Chapter 436 Let You Go!
Flying the super iron tyrannosaurus, the hot monkey gave Sakagi a provocative look, and then the super iron tyrannosaurus calmed down, walked to Dakdo and others and untied the ropes that bound them.This time, Sakamu and the others did not try to stop him, but looked at Xiao Luo with gloomy eyes.


The four Rockets cadres looked at Sakagi for instructions!

Sakagi remained silent and kept staring at Xiao Luo, his seemingly calm expression was filled with shock like a huge wave.Master, he can't understand how difficult it is to become a master, but Xiao Luo should only be 20 years old! A 20-year-old master, how outrageous is this?And judging from the fight just now, Xiao Luo's master level is obviously higher than his level, which makes Sakagi really unacceptable.

Is Xiao Luo really my nemesis?As Sakagi thought about it, endless bitterness welled up in his heart.

Just when Dakdo and the others were released, a red-golden light hit the fiery monkey with great momentum.The fiery monkey's face changed, and he glanced at Dakdo and the others behind him, gritted his teeth, his fist glowed with white fluorescence, and it was an uppercut to the destructive death light that was galloping forward.

With a muffled sound, the destructive death light turned at a right angle and hit the roof of the research institute. A huge "skylight" was opened in the research institute.The broken stones splashed down, and the fiery monkey ran towards Xiao Luo at high speed, protecting Dakdo and the others.All the falling gravel was knocked into the air by the fiery monkey's left hand, and the right hand was temporarily unable to use its strength due to the shock caused by the collision and destruction of the dead light.

When Dakoto and the others rushed to the side of Xiao Luo, the fiery monkey moved its right hand, and after recovering a little, it roared angrily, and rushed towards the super iron tyrannosaurus striding forward.



Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus once again used arm punches, but Hot Monkey did not choose to fight recklessly, his right hand did not fully recover, and the confrontation did not take advantage at all.Tilting his head, after dodging the arm punch, the Fiery Monkey kicked the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus rex with a huge force surge, and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus rolled out. The Fiery Monkey did not let it go this time, and followed closely, splitting tiles Launch it, and hit it hard.

The floor of the research institute shattered, and the dragon who was beaten by the super iron storm arched his body, and his back sank into the sunken floor.

Hot Monkey changed hands and punched again, and the entire research institute was shaken.

Seeing that the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus had no power to fight back, Sakagi finally sent out a second elf.

"Come out, King Nido!" White light fell, and another brute force elf appeared.

"Hmph, Giant Pincer Mantis, I'll leave it to you!" Naturally, Xiao Luo would not let the Fiery Monkey suffer, so he threw out the poke ball and sent the Giant Pincer Mantis to deal with King Nido.

As soon as the two elves appeared, they immediately fought together. Although their strength was not as intuitive as that of Fiery Monkey and Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, after a few rounds, the Giant Pincer Mantis had an absolute advantage, and King Nido gradually became unable to deal with the giant The violent attack of the praying mantis.

Sakagi's eyes were fixed, and finally he lamented and took back King Nido and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, which was about to fail.

"Forget it, let's go, we will have a life-and-death decision when we meet in the future!"

"Hmph, is it still useful in the future?"



The fiery monkey and the giant pincer mantis surrounded Sakagi and others from left to right.

"Little Luo!" Duck pulled Xiao Luo's arm.

Xiao Luo looked back in doubt.

"Let's go first!" Dakoto said calmly.

Xiao Luo frowned, not understanding what Dakdo meant.

After some testing, Xiao Luo knew that his strength was definitely higher than Sakagi's, and the elves were definitely more than twice as strong as Sakagi, so why didn't he take such a good opportunity to deal with Sakagi and let himself go instead?
"Xiao Luo, leave first!" Dr. Omu also said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo finally realized that something was wrong.He looked at Sakagi with a calm but somewhat lonely face, and then at Kona with an expressionless face.After some hesitation, Xiao Luo took out the elf ball and put away the fiery monkey and giant pincer mantis.

Xiao Luo pointed at Sakagi, and said in a deep voice: "I'll let you go this time, it's best not to let me meet you again next time, otherwise you will never escape."

Facing Xiao Luo's threats, Sakagi's face was very ugly, but he didn't say anything, but the light in his eyes became more gloomy.

Walking out of the research institute with Dr. Oki and others, Xiao Luo suddenly found something was missing, and after looking at Xiao Zhi for a while, he found out that something was wrong.

"Xiao Zhi, where's your Pikachu?" Xiao Luo asked.

