Chapter 846 Origin
I saw God Emperor Dayan, sitting on a wooden boat, holding a boat pole, as if he had been waiting for something.

When he saw Ning Yang, he smiled knowingly and said, "You are finally here, get on the boat quickly."

"Get on the boat?" Ning Yang was taken aback, "Where are you going?"

"Go to the other shore." God Emperor Dayan inserted the boat pole in his hand into the water, and started to punting, "I am your ferryman, and I will take you through this fog of fate."

Only then did Ning Yang see that the front was already covered in a dense fog, and it seemed that if he walked in, he would be lost in it forever.

In this way, Ning Yang and Hai Kuanglan fell into the boat.

Immediately, God Emperor Dayan propped up the boat, led Ning Yang and the others into the mist, chose a direction, and kept moving forward.

"God Emperor Dayan, didn't you say that you are going to control your own destiny?" Ning Yang couldn't help but question while on the boat.

God Emperor Dayan smiled, but did not answer, but strange changes began to take place all over his body.

I saw that half of him was a human body, and the other half was a strange world, in which various scenes were derived and various creatures were created.

But these creatures, without vitality, are dead bodies without souls.

"This..." Ning Yang was taken aback.

"I only grasped half of it." God Emperor Dayan replied, "It was only later that I realized that the real ray of life is not myself, but everything, everything has a gleam of life, and now, I want to keep If you have a chance of survival, if you pass by, maybe I will be able to fully control my own destiny."

"It's a pity that their vitality is in my hands." Only the voice of the demon of heaven and earth came again, "Hahahaha, no one can stop me."

Ning Yang's complexion became ugly again.

I didn't expect that the world's demons were so difficult to deal with, like a dog's skin plaster.

The wooden boat was still gliding forward, God Emperor Dayan put away the boat pole, and looked at the Demon of Heaven and Earth: "I am willing to give up my life to save his life, Demon of Heaven and Earth, let me come with you Let's fight."

In between words, God Emperor Dayan inserted the pole deep into the river for the last time, providing the last bit of thrust to the wooden boat.

Then God Emperor Dayan jumped out of the wooden boat and faced the demons of heaven and earth.

"You're just half-baked, and you still want to stop me!" The demon of heaven and earth said disdainfully, and then shot at God Emperor Dayan again.

"God Emperor Dayan!" Ning Yang looked at the God Emperor Dayan who was resisting the demons of heaven and earth, clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

A sense of powerlessness and a heavy burden of responsibility hit my heart.

"I will definitely not let you down!" Ning Yang said one last sentence, and turned around slowly.

A sea of ​​turmoil is also full of sighs.

At this moment, another voice came: "Heaven and Earth Demon is really a waste, this didn't kill you."

I saw a ray of light darting towards me, it was the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp sitting on the Sansheng Stone, chasing after him.

Obviously, the Emperor Ren Huang and the Five Elements Emperor also died in his hands.

Then as soon as he arrived, he slapped Ning Yang to death.

"Are you really going to fail?" A kind of despair surged into Ning Yang's heart again.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable!" Another Buddha's voice sounded.

I saw a life lamp floating beside the wooden boat, and then the figure of Karma Buddha appeared, and he said: "I will help you, remember to fulfill the promise between you and me, and resurrect me!"

In the middle of the sentence, the Great Buddha of Karma turned into a pair of scissors, cutting between Ning Yang and the ancient Buddha of Randeng.

It seems that the cause and effect between them has been cut off.

Therefore, the palm of the burning lamp ancient Buddha stopped.

Because he has no causal relationship with Ning Yang, and there is no entanglement.

"Buddha with infinite karma, you!" Ran Deng Ancient Buddha angrily said, "You are also a member of my Buddhist sect, what you have done is simply betraying my Buddhist sect!"

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the real Buddha is to save the world and save people, not to increase the number of evil!" The scissors turned by Karma Infinite Buddha slowly dissipated, and turned into the lamp of life again.

