Chapter 135 Despair
In a small empire like the Black Demon Empire, Duan Yuhuan thought that it was impossible for anyone to match her.Even the brothers of the Ling family are not qualified.

After a short exchange, Meng Tianchen had a clear understanding of this chick's temperament.

Although he really wanted to teach the proud chick a lesson, but it was important to find out Lan Xiaorou and the others.

Resisting it all his life, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to admit his cowardice.

"Miss Xiaohuan! You are so pretty!"

Just finished speaking, Meng Tianchen himself thought it was fake, the other party's head was covered with a black veil, so he couldn't see it at all, God knows what he looks like.

"Hmph! I want you to tell me!" Duan Yuhuan was extremely proud.

Secretly, Meng Tianchen was thinking about how to find Lan Xiaorou and the others in front of the other party, and immediately changed the subject and asked: "Sister Xiaohuan, I heard about the Linhe Grand Competition from the master or Lord Demon Master, what exactly is going on? "

Seeing Meng Tianchen's flattering look, Duan Yuhuan was very helpful.Proudly said: "The Linhe Grand Competition is the first time since Wu Yue broke the boundary, and it is the stage for all geniuses under the age of 50 in our entire Linhe region to compete. It is related to the division of resources between our big and small forces. I don't understand, you bastard!"

Being despised once for no reason, Meng Tianchen almost didn't curse out loud.

"Sister Xiaohuan, you came here to pick slaves too?" Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to suppress his anger.

"Idiot! What else can you do in the black prison if you don't choose slaves?"

Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.

"Ahba, this question is really idiotic!" Even the little broken bird Mao Mao felt the same way.

Meng Tianchen, who was very resentful, just pretended to curry favor with Duan Yuhuan, his teeth itching with hatred.

How could he know that Duan Yuhuan didn't shake Meng Tianchen at all, and walked towards the innermost stone wall.

"It's troublesome!" Meng Tianchen muttered that he didn't even finish exploring the stone wall cave on the right, let alone the innermost stone wall.

"Sister Xiaohuan, wait! Can we discuss it!" Meng Tianchen was anxious.

"Say!" Duan Yuhuan stopped despite his reluctance.

"Can you wait for me to choose before you choose!" After finishing speaking, Meng Tianchen felt that this sentence was inappropriate.

Sure enough, Duan Yuhuan said in a cold voice: "Turtle, it's not too bad for you to pick after your aunt finishes picking."

Duan Yuhuan simply ignored Meng Tianchen who was stunned, and walked towards the innermost stone wall.

"Damn chick, sooner or later I will ride you first and then kill you!"

In desperation, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to speed up to check the unchecked cave on the right stone wall.

As everyone knows, after entering the cave, Meng Tianchen saw a familiar figure.

"Bronze giant!" With a cry of alarm, Meng Tianchen ran away.

After waking up, Tong Ju was dumbfounded as if he didn't know Meng Tianchen after seeing Meng Tianchen.

"Copper giant!"

"My lord!" Surprised, the extremely excited Tong Ju knelt on the ground, crying loudly, with tears streaming down his eyes.

Meng Tianchen, who was also very excited, lifted the copper giant and said in a trembling voice: "Okay, okay! It's good to be alive!"

"My lord, why did you come here?" The excited copper giant immediately thought of something, and was terrified.

"Aba, hurry up! We still have to find someone else!" In the space of the stele, Mao Mao, a very calm little bird, reminded immediately.

"Bronze giant, I'll talk about it later, you enter my element space first!" Although he had a lot to say, Meng Tianchen immediately put the copper giant with many questions into the stele space.

Run out of the cave and continue to investigate.

I don't know if it was luck or something, Meng Tianchen found Lei Jiansheng and Mo Qi again and again.

However, after checking the stone wall on the right, Lan Xiaorou and the others were stunned.

In a hurry, Meng Tianchen is in a hurry.

Only the innermost stone wall remains.

While praying, Meng Tianchen searched quickly.

However, when Meng Tianchen came out of a cave, he was dumbfounded.

He saw that Duan Yuhuan had selected three people, and among them, there was one he was familiar with.

How could he care so much, Meng Tianchen who flew down stood in front of Duan Yuhuan.

"Ah!" Similarly, after seeing Meng Tianchen, Feng Shuangshuang screamed out.

As a last resort, Meng Tianchen winked at Feng Shuangshuang, and kept shaking his head.

"Turtle, get out of here! Don't stand in front of my aunt!" Duan Yuhuan didn't like Meng Tianchen in the first place, so he didn't remember that the Bone Demon Lord told him to take care of him.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Tianchen deeply suppressed his excitement.

Who is Feng Shuangshuang?This is his mother-in-law, once Duan Yuhuan takes her out to explore unknown areas, there is no life left.

"Sister Xiaohuan, I've taken a fancy to this woman, she's very tasty! Yes, she's very tasty!" Meng Tianchen pointed at Feng Shuangshuang unscrupulously, looking like he was about to drool.

Duan Yuhuan, who was about to be furious, looked at Meng Tianchen in amazement after seeing Feng Shuangshuang, as if he didn't know him.

As far as Feng Shuangshuang is concerned, although she can be considered enchanting, she is still an old mistress.Duan Yuhuan never expected Meng Tianchen's taste to be so special.

This taste is heavy, not ordinary heavy.

