Chapter 136 Ancient Flame Beast

If it was in the past, Meng Tianchen would still be terrified. At this moment, he was concerned about Lan Xiaorou, whose life and death were uncertain, so he was still in the mood, and then he flashed out of the space of the stone tablet.

Not long after, Feng Shuangshuang murmured: "It's still Rou'er who has vision. With such a terrifying talent, God knows what level it will grow to."

After being amazed, Feng Han said frantically: "Hey, you don't even look at whose apprentice he is!"

Lan Tianba said disdainfully: "That's also higher than your cultivation level!"

"Hmph!" Feng Hanba didn't take it seriously.

Afterwards, Meng Tianchen randomly selected three slaves and left the black prison.

Holding the token of the Young Demon Lord, every time you enter the black prison, you can choose three slaves to explore the dangerous area.

The distraught Meng Tianchen had just left the black prison, and unexpectedly found Duan Yuhuan with two slaves at the door.

After seeing Meng Tianchen, Duan Yuhuan was very curious, and asked coldly: "Tubie, where is the female slave you snatched from me?"

"Fucked to death by Lao Tzu!" Meng Tianchen replied angrily.

Unexpectedly, Duan Yuhuan was terrified, seemingly thinking of some horrible scene, and fled away with two slaves.

Meng Tianchen was in a bad mood, and Lan Xiaorou's life and death were uncertain, so he didn't have any thought to explore some unknown area.

"Aba, Lan Xiaorou will definitely escape the bad luck, so don't worry about it!" Helplessly, the little broken bird Mao Mao comforted her in a low voice.

Randomly came to a hidden cliff, Meng Tianchen ordered the three slaves not to run around, and dodged into the stele space by himself.

After arranging for the three of Lei Jiansheng to practice, Meng Tianchen chatted with Feng Hanba and Xiaorou's parents for a long time, and after learning that Xiaorou was carrying the mysterious treasure of the Lan family, his restless mind became a little calmer.

"Aba, those three slaves have escaped!" the little broken bird Mao Mao, who had seen the situation outside, kept yelling anxiously.

"Let them go! It's a death anyway!" Meng Tianchen was not in high spirits and had no intention of cultivating.

After dividing Lei Jiansheng and others into a small area, Meng Tianchen fell into deep thought.

The hatred for the Dark Demons grew irresistibly.

Meng Tianchen even had an idea to secretly kill Duan Yuhuan who was still wandering around in the first area.

"Damn the Black Demon Clan, damn Semp!" Meng Tianchen hated his teeth so much that he only hated that his cultivation base was too low, so he couldn't take revenge as soon as possible.

Seemingly guessing what Meng Tianchen was thinking, the little broken bird Mao Mao comforted in a low voice: "Aba, our current strength is not enough to fight against the black demons, we must endure!"

Yes, bear!
With a flash of light in his eyes, Meng Tianchen restrained his endless murderous intent, and his whole body suddenly became strange, even the killing imprint on the black seedling Wudan slowly fell silent.

After calming down, Meng Tianchen felt that he should improve his strength as soon as possible.

For all warriors, primordial consciousness is the most difficult to improve, in Meng Tianchen's view, there is no need to worry at all.Every time he uses the magic biting knife to devour the opponent, he can improve his consciousness.

And there is no need to worry about the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the vitality in the space of the stele is so rich, only the comprehension of the profound meaning of the vitality is left.This was what caused Meng Tianchen the most headache.

Not to mention that his comprehension is not enough, it is enough to frighten heaven and man.Possessing the power of mind and soul that others cannot match, Meng Tianchen's comprehension ability can be called evildoer, eternal evildoer.

However, the training time is too short.

"Maomao, do you know what kind of power the Martial Realm mastered by the Martial Sect master is?" Involuntarily, Meng Tianchen recalled the miraculous feeling he had in the Martial Realm arranged by the Wuhen Demon Lord in the small withered courtyard.

"Aba! In my inheritance memory, it is only recorded that the Martial Realm is a kind of mysterious power, which is completely integrated into the Martial Realm of the Martial Ancestor. It is extremely powerful! Destroying the warriors of the Sanctuary is only in a blink of an eye!"

"Ah?" Meng Tianchen was very surprised, and yearned for that powerful state even more.

"Wu Zong! I will definitely become a strong Wu Zong!" But seeing Meng Tianchen, there was an invisible aura, similar to the coercion emanating from a super strong.

After calming down and thinking about it for a while, Meng Tianchen felt that he should advance to the second level of the sanctuary, cultivate the profound meaning of darkness and withering to the peak, and master the mystery of the transformation of dark energy into form.

"Ri-you bang dong bang, although Lao Tzu's wind, darkness, and earth elements have all comprehended their respective ultimate mysteries, but even Xiaocheng is difficult to achieve. The cultivation of the ultimate mysteries is too difficult, and you still have to comprehend the ultimate mysteries separately. .”

For the dark element, Meng Tianchen is no longer worried. It is estimated that within a short period of time, the Withering Mystery will reach the Dacheng state, and it will not be difficult to advance to the second level of the Sanctuary.

Nowadays, the talent of the wind element can also be called against the sky, as long as the simplest fast secret is cultivated to the peak, the wind element can also be promoted to the second level of the sanctuary as one wishes.

For a long time, the earth system, which is the fastest to cultivate, has fallen behind.The Profound Meaning of the Earth Element is so profound, let alone cultivated to a great level, I am afraid it will be very difficult to cultivate it to a small level.The only way is to comprehend another kind of earth-type mystery as soon as possible, otherwise you will be left behind.

