let them go first.


"Arrogant, defiant!"

"Damn it, come on Heluga, teach it a lesson."

"Bawanghua, you too!"

Enraged by the fiery monkey's action, the four rocket team cadres threw out the poke ball, and the four spirits attacked the fiery monkey aggressively.The Fiery Monkey just glanced at them lightly, stepped forward to meet them, punched and kicked them, and knocked them all down.


At this moment, several people finally saw the way, and even Kona, who had been expressionless all this time, took a deep look at Xiao Luo, and Sakagi's face darkened slightly.

"Come out, super iron tyrannosaurus!" Sakagi made a move, and a strong super iron tyrannosaurus appeared, launched an arm punch, roared and hit the fiery monkey.


The fiery monkey concentrated, his right fist glowed white, and he used the trick of splitting tiles to meet the attack.

A wave of air spread crazily during the collision, tables and chairs were overturned, and various documents of the research institute were flying all over the sky with clattering noises.


The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus screamed, and its bulky body flew back in a straight line during the collision, knocking out a big hole in the research institute.

Sakagi was shocked, and Xiao Luo also showed a surprised expression.

Is Sakagi really a master?How could there be such a big gap between Super Iron Tyrannosaurus and Fiery Monkey?
It is true that the power of the fiery monkey is extremely overbearing, but after entering Tianwang Mountain, the growth of the power of the fiery monkey is obviously much slower.Fiery Monkey has fought against Bangira of Coriander many times. Although it definitely surpasses Bangira in terms of strength, it has never caused such an effect on Bangira. The most powerful is just to knock Bangira back. But never hit it.

Compared with the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, there should be little difference in strength between Bangira and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, and even the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus is slightly better. But the result was far beyond Xiao Luo's expectations.

what happened?Isn't Sakagi a master?Or is he stronger than the average master?
Xiao Luo suddenly had many questions in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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