Chapter 105 Cursed Prison
"This? What kind of artistic conception is this damn?" Meng Tianchen, who was astonished, dared to neglect, and tightened his mind.His mind has undergone transformation, and it is still affected.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, could this be the magic of the nightmare rat's crystal nucleus? How can I comprehend the artistic conception of fear?" Meng Tianchen didn't dare to let go of his mind and comprehend it casually.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen never expected that a strange scene happened in his sea of ​​consciousness.

In the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a dark rune floated out from the motionless black ball.

The moment the dark rune broke away from the black ball, it turned into a stream of black light, sprang out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and rushed straight to the dantian.

In an instant, it merged into the black seedling Wudan.

Moreover, outside the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the dark space reappeared, and a translucent gray sphere appeared, which also pierced into the black seedling Wudan.

The difference is that this miraculous translucent gray sphere entered Meng Tianchen's rudimentary Wujie, and it was also the black lacquered space less than one cubic meter.

Immediately afterwards, after a dark knife floated out, the dark space disappeared.

Coincidentally, Youhei Xiaodao also entered the embryonic martial arts world.

Meng Tianchen, who was completely unaware of these changes, was worried, not knowing how to perceive the artistic conception of fear, and suddenly found that all his mind was plunged into a terrible place under the guidance of an irresistible terrifying force.

This is a prison-like space with a radius of no more than a kilometer!

In the prison space, it is unreal and unpredictable, filled with gray mist.In the gray mist, there is a terrifying meaning of death.

No!Not just a sign of death, but an evil curse.

"Damn it, what kind of place is this! This is not the artistic conception, absolutely not!" Meng Tianchen panicked.

He really felt that there was absolutely no artistic conception here, and all of this was real, especially the gray fog containing death and curse, which really existed.

"Damn it, didn't I refine the Nightmare Crystal Nuclei to understand the artistic conception? How did I get dragged into this place? What kind of shit is this?" Even Meng Tianchen, whose mind was as firm as a rock, was so frightened that he almost collapsed.

Get out, this place is horrible.

With a thought, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded again!

I really left that gray fog prison space and came out!
With a real induction, Meng Tianchen found that his mind was outside the black seedling Wudan.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on? I wasted the Nightmare's crystal nucleus!" Meng Tianchen almost stopped crying.

Refining such a precious nightmare mouse crystal nucleus, unexpectedly did not feel the artistic conception of fear, and was thrown into the gray mist prison space for no reason.

"No! Not right." Meng Tianchen, who always felt that something was wrong, thought back.

The mind sank into the black seedling Wudan, and found no abnormality at all. The crystal nucleus of the Nightmare Rat was only the third level of Poyuan, and this energy had been absorbed long ago, completely absorbed.

"What's the matter?"

The rudimentary Wujie!

When I think of this, my heart moves!
Meng Tianchen was dizzy when he saw a gray round translucent ball and a small black knife appearing in the prototype Wujie which was only one cubic meter in size.

"This? My mother, when did these two things become available? How come I don't know!" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen was almost scared out of his wits.

This is his prototype martial world, the core of the black seedling martial arts, where his source of power lies, and a mysterious object appeared without his knowledge.


Meng Tianchen, who was suddenly surprised, clearly felt a strange meaning.

Control, the absolute sense of control over these two novelties, kindness, as if they are the most familiar things, and they are incomparably compatible with the mind.

"Could it be the Devil's Biting Knife?" Meng Tianchen was shocked after a little perception.

"Da-you bang bang bang, isn't the magic biting knife in the dark space? When did you come here?"

A heartbeat!
Meng Tianchen, who used the magic biting knife, was shocked to find that the black seedling Wudan really flashed out from the black knife in the rudimentary martial world, and came out of the body!

"Damn it, this damn hell!" Withdrawing the magic biting knife, that thing entered the rudimentary martial arts world again, and did not move.

Staring at the translucent gray ball, Meng Tianchen asked in surprise, "What is this?"

Check it out!

At the beginning of his mind, he merged into the translucent gray ball, and Meng Tianchen's whole body underwent a terrible change.

The momentum, the momentum on the body soared, and a strange black halo appeared around the body, which was extremely evil.

At the same time, in the space isolated by Meng Tianchen, the rich vitality went crazy, entered the body, and rushed into the dantian black seedling Wudan.

The majestic vitality is constantly growing!

"Cursed Prison?" Meng Tianchen was stunned for a long time, so excited, this is actually the second level of innate power, and he did not know when he awakened.

In almost an instant, Meng Tianchen's artistic conception of fear reached perfection, and the most mysterious conception of death was also fully comprehended.

The cursed prison contains the ultimate mystery of death, and there are other forces that are more evil.The mere artistic conception of fear can be understood at will, and there is also the artistic conception of death.


With a turbulent mind, Meng Tianchen involuntarily left the embryonic martial world, and Meng Tianchen with an extremely weird expression fell to the ground.