From Duan Yuhuan's point of view, with Meng Tianchen's status, the entire Black Demon Empire is so vast, and there is no such thing as a woman he wants, just to put it bluntly, there are countless top-quality beauties in his arms.How could she have thought that Meng Tianchen would like such a thing.

"Hehe! Hehe..." For a moment, the black veil on the head of Duan Yuhuan, who was laughing like a fool, almost fell off.

"Here! Giggle..." Duan Yuhuan, who couldn't help laughing, ignored Meng Tianchen who had a black face, and led the other two slaves towards the exit of the valley.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Meng Tianchen was finally relieved, and gave Feng Shuangshuang, who was speechless with his mouth wide open, a reassuring look.

It wasn't until Duan Yuhuan came out of the valley that Meng Tianchen said: "Don't talk, enter my element space first."

In the space of the stele, the little broken bird, Mao Mao, leaned forward and backward with a smile, very happy.

Putting Feng Shuangshuang into the space of the stele, covered Tianchen with cold sweat.

Looking at the cave on the stone wall again, after entering a cave, Meng Tianchen saw another acquaintance.

However, he didn't intend to save this acquaintance!
"Hey, Prince, we are really destined!" Meng Tianchen smiled maliciously.

"help me!"

After seeing Meng Tianchen, it was as if a drowning man had found a life-saving straw, but the prince actually knelt down on the ground, begging.

"Aba! Leave him alone! Find someone!" the little broken bird Mao Mao urged.

Meng Tianchen roared angrily and launched an attack, he didn't intend to let the opponent go.A random punch shattered a huge hole in the opponent's chest.

With a scream, the prince didn't even have time to call for mercy.

After killing Prince Ran, Meng Tianchen continued to investigate.

As everyone knows, the moment Meng Tianchen turned around and left the cave, an extremely tiny blood-colored bone fragment fell from his body.

Moreover, this tiny blood-colored bone fragment changed quickly.

Becomes a tiny eye, a blood eye.It's hard to find if you don't look carefully.

The tiny blood eyes quickly flew into the prince's body and disappeared.

Meng Tianchen, who was searching repeatedly, saw an old figure again.

"This!" exclaimed excitedly.

"You? Who do you accept?"

Meng Tianchen was also dumbfounded, the person in front of him was almost exactly the same as Lan Xiaorou, and definitely had something to do with Xiaorou.

"You? What's your relationship with Lan Xiaorou!" Meng Tianchen vaguely guessed.

"Lan Xiaorou is my daughter, who are you?" Lan Tianba was very surprised.

"That's my father-in-law! Let's not talk nonsense, first enter my element space, and then talk about it after leaving the black prison!" Without any explanation, Meng Tianchen took the other party into the stone tablet space.

"I hope Xiaorou Feng is still alive!" Meng Tianchen felt a little guilty.

Fortunately, in the next cave, Meng Tianchen saw Feng Hanba.

"You're not dead, that's great! You're really not dead! I'm here to save you!" After seeing Feng Hanba, Meng Tianchen, who couldn't bear it any longer, rushed towards him with tears in his eyes.

After seeing Meng Tianchen, Feng Hanba was stunned.Moments later, he tremblingly said, "Little bastard, how did you get in here? Are you fucking dead?"

Although very excited, Feng Han Ba ​​knew the horror of the black prison.

"Old ghost, stop talking nonsense, first enter Lao Tzu's element space, and wait until you have something to say!" Without any explanation, Meng Tianchen took Feng old ghost into the stone tablet space.

For a moment, Meng Tianchen's heart was shaken, and his heart was ups and downs.

Ever since he left Qiushan Town, Fenghan Ba ​​had been protecting him, although it wasn't long.In Meng Tianchen's heart, Feng Hanba is his real master, even if his cultivation base is low.

As the number of unexplored caves decreased, Meng Tianchen became more and more uneasy. Lan Xiaorou had not been found yet!

It didn't take long until we entered the last cave, and it was empty.

Desperate, Meng Tianchen is desperate!
Involuntarily, Meng Tianchen showed a sad expression on his face, mixed with resentment.

"Aba! Don't worry, you come in and ask Xia Feng and the old ghosts!" Little Po Niao Mao Mao felt that Meng Tianchen's mind was unsteady, and he was also in a hurry.

Flashing into the stele space, Meng Tianchen summoned Feng Hanba, Lan Tianba and Feng Shuangshuang together, and asked impatiently, "Where is Xiaorou? Why can't I find Xiaorou?"

Before Feng Hanba recovered from the shock, he was stunned for a moment before he said: "Xiao Rou is not here? Wu Yue..."

Before Feng Hanba could continue talking, Meng Tianchen roared anxiously: "You old man, hurry up, tell me quickly, where is Xiaorou?"

"Little bastard! Don't worry!" He glanced at Lan Tianba and Feng Shuangshuang with some embarrassment, and Feng Hanba said: "Little bastard, before Wu Yue broke the boundary, Xiao Rou went out to travel, in fact, to escape However, the prince's forced marriage."

"Bastard!" The impatient Meng Tianchen felt a little relieved, at least he didn't hear the news of Lan Xiaorou's death.

"Little Tianchen, you! What is your cultivation level?" Fenghan asked in a low voice, clearly sensing the terrifying power of Meng Tianchen.

"It's nothing! Sanctuary of the third line, the sanctuary will be level two soon!"

"Ah!" With a cry of surprise, Feng Hanba passed out.

Similarly, Lan Tianba and Feng Shuangshuang were also dizzy.

Such a young Sanctuary powerhouse is simply unheard of.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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