Chapter 109 Desolate Moon
Just when all of Meng Tianchen's mind was wrapped in a cyan color and turned into wind in essence, the eight wind element vitality artistic conceptions he had comprehended before were instantly completed, and a brand new artistic conception was born.

Almost at the same time, Meng Tianchen's statue-like body erupted with great power.

The whole body radiated a cyan glow, as if it could break through everything, even the barriers of space could not stop it.

In the restricted space where Meng Tianchen was, the rich vitality seemed to be crazy, it rushed towards him, pierced into the body, and rushed towards the dantian, the black seedling Wudan.

The prestige increased sharply, Meng Tianchen's power was rising almost in a straight line, and the wind element power in the black seedling Wudan was transforming at an extremely fast speed.

At the moment when his mind was shocked, Meng Tianchen realized that he was forcibly kicked out of that mysterious artistic conception.

Clearly feeling the skyrocketing power on his body, Meng Tianchen was stunned for a moment, ecstatically, and laughed wildly: "Haha, my wind energy has actually reached the sanctuary?"

"Ri-you bang bang bang, it's unbelievable! Didn't you just realize the Hurricane Artistic Conception? It's a big success? And you were promoted to the Sanctuary?" Despite the fact, Meng Tianchen was still extremely confused.

"Impossible! Lao Tzu's wind talent is very poor. Could it be that Feng Lijing is really that good?"

In fact, Meng Tianchen didn't know at all that Feng Lijing's role was only a small part of the reason why such a miracle happened, the most important thing was mind.

His mind has undergone a transformation, and his perception has surpassed that of ordinary sanctuary powerhouses.

The strength soared, and the entire promotion process lasted for most of the day.

"Hey! I'm in the Sanctuary of the Three Elements now! Moreover, what I comprehend is the ultimate mystery! Hurricane mystery. The strength has more than tripled compared to before."

Feeling the brand-new power really, I checked the Panhuang inheritance information.Meng Tianchen knew that his current strength was comparable to that of the general Sanctuary Level [-] powerhouses.The real combat power has almost reached the peak of the second level of the sanctuary.

The profound meanings mastered by the three sanctuaries are all the ultimate profound meanings.

Earth-type life secrets, dark death secrets, and wind-type hurricane secrets.

"It's a pity! Although it is very cool to understand the ultimate power of the profound truth, it will not be possible to achieve a small success in these three kinds of profound power. There is still more than a year before the Dragon Sealing Contest. It is not necessary to understand the mysteries of the profound meaning, one must increase the combat power." After a long time, Meng Tianchen had already made up his mind.

According to Panhuang's inheritance information, it takes at least a few years for ordinary esoteric powers to achieve small success, even for super geniuses.Not to mention the ultimate mystery, without more than a hundred years, it is difficult to achieve a small success.

"Combat skills! It's time to practice the martial art of combat skills!" Meng Tianchen's black eyes shone with a strange brilliance. A long time ago, he had selected the martial art of combat skills to practice.

Those are the most precious among the many martial arts and martial arts books harvested in the bone pit.

Martial arts, whether it is combat skill or combat style, is divided into general and attribute martial arts.

Above the Yuan rank, the holy rank martial arts are basically attribute martial arts, which are extremely rare, even for the powerful black demon clan, there are very few.Moreover, once the power of the sacred domain is integrated into the combat technique, the power is very terrifying.

The Lingling Whip, as a low-grade holy-rank combat skill book, is still commonly used, and it is very likely that it was left over from ancient times.Compared with attribute martial arts, it is rarer and more precious.

Meng Tianchen knew very well that his most powerful thing was transformation.Once the terrifying tail unleashes the Spirit Whip, it is extremely terrifying, and there is no problem in beheading the opponent by stepping up the steps.

"The spirit twisting whip has been cultivated to a small level. It will be enough for quite a long time! It is very difficult to cultivate to a great level! I don't bother to think about it. The thousand-yuan stick technique is pretty good! It's a pity that it's only a middle-level Yuan level. "Meng Tianchen was thinking.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, there are too few stick skills! We can only hope for opportunities in the future. It is unrealistic to practice the thousand-yuan stick technique to great success! There is still one year left, how can we do it?" What is the biggest increase in combat power?"

In the Black Sword Mountain Bone Pit, Meng Tianchen obtained a lot of martial arts and martial arts, and there are only three that are really suitable.

Trapped palm!The best of the Yuan Dynasty, the martial art of the earth system.It is most suitable for the fusion of the earth element's vitality and the profound meaning. Meng Tianchen did not comprehend the deep meaning, but could only integrate the deep meaning.

Dragon cut wings!Yuan-level high-grade, wind-type combat skills and martial arts, auxiliary type, once the cultivation is successful, the speed will be extremely terrifying.

Desolate Moon, the incomplete book of dark combat skills, the grade is unknown.

In the remaining one year or so, it is impossible to practice all three combat skills, only one can be chosen.

"Which one should I choose?" Meng Tianchen was worried.

If Meng Tianchen comprehended the profound meaning of the earth-type vitality trapping, he would choose to cultivate the trapping empty palm without hesitation.Even if the cultivation is successful and the fusion of the artistic conception is integrated, the power increase may not be great.

