Chapter 429 Painful (6)

It's the video that's playing.

In the ward, a group of men in suits and leather shoes suddenly appeared, and quickly blocked the door.

At that moment, chaos was reflected in the video.

Another second, interrupted!
Apparently someone was compulsively shutting it down.

Su Ying was shocked!what happened?What the hell happened over there? !
She didn't dare to place a value, "My child, my child! Flame!..."

Child in danger?
Panicked, she rushed out of the bedroom.

Find someone quickly.However, the heart that was dying of anxiety was completely useless.Right now, she is in the capital, and the child is in City W, which is further away than City A. Even if she orders someone to rescue her now, it will be too late!It's too late... too late!what to do?
Su Ying fell to the ground.

Anxious mood, there are no words to describe.

Hearing the sound, Lie Yan rushed up, "Miss, what's the matter?" At this moment, he was also startled, and he had never seen her panic like this before.

"My child, something happened to my child!" Su Ying's teeth were chattering even as she spoke.

Lie Yan supported Su Ying to calm her down.

"Miss, what you need most at this time is calmness."

"Cold... calm down!" Yes, calm down.

Su Ying kept telling herself that she must be calm and not impulsive.

Never be impulsive!

However, she was still so excited that she couldn't even stand still, leaning on Lie Yan's body.

At this time, the cell phone in the room rang.

Su Ying turned around and rushed in again, picked up the phone tremblingly, and answered: "Brother Bin, what happened?"

After a while, Su Ying fell down in a daze.

"Yan, my child was taken away?! Why? How did it leak out?! Who did it?!!!" Su Ying almost shouted, too many things happened, too fast, too suddenly, Now a child is life to her!No matter how strong she is...she seems to be unable to hold on any longer, "Could it be Tang Yiling? Only he knows...the child is still alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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