And with the dissipation of the causal Buddha, the causal relationship between the burning lamp ancient Buddha and Ningyang is reconnected.

It seems that even the Great Buddha of Karma cannot always cut off the causal relationship between them.

It can only last for a while.

But at this moment, Ning Yang was already sitting in a wooden boat and disappeared.

"This is..." Ning Yang watched the wooden boat stop slowly, as if it had stopped beside a sandy beach, "Is this the other shore?"

"Yes." Hai Kuanglan seemed to have been here before, grabbed Ning Yang's hand, and led him down, "Come with me."

Ning Yang got off the boat following the turbulent sea, and the moment he reached the other shore, a strange feeling came to his heart.

It seems that in this other shore, one can obtain eternal life.

And as they walked forward, the scene changed again.

There is a table and two stools in front.

On the stools, each sat a figure.

Walking in and looking, one of them seems to be invisible, but it seems to be tangible, it does not exist, but it exists, but it is an extremely ethereal existence.

But the aura on his body is the aura of fate that existed in the ancient times.

But Ning Yang looked at the other figure, and was just stunned.

That figure actually looked exactly like him.

They seem to be playing chess.

"You're finally here." That 'Ning Yang' raised his head and said to Ning Yang after falling down.

"What's going on?" Ning Yang was stunned.

"Master!" Hai Kuanglan walked towards that 'Ning Yang' and shouted.

'Ning Yang' nodded, looking at the invisible existence, "Destiny, it seems that I won."

The tangible and intangible existence did not speak, but the chess piece in his hand did not fall, but was retracted, as if he had conceded defeat to the game.

"What won?" Ning Yang was confused.

"We won." The system's voice came.

Then, a ray of light emerged from Ning Yang's body.

This figure is exactly the same as Ning Yang's.

"You are the system?" Ning Yang looked at the radiant figure, "You are me?"

"That's right, we are all me." 'Ning Yang' on the stool stood up and walked over, "I am your previous life."

"You are my previous life?" Ning Yang opened his mouth wide, then looked at the system, "What about you?"

"I am this life." The system said slowly.

"Are you in this life?" Ning Yang was stunned again, "What about me?"

"You are the next life." 'Ning Yang' and the system said at the same time.

"How could this be..." Ning Yang still couldn't react.

"The next life represents the future and hope." 'Ning Yang' said slowly, "That's why I and this life have been assisting you to achieve our next life."

"Didn't you ask me if it was your previous life?" The system said slowly, "I am not, I am your present life, so I didn't answer you."

"Why is that?" Ning Yang asked again.

"In order to escape the control of fate." 'Ning Yang' turned his head to look at the invisible and tangible figure, "He is fate. I got the power from him, controlled my own destiny, and lived forever."

"In his previous life, he was the first person in history to control his own destiny." The system continued, "But just like that, fate wanted to keep him, and he was unwilling to let him go."

"Leave, where are you going?" Ning Yang asked again.

"Go to the kingdom of eternal life." 'Ning Yang' said slowly, "If fate is a circle, then if you jump out of this circle, you can go to a kingdom of eternal life, where there are many beings who, like me, control their own destiny, live forever .”

"It's a pity that fate doesn't let you go?" Ning Yang reacted.

"That's right." The system nodded, "So in our previous life, we played a game of chess with fate. If we can control our own destiny in three lives, then let us leave."

"So, you all control your own destiny, and now I'm the only one left?" Ning Yang asked.

"That's right." 'Ning Yang' nodded, "What I master is the way of all beings, all beings are one piece on my chessboard, and I am the only one who controls all the people who just went to save you, including everyone you know, They are all pawns that I have dropped, and your whole life is under my control to grow."

"I have mastered the way of pretending to be aggressive." The system said slowly, "I will assist you in growing your strength, so that you will continue to become stronger."

"And what I have mastered is the supreme way." Ning Yang said slowly, "In the end, I will override everything. When I override fate, I can take you beyond the circle of fate, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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