Chapter 169 Asura General Armor
Suddenly, Meng Tianchen, who was helpless at first, was stunned, and the blood-red bead in front of him made a strange sound.

The red light exploded!

The blood-red bead instantly turned into a streak of blood light, and quickly entered Meng Tianchen's body.

Moreover, the bloody light that entered the body rushed straight to the black seedling Wudan, and merged into the killing character in the blink of an eye.

Meng Tianchen, who was full of astonishment, couldn't imagine why such an accident would happen.

Meng Tianchen has been waiting, waiting for the character-killing riot.

However, a long time passed, and the killing characters attached to the black seedling Wudan didn't respond at all.

"Ri-you bang bang bang! The blood-red bead just disappeared? Where is Shura King Dian?" For a moment, Meng Tianchen became anxious.

The Wuhen old ghost who had been paying attention was also stunned, and murmured in surprise: "How is it possible? Shura Wang Dian is activated by itself? Damn it, what strange thing is there in the little bastard's body?"

Meng Tianchen, who was full of expectations for the blood red beads, was very depressed.

Suddenly, the black seedling Wudan shook violently, and the killing characters attached to it erupted with terrifying power for no reason.

Almost at the same time, Meng Tianchen's whole body shone with a strange bloody light.

Looking at it from a distance, Meng Tianchen couldn't be seen clearly at all, he was completely covered in a ball of dazzling blood light, as if he was a blood-colored light ball.

"This? What kind of trouble is this?"

When he was surprised, Meng Tianchen found that the killing character burst out a burst of blood, and quickly rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness and merged into the black ball.

Instantly, Meng Tianchen felt a severe dizziness, as if his head was about to split open.

Information containing extremely strange energy exploded in the black ball.

Meng Tianchen, who couldn't stand it, fell headfirst to the ground.

"It's so simple to inspire Shura Wangdian?" In the Wuhen Pagoda, Wuhen old ghost was startled.

Not long after, Meng Tianchen, who had already come to his senses, took a closer look and found that he had completely changed.The whole person is like a luminous body, and the whole body emits a strange blood-colored light.

The source of this bloody light is the killing character attached to the black seedling Wudan.

There is no damage in the body, the black seedling Wudan is fine, and the sea of ​​consciousness has long since returned to desolation.

"This?" When Meng Tianchen's mind touched the black ball, a huge amount of information was instantly fused with Yuan Consciousness.


Meng Tianchen, who couldn't stand it, let out a miserable cry.

That kind of information was too domineering, forcing Meng Tianchen into terrible pain.

It lasted for half a day before Meng Tianchen felt a little more comfortable, and the energy information forcibly fused in the black ball had also come to an end.

At the first perception, Meng Tianchen was ecstatic, he didn't remember the pain before, and his breathing suddenly became short of breath.

Shura King Code, this is the real Shura King Code.

This is actually a complete set of cultivation secrets, which contains the martial arts of combat body and martial arts.

What moved Meng Tianchen so much was that the martial art of combat physique and martial art of combat skills were actually of the lower rank of the king rank.

Not long ago, after Meng Tianchen advanced to the triple sanctuary, he learned from some inheritance information of Pan Huang.Martial arts, above the Yuan rank and the holy rank, is exactly the Wang rank.

Wang Jie Martial Art, what is that concept? It is absolutely a legendary secret technique, an unimaginably astonishing treasure.

You must know that Meng Tianchen had many magical opportunities, and he was also able to obtain a holy rank low-grade combat skill martial arts book, Lingling Whip.The spirit twisting whip has the power to kill opponents by leaps and bounds.

The Lingling Whip is only a low-rank holy rank, it is so terrifying, even Meng Tianchen, who is a middle-rank holy rank, a high-rank holy rank, and the best holy rank, has never been seen.

As for the king-level martial arts that surpassed a large level, it can no longer be described as terrifying.

"Ri-you bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang tzu

"Ha ha ha ha…"

After a long time, Meng Tianchen who woke up like a dream suddenly burst into laughter.

