Chapter 430 The truth is often cruel (1)

Su Ying said, "Could it be Tang Yiling? Only he knows...the child is still alive?"

"Calm down, don't be impulsive. The young master will not be in danger for the time being."

Lie Yan helped her up, and now he didn't know what to say.

However, since those people just took the child away, they shouldn't hurt him for the time being.

However, Lie Yan was very worried. A child who was born in less than a month and has not yet reached the full moon. That little body must have poor resistance and needs special care. Will there be any accidents if a group of grown men kidnap them...

Su Ying didn't care too much.

He wanted to go to City A, but Lie Yan stopped him.

"Miss, your body is also urgent..."

"Can I still take care of myself?" Su Ying had tears rolling in her eyes, but she forced herself not to shed them.

"Calm down! It's a time like this, the more you need to be calm. Maybe soon, those people will contact you." If you snatch the child, there must be something for it.

Lie Yan felt that it would be a matter of time before those people contacted them.

However, this time, people are not as good as God.

There is no news of those who abducted the children.

They neither contacted Su Ying, nor threatened her with the child, nor did they blackmail her.

Su Ying seemed to have lost her soul.

live numbly...


She went out of the bedroom and gave Lie Yan an instruction: "Help me contact Feng Zi and Ya Ya, haven't they been looking for who the murderer is? Tell them that I know. If you want revenge... let them come to me. "They have been investigating, just like Lie Yan back then, they will never find out about the Tang family.

Now, she can tell them...

On the small island of the Tang family.

Tang Yiling sat on the leather sofa with a handsome face.

He stared at Guanshi Wang who was kneeling in front of him.

Steward Wang remained expressionless and silent, showing no signs of panic.

In front of him, there were several DNA results just obtained from the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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