Chapter 847 Everyone Gets Eternal Life
"To be precise, that's the truth." The system said slowly, "But you haven't controlled your own destiny yet."

"And everything you encounter now is the catastrophe you need to overcome when you control your destiny." 'Ning Yang' said slowly, "The demons of heaven and earth, the ancient Buddha burning lamp, are the catastrophes you need to overcome. It was set for you by fate."

"So only by surviving these catastrophes can we be considered truly able to escape the circle of fate?" Ning Yang asked.

"That's right." The system nodded.

"But how should I get through it?" Ning Yang questioned, "My current strength can't deal with them."

"And us." 'Ning Yang' said at the same time as the system, "Our three lives are one, and it's just a breeze to deal with them."

"When you can get here, we have already won." The system said again.

The tangible and intangible existence, seeing the fate, also nodded, as if to admit it.

"By the way, there is this." 'Ning Yang' took a step forward, raised his hand to grab Ning Yang, and then many characters flew out of Ning Yang's body.

The three destiny mantras of rebellion, fate and seizing.

Then there was another character, which finally left Ning Yang's body.

Yun word.

"Why?" Ning Yang was taken aback, "The last mantra of fate has always been in my body?"

"Otherwise?" 'Ning Yang' said with a smile, "Otherwise, why do you think that you have been so lucky and can't die? It's because of the luck character added to your body, and your luck is at its peak. In order to let you grow and survive, we But with good intentions!"

"So it is." Ning Yang suddenly realized.

"Let me cover it for you, so no one can discover this luck word." The system said slowly, "But we can only assist, not directly, so we always need to rely on you to grow, and the world is controlled by fate Chess piece, that's why I'm always afraid that I will be discovered by the world, otherwise, we will fall short."

"However, Fate doesn't know that Mother God is my pawn in his world." 'Ning Yang' said proudly.

Immediately, I saw 'Ning Yang' grabbing these four characters together.

Fight against fate!

"To truly control one's own destiny is not to obey one's destiny, but to obey his management." 'Ning Yang' said with a smile, "It's like heaven and earth, who control one's own destiny, but obey the management of fate, without jumping out of his circle , but ended up being controlled by the demons of heaven and earth."

"So we have to reverse the control of fate and jump out of his circle." The system continued, "This is the real way to control our own destiny."

Ning Yang nodded, feeling that he had learned a lot.

"Okay, fate." 'Ning Yang' handed the four fate mantras to fate, "remember your promise."

I saw those four words fell into the hands of fate.

Then fate slowly kneaded those four characters together to form a key.

"This is the key to open the door to the kingdom of eternal life." 'Ning Yang' said, "When we get through this final catastrophe, we can get the key and go to the kingdom of eternal life."

Between the words, the system flashed and entered Ning Yang's body again, and so did that 'Ning Yang'.

In an instant, Ning Yang merged with them, receiving their memories, their strength, and everything about them.

From his previous life, Ning Yang saw some things.

Born in the prehistoric times, he has been traveling across the world, invincible, and finally reached the other shore and survived his own catastrophe.

And the system of this life is what the ghost emperor of Huangquan said, his previous life.

He saved the ghost emperor of Huangquan, and took the emperor of looting and emperor of blood yuan as his disciples.

I also saw that Xiao Hei was thrown out of reincarnation when he was still an egg, and was also rescued by the system.

I also saw that the system got acquainted with God Emperor Dayan and obtained his Taoism.

Everything, etc., was planned by the self in the previous life, and finally made by the system, until it helped Ning Yang today.

"After laying the groundwork for so long, everything will come to an end now." Ning Yang turned around slowly and looked into the river of fate.

There are two figures are rushing towards.

"Ning Yang, you are doomed this time!" Tiandi Xinmo roared, "Now let me see who else can help you!"

"I don't need anyone to help me." Ning Yang shook his head, "Everything now depends on myself."

"Wait, he seems to be a different person!" Randeng Ancient Buddha looked at Ning Yang and felt something was wrong, "His life level seems to be exactly the same as ours!"

