Chapter 168 Linhe Order

"Hey, Semp has a grudge against Lao Tzu, he deserves to die! However, I am not a person who killed in vain, so you should guard Fenglong Fortress well! Remember, there is no such thing as a Dark Empire anymore. From now on, you It is a part of the Martial God Palace."

After dispersing everyone, Meng Tianchen carefully instructed Lei Jiansheng and Tong Ju before leaving Fenglong Fortress.

It is definitely not a problem for Lei Jiansheng and Tong Ju, who used to be the leaders of the clan, to manage a Fenglong Fortress.

What made Meng Tianchen a little worried was that the Black Demon Eighth Elder, the First Elder and the Second Elder were powerful nine-level sanctuary experts, and they were very troublesome.

If Wuhen old ghost hadn't fallen into a deep sleep, things would have been easier.

Meng Tianchen, who was flying towards the Black Demon City, had no experience in managing such a large territory.

After a long time!
Meng Tianchen who returned to the Black Demon City was dumbfounded. Under the cover of primordial consciousness, the huge Black Demon City did not have the panic or even riots that he imagined.

Quiet, just like before, without any changes.

However, the entire inner courtyard was empty, and there was not a single black demon in sight.


With a murmur, Meng Tianchen immediately checked the Seven Banners of the Outer Court, and there was nothing abnormal.

"It seems that after receiving the news of the death of the Bone Demon Lord and Qianshan Demon Lord, the Eight Great Elders must have led the tribe to escape in a hurry." Meng Tianchen, who was somewhat unwilling, had to land in the empty inner courtyard.

Here, before Wu Yue broke the boundary, it used to be the glorious palace of the Shiluo Empire.The Dark Demon Clan is just a short-lived master.

"Damn it, where did they hide?" Meng Tianchen was very upset when he found out that the black demon remnant had escaped.

What was placed in front of Meng Tianchen was a bunch of cumbersome and troublesome matters.

After thinking about it again and again, Meng Tianchen still decided to follow the original plan to summon Mo Qi from the Blood River Tower and teach him the Soul Locking Art.

Then, let the little broken bird Mao Mao assist him in controlling the Seven Banners of the Outer Court.

Announcing the huge territory of the original Dark Demon Empire, the Dark Demon Empire was destroyed, and the Valkyrie Palace rose.

Under the iron fist of Mo Banner, with the assistance of the Seven Banners of the Outer Court, the purge and consolidation of the rule went smoothly.

After many investigations, the Eight Great Elders of the Black Devil led the remaining clansmen into the Wulian Mountains.

The Black Demon City was also changed to Wucheng.

Fortunately, Mo Qi, who used to be the leader of the Tianmo clan, manages such a huge territory with ease.This made Meng Tianchen become the hands-off shopkeeper, and at the same time, he had the idea of ​​long-term retreat.

The entrance to the Blood Crystal Secret Realm in the inner city made Meng Tianchen a little uneasy.

After thinking twice, with the help of the bloody little fish, the town was completely sealed off.

Everything was ready, Meng Tianchen watched the Wushen Palace slowly getting on the right track, and was about to enter the retreat.

It was interrupted by an unexpected event.

On this day, a mysterious person appeared in the inner city without making a sound.

Meng Tianchen, who was almost frightened to death, couldn't believe how this person managed to hide it from his primordial consciousness.

"You are the master of the Martial God Palace?" The mysterious man seemed very curious about Meng Tianchen.

"Who are you?" Meng Tianchen was extremely cautious.


The mysterious man did not respond to Meng Tianchen's inquiry at all, but took out three black lacquer tokens.

"This is the Order of Linhe. I am the special envoy of the Lanteng Empire. Since you can destroy the Black Demon Empire, you are still our subordinate force. Three years later will be the Linhe Grand Competition. Remember, within three years, you must go to the imperial capital to rendezvous!"

After putting down his words and the three black lacquer tokens, the mysterious man soared into the air, and disappeared under the investigation of Meng Tianchen's primordial consciousness in an instant.

"This? What kind of ability is this? It can escape Lao Tzu Yuanzhi's detection?" Meng Tianchen was extremely surprised.

Recalling what happened just now, Meng Tianchen was a little dizzy.

Although he had heard of the Linhe Grand Competition many times, he really didn't know what was going on.

What frightened Meng Tianchen the most was that the mysterious person just now was extremely strange, and he didn't know the other party's cultivation level at all.

And the mysterious person who left Wucheng, that is, the special envoy of the Lanteng Empire, was very puzzled.Even if he was beaten to death, he didn't even understand why the Dark Demon Empire was destroyed, and it was still done by such a mere young man in the third level of the sanctuary.

He has already checked that there are no powerful warriors in Wucheng, including the Fenglong Fortress when he came here, not to mention half-step Wuzong, and there are very few high-level sanctuaries.

Meng Tianchen, who was full of confusion, completely understood after driving Yuan Consciousness into a Linhe Token.

Linhe Order not only can identify the Lord, but also contains a lot of information.

What made Meng Tianchen dumbfounded was that under the Lanteng Empire, there were actually fifteen affiliated forces like the former Black Demon Empire.And the Lanteng Empire is just a Chinese Empire.

In the huge Linhe area, there are three Chinese empires, namely the Lanteng Empire, the Red Sword Empire, and the Thunder Valley.

This Linhe Grand Competition is a grand gathering for all the geniuses in the Linhe Region, and all warriors under the age of 50 who hold the Linhe Token can participate.

