Chapter 107 Titan Blood Breed

After the thorn vine was refined, a drop of turquoise liquid essence was formed, which was sucked into Meng Tianchen's palm by a terrifying suction force.

It was a gray stick that was blocking the way.

Be on guard, it's hard to guard against thieves!
After feeling the gray stick imprint on the palm of his hand, and a slight fluctuation, Meng Tianchen scolded repeatedly: "Damn, this is troublesome!"

Treasures with the wind element's vitality and artistic conception are rare, but the thorns and vines have been robbed.

Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to find a small pile of wind-type witch beast crystal nuclei, hoping that refining could comprehend the stabbing artistic conception.

At the same time, the entire Fenglong Fortress was bustling with activity. A large number of warriors poured into the public area every day, from all over the Dark Demon Empire.

There are also strong men from the Seven Banners of the Outer Court, among whom there are many prominent figures such as the governor and deputy banner master.

And in the huge square outside the Black Demon Legion's barracks, a battle platform was built!All of them are portrayed with exquisite witch formations, which are extremely strong.

The Black Demon Academy obviously had high hopes for this Dragon Sealing Contest, and some high-ranking warriors from the inner courtyard even entered the barracks.

There are two hundred war zones of the Black Demon Legion, all of which are densely packed with stone tower barracks.Instead, the core area is empty, with only one hall.

The handsome mansion, the magic mace handsome mansion!
Around the commander's mansion, the guards are heavily guarded, and each of the personal guards of the commander-in-chief is an elite among the elites, and they are the core force of the Black Demon Army.

In the commander's mansion, the commander-in-chief of the magic mace, who was sitting on the main seat, did not have the coldness of the past at all, but a gentle expression.

"Mace, to be honest, I don't have any hope for this competition!" The black-robed old man sitting under the commander of Momae was arrogant and worried.

"Deacon Duan, there are still some talents. It's hard to say that you will find a few who are comparable to the elites in the clan." The magic mace had a panoramic view of the opponent's expression, and his words were neither soft nor hard.

This time, the inner court gave the right to organize the Magic Mace Sealing Dragon Contest, even if the other party was a deacon, he didn't take it seriously.Although the elites in the inner court enjoyed unimaginable training resources, the young and strong men of the Black Demon Legion were not far behind, but they were trained on the verge of life and death.

The deacon Duan sighed: "That's a good thing! Magic Mace, according to the information I have, only a few of the Black Demon Legion are under 50 years old and have reached the third level of the Sanctuary! The top [-] in the blood list of the inner court are all Sanctuary!" At the third level, the top ten have even reached the peak of the third level of the Sanctuary, and they will definitely reach the fourth level of the Sanctuary before the Linhe Grand Competition."

Magic Mace's face was a bit ugly, of course he knew the horror of those evil geniuses in the clan.The young powerhouses on the blood list are even more terrifying, but they didn't expect that the top ten would be close to the fourth level of the sanctuary.

"It seems that this Linhe Grand Competition is unusual. I don't know what our Dark Demon Empire will achieve in the end. I hope someone can enter the top [-]!"

"Deacon Duan, what orders does Lord Demon Lord have?" Although the magic mace is the commander of the Black Demon Legion, in terms of the inner court, its status is even worse than that of Deacon Duan.

"Mace, to be honest, I'm also confused. Lord Demon Lord just asked me to assist you in advance to run this trial. Here, it's up to you." Deacon Duan didn't know what the magic mace was up to.

Immediately, the magic mace was in vain, beyond his expectation, this time the inner courtyard only sent a deacon, obviously, he had no hope that there would be monster talents in this competition.

"However! At the opening of the trials, the Lord Demon Lord will come in person." Deacon Duan was puzzled that the Lord Demon Lord would come in person in such a trial.

"What? Demon, the Lord Demon Master will come?" Shocked, Demon Mace stood upright from the chief seat, speaking excitedly.

"Where? Which demon lord will come in person, the deacon!"

"Master Wuhen Demon Lord!" Deacon Duan said in a stern voice: "Mace, this trial cannot tolerate any mistakes. Lord Wuhen Demon Lord, I hope there will be a decent genius this time. Linhe Dabi, Whether our Dark Demon Clan can rise up this time, whether we can go out, depends on this Linhe Grand Competition!"

As the core of the Black Demon Clan, Magic Mace certainly knows the importance of the Linhe Grand Competition.

"It's too difficult to break the deacon! Under the Lanteng Empire alone, there are fifteen small empires like ours! This is not the main point. The key point is that the Lanteng Empire is a middle empire. Their geniuses are too powerful ! Moreover, there are two behemoths, the Red Sword Empire and Thunder Valley. It is said that they are even stronger than the Lanteng Empire!"

"Indeed, I want to enter the top [-]! It's so difficult!" Deacon Duan's old face became even more worried.

Suddenly remembered something and was very excited, and asked quickly: "Deacon Duan, there are three young devil masters! Each of them is a talent from heaven!"

"That's right, the three young demon masters are indeed rare geniuses. This Linhe competition, the three of them are the hope of our dark demon clan." Immediately, Deacon Duan blushed.

