Chapter 120 Blood Barrenland
Of all the people present, only the gray-robed old man knew what no character was, and his expression changed horribly.

Meng Tianchen was full of courage, and shouted angrily at the black mace commander,

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded, even Zhuge Yun who had just woken up was stunned!

If you dare to scold the black mace commander, you will die now.

Heita also closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look.

"Hehe, how stupid is this little bastard! I was deceived by him, and I am simply lawless. I have the same demeanor as I did back then!" Gao Kong, Wuhen Demon was full of energy and felt very refreshed.

"Looking for death!" The black mace commander flew over in anger, and was about to attack Meng Tianchen.

However, the gray-robed old man came to Meng Tianchen in a flash, watching the wordless slowly dissipate with a look of horror.

"You? Who are you?"

Meng Tianchen gently patted Zhuge Yun who was frightened in his arms, knowing that the terrifying guy in front of him must be the boss of the inner court, so he had a panoramic view of the other's expression.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, I saw this old guy recognized Wu characters! That old and immortal Demon Lord Wuhen looks awesome!"

Forcing himself to be calm, Meng Tianchen pretended to be very disdainful and said: "Who cares about your business? Who the hell are you?"

mad!I've never seen anything crazier than this.

The black mace commander who was stagnant in the air almost fell down in fright. Who is the old man in gray robe?That is the elder of the inner courtyard, an extremely terrifying existence.

Similarly, several deacons at the VIP table, including Deacon Duan, almost fainted from fright!This kid simply doesn't know how to write the word "death", not only killed Elder Ling's grandson, but also dared to be arrogant.

The gray-robed old man with the shamanic power in his body held back forcibly, so he didn't continue to attack, and shouted with a ferocious face: "Little brat, who are you? How can there be no characters?"

Meng Tianchen was terrified, he could clearly perceive the terrifying power of the opponent, if he was not careful, he would really die.

"You're not dead. It's enjoyable to watch, isn't it? I've been bullied!" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen, who didn't care about so much, let out a yell.

The gray-robed old man put too much pressure on Meng Tianchen, even if there were two more chances without characters, Meng Tianchen was not sure if he could survive the opponent's fury.

For no reason, Meng Tianchen felt a sharp pain in his buttocks, his body flew up involuntarily, and smashed hard on the battle platform far away.

Moreover, Meng Tianchen, who was lying on his back on the ground, felt the huge thing in front of Zhuge Yun's chest hit hard on his chest, bounced up, and hit again.

Zhuge Yun spat out another mouthful of blood.

This mouthful of fiery blood was spraying on Meng Tianchen's face.

Meng Tianchen didn't care so much, he urged out no characters at the first time, and cursed loudly: "That goddamn sneak attack on me!"

A figure appeared, covered in black mist, making the face invisible.

Seeing this person, Meng Tianchen's previous anger dissipated immediately, and said softly: "Master, that old bastard bullied me!"

"Master?" The gray-robed old man fainted. The black figure that appeared on the platform was unknown to others, but he knew it well.Demon Lord, among the three major Demon Lords, the most mysterious one.

"I've met Lord Demon Lord!" I was taken aback for a moment, the gray-robed old man dared not be negligent, kneeling on the ground, his body slightly steep.He fully understood that the one who killed his grandson turned out to be the disciple of the demon lord, no wonder he was so confident and had the wordless protection.

At the VIP table, a group of deacons were dumbfounded, and they knelt down to see it as if their hearts were turbulent.

The Wuhen Demon Lord has always been the most mysterious person in the inner courtyard.It is said that even the three young demon lords wanted to worship him as their teacher, but they were all rejected, and the other two demon lords were not considered at all.

You know, the Bone Demon Lord and Qianshan Demon Lord are the ancestors of the Black Demon Clan, and the three Young Demon Lords are the future of the Black Demon Clan. You can see its strength.

Never expected that Demon Lord Wuhen already had an apprentice.

"Little bastard, you can make a fuss!" The voice of the Wuhen Demon Lord was unpredictable, as if it came from outside the sky.

Hearing this, Meng Tianchen was determined, but Zhuge Yun in his arms fainted, fainted from fright.

The black tower on the third battle platform was dumbfounded, and Zhuge Bao in the crowd of onlookers in the square below was dumbfounded.

"Master, didn't you teach this! Don't be cowardly at any time!" Meng Tianchen spoke plausibly, with a confident look.

The grey-robed old man kneeling on the ground hated him so much, he wished he could crush Meng Tianchen's bones.

Tolerate!I can only bear it!The Wuhen Demon Lord is not something he can provoke, so he can only go back to the inner courtyard.

"Ling Shui!" Demon Lord Wuhen's voice was very cold.

The old man in gray robe who was kneeling on the ground was startled and quickly replied. "Master Demon Lord!"

"I'm here to pick up the apprentices who have experienced in the bloody battle valley. What's the matter with your little brat from the Ling family? You will die!" The voice of the Wuhen Demon Lord was without a trace of emotional fluctuations, indifferent, extremely indifferent.

"Awesome!" With his eyes wide open, Meng Tianchen stared at the Wuhen Demon Lord, and exclaimed: "Ri-you bang bang bang, this old bastard really knows how to pretend, when will I be able to go to his place?" kind of boundary."