Meng Tianchen, who was panting heavily, even had a look of fear on his face.

The cursed prison is too terrifying, Meng Tianchen felt it for the first time, and he was really scared.

Currently, the maximum range of the Cursed Prison is 1000 meters in diameter.Possesses an evil curse power, regardless of rank, even if one is under the bloodline, one cannot escape the curse.

As soon as the curse came out, the soul flew away, and the flesh and blood turned into mist.

Imprisonment, which can imprison any opponent who is a small level higher than itself.This point is much worse than the Black Tower of the Black Tower.

"My father, this is my second innate power? Mysterious and evil curse power! Have you really mastered it?" Meng Tianchen, who was horrified, thought of a terrifying scene.

The strong man trapped in the cursed prison was howling in misery, his body slowly faded, and turned into an evil gray mist in a moment.

Killer, this is the big killer!

After a long time, Meng Tianchen still couldn't calm down.

"It turns out that the power of curse is a dark power of a higher level. It actually contains the mystery of death, the mystery of curse! If it is developed, I will not need treasures to comprehend the mystery of darkness in the future! No, not only these two mystery of dark vitality, but also There are others."

Excited, Meng Tianchen crazily absorbed the pure vitality, the fortune this time was too indescribable.

"It's really like what the little broken bird Mao Mao said, the power of talent can't be awakened after reaching a certain level of cultivation, sometimes it can be mastered in a daze!" Meng Tianchen was very proud.

Time passed quickly during Meng Tianchen's desperate cultivation.

Half a year has passed!
Meng Tianchen, whose dark energy has reached the peak of the ninth level of breaking yuan, is immersed in the cursed prison of the rudimentary martial arts world, comprehending the ultimate secret of dark vitality, the secret of death.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen's body was dead silent, surrounded by dead air, without a trace of life, just like a statue.

However, in this motionless body, the dark energy is violently rioting. In the meridians, all the dark energy is absorbed into the black seedling Wudan.

Meng Tianchen, who was immersed in the cursed prison, had a slight understanding of the profound meaning of dark vitality and death.

At the same time, in the black seedling Wudan, the restless dark energy is transforming, transforming little by little.Every time there is a trace of dark energy that transforms successfully, containing the profound meaning of death, it slides out, flows in the meridian, and merges with the two outer and three lines of energy to form Zhoutian.

Meng Tianchen's aura is also slowly improving.

The transformation process lasted for a whole month!Following Meng Tianchen's waking up, with a loud shout, a terrifying invisible power broke out and surged towards the surroundings.

At the same time as the booming sound, Meng Tianchen laughed wildly, "Haha! Cool, is this the power of the dual-element sanctuary? It has more than doubled compared to before! I never expected that I would comprehend the ultimate mystery of the dark vitality, Death Profound Truth!"

Feeling the majestic vitality in the body, during this time, the dark elemental force and the earth elemental force have reached the first level of sanctuary.In comparison, the fire and wind elements are weak!very weak.

"I have initially mastered the ultimate profound meaning of the earth element's vitality, and it is much easier to comprehend the other eight profound meanings. The same is true for the dark element! What should I do next?"

While excited, Meng Tianchen couldn't make up his mind.

Is it to continue to practice the earth element's profound meaning, to achieve a small success, or even a great success?Or comprehend the wind element or fire element?
Both ways can improve strength.

Meng Tianchen remembered Zhuge Yun's suggestion before retreating.

However, the situation is different now. In less than a year, both the dark element and the earth element have been cultivated to the sanctuary, and they still comprehend the ultimate mystery.

"Damn it, the ultimate profound meaning is strong because it is powerful. Let alone reaching great success, even if it is a small success, I am afraid it will not be possible in a short time."

There is no doubt about this point, even though Meng Tianchen possesses the magical curse prison that can be comprehended, he does not think that within the remaining two years, he will be able to cultivate the profound meaning of dark vitality and death to a small degree.

However, once the Dark Death Profound Truth has been cultivated to a small degree, the improvement in strength will not be doubled or tripled.

Fengshen grass!
Worrying for a while, the words Fengshencao suddenly popped up in Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

"I'm working hard! Cultivate the wind element! If the wind element can advance to the sanctuary, I will make a lot of money! It will definitely make me faster, and refine the wind god grass. That's a good thing, improve the wind element talent Not to mention, you can also comprehend a profound meaning of wind energy." Soon, Meng Tianchen with firm eyes made up his mind.

Meng Tianchen knew that his wind talent was not high, and it would be very difficult to cultivate to the sanctuary in a short period of time, even if he had artistic conception treasures.

"Let's try to refine the treasure of the Poking Art Concept first!"

After all, when Heijianshan was out of trouble, Meng Tianchen had realized a little bit of the artistic conception of breaking the sky, and with the treasure of the artistic conception this time, he was sure.

"This?" Meng Tianchen, who picked out the treasure of the wind-type piercing artistic conception, was stunned, unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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