The three young demon masters have been in seclusion for many years, and even the deacon Duan, who holds an important position, doesn't know what level they have reached.

Three months, three months, Meng Tianchen did not know how many wind element witch beast crystal cores were refined, and finally he barely comprehended the wind element vitality stabbing mood.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, my talent in the wind element is really far behind!"

Although he successfully comprehended the stabbing mood, Meng Tianchen was not the slightest bit excited.This is just comprehension, and it is also very difficult to comprehend to Dacheng.

What's more, there is a more difficult hurricane artistic conception behind, which is the ultimate artistic conception of the wind element.

"Nimma, it's difficult to cultivate the wind element to the sanctuary!" Some helpless Meng Tianchen had no choice but to randomly pick up one from the pile of crystal nuclei in front of him, and continue refining and comprehending.

However, in the past three months, due to the refinement of many wind-type witch beast crystal nuclei, the other seven artistic concepts have gained deeper insights, and some are even close to the level of esoteric meanings.

On the other side of the stele space is also a forbidden space, only Zhuge Bao and Heita are practicing.

With a loud noise, Zhuge Bao, who was originally in deep comprehension, woke up, and was dumbfounded after seeing the incredible scene.

The black tower changed, and terrifying energy fluctuations erupted from its body.


A huge roar like a desolate beast rolled out from the mouth of a giant.

The terrified Zhuge Bao had never seen such power before, he backed back again and again until he reached the wall.

At this moment, the black tower has turned into a transformation, not a witch beast!A giant, a terrifying giant.

It is a hundred meters high, and its yellow-brown skin is covered with a light golden halo.The whole person seemed to be immersed in golden light.

"How is it possible? What's going on here? Isn't Heita transformed into a big turtle? Why did he become like this again?" Zhuge Bao, who slowly calmed down, knew that it was Heita who had advanced to the sanctuary.

Meng Tianchen, who is the owner of the stele space, discovered this scene in an instant, and was also dumbfounded.

Meng Tianchen, who no longer cared about any cultivation, appeared in this restricted space where he practiced in the black tower.

"Black, Black Tower! What are you?"

Meng Tianchen, who has been in the first level of the sanctuary for a long time, of course knows that the black tower has been promoted to the sanctuary, but why did he become this giant?
"Nimma! Is it possible to carry out the second transformation? No! How is it possible!" Meng Tianchen couldn't find an explanation. You know, there is no such introduction even in the Panhuang inheritance information.

Flashing to Zhuge Bao's side, Meng Tianchen didn't dare to disturb him, this is a critical moment for the transformation of the Black Tower, any doubts can only be answered after he completes the advanced stage.

This wait is three days.

It wasn't until the power of the giant Heita slowly subsided that Meng Tianchen let out a sigh and exclaimed: "The Heita doesn't know what kind of blood it contains. It's not easy to have such a terrifying power just after entering the first level of the Sanctuary. ah!"

"Master! The Black Tower has completed the advanced stage! Isn't his bloodline of a black turtle? How did he become a giant again?" Zhuge Bao was incomparably surprised.

"Brother! I finally advanced! I succeeded!"

Under Meng Tianchen's amazed gaze, the black tower turned into its original appearance again, simple and three meters tall.

"Hey, black tower! I know you have advanced to the sanctuary, what happened before? How did you become such a fierce giant? The second transformation is impossible!" Meng Tianchen asked anxiously.

"Hey, big brother! There is another kind of blood in my body, which can only be awakened when I advance to the sanctuary. It wasn't transformation just now, it was my second natural power. Titan body! And..."


Without waiting for Heita to continue talking, Meng Tianchen screamed with an extremely exaggerated expression.

"What? Black Tower, Titan! You have the blood of an ancient Titan?" Meng Tianchen was stunned, but there was an introduction in the Panhuang inheritance information.The Titans are an ancient barbaric tribe that disappeared without a trace for some reason.

The Titan family has the most powerful defense force, none of them.

Even the giant dragon is inferior to the ancient Titans in terms of defense.

"Ri-you bang bang bang! The black tower actually contains the blood of the ancient Titans. Doesn't that mean that if he is strong enough to a certain level and fully activates the blood, he is a real titan?"

"Master! What is a Titan?" Zhuge Bao was very curious. He had never heard of a Titan.

Meng Tianchen, who suddenly thought of something, turned pale with fright, and said sharply: "Heita, no matter what time you will be in the future, you will not be able to cast this titan body!"

"Brother! The Black Tower knows that I have passed on some information. Could it be that the elder brother also knows the secret of the Titan's blood breeding?" The Black Tower was not prepared, but curious.

"Heita, this matter is no joke, the Titan blood breed is very likely the reason for the disappearance of the ancient Titan clan." Meng Tianchen's face was serious, he originally wanted Heita to cultivate the Blood King Battle Body, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

The Titan is the strongest battle body in itself, so there is no need to cultivate other battle bodies.

"Little Treasure! The fact that the black tower can become a giant, you must not tell it, and no one can tell it. Do you know?" Immediately afterwards, Meng Tianchen said to Zhuge Bao very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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