"What!" Heaven and Earth Heart Demon said in disbelief, "How is it possible!"

"Nothing is impossible." Ning Yang shook his head, "You think you have succeeded, but in fact you have always been pathetic pawns, always controlled by fate."

"Destiny?" Heaven and Earth Heart Demon and Randeng Ancient Buddha were taken aback.

Immediately, they felt something, and saw the existence of fate next to them.

"Is this destiny?" said the ancient Buddha Diengdeng inconceivably.

"Are we all pawns played by him?" Tiandi Xinmo said.

"That's right." Ning Yang said, "Now, you are all useless chess, let me kill them!"

"Are you kidding me!" Heaven and Earth Demon roared, "This is impossible!"

Then, he burst out with strength and wanted to kill Ning Yang.

But his invincible power, which has killed many strong men, is extremely fragile in Ning Yang's eyes.

With a backhand punch from Ning Yang, the power of the demons of heaven and earth was directly smashed into pieces.

Then Ning Yang stretched out his hand to grab it, and directly grasped the demons of heaven and earth.

It's like picking up a chess piece.

The chess piece of Heaven and Earth Heart Demon was crushed directly by Ning Yang.

The demons of heaven and earth are destroyed!
"Why, why are you so strong at the same level of life!" The ancient Buddha Dieng Deng was shocked.

"Because I have two lives, and you are only one life, and even after I finish you off, it will be three lives!" Ning Yang shouted and continued to punch.

"No!" The Lantern Ancient Buddha howled and sacrificed the Sansheng Stone.

But this indestructible number one fetish could not withstand Ning Yang's fist and was directly smashed to pieces.

And after the fist pierced through the Sansheng Stone, it directly hit the burning lamp ancient Buddha, killing him with one punch.

The two strong men perish.

"Everything is over." Ning Yang withdrew his hands and turned around.

Fate looked at Ning Yang, and handed the key in his hand to Ning Yang, and a ray of light flew out of Fate's body and reached Ning Yang's body.

This is Ning Yang's own destiny!
The fate of the three lives is the same!

"Now you, can you override fate?" Hai Kuanglan, who was watching all this, asked slowly.

Ning Yang shook his head: "No, it's not enough, I can just jump out of his control, at most I can walk side by side with him, maybe when I reach the kingdom of eternal life, I will gain more powerful power to might overtake him."

While speaking, Ning Yang threw the key and opened a door to the kingdom of eternal life.

"When I have eternal life, all sentient beings will have eternal life!"

In between words, Ning Yang stepped into this gate.

Hai Kuanglan also stepped into it.

One after another figures, Mother God, Dayan God Emperor, Huangquan Ghost Emperor, Blood Yuan Emperor, Looting Emperor, Infinite Karma Buddha, Primordial Dragon, etc., also reappeared, and along with Ning Yang, stepped into this place. The gate of the eternal kingdom.


In that mysterious kingdom of eternal life, there is a new city.

the supreme city.

"Give birth, sister Ziqi gave birth!" Zhou Shuang'er ran over excitedly and shouted.

Ning Yang was overjoyed immediately, and immediately rushed into the delivery room.

"Ziqi, are you okay?" Ning Yang came to the bedside immediately, and asked Li Ziqi carefully.

"I'm fine." Li Ziqi smiled, "Look at our child."

"Yes." Ning Yang nodded.

"It's a girl!" Ye Feixue, who was standing beside her, came over with a child in her arms and said.

"Girl is good, girl is good." Ning Yang smiled happily.

"Then what if I give birth to a son?" Qin Bing, who was at the side, also asked with her stomach straight.

"Yes, yes!" Qian Zhiru, who was on the side, also said with her stomach puffed out.

"All good, all good." Ning Yang smirked.

"Ningyang Ningyang, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!" Zhou Shuang'er yelled immediately.

Ning Yang had a black line on his face: "Let's discuss and discuss first, let's give the baby a name."

"It's called Ning..."

(End of the book!)
(End of this chapter)

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