Although Long Jianyi is an auxiliary combat skill martial art, Meng Tianchen is very excited. This kind of wind-type auxiliary combat skill that increases speed is extremely rare, very few.Although it is only the top grade of Yuan rank, it is even more precious than ordinary top grade combat skills of Yuan rank.

Desolate Moon, with incomplete combat skills, and an unknown grade, I don't know what kind of dark vitality mystery is suitable for it.


"Da-you bang bang bang, you don't have enough time! Of these three, it is a miracle to be able to practice one of them to a small degree! How do you choose?"

After thinking about it again and again, I don't plan to practice the empty palm now, the best is to practice Long Jianyi.Once the cultivation is successful, Meng Tianchen's speed will be greatly increased, and his overall strength will soar.

However, Meng Tianchen faintly had a weird feeling about this incomplete dark combat skill of unknown rank, Desolate Moon!Quite possibly extraordinary.

"Damn it, I'm already cultivating Desolate Moon!" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen felt an impulse for no reason.

Dripping blood on a white piece of jade in front of him, the barren moon quilt is a sealed energy body, once activated, it will disappear, this is a one-time combat technique.


Meng Tianchen screamed, but did not see the expected situation.

Such a one-time combat skill is definitely sealed in the jade piece by a superpower.Once the blood is sacrificed, it will be transformed into energy and enter the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the white jade piece in front of Meng Tianchen only had a very slight energy fluctuation, and then there was no reaction.

"How is it possible?" Meng Tianchen checked several times, and the seal inside the white jade piece was the incomplete combat skill, Desolate Moon.

Meng Tianchen, who was very curious, did not continue rashly performing the blood sacrifice, but consulted the massive information inherited by Pan Huang.

a long time!

Meng Tianchen let out a sigh of relief, showing a look of surprise on his face, "Damn it, the barren moon battle skill in this jade piece is actually sealed, it's still the secret seal."

In Panhuang's inheritance information, Meng Tianchen learned that in ancient times, some super-powerful powers would display their supernatural powers, and seal precious combat skills, drive profound meanings, and seal them in jade pieces.For future generations to choose and practice.

If you want to practice the combat skills in the jade piece, you must understand the corresponding profound meaning.

"My mother, did I find a treasure!" Immediately, Meng Tianchen became excited. It is absolutely extraordinary to be able to let a super powerful and powerful person display the combat skill of the secret seal, let alone a crippled combat skill.

"What I comprehend is the mystery of the dark vitality and death. I don't know if it can fit the seal of the mystery in the jade piece. If not, I can only wait until later." Meng Tianchen was looking forward to it.

After calming his mind, Meng Tianchen communicated with the black seedling Wu Dan in his dantian, pulled out the dark elemental force, and after merging the elemental consciousness, he showed his palm and carefully entered into the small white jade piece.

The small white jade piece really trembled slightly.In the jade piece, Meng Tianchen clearly sensed the emergence of a scene of restriction. This is the unknown dark secret seal. I don't know what kind of secret power it is.

Feeling this kind of restriction at the beginning, Meng Tianchen was stunned.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, this kind of terrifying power is really something that a ban can have? My son, what level did the old immortal who sealed the Incomplete Desolate Moon's combat skills have reached?"

Very carefully, Meng Tianchen drove the dark energy to move closer.

Meng Tianchen longed for this restriction, which was the seal of the Dark Death Profound Truth.

In front of this terrifying restriction, Meng Tianchen felt that his dark energy was so weak.Like a dead leaf, facing the boundless vast ocean.

When Meng Tianchen's dark energy touched the restriction, it really triggered a touch.

The originally extremely terrifying esoteric seal restriction turned into a black mist and spread out.

Almost at the same time, the jade piece, the white jade piece, disappeared into the black mist.

Black mist, gloomy, dead silence!It was like the purest death energy.

"Haha! I've unlocked it. I didn't expect that this restriction is really the dark secret of death!" Meng Tianchen was ecstatic, which means that the Incomplete Desolate Moon combat skill is absolutely in line with the dark secret of death; he can practice it [-]% .

How could he dare to be negligent, at the moment when the terrifying black mist formed by the restriction slowly dissipated, Meng Tianchen drove the dark energy to carefully wrap it, a black energy group.

Pull it into the body and go towards the sea of ​​consciousness.

Getting closer, Meng Tianchen controlled this mysterious energy and approached the small black ball in the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"I can't wait any longer, I really want to see what kind of magic is in this Incomplete Barren Moon combat skill!" The excited Meng Tianchen suddenly stabbed the black energy ball into the black ball.

After merging with the black energy cluster, the black ball trembled violently.And Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.

"This? This nima is also called a combat skill? How is it possible?"

Little snake, this is a little black snake, a little black snake that contains a terrifying and dead energy.

Sensing again and again, Meng Tianchen has confirmed it, and has not sensed any information, and there is no secret method of cultivation.Inside the black ball, there is only one weird thing, which is very scary.

"Damn it, didn't you mean the battle skills of the barren moon? Why is it this dead snake? Are you kidding me?" Meng Tianchen couldn't figure out the reason for beating Meng Tianchen to death.

(End of this chapter)

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