Chapter 122 Shura King Code
Mutated Wudan, obviously, this is a mutated Wudan.

Others may not know, but as the old and immortal Wuhen Demon Lord, of course he knows what Mutated Martial Alchemy means, and he almost lost his mind.

"Damn it, the little bastard is so lucky! Wudan is actually mutated? How is it possible?"

Although he inherited some information from Panhuang, Meng Tianchen only knew that his black seedling Wudan was mutated.However, I don't know what is so special about the Mutated Martial Alchemy.

"Master! The last time I advanced to the Sanctuary, the Wudan became like this inexplicably! Is there any benefit to this thing?" Meng Tianchen asked humbly.

"Hey!" With a short sigh, Wuhen Demon Lord controlled the energy of Heiyunguo, pushed towards Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness, and said with great envy: "You kid is really lucky, Wudan is mutated! That's mutated!" !"

"Immortal, tell me!" Meng Tianchen was in a hurry.

"You?" Demon Lord Wuhen was angry, and after restraining himself for a while, he sighed: "Why are I so angry with this kid, his mother is a bastard, a ghostly little bastard!"

"Bastard, there is another name for mutated martial arts, that is, quasi-martial sect! But any mutated martial arts, at the peak of the Nine-Layer Sanctuary, has a high chance of forming a prototype martial world. Even if it does not form a prototype martial world, it can Easily break through to the realm of Wuzong. And..."

"Damn it! I thought there was something magical about the Mutated Martial Alchemy! So it's just like this!" Meng Tianchen, who heard this patiently, couldn't help but interrupt.Just kidding, he has already formed a rudimentary Wujie, and it is only a matter of time before he breaks through to Wuzong, there is no bottleneck at all.

"You bastard, you know what shit!" Demon Lord Wuhen scolded loudly.

"Bastard, do you know what is the strongest part of Mutated Wudan?"

"Immortal! Could it be that there are other secrets to the Mutated Martial Alchemy?" Meng Tianchen understood it, and was extremely curious.

It's so good that I can't die, at this time, Demon Lord Wuhen didn't say a word, just stopped talking.

"Master! Please, speak up!" Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to speak.

"Huh!" With a snort, the Wuhen Demon Lord felt a little defeated, and said angrily: "The most powerful part of the Mutated Martial Alchemy is that it has a great chance to mutate the Martial World! Mutated Martial World, do you know what it means? What are you looking for? Brat!"

"I don't know!" How did Meng Tianchen know this? This is the first time he has heard of the mutant martial world. From the tone of Wuhen Demon Lord, it is not difficult to see that the mutant martial world seems to be very powerful.

"I won't tell you now! Let's talk about it after you reach the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Sanctuary and successfully form the Wujie Martial Realm!" The Wuhen Demon Lord was very terrified, and it was very refreshing to see Meng Tianchen deflated.

"I..." Meng Tianchen almost said that he had formed a prototype martial world, his heart was beating wildly, and he asked anxiously: "Maomao, do you know about the mutant martial world?"

"Aba! There is no mutant martial world in my inheritance memory! Why don't you talk about this old man, I want to know too!" The little broken bird Mao Mao was also very curious.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, looking at the old and immortal appearance, it seems that the mutant martial world is very powerful! Is my current prototype martial world mutated?" Meng Tianchen was very entangled.

"Hey..." The Wuhen Demon Lord, who laughed strangely, had such an expression, not to mention how much he deserved a beating.

"Ah?" Suddenly, there was a sudden change, and Wuhen Demon Lord screamed, and quickly withdrew the Yuanli and Yuanconsciousness in Meng Tianchen's body, with a look of horror.

Just now, Demon Lord Wuhen successfully drove the energy of Heiyunguo into Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.By accident, he wanted to check Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness, but suddenly felt a terrifying force that nearly crushed his primordial consciousness.

Almost at the same time, Meng Tianchen discovered that the sea of ​​consciousness was shaking, and the energy of Heiyunguo entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and was quickly swallowed by the small black ball, and a terrifying black light burst out.

Yuan Consciousness was attacked, and Wuhen Demon Lord was lucky to take it back in time, otherwise it would be hard to say that he would be severely injured.He could clearly feel that terrifying power and might, it was a black light, an extremely terrifying attack from primordial consciousness.

"Ghost day, what kind of power is that? Fortunately, I didn't chase it out, otherwise I will lose face today!" Demon Lord Wuhen looked at Meng Tianchen in surprise, as if he didn't know him.

"Boy, is there any soul defense sacred weapon in your sea of ​​knowledge?"

"Holy Artifact? What Holy Artifact?" Meng Tianchen was even more surprised. After the black ball devoured the energy of the Black Cloud Fruit, he felt a sense of peace of mind, which was extremely refreshing.

"Damn it, I'm confused, how could this bastard know the holy artifact? It's strange, what is in that kid's sea of ​​consciousness? It's too scary!" Demon Lord Wuhen was so confused.

"Ghost day's must be the soul defense sacred weapon, absolutely. I think it's not wrong, otherwise how could it have such a terrifying power?" The expression of the Wuhen Demon Lord at this moment is fluctuating.

"Master, tell me, what happened earlier? What is a soul defense artifact?" Meng Tianchen was in a hurry.

