Chapter 123 Gu Long
However, the 170th District Ninth District caused the black mace commander an incomparable headache.That was under the command of the former leader of Fengsha.

Reluctantly, Marshal Black Mace moved out all the battalions in the 170th District Ninth District, leaving a commanding hall empty.Of course, there are also three thousand guards led by Fengsha.

Marshal Black Mace had no intention of mobilizing Zhuge Yun's three thousand guards and letting them practice.Just kidding, that's Zhuge Yun's direct subordinate, who is Zhuge Yun?She is the woman of Wuhen Demon Lord's apprentice.

All of a sudden, the three thousand guards led by Fengsha were at ease, no one cared about them at all, and no one dared to take care of them.

The more Meng Tianchen was immersed in the perception, the more miraculous he felt. In this mysterious dark martial environment, it was so cool to comprehend the dark mysteries.

Perhaps because of the fusion of Heiyunguo's energy, Meng Tianchen felt that his perception had improved significantly compared to before.

Three months, just three months, Meng Tianchen realized a trace of the mystery of withering profound meaning.

Seeing Meng Tianchen with a strange expression on his face, waking up from his cultivation, the little broken bird Mao Mao excitedly shouted: "Aba! I have already cultivated the Fading Uprights to Xiaocheng! You can't even reach Xiaocheng, right? "

Meng Tianchen, who was still extremely excited at first, turned dark, and cursed secretly: "Compared to this little broken bird, I am a cripple! What a fool, I can't even compare to a little broken bird. What kind of genius is I?"

"Bad, almost! My withering mystery is almost complete!" Just as the words came out, Meng Tianchen felt blushing.

What Meng Tianchen didn't know was that outside the palace wall where Zhuge Yun and others practiced, there were some young people wandering around from time to time, each of them was very angry, and some were even shouting loudly.

"Sister, I'll go out and teach those who don't know how to live or die!" After entering the inner courtyard, Zhuge Bao suddenly felt superior.

"Yes! Governor, those annoying guys scolded too badly!" Even Heita couldn't help it.

"Heita, I've said it all, don't call me Governor in the future!" Zhuge Yun is not Heita and Zhuge Bao, and he knows that the horror of those guys outside is definitely aimed at Meng Tianchen.

During this period of time, Zhuge Yun had a basic understanding of the inner court.In fact, the entire inner courtyard consisted of two families, the two largest families of the Dark Demon Clan.

One is from the Duan family and the other is from the Ling family.The Qianshan Demon Lord who broke his family and the Bone Demon Lord of the Ling family are the true core of the Black Demon Clan.

The Wuhen Demon Lord, in the final analysis, is a guest Demon Lord and doesn't care about anything.

In the Dragon Sealing Contest, the black-armored boy Meng Tianchen killed in order to save Zhuge Yun was the leader of the younger generation of the Ling family, second only to the three young demon lords in status or status.

Of course, these people who came to provoke trouble must be instructed by someone behind them, otherwise, with their courage, they would not dare to mess around with Wuhen Demon Lord.

"Hey! You are all at the entrance of the main hall!" After three months of training, Meng Tianchen couldn't wait to take a look.

"Little Tianchen, come in!" As if thinking of something, Zhuge Yun eagerly wanted Ramen Tianchen to enter the hall.

"Hey! Is this girl a little impatient?" For a moment, Meng Tianchen's saliva almost flowed down.

However, Meng Tianchen suddenly heard a noise coming from far away, which seemed to be outside the palace wall.

"What's so lively?" Meng Tianchen made a gesture to go over and have a look.

"Little Tianchen, it's none of our business! Come in quickly, my sister has something to see you!" Zhuge Yun, who knew Meng Tianchen's nature well, dragged this guy into the hall, and didn't even shy away from Xiaobao and Heita next to him. It was so tall that it stuck tightly to Meng Tianchen's arm.

Immediately, Meng Tianchen could only feel the turmoil of Qi and blood, he didn't care about the affairs outside the palace wall, and his arms bumped without a trace, that was a great feeling.

"Hey, this girl wants a man!" Meng Tianchen thought narcissistically: "Damn, I'm really so charming?"

Pulling Meng Tianchen into the hall, Zhuge Yun was really curious, and hurriedly asked: "Little Tianchen, how could you be the disciple of Demon Lord Wuhen? I didn't hear you say it before, since you have such a status, why did you enter the outer courtyard?" ?”

Similarly, Zhuge Bao and Heita also had doubts on their faces.

"Would you believe me if I said that I was accepted as an apprentice by that old immortal in Wuhen Pagoda?" Meng Tianchen could only tell the truth.

Zhuge Yun and the three shook their heads one after another.

"Brother! I remember that Lord Demon Lord said in Fenglong Fortress that he went to Fenglong Fortress to pick you up specially!" Heita remembered the words of Demon Lord Wuhen back then.

"That old bastard is talking nonsense!"

The three of Zhuge Yun obviously didn't believe it, and they all thought that Meng Tianchen was hiding something.

"Damn it! It's all that old man." Looking at the weird expressions of the three, Meng Tianchen couldn't help but cursed secretly.

"By the way, Xiaoyun, Black Tower! Refining these two Black Cloud Fruits if you have time! It's amazing." Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to take out two Black Cloud Fruits and change the subject.


