Chapter 108 The Wind Rises

"I know!" Even though he didn't know the reason, Zhuge Bao still guessed something, maybe there was some secret in the black tower.

"Heita, you advanced to the sanctuary, what is the profound truth of the earth element?" Clearly knowing that the potential of the black tower is unlimited, Meng Tianchen suddenly became excited.

"Brother! It's the shocking mystery! And it has been integrated into the black prison, and now the black prison is very powerful!" You know, the black tower is very simple and honest. He said it is very strong, which shows that the power of the black prison is really powerful.

"That's right! The vibrating secret is one of the few offensive secrets among the nine earth-type secrets. This time, we brothers will definitely be able to show off our skills in the Dragon Sealing Contest! Black Tower, let's enter the inner courtyard together!" Meng Tianchen's gaze fanaticism.

"Well, listen to big brother!"

Hearing the Dragon Sealing Contest, Zhuge Bao was a little sluggish, he had just broken through to the Seventh Layer of Po Yuan, even if he participated in the Dragon Sealing Contest, he would only be eliminated.

"Heita, there are still less than two years left, and strive to cultivate the shocking profound meaning to great success!" Meng Tianchen was extremely excited about the appearance of this powerful helper.

Afterwards, Meng Tianchen took out a large number of treasures, including some martial arts and martial arts, and gave them to Heita.

After a little inspection of the storage ring Meng Tianchen handed over, Heita was stunned and said tremblingly: "Brother, brother! This? This is for me? So many treasures! I..."

"Hey!" Meng Tianchen gave a strange laugh, looked at Zhuge Bao's longing face, and threw a storage ring over.

"You must not speak out about this matter! Moreover, these treasures must be used with caution!" Meng Tianchen didn't know which treasures belonged to the Black Demon Clan or the Xianlong Royal Clan, and those high-ranking saints who fell in the Black Sword Mountain domain, but an antique.

After repeated explanations, Meng Tianchen returned to the restricted space where he retreated.

"I didn't expect it! The Black Tower actually has such a magical origin, hehe!"

Calm down, Meng Tianchen continued to refine the wind element crystal nucleus.

Another three months have passed, and Meng Tianchen was able to comprehend the Thorn Art Realm to the Dacheng Realm after refining a portion of Dragon Eagle's blood essence.

For the wind element, there is only the last artistic conception left, the ultimate artistic conception, the hurricane artistic conception.

Feng Lijing, the treasure that Zhuge Yun exchanged in the Hall of Merit.It is extremely precious and only exists in the depths of natural wind caves.

Natural wind caves, even ordinary high-level sanctuaries dare not enter easily. Only high-level wind-type sanctuaries can enter and explore.

"This girl, Feng Lijing is the ultimate treasure of the wind element! I'm afraid it needs hundreds of thousands of battle achievements!"

Holding Feng Lijing, Meng Tianchen was a little uneasy, even with such a rare treasure, he was still not at all sure whether he could comprehend the Hurricane Artistic Conception.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, if I refine Feng Lijing, I still can't comprehend the Hurricane Artistic Conception, I'm sorry Xiaoyun!"

With a calm mind, Meng Tianchen did not dare to be negligent, and drove Yuanli into Feng Lijing in the palm of his hand.

Feng Lijing in the palm of his hand erupted with terrifying power and hissed, as if a shocking weapon was about to break the seal.

"not good!"

With a tense mind, Meng Tianchen hastily controlled the black seedling Wudan, and the majestic Yuan force gushed out from his palm, tightly wrapping the terrifying energy that shone with blue light.

"Damn! I didn't expect the energy of Feng Lijing's refinement to be so terrifying!"

After a while, Meng Tianchen felt that the violent cyan energy in the palm of his hand was suppressed, and Meng Tianchen also heaved a sigh of relief.

Very carefully dragging this blue light energy into the body.

"Damn it, I'm still a strong man in the sanctuary, so I have to be careful. If you are a martial artist at the level of breaking the yuan, even if you succeed in refining Feng Lijing, you must bear a great risk!" Thinking of this youth The horror of light energy, Meng Tianchen sighed.

go with!
I saw Meng Tianchen involved the green light energy into the black seedling Wu Dan, but his face changed drastically.

Inside the black seedling Wudan, there is a mess, and the four elemental forces are in disarray, including the earth elemental force and the dark elemental force that have reached the sanctuary level.

At this moment, the bursting blue light energy turned into countless tiny blue silk threads, piercing and cutting unscrupulously.

Fortunately, this is not an ordinary Yuan species, but Wudan, a mutated black seedling Wudan.

No matter how powerful these terrifying black silk energies are, they can't break the bondage, but only cause the black seedling Wudan to shake non-stop.

Exhaling a breath, Meng Tianchen entered the state of comprehension, his mind sank into the black seedling Wu Dan, and slowly comprehended the energy of those black hairs.

However, as the green silk energy was slowly melted, part of it turned into the purest wind energy, Meng Tianchen still got nothing.

Can't sense anything at all.

urgent!Meng Tianchen was very anxious.

"No, you have to calm down!"