"This kid is not simple, he has a secret."

The Wuhen Demon Lord made up his mind and sighed: "Bastard, I don't bother to ask about the secrets on you. Anyway, you are my apprentice! Since your sea of ​​consciousness has a guardian artifact, I don't worry! What is it? Consciousness attack, soul attack, in front of the soul defense sacred weapon, are all jokes!"

After saying something inexplicably, Demon Lord Wuhen laughed wildly, ignored Meng Tianchen who was stunned, and disappeared, strangely.

"This old man!" Meng Tianchen, who babbled, understood somewhat. The black ball in the sea of ​​consciousness seems to be very extraordinary. According to Wuhen Demon Lord, it should be unafraid of all consciousness attacks or soul attacks.

The little broken bird Mao Mao who was also puzzled had no idea what happened.

After thinking over and over again, Meng Tianchen, who was puzzled by many, had no choice but to calm down and start to practice.

After entering the state of meditation, Meng Tianchen was overjoyed, and obviously felt the magic of this place, especially the comprehension of the dark energy, and the understanding of the profound meaning of the dark energy; it was very helpful.

"Damn it, it seems that if you want to comprehend Xiaocheng from the death secret, it is impossible in a short time! Let's see if there is a chance to comprehend a dark vitality ordinary secret!"

However, Meng Tianchen still discovered some mysteries. The dark vitality permeating this unremarkable courtyard is very strange, and it actually contains a hint of dark vitality profound meaning, but he doesn't know which kind it is.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, could it be that Lao Tzu has fused the energy of Heiyunguo to improve his comprehension?" When he was surprised, Meng Tianchen remembered a sentence from Demon Lord Wuhen.

"I know, this is the place where Lao Busi cultivates. He must have arranged some magical methods that I can't detect!"

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen exclaimed excitedly: "Maomao, this is a good place! It seems to be conducive to comprehending the profound secrets of darkness, so come out and practice!"

"What?" The little broken bird Mao Mao excitedly said with a scream: "Aba, quickly, quickly call me out."

The little broken bird Mao Mao, who just appeared on Meng Tianchen's shoulder, sensed it for the first time, and suddenly screamed: "Aba, really, there is a martial realm hidden here, a dark martial realm!"

"Martial Realm? Dark Martial Realm?" Meng Tianchen suddenly felt curious, and asked urgently: "Maomao, what is Martial Realm? Dark Martial Realm!"

"Aba! Martial realm is the power that can only be controlled by the strong Wuzong, and I only passed on the information of the strong Wuzong a few days ago."

"Ah?" The amazed Meng Tianchen suddenly thought of something, and shouted in fear: "Nimma, what? Could it be that the old man is a strong Wuzong? How is it possible?"

"No! Abba, that old ghost is definitely not a strong man of the Wu Zong! The words and even the actions of the strong Wu Zong coincide with the general trend of the world and integrate into the vitality of the world. He is obviously not." The little broken bird Mao Mao is very sure.

"No!" Meng Tianchen shook his head, and murmured: "This is the place where Lao Bushi usually cultivates. Could it be that he arranged these dark martial realms that are hidden so deeply?"

The little broken bird Mao Mao also found it strange, and said in confusion: "Aba, I always feel that the old man is very strange. It is absolutely impossible for a strong man in the sanctuary to be able to arrange a martial environment."

Faintly, the little broken bird Mao Mao thought of a possibility, but didn't say it out loud.

Meng Tianchen sighed lowly: "Never mind him! Immortals are always weird, there is such a good place, let's just practice."

What Meng Tianchen didn't know was that the Demon Lord Wuhen was in the underground of the small courtyard at this moment, the underground secret room!
Completely changed into a different person, Wuhen Demon Lord's eyes were sharp, and the strange black mist covering his body disappeared.

"The strength of the little bastard is too low! What path should I choose for him?" In the expression of the muttering Wuhen Demon Lord, there was some hesitation, obviously unable to make up his mind.

"Kill? Kill Dao! Look, there is a deep tyranny hidden in that kid's bones, it should be the inheritance of his dark blood! Do you want him to cultivate the Dao of Killing? That is a road of no return!" Wuhen murmured The demon master, with deep eyes, shone with a dangerous luster.

After a while, it seemed that a decision had been made, and the Demon Lord Wuhen became imposing and murderous, like an ancient god of killing, and said wildly: "Forget it! When that kid enters the Blood Desolation Realm, I will go and get Shura back." Wang Dian!"

Unaware that there is a hidden secret room deep in the ground below him, Meng Tianchen fell into a mysterious mood.

The whole person seems to have come to an extremely desolate world. There is no trace of life here, lifeless, without heaven and earth, and there is only a strange aura, a withered aura.

Meng Tianchen, who was immersed in the mysterious artistic conception, did not know that time was passing by rapidly, and he eagerly comprehended that ethereal withered aura.

As for the distant Fenglong Fortress, the competition has long since ended.

What is ironic is that the top ten are all from the inner courtyard.In other words, in fact, in this Dragon Sealing Contest, except for Meng Tianchen and others, no one could successfully enter the inner courtyard.

What's even more strange is that the mysterious gray fog in the bloody battle valley is fading away. Of course, the commander of the black mace remembers the words of the Wuhen Demon Lord and prepares for the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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