Chapter 106 The Power of the World Dragon
This is a grain of blood essence, it was not exchanged by Zhuge Yun for his military exploits at all, it was a grain of blood essence she forced out.

"Damn it, that bitch is too crazy, and the inheritance blood is also forced out!" Meng Tianchen was really moved, this is not an ordinary thing, it is too superficial to describe it as precious.

It is not easy to force out the awakened inheritance blood essence, and one has to endure extremely terrible pain.Losing the essence and blood of inheritance is not a matter of reducing lifespan, but a serious problem that affects the power of talent.

Innate power is the trump card, the most powerful means of any warrior, it is too late to try to be strong, how can it be possible to waste the inheritance essence and blood to weaken it.

For a while, Meng Tianchen couldn't make up his mind, he didn't want to refine this grain of inherited blood at all.

Meng Tianchen, who was emotionally fluctuating, carefully collected this grain of blood essence, and accidentally saw a small black hall that he had sealed in the corner of the stele space.

Meng Tianchen, who no longer cared about comprehending the artistic conception of wind element vitality, flashed over and grabbed the small black hall.

"An'an!" Meng Tianchen looked a little sad.

Now, not only has he reached the sanctuary, but he is also a double sanctuary, so he can definitely sacrifice and break open the small black hall.

However, when Meng Tianchen drove Yuan Consciousness to sacrifice to break open the small black tower, he was stunned.

Entered without hindrance.

In such a situation, there is only one possibility, that is, the owner of the small black hall opened the restriction and allowed him to enter.

Meng Tianchen, who immediately understood, disappeared in the space of the stele.

Meng Tianchen who entered the black hall heard a joyful but faint voice.

"Master, you finally came in!"

"An'an!" Overjoyed, Meng Tianchen saw a figure on the throne of the main hall, so familiar, and hurried over.

Jumping in front of the throne, Meng Tianchen was stunned.

The extremely familiar body belonged to An'an Takeshita, but it was shrouded in a layer of extremely cold mist, and the air above was lingering with death, so there was no trace of life.

Meng Tianchen, who had comprehended the profound meaning of the dark vitality and death, knew that this was the real death energy, and it was not urged by An'an Takeshita.

The body sitting on the throne is like a dead body, the face of which is completely dead.

"An'an, this? What's going on here?"


Meng Tianchen clearly saw that Zhuxia An'an's mouth in front of him didn't squirm at all, and the voice came from inside his body, which was weaker than before.

"An'an, what's the matter with you?" Meng Tianchen didn't have the slightest sense of joy, and panicked.

"My lord, this subordinate has suffered too much damage, his body has lost all vitality, and his soul has been severely wounded! He will fall into a deep sleep after a few words. I am so happy to see that you are fine, Hei..."

"No!" Hearing this, Meng Tianchen couldn't help roaring, feeling pain in his heart.

"An'an, tell me quickly, is there any way to recover?" Meng Tianchen's eyes were red with force.

"My lord, no! There's no way! This subordinate can only use the secret technique of the heavenly demon, and the soul is asleep. I'm good..."

Hearing this, there is no sound.

Obviously, Takeshita An'an could no longer be weak and completely silent.

"No! No..." A terrible roar resounded through the entire hall, Meng Tianchen, who was extremely sad and angry, lost his mind and went crazy.

"There must be a way! There must be."

Meng Tianchen, who had such a strong mind, tried his best to calm down, and shouted: "Panhuang! There must be a way in the information of Panhuang's inheritance."

In a hurry, he checked in detail the vast amount of inheritance information in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Three days, after checking for three days, there is no mention of the healing method of this kind of trauma in the Panhuang inheritance information. At the step of An'an, there is only one result, death.

"No, there must be a way!" Dumbfounded, Meng Tianchen sat under the throne in a daze, his face was extremely ugly, and his words contained strong unwillingness and resentment.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the scene where he met An'an Takeshita reappeared incomparably clearly and repeatedly.

Pain, heart-piercing pain.

"An'an, believe me, I will definitely make you better and bring you back to life. No matter what the price is, even if it destroys the sky, I will definitely be able to do it." The oath containing magical power rushed out from Meng Tianchen's mouth, Resounded throughout the hall.

"Semp! You god damn, I won't chop you into pieces, I swear I won't be human! There are also black demons, damned black demons, I will never stop dying with you."

After staying in the black hall for a long time, Meng Tianchen flashed out and sealed him in a corner again.

Strength, for strong strength, Meng Tianchen is even more thirsty.

Meng Tianchen, who couldn't calm down, couldn't comprehend at all, so he had to take out the blood crystal, and started to refine it numbly.

Meng Tianchen, who was already a double sanctuary, refined blood crystals, it was too simple, he could refine one in an instant.

In just ten days, Meng Tianchen refined [-] of them.

Meng Tianchen knew that if he wanted to cultivate the Blood King Battle Body to the top level this time, he would need to refine at least nearly [-] pieces.

"This? What's going on here? The prototype of the blood king's battle body has appeared? No, no!" Meng Tianchen, who had already refined [-] blood crystals, was very surprised.

For no reason, Meng Tianchen felt the power in his body go berserk.