Meng Tianchen no longer disperses his mind to touch many blue silk energies, but controls all his mind, wrapping tightly around one, crazily running blue silk energy.

In an instant, Meng Tianchen found all his thoughts and entered a mysterious artistic conception.

Here is a huge vortex.

On the periphery of the vortex, pure wind, in various forms.Some are loose, some are extremely gentle, or fast, or slow!Happy.

Almost instantly, after touching this huge cyan vortex, Meng Tianchen felt several moods, the wind element vitality moods he had mastered.

Excited, Meng Tianchen was very excited.

He knows very well that this terrifying huge cyan vortex is the key to comprehend Hurricane's artistic conception.

With a real feeling, the mind is close to the past.


The frightening wind blade, flashing with blue light, seems to be able to break through the stagnation of space, it is very terrifying.

Fortunately, this is just a mysterious artistic conception felt by the invisible mind.Otherwise, even if Meng Tianchen used his body, he would probably be chopped into pieces by these overwhelming blue light blades.

"Amazing! In each of these wind blades, almost the eight kinds of wind energy artistic conceptions that I have felt are integrated."

At this moment, Meng Tianchen had a huge doubt, and even his mind was shaken.

"Fusion of artistic conception? Could this be the power of fusion of artistic conception?" Meng Tianchen, who had flashed a few thoughts at the beginning, immediately denied it, and exclaimed in surprise: "No! This is not the fusion power of artistic conception, it may be the nine kinds of wind element vitality profound meaning Fusion real attack!"

Even in the current information passed down by Panhuang, Meng Tianchen did not find any explanation on the fusion of vitality and profound meaning.

With a sudden realization, in Meng Tianchen's mind, a brand new door was opened in terms of the profound meaning of vitality, although it was only a small gap.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, this kind of overwhelming wind blades flew out of a huge vortex, endless. Could it be that there is a more terrifying power in the vortex?"

With his mind scattered, Meng Tianchen wanted to perceive a trace of mystery from these terrifying wind blades.

Difficult, difficult!

Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to drive his mind towards the entrance of the huge vortex and continue to move closer.

The formless and formless wind became more and more strange, and Meng Tianchen couldn't help but sigh, if such a terrifying vortex really existed, it would be difficult for even the strongest of the Sacred Domain, let alone the strongest of Wu Zong, to get close to it.

"Nimma, I didn't expect the wind element to have such a strange power!" Still approaching the entrance of the terrifying vortex, Meng Tianchen found that his mind was throbbing inexplicably.

You must know that this is just a kind of artistic conception that Meng Tianchen felt in his mind, and it is inconceivable that it would affect his mind.


Drive the mind and enter the whirlpool.

Meng Tianchen heard an extremely weird sound, it wasn't the sound of wind blades flying through the air, nor was it caused by invisible wind attacking each other.

This weird sound is like a terrifying monster, sleeping, the sound of the beating heart, full of rhythm, containing endless power, but there is no sense of attack.

Go deeper.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen felt that his mind was pulled into a strange place by an inexplicable force.

Here, I don't know how big it is, there are countless tiny cyan light spots here, and the energy fluctuations are extremely subtle.

"It's so weird! Didn't Lao Tzu's mind enter the depths of the vortex? What was that power before? It was able to pull Lao Tzu's mind, so evil!"

Meng Tianchen did not forget his original intention, but he wanted to comprehend the ultimate artistic conception of wind element vitality, the cyclonic artistic conception.

"Could it be that these tiny cyan light spots are weird?" Meng Tianchen, who was endlessly confused, drove his mind to embrace, touch, and perceive these cyan light spots, but found nothing.

"I saw the ghost of Nima, what's going on?" After waiting for a long time, Meng Tianchen couldn't feel the slightest thing in this silent world, so he was a little anxious.

"Damn it, at the entrance of the vortex, I still had a little bit of understanding, as if I was about to touch the feeling of the hurricane mood. Now it's all gone!" Meng Tianchen regretted that he shouldn't have driven his mind to go deep into the terrifying vortex.


Suddenly, Meng Tianchen was startled.

In this silent world, there has been a change, many cyan light spots are approaching each other and agglomerating.

wind!got windy!
This is not an ordinary wind, a substantive wind, blue, elegant, sharp, and cold!

Stunned, Meng Tianchen exclaimed in shock: "I, there is actually a materialized wind? My mother, this kind of wind seems to be awesome. What are those inconspicuous blue light spots before? Such a terrifying power can be formed by casually colliding and agglomerating?"

Almost instantly, in this world of unknown size, there were no blue light spots anymore, it was all wind, blue wind.

They are cheering, jumping for joy, embracing each other, excited for the birth.

More and more winds gather together.

Whirlpools, blue vortexes of different sizes, contain the power to destroy the world.

The wind rises and takes shape. Some winds gather together to form giant blue beasts, and some form mountains and hazes, giant swords...

"This?" Meng Tianchen was stunned.

"I'm stupid! This is the Hurricane Artistic Conception! The whole process of forming the Hurricane Artistic Conception!" Meng Tianchen, who had suddenly realized, was very excited, and drove all his mind to touch, wrap, and comprehend an ordinary wind. wind.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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