Chapter 119 The Earth Spirit Ape
Fortunately, Marshal Black Mace saved Meng Tianchen from the siege.

This time, the number 21 appeared on the stage, and the number 21 was marked on Zhuge Yun's jade plate.

"Xiaoyun, be careful! If you can't do it, you will admit defeat!" Meng Tianchen repeatedly warned the young man in the black armor who had a strange aura and couldn't see through his cultivation.

Zhuge Yun's face also became tense, he couldn't see the other party's cultivation level, obviously, the opponent was a third-tier Sanctuary powerhouse.

Marshal Black Mace certainly knows Zhuge Yun, the leader of his subordinates, Fengsha.

However, the commander-in-chief of the black mace actually flattered the black-armored boy and said, "Master Ling! This is the leader of our Black Demon Legion, please be merciful!"

"It's over!" Meng Tianchen, who saw this scene in his eyes, thumped in his heart, feeling a bad feeling.Who is the black mace commander?To please the other party, he almost bowed his knees.

The black-armored boy was extremely arrogant, he didn't pay attention to the black mace commander at all, but stared at Zhuge Yun with a strange expression on his face.

"That's right! Be my young master's woman! Or die!"

The humiliated Zhuge Yun was furious, Meng Tianchen was also in a hurry and almost didn't rush forward.

Just kidding, dare to grab a woman from him, I really don't want to live.

"What are you?" Zhuge Yun scolded in a rage, as cold as frost.

"Bitch! Courting death!" The black-armored boy who was originally arrogant and extraordinary suddenly turned sullen, and his body violently.

"It's over!" Outside the battle circle, the commander-in-chief of the black mace glared at Zhuge Yun angrily, it was unreasonable, what an honor it was to be favored by Young Master Ling; he didn't appreciate it.

Long sword, a strange black sword was added in the hands of the black-armored boy, shining with a black light that devoured people.

"Bad maid! I don't know what to do!" The black-armored boy shouted angrily.

call out!
An extremely fast black light flashed out from the black sword and stabbed at Zhuge Yun.

Zhuge Yun, who clearly sensed the power of this attack, looked solemn.Faintly, she guessed that this black-armored boy was probably from the inner court, and his identity was extraordinary.

"Profound Truth Transformation!" Meng Tianchen screamed and was very worried that this black-armored boy had actually reached this level.

At the first level of the sanctuary, I first realized the profound truth.The second level of the sanctuary, the transformation of Yuanli; the third level of the sanctuary, the transformation of the profound truth.

To achieve the transformation of profound truths, at least the Sanctuary Triple Small Accomplishment.And what the other party is using is the weirdest Dark Energy Poison Mystery!
"Xiaoyun, be careful!" Meng Tianchen couldn't help shouting loudly, which attracted the attention of many people.

"Huh!" With a snort, Zhuge Yun was light and nimble, and quickly dodged. Although the opponent could transform into a mysterious form, he couldn't lock the attack. With his extraordinary speed, he narrowly escaped.

"Spirit twisting whip!"

Zhuge Yun, who had so much combat experience, didn't miss this opportunity, and used his strongest killing move from the very beginning.

The Xianlong whip in the small hand, while dancing, phantoms burst out, and the wind energy on his body was urged to the extreme.

sharp!Zhuge Yun's comprehension of the wind element's vitality and sharpness is extremely powerful and offensive, and when integrated into combat skills, the power is frightening.

"Huh!" The black-armored boy who didn't pay much attention to Zhuge Yun originally had a slightly serious expression.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a locked attack!" Seeing the shadow of the whip flying from the opponent's long whip, the black-armored boy who dared to neglect felt the threat and snarled.

"Black Underworld Battle Body!"

The dark energy on the black armored boy frantically twitched, and the black battle armor shone faintly.

"Damn it, this guy has actually cultivated the Hei Ming Battle Physique!" Meng Tianchen's face darkened, the other party's identity was obviously terrifying, and he actually cultivated the Hei Ming Battle Physique.

"This? Is this the best combat skill of the Yuan rank?"

"How is it possible? Who is this woman? She has cultivated the best combat skills of the Yuan rank?"

Only Demon Lord Wuhen could tell at a glance that Zhuge Yun's Spirit Whip Whip was a true holy rank combat skill, a low rank holy rank combat skill.

"Hey, he has holy-level combat skills, it should be related to my little bastard apprentice!" The Wuhen Demon Lord didn't even bother to pay attention to the competition below.Although the low-grade combat skills of the holy rank are rare, to him, they are nothing at all.

A shadow of a whip that seemed illusory but not illusory hit the black-armored boy.


With a long scream, the black-armored boy flew backwards, the black armor on his body shattered, his lower abdomen sank deeply, and streams of plasma shot out.

Almost at the same time, the face of Marshal Black Mace turned pale and he was frightened.

At the VIP table, several deacons all stood up, furious.There was only an old man in gray robe sitting in the middle with a gloomy expression.

There was another scream, the black-armored boy did not know what secret method he used, and a puff of black smoke came out from the terrible wound on his abdomen, and the bleeding stopped.

The pitiful black-armored boy didn't have the previous arrogance and unruly expression.

"Your maidservant, I will swear that I will not be a human being if I don't kill you today!"

Zhuge Yun was also shocked, the strongest attack was only to injure the opponent slightly.

call out!
How could he dare to be negligent, Zhuge Yun fired the spirit whip again and again.

One after another, the terrifying and strange whip shadows lashed towards each other.