Involuntarily, he performed a transformation.The terrifying body is a kilometer long, and the majestic power seems to be breaking out of the body.

Only then did Meng Tianchen know that his body, which had already fused the energy of [-] blood crystals, had been tempered to a terrifying level, and his physical strength had reached a critical point.

Above the huge dragon head, phantoms of yellow dragon heads appeared one by one.

"Ten, the power of ten glass dragons!" Meng Tianchen muttered overjoyed, and exclaimed excitedly: "Are you going to merge? This is too fast!"

In the space of the stele, Meng Tianchen's closed-door closed space, the rich vitality completely went berserk.

Above the ferocious dragon's head, ten phantoms of yellow-colored dragon's heads slowly approached and merged.

At the moment of complete fusion, violent power exploded from Meng Tianchen's body, bombarding the surrounding walls with muffled sounds.

Appeared, a small and incomparably noble faucet appeared above Meng Tianchen's head, it was not a phantom, it was completely substantive and vivid.

The blue dragon head looks down on Kuangba!

"Hahaha!" Meng Tianchen, who was laughing wildly, shouted: "Okay! The power of the world dragon, is this the real power of the world dragon?"

Meng Tianchen, who inherited Panhuang's information, knows what it means for his power to transform to the power of a world dragon.

After surpassing the sanctuary and reaching Wuzong, one is truly transcendent.Under Wu Zong, they were all ants, and even the tens of thousands of warriors at the peak of the ninth level of the sanctuary could not threaten a strong man who had just stepped into Wu Zong.

That's because, Wuzong's strong Wu Dan is a self-contained world, endlessly growing, and he can drive the power of Wujie at will. That's the power of a universe, how terrifying.

And the first condition for mobilizing the boundless power of the martial world is to transform the physical power into the power of a world dragon.Of course, there are some monstrous talents with extraordinary talents, who can possess the power of a world dragon with a strong body at the peak of the ninth level of the sanctuary.

Meng Tianchen, who has just broken through the first level of the sanctuary, possesses the power of a world dragon, and is no longer an ordinary evildoer.

"Hey! After practicing the Blood King's battle body, I actually have the power of a world dragon, not bad!" Meng Tianchen, who was in a good mood, gradually came out of the sadness of Zhuxia An'an's soul sleeping.

Continue refining.

A month later, Meng Tianchen, who had been silent for a long time, erupted with bloody rays of light, and his terrifying aura surged.

"Haha! It's successful, I have finally cultivated the Blood King Battle Physique! Horrible, refining nearly [-] blood crystals, if I continue, I will vomit!" Meng Tianchen was excited.

At the same time, above the dragon head, next to the materialized world dragon head, another blue dragon head phantom appeared, and the distance from materialization was approaching.

"This power is terrifying! I believe that an ordinary Sanctuary [-]nd level would not be able to withstand this claw from me! Hehe!" Meng Tianchen's domineering aura overflowed in his body.

To achieve the Blood King Battle Body, Meng Tianchen's power already surpassed the power of a half-world dragon.

After calculating the time, there are still two years before the Dragon Sealing Competition.

"Damn it, this Fengshen grass can only be refined after the wind energy reaches the sanctuary! Besides, it's not far from maturity! What should I do?" Meng Tianchen, who was unwilling to refine Zhuge Yun's blood essence, felt helpless .

I had to rummage through the storage ring.

I have to say that I really found many treasures of the wind system.In the bone pit in the deep valley of Black Sword Mountain, Meng Tianchen made a fortune.

After picking it for a long time, Meng Tianchen found a Gale Leopard crystal nucleus of the ninth level of broken Yuan, and prepared to refine it.

Although the bloodline of the Gale Leopard has not reached the first rank, it is infinitely close.Moreover, the Gale Leopard at the level of the sanctuary is extremely good at the mysteries of wind element vitality breaking through the sky.

When Meng Tianchen escaped from the deep valley of the Black Sword Mountain, he had comprehended a hint of the Pokémon Conception. This time, after refining the Gale Leopard's crystal nucleus, he only had three days of comprehension, and he had cultivated the Pokémon Conception to great success.

Cultivation, refining the strong vitality.

Three months later, Meng Tianchen, whose wind energy had reached the peak of the Seventh Layer of Po Yuan, took out another treasure.

This was exchanged by Zhuge Yun in the Hall of Merit, Thorn Vine!
This thorny vine is still a thousand years old, so it is very rare.

Bramble vine is not only a precious wind element artistic conception treasure, but also a unique refining material.However, all weapons that are successfully refined by mixing the essence of thorns and vines in the refining equipment have a terrifying characteristic.

penetrate!sharp.It is close to the stabbing mystery of the wind element's vitality.

However, if you want the weapon to carry the penetrating effect, the thorny vines involved in the refiner need at least ten thousand years.Moreover, this is a very secret information in the Panhuang inheritance information.

"Hey, it turned out to be a thousand-year-old thorny vine. If I can't comprehend the thorny concept, I'll be killed!" Meng Tianchen was full of confidence.

However, when Meng Tianchen had just driven Yuanli into the thorny vines and successfully refined it, a sudden change occurred.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, this? This is okay?" Meng Tianchen looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, and cursed.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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