In fact, how did Demon Lord Wuhen know that Ling Shui wanted his grandson to win the championship in one fell swoop in this competition and be appreciated by Demon Lord Wuhen.

"Master Demon Lord, I am so confused! Please punish me!" Only then did Ling Shui understand that the so-called Dragon Sealing Contest was just a scene where Demon Lord Wuhen wanted to take back his disciple.

However, what Ling Shui didn't know was that this was just the nonsense of the Wuhen Demon Lord, and it was all nonsense to bring back the disciples.

"Little bastard, the brat of the Ling family is an elite on the blood list! He died at your hands. Although his cultivation level is not as good as that, I still want to punish you! What should I do to punish you?" meditation.

Ling Shui, who was kneeling on the ground, felt humiliated, deeply humiliated.

Meng Tianchen looked at Demon Lord Wuhen with a nympho, and thought to himself: "Nimma, this guy is really awesome, blatantly protecting his weaknesses, I am a good cheap master!"

"Little bastard, I will punish you to enter the Blood Barren Realm for [-] days!" The Demon Lord Wuhen seemed to have made a major decision.

However, these words fell into Ling Shui's ears, and he almost fainted out of breath.

Blood Desolation is a reward for the top [-] elites in the blood list, and they can only enter once every three years. Although there are some dangers in it, opportunities coexist, and some ancient treasures are often unearthed.

"Master! One hundred days is too long!" Meng Tianchen looked aggrieved.

As soon as these words came out, the Wuhen Demon Lord almost beat Meng Tianchen violently.

Ling Shui's face was scorched black, and his heart was bleeding.

Meng Tianchen didn't know what blood barren land was, he thought it was a prison!To be able to experience a hundred days in the blood barren land, only the three young demon masters have this authority, and only once in three years.

"Just one hundred days, come out one day earlier, I will break your leg!" Demon Lord Wuhen said firmly.

At the VIP table, several deacons were dumbfounded and howled in their hearts!Is this fucking a punishment?Reward, a big reward!

Meng Tianchen glared at Demon Lord Wuhen angrily, and muttered in a low voice: "I'm so old, you're ruthless!"

The Demon Lord Wuhen who heard these words clearly couldn't hold back, and jumped up violently.

After a while, Wuhen Demon Lord shouted in a cold voice: "Ling Shui, let's make the decision! The top ten will enter the inner courtyard!"

After finishing speaking, the Wuhen Demon Lord stared coldly at Marshal Hei Ke, and said with a strange smile: "Hei Ke, my apprentice has been taken care of by you for many years, and the fog in the Bloody Battle Valley will dissipate soon, let's get ready for battle!" !hey-hey…"

Marshal Black Mace, who almost fainted from fright, heard a hint of something bad in Wuhen Demon Lord's words.He wished he could slap himself angrily, how did he know that this kid was the apprentice of Lord Demon Lord!

"Obey!" The commander-in-chief, who finally calmed down, responded repeatedly, his words trembling.

Immediately afterwards, the Wuhen Demon Lord disappeared, disappearing on the battle platform out of thin air.

Meng Tianchen was stunned for a moment and found that he came to another place strangely, a dark stone room, a closed stone room with no exit.

However, the vitality in the stone room is very strong, not much worse than the space of the stone tablet.

"Wuhen Pagoda?" Meng Tianchen, suddenly enlightened, glanced at Zhuge Yun in his arms, still in a coma.

"Master! Where are we going?" Meng Tianchen cried out anxiously.

"Your trouble is not small this time!" came the voice of Wuhen Demon Lord from the stone room, with a sense of gloating.

"Master, could it be that the kid I killed was awesome?" Meng Tianchen's heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, that brat from the Ling family is so talented that he's going to die! However, he has two cousins ​​and a cousin! His talent is not bad! He's much stronger than the chick in your arms. Although he doesn't Dare to kill you, it's easy to abolish you!" Demon Lord Wuhen spoke lightly, as if Meng Tianchen's life and death had nothing to do with him.

"Master, then you have to protect me!" Meng Tianchen felt terrified when he thought of the black-armored boy, but he didn't expect to provoke three more powerful characters.

"I can't protect you! Hehe, there are rules in the inner court, we cannot intervene in challenges between juniors!"

Meng Tianchen's face turned dark, and he shouted: "Master, who are those three scumbags? What kind of cultivation are they?"

"Two of them are the grandsons of the Bone Demon, and the little girl is the granddaughter of Qianshan, and she is the three Young Demon Lords! They have all reached the peak of the Fourth Layer of the Sanctuary! And..."

"Ah?" Without waiting for the Wuhen Demon Lord to finish speaking, Meng Tianchen screamed and begged for mercy: "Master, can we not go to the inner courtyard!"

Meng Tianchen panicked when he heard that it was the three young demon masters.

"Hmph! See how promising you are, kid? Wasn't it very cool when you killed someone just now?" Demon Lord Wuhen was furious.

"Master, isn't that for saving people!" Meng Tianchen suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Master, where are my brothers Heita and my brother-in-law?"

"Those two bastards are in another stone room!"

Meng Tianchen was complaining endlessly, he thought that he would be able to become an immortal apprentice, but he did not expect to fall into a dangerous vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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