"Hei! Heiyunguo?"

In an instant, Zhuge Yun and Heita were stunned, and Xiaobao was even more stunned.

Just kidding, what is Heiyunguo?

"Small, little Tianchen! Why do you have Heiyunguo?" Even though Zhuge Yun had seen a lot of worlds, he was also shocked at this moment.

On the other hand, Heita, who took a black cloud fruit, didn't know how to be polite at all, and said with a simple smile: "Brother, thank you!"

"Master, no, brother-in-law, where's mine?" Xiaobao was so greedy that even the champion of the Dragon Sealing Contest would only be rewarded with one black cloud fruit.

"You? Let's talk about yours later! The minimum requirement for refining Heiyunguo is the sanctuary!" Meng Tianchen had no choice but to give him four.

"Ah!" With a scream, Xiaobao almost fainted, and he didn't have his share.

After a while, Meng Tianchen managed to enter Zhuge Yun's room, just when he held Mei Niu in his arms, and was about to do something carefree, a voice pierced into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Little bastard, come here!"

Seeing Zhuge Yun who was shy and shy, Meng Tianchen almost didn't yell at him.

However, thinking of the extremely severe voice of the Wuhen Demon Lord, which seemed to be something important, he gritted his teeth and said slowly: "Xiao Yun, the old man is looking for me, wait for me, I will be right back!"

After finishing speaking, Meng Tianchen took a hard look, and the pair of towering figures on Zhuge Yun's chest walked away unwillingly.

"Don't you die? Are you kidding me?" Meng Tianchen, who was eager to return to the courtyard, couldn't help cursing because he couldn't see the shadow of Demon Lord Wuhen.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen found a black mist suddenly appeared around him, covering him, and he came to another place in an instant.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, this old man always likes to make it so mysterious?" In the blink of an eye, Meng Tianchen found that he had already entered the Wuhen Pagoda.

"Little bastard, that chick's talent is too poor, and she will only become a burden to you in the future!" The Wuhen Demon Lord who suddenly appeared in front of Meng Tianchen had a bad tone.

"Old bastard, you are too strict! She is my woman, and I have taken a fancy to her! Isn't that enough?"

The Wuhen Demon Lord, who was too lazy to entangle with this question, said sharply: "You bastard, don't say I didn't remind you, you will know in the future! Hmph!"

"You old man, that's why you called me here because of feelings?" Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen became angry.

"I can't be bothered to take care of your crap!" Demon Lord Wuhen really wanted to beat up the brat, but finally held back and shouted angrily, "Little bastard, show me your transformation."

"Transformation?" Meng Tianchen murmured, wondering why this old ghost was going crazy.

With a thought, Meng Tianchen performed transformation.

It is a thousand meters long and extremely ferocious.

The Wuhen Demon Lord, who jumped up from the body, froze in mid-air, dumbfounded.

"This? How is this possible? No! Impossible..."

Looking up, Meng Tianchen raised his ferocious and huge dragon head, looked at the terrified Wuhen Demon Lord, and wondered: "Could it be that the old man knows Lao Tzu's transformation?"

"Canglong? No! This is not the Canglong family! This kind of breath is too weird!" Wuhen Demon Lord tried his best to recall.

"That's right, it's definitely the breath of the ancient dragon. Which family of the ancient dragon does it belong to?"

"Boy! From now on, until the last moment of life and death, you must not perform transformation! Do you know?" Suddenly, the Wuhen Demon Lord changed, and his body was filled with an extremely terrifying aura, so frightened that Meng Tianchen dared not move.

"Old, immortal, can you take back the coercion!" Meng Tianchen was really a little scared.

The Wuhen Demon Lord, who just remembered, hurriedly put away his coercion, and said extremely sternly: "Little bastard, if you don't want to die early, remember what I said, at least until you are strong enough, don't use transformation!" body."

"Why?" Meng Tianchen was very puzzled. Transformation is his real strength, especially the trump card, Spirit Whip, which requires transformation to use.

"If my guess is right, the dark blood on your body should come from the most mysterious ancient dragon. This is for sure, but I still can't figure out which family of ancient dragons it is?" The Wuhen Demon Lord was so shocked, he tried his best to calm down Xin Xin said quite rejoicingly: "Fortunately, I found out early, otherwise I would be in trouble! Boy, let some old perverts know, you will die ugly, and extract a little bit of the ancient dragon's blood that has just awakened from you."

"Ah?" Now, Meng Tianchen was frightened, and his expression changed drastically.

"Master, is it really that scary?" This time, Meng Tianchen didn't dare to call him immortal anymore.

"Hey, actually, I am also very tempted, but it depends on whether you will listen to me or not in the future!" The voice of Wuhen Demon Lord was extremely cold, as if it came from Jiuyou.

"Escape!" This was Meng Tianchen's first thought, and he almost didn't hide in the space of the stele.

However, after thinking about it, Meng Tianchen thought in surprise: "Since the old man said it, he would definitely not do it. Damn it, the dark blood in my body is really the blood of an ancient dragon? How is it possible? Just the old drunkard, and the blood of the ancient dragon?" Can pass on such a terrifying bloodline to Lao Tzu?"

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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