"Pikachu! Yes, the elf forgot!" Xiaozhi suddenly came to his senses, turned around and rushed into the research institute, "Sakagi, return the elf to us!" Duckdo also changed his expression and followed him in.

"Don't go too far!" Sakagi scolded in a deep voice!
Xiao Luo immediately exploded, stepped forward and said loudly: "Excessive? Do you have the brains to say that we are excessive after catching our elf? If you don't return it, then fight, come, show your cards and see! "

"Bring back the elves!" Darko was also angry, "Otherwise, you can try to see if Little Luo's Darkley can protect us."

Hearing this, Xiao Luo froze for a moment, and Darkley and Latias, who were invisible, seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the matter, showing their figures floating above Xiao Luo and the others, with a cautious expression on their faces.

"Are you threatening me?" Sakagi's face was uncertain.

"Sakagi, what if you really want to die?" Dr. Oki also came up.

Hanako didn't say anything, but her actions showed her determination.Standing beside Xiaozhi, he stretched out his hand to hold his son's hand, and smiled softly.


The four cadres' throats were a little dry, and sweat continued to flow from their temples, and they looked at Sakagi inquiringly.

After staring at each other for a while without daring to show weakness, Sakagi finally compromised, waved his hands and gritted his teeth and said to Kona, "Give them back the elves."

Kona's actions were very straightforward. After Sakagi finished speaking, she immediately turned around and walked into the laboratory. She carried a comatose Pikachu and came out with a bag of Poké Balls, and handed them to Xiao Zhi who rushed up.

"Dakdo, see if there is anything wrong!"

Dakoto and Xiaozhi quickly verified the poke balls, divided them and kept them in their lower backs, and nodded to Xiao Luo.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Luo finally confirmed that Sakagi had left a hole card. Although he didn't know what it was, but seeing the expressions of Duck and Dr. Oki, he knew that it would definitely pose a serious threat to his side.Therefore, Xiao Luo temporarily stopped thinking about dealing with Sakagi, and led Dakoto and others out of the research institute.

After leaving the research institute, Xiao Luo released the three elves of Charizard, Kuailong, and Desert Dragonfly, plus Latias, and they just happened to be able to ride them all.Following Xiao Luo's order, several elves flapped their wings and flew towards the forest where Xia Yi and Luo Lin were.

On the way, Xiao Luo asked Dakdo: "What is Sakagi's hole card?"

Dakdo immediately cursed: "That bastard planted explosives under Zhenxin Town, the amount is so large that it can destroy the entire Zhenxin Town."

Xiao Luo also scolded after hearing the words: "He really dares to do it!"

Da Keduo said: "Anyway, Zhenxin Town can't take it back. If he didn't want to see you, he might have left a long time ago. Fortunately, you are already a master, otherwise you will be in big trouble this time."

Xiao Luo said bitterly: "Sooner or later, kill him!"

"It's not enough to kill him. It's best to wipe out the evil forces in one fell swoop this time."

"What's the situation now? I heard from Rowling that the Alliance seems to be weak?"

Dakdo sighed and said: "It's a long story, find a place to rest first and then explain to you in detail. Now that you are a powerful master, the situation is probably much better."

The flying speed of the elves was very fast, and it didn't take long for Xiao Luo and the others to return to the forest where Rowling was.In addition to Xiao Luo and others, the three of Kles and Ah Ju were also brought back by Geng Gui. Originally, Xiao Luo planned to use these people to pay back Dakdo and others if he couldn't beat Sakagi, but he didn't expect it to come in handy For a while, Xiao Luo didn't know what to do, so he had to let Geng Gui bring him back.

After reconciling with Rowling and Xia Yi, everyone couldn't help feeling a little emotional.Xia Yi even hugged Xiao Luo tightly regardless of everyone's eyes, and cried out loud.She has a weak personality, and her whole heart is tied to Xiao Luo, and she is very dependent on Xiao Luo. This kind of fearful life is too tortured for her.

After a long period of comfort and reassurance, Xiao Luo coaxed Xia Yi, this move aroused jokes from Dakdo and Xiao Zhi, which inevitably made Xiao Luo a little irritable and flustered.

Everyone's condition is not very good, tired and hungry after a day of running around.Now that Xiao Luo came back, it was rare for everyone to be safe, so Hanako brought Rowling and Xia Yi to start cooking, while Dakdo and Xiao Zhi were telling Xiao Luo about the battle between the Alliance and the Alliance of Evil Organizations.


(End of this chapter)

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