Now, the Martial God Palace that Meng Tianchen has just controlled has three Linhe Tokens, that is, three quotas.

As long as you enter the top [-] in the Linhe Grand Competition, you will be rewarded generously.The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards, and even the cultivation gods like Profound Truth Xuanjing can be easily obtained.

What made Meng Tianchen jealous the most was that Linhe Dabi's No.1 rewarded a half-element weapon.

"This? How is this damn possible? Even taking out half-element artifacts as rewards? Crazy?" Meng Tianchen couldn't comprehend what was going on in the Linhe Dabi at all.

Even the three major Chinese imperial powers, I am afraid it is impossible to take out the half yuan weapon as a reward.

Faintly, Meng Tianchen felt that the so-called Linhe Grand Competition was not that simple, it seemed that there were a pair of big hands pushing it behind the scenes.Like the three major Chinese imperial powers, it should be clear.

"Damn it, the old ghost Wuhen must know the inside story of the Linhe Grand Competition, but unfortunately he fell into a deep sleep." Knowing the rewards of the Linhe Grand Competition, Meng Tianchen could no longer calm down.

In the huge Linhe area, apart from the three major Chinese empires, there must be many independent mysterious forces. There are so many geniuses. It is difficult, very difficult to get into the top [-].

Meng Tianchen could guess that in this Linhe competition, it is hard to say that there will be a powerful half-step Wuzong.

You must know how powerful the inner power of a Chinese empire is.

"Three years! There are only three years! It seems that three years must be spent to improve the combat power as much as possible. There are two other Linhe Tokens. Who should they get?" Meng Tianchen was not moved.

"Heita, he has the blood of ancient Titans! Count one, and let Xiaoyun give the other, it's a pity that her charming body can't be awakened." Instantly, Meng Tianchen made a decision.

After sending a message to Mo Qi and explaining it, Meng Tianchen flashed into the space of the stele, and then entered the Blood River Pagoda.

After seeing that Heita and the others had all fallen into deep cultivation, Meng Tianchen pondered.

All the four elements have reached the third level of the sanctuary, and they are just beginners. If they want to reach the realm of Xiaocheng, they will need to spend profound crystals.

Except for the fire-type profound crystals, there are very few other profound crystals left.Especially the earth element, darkness, and wind element, there are fewer and fewer, not only Meng Tianchen himself needs it, but also the black tower, the little broken bird Mao Mao, and Zhuge Yun.

"Poor!" With a bitter sigh, Meng Tianchen looked at the remaining Profound Truth Profound Crystals of the Earth, Darkness, and Wind elements, each of which was worth twenty.

"That's all!" After taking six Profound Crystals from each of the three lines, Meng Tianchen decided to leave the rest to the little broken bird Mao Mao and the others.

One must know that with each of the six Profound Truth Profound Crystals, Meng Tianchen can definitely be promoted to the level of the Fifth Layer Sanctuary.However, the ability of Heita and the others to step up and fight against the enemy is not enough. It is necessary to improve the cultivation level of Heita and Zhuge Yun as much as possible.

After making up his mind, Meng Tianchen suddenly remembered something, and a small blood-red bead appeared in his hand.

"This is the so-called Asura King Code? What secrets does it contain? It is worth the price that Wuhen Old Ghost has to pay!" Meng Tianchen was very curious.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Tianchen carefully drove a trace of Yuan Consciousness towards the blood-red bead.

As everyone knows, once Yuan Consciousness approaches, it completely loses its perception.Not to mention getting into the blood-red bead, it's hard to even touch the surface.

Four magical powers!

Somewhat shocked, he then drove a wave of four magical elements to stab the blood-red bead suspended in front of him.

It did go in, but the four magical elements entered into the blood-red bead, and seemed to be swallowed up, so there was no sense of information.

"Damn it, how on earth can I obtain the Shura Wang Dian that Wuhen old ghost found?" Meng Tianchen was worried.

However, what surprised him was that since the blood-red bead was taken out from the storage ring, wisps of weird energy radiated into the body, and was absorbed by the killing characters on the black seedling Wudan.

A moment later, Meng Tianchen, who gritted his teeth, actually drove the power of his soul into the blood-red bead.

Still no response.

"Sura King Code? It should be a secret method of cultivation! Or something like a battle technique! It is definitely hidden in the blood-red bead, how to break it?" Meng Tianchen, who murmured softly, was very confused.

Don't you know that there is a small pagoda not far from Meng Tianchen, which is the body of Wuhen Pagoda.

Inside the Wuhen Pagoda, the Wuhen old ghost jumped so angry that he couldn't stop cursing.

"Idiot, why did I accept such an idiot!"

Time passed by bit by bit, three days in a row passed, Meng Tianchen, who had tried everything, was in a hurry, but couldn't crack the blood-red bead.

The Wuhen old ghost hiding in the Wuhen tower was so angry that he almost hit his head against the wall.

"Rottenwood, rottenwood!"

"Little fish, are you there?" Meng Tianchen had no choice but to ask for help from the bloody little fish.

It's so good that I can't die, no matter how Meng Tianchen responds, it seems that the bloody little fish has fallen into a deep sleep, and it doesn't respond in a daze.

"Damn it, damned old ghost, why didn't he tell me how to get the Asura King Code?" Meng Tianchen yelled in anxiety.

"Ghost day!" The Wuhen old ghost, who was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, almost emerged from the Wuhen Pagoda.

"Little bastard, how dare you scold me, I won't kill you next time!" Fortunately, the old ghost Wuhen held back.

(End of this chapter)

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