"Looking for death!" With a violent shout, a black light flashed from the wrist of the black-armored boy, and a huge monster appeared.

A terrifying monster, waving a huge palm, a yellow halo covered the black-armored boy's body, and the spirit whip couldn't be shaken at all.

"Witch Beast? This is the Great Earth Spirit Ape!" Meng Tianchen's face changed after he yelled. Sanctuary Quadruple.

"Damn human! How dare you hurt your master! Die!" The tyrannical earth spirit ape turned into a huge yellow phantom and rushed towards Zhuge Yun.

"It's over!" Zhuge Yun felt the terrible breath of death. This earth spirit ape is too powerful, and the spirit twisting whip can't hurt him at all.Moreover, that terrifying speed completely surpassed her!
call out!
Meng Tianchen, who can control so many people, flew over at the fastest speed.

It was still too late, Zhuge Yun, who had been slapped by the earth spirit ape, flew out sideways, his face was pale, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Xiaoyun!" Meng Tianchen roared heart-piercingly, hugging Zhuge Yun in his arms, staring at the earth spirit ape and the black-armored boy with grief and indignation.

"Bastard, why don't you leave quickly? How dare you disturb the competition!" The black mace commander sternly shouted.

Demon Lord Wuhen smiled meaningfully: "Hey, it seems that the little bastard has a bad eye! This little girl is not talented! She is not worthy, not worthy of my apprentice!"

If Meng Tianchen knew that Wuhen Demon Lord felt that Zhuge Yun was not good enough for him, so he was too lazy to stop him, he would probably jump up and curse.

"Curse the prison!"

The fire-breathing Meng Tianchen didn't even think about it, and immediately cast the curse prison, trapping the earth spirit ape.

"Woman who dares to hurt Lao Tzu, you seek death!" Thinking that Lord Wuhen is nearby, Meng Tianchen suddenly became murderous.

"Little bastard! Put that woman down and get the hell out of here, my young master will spare your life!" the black-armored boy roared viciously.

Demon Devouring Knife!

Meng Tianchen didn't bother to talk nonsense at all, and quickly drove the Mobu knife to lock and attack the opponent.

"Little brat! How dare you?" On the VIP seats, the gray-robed old man sitting in the center couldn't bear it anymore, flew into the air, and stood in the sky above the battle platform in an instant.

However, it's too late!
The magic biting knife had already flown into the body of the black-armoured boy, and the black-armored boy who was rampant just now fell to the ground for no reason.

"Soul attack?" The next thing I saw was Deacon Duan on the VIP seat, with a shocked expression on his face, he shouted in fear: "How is that possible? It turned out to be a soul attack."

Flying to the side of the black-armored boy, the gray-robed old man, who was about to squat down to check, saw the most terrifying scene.

The whole body of the black-armored boy lying on his back on the stone surface gradually blurred into a black mist, which gradually condensed.

In an instant, there was only a strange black knife left.

A heartbeat!The magic biting knife returned to Meng Tianchen's body, and almost at the same time, the earth spirit ape in the cursed prison disappeared, and was swallowed by the little black snake long ago.

Everyone was frightened, including the black mace commander who was about to attack Meng Tianchen.

What's the situation here? A strange black knife killed a Sanctuary third-level powerhouse, and the cursed prison was even more terrifying. Even the sanctuary's fourth-level ominous creature, the earth spirit ape, was turned into a mass of flesh mud.

This was done by a young man, in his early twenties at most, and he was just entering the sanctuary.

"Little brat!"

The gray-robed old man, who was filled with grief and indignation, finally came to his senses, and erupted with terrifying power. Everyone on the platform, including the black mace commander, was frightened by this terrifying power, and they didn't dare to move, for fear of being careless. Just be out of your wits.

A terrifying black ball of light locked onto Meng Tianchen and hit it.

Death, the terrible breath of death.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen panicked, this unavoidable attack was too terrifying, once he was hit, he would turn into a piece of ashes.

"Damn it, how did this happen? Who is that kid? How could he kill Young Master Ling? What a pity! Such a talent against the sky is going to die at the hands of Elder Ling!" At the VIP seat, a red-haired old man The deacon with the appearance whispered something.

"Don't look for death! I didn't see that Elder Ling was in a rage!" Beside, Deacon Duan hurriedly warned.

Holding the unconscious Zhuge Yun, the anxious voice of the little broken bird Mao Mao came from Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Aba, hurry up, quickly activate the Wuhen character given to you by the Wuhen Demon Lord!"

At the same time, in the sky, the Demon Lord Wuhen had a serious face and a murderous look.

"Little idiot! You will cause trouble!" The Wuhen Demon Lord who was about to make a move suddenly laughed, and smiled strangely.

Meng Tianchen immediately activated Yuanli to activate the characterless character on the back of his hand.

In an instant, the wordless word became bigger, blocking in front of Meng Tianchen, the black ball of light touched it, made a small cracking sound, and disappeared.

Easily defeated the old man in gray robe with an angry blow.

Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded, the old man in gray robe was dumbfounded, everyone was dumbfounded!

Everyone really felt the horror of that black ball of light, which was dispelled by a magical wordless, and even the energy fluctuations from the rupture were very small.

"Hahaha! This old bastard is really easy to use!" After being taken aback for a moment, Meng Tianchen laughed wildly.

High in the sky, the face of Wuhen Demon Lord turned black!
"Boy! You are looking for death!" Huanran, who woke up from the start, wanted to claim credit, and flew to Meng Tianchen's side, asking angrily.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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