As for the fire element, Meng Tianchen has a headache, the fire element has not been promoted to the sanctuary yet!

After sorting out the clues, Meng Tianchen could only shake his head, while lamenting the difficulty of the martial artist's cultivation path, he flashed out of the space of the stone tablet.

"Damn, it's no wonder that Wuhen old ghost doesn't let me practice combat skills. I don't know how much energy it will take just to comprehend the mysteries!"

Looking around, there was blood everywhere, and the three slaves didn't know where they were going.

Proceed carefully!
Even though it was an area that had already been explored, there must still be powerful desolate beasts, plus it was impossible to send out the primordial consciousness to check, Meng Tianchen was very careful.

"Aba, according to your guess, the real purpose of the first area is to imprison the Blood Emperor Sankong. There must be other magical things. God knows what is left behind after the death of such a terrifying Wujie. It's hard to say. There will be spiritual things in heaven and earth." Thinking of his own innate power, Mao Mao immediately became excited.

"Hey, if you can find the heaven and earth spirits, then you'll be damn rich!" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen's eyes showed greed.

So far, Meng Tianchen has obtained several heaven and earth spirits, the empty meteorite was absorbed and refined by the little broken bird, and the wind god grass has raised his wind talent to full value.

There is also an immature syringae in the space of the stele.

After turning around a low hill, at the same time Meng Tianchen found a strange wild beast, the other party also found him.

"Aba! Not good!" The little broken bird Mao Mao standing on Meng Tianchen's shoulder immediately screamed.

At the same time as a gust of bloody wind swept over, Meng Tianchen only felt an almost substantial flaming giant ax slashing towards him, containing a violent and destructive aura.

Lock-in attack.

There was no time to react, Meng Tianchen's consciousness moved, and he escaped into the space of the stele, sweating all over his head.

The opponent is definitely a powerful desolate beast that has surpassed the third level of the sanctuary. The huge flaming ax is obviously transformed by the power of the flame, and it perfectly integrates the destructive meaning of the fire system.

Perfectly integrating the profound meaning into the flame energy, this is at least something that can only be achieved by the three peaks of the sanctuary.

mosquito buzz!
The little broken bird Mao Mao, who was stunned for a moment, suddenly became powerful and let out a sharp whistle.

call out!
But seeing the little broken bird Mao Mao, which turned into a small black arrow shadow, stabbed towards the blood-colored desolate beast like an illusion.

While the blood-colored desolate beast roared fiercely, a cloud of blood rose from its huge hideous head!
Tom Tom!Tom Tom!
After scurrying back and forth, the huge blood-colored desolate beast hit a rock not far away and fell to the ground.

Meng Tianchen, who flashed out of the space of the stele, was still undecided. He clearly remembered the giant flaming ax that locked on the attack earlier, and it was absolutely unmatched.

"Aba! Come on, use the magic bite! This guy's energy is absolutely impressive!" After easily killing the opponent, the little broken bird Mao Mao was very excited.

With a firm mind, a dark knife appeared out of nowhere in Meng Tianchen's palm, and stabbed towards the corpse of the dead wild beast.

A moment later, after the corpse of the blood-colored desolate beast disappeared, the moment Meng Tianchen retracted the magic biting knife, Meng Tianchen let out an inexplicable groan, feeling extremely refreshed, and his primordial consciousness improved a lot.

"Maomao, what kind of wild beast is that guy, the previous attack was too terrifying!"

"Aba! This is an ancient horned flame beast, which has just reached the fifth level of the sanctuary!" The little broken bird Mao Mao didn't care.

"Damn it, it turned out to be an ancient horned flame beast in the fifth level of the sanctuary!" Meng Tianchen, who was still in fear, was so lucky to have escaped into the space of the stone tablet for the first time.

The ancient horned flame beast of the fifth level of the sanctuary is simply not something he can match in human form, even if it is transformed, it is difficult to resist.

"Aba, the ancient horned flame beast is very powerful. It is definitely hard for ordinary fifth-level warriors who have just entered the sanctuary to resist! Unfortunately, when they met me, that guy didn't even have time to display his natural power!"

"Ri-you bang bang bang, which big horror is this martial world?" Putting aside his contempt, Meng Tianchen proceeded cautiously.

Meng Tianchen thought that he could easily leapfrog to kill his opponent, but he still felt powerless when he encountered such a very different and powerful existence.

"Damn, if I advance to the second level of the sanctuary, I should barely be able to fight against the ancient horned flame beast that just entered the fifth level of the sanctuary!"

After hesitating for a while, Meng Tianchen still performed transformation.In human form, the defense is too weak.

Meng Tianchen wasn't sure if there were any desolate beasts stronger than the ancient horned flame beasts. This is still an area that has been explored, and those mysterious and unexplored areas must be even more terrifying.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen remembered why the first area, even the three demon masters, didn't investigate all of them.These are enough to explain the horror of this place.

After walking slowly, Meng Tianchen realized that he thought of the first area too simply.

The terrain is very complex, with cliffs, ravines, and deep pools.

However, Meng Tianchen didn't feel the crisis, and he didn't even see a desolate beast in half a day.

Similarly, the little broken bird Mao Mao did not sense the breath of the heaven and earth spirits.


Suddenly, Meng Tianchen stopped, and the little broken bird on the dragon's head listened carefully.

"Aba, the voice should come from the stone wall in front!"

Meng Tianchen didn't dare to neglect, his whole body was restless, ready to attack at any time.

This sound is very weird and dull, like the impact of metal, like the sound of iron, like refining a weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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