"Damn it! Could it be that the Wuhen old ghost doesn't know the level of the Shura King's Code? He doesn't practice it himself?" Meng Tianchen was a little confused, and he couldn't believe it even if he was killed.

Shura king body!

The extremely weird martial arts of the battle body, the lower rank of the king rank, just the murderous aura absorbed by the killed characters can basically form the Shura king body.

There is no accurate division of the Asura King Physique. After the coagulation is successful, it can only grow and gradually become stronger in battle.

Every time an opponent is killed, a trace of murderous aura will be absorbed into King Shura's body.

The newly condensed Asura King Physique does not have any special abilities, and the improvement of defense power is minimal.Only in the frantic killing can one grow.

According to the fused information, under Wu Zong, it is necessary to kill nearly ten thousand holy warriors to form the first form of Shura King Body.

Asura General Armor!

Yes, the first form of the Asura King Body is the Asura General Armor.Once cultivated successfully, its terrifying defensive power can be called invincible.


Meng Tianchen, who was panting heavily, was frightened.

"Damn it, [-], I'm going to kill [-] sacred experts!" At this moment, Meng Tianchen's expression changed, purely from fright.

Even with Meng Tianchen's firm mind, he was shocked.

This is only the first form of the Asura King Physique. To cultivate into the second form, one hundred thousand Wu Zong powerhouses need to be killed.

"Damn it! I don't know if there are [-] martial arts masters in the entire Jiawu Continent! What kind of shit is this martial arts book! It's too abnormal!" Meng Tianchen yelled again and again.

As for the information about the third form later, Meng Tianchen didn't check it at all.

"I really don't know who the hell is, it's simply whimsical to come up with such a terrible martial art!" Meng Tianchen had a bitter face, the Shura King Body is powerful, but it is too difficult.

"Little bastard, I'm so mad! No, I can't take it anymore!" After hearing Meng Tianchen's words, the Wuhen old ghost hiding in the Wuhen Pagoda became furious again and scolded Meng Tianchen severely.

After the shock, Meng Tianchen exclaimed that the first form of Shura King Physique, Shura General Armor, was truly powerful. Compared with the Blood Crystal King Physique cultivated before, it was like heaven and earth.

"This is to turn me into a killing god!" Meng Tianchen felt that the first form of the Asura king body, that is, the Asura general armor, could still be successfully cultivated.

The huge Linhe region is so vast, it is not difficult to secretly kill 1 sacred warriors, the only difficulty is that it must take a long time, and it must be done secretly.

Immediately, Meng Tianchen, who was trying to operate the secret method of the Asura King Body, seemed to just want to get acquainted with it.

As everyone knows, a sudden change occurred.

Chi!Chi Chi!

When Meng Tianchen was running the Shura King Body secret technique, his body, which was like a luminous body, suddenly went dark.Those strange bloody lights suddenly converged into the body.

It's just that these weird bloody energies didn't return to the killing characters, but turned into strands and forcibly merged into Meng Tianchen's body.

Flesh, meridians, tendons, bones, and internal organs all encountered terrible catastrophe in an instant, as if countless tiny silk threads were twitching and dividing.

"Ah..." What a pain, screaming, Meng Tianchen wanted to faint, but couldn't, but his primordial consciousness was extremely clear, it seemed to force him to endure this inhuman pain.

Involuntarily, Meng Tianchen performed a magical transformation.

In an instant, the huge beast with a dragon head and a tiger body, which was in great pain, became extremely violent, especially the dragon head, which was extremely ferocious.


I saw that Meng Tianchen couldn't control his body that was exercising in pain at all, and desperately hit the blood-colored crystal wall of the Blood River Tower, as if to reduce the torment.

However, the crystal wall of the Blood River Pagoda was so powerful that it did not move at all.

The startled little bloody fish was very surprised, after checking Meng Tianchen's situation a little, he exclaimed in surprise.

"Murderous body training? Strange, is the master training some kind of combat body?"

Slowly, a terrifying scene appeared on Meng Tianchen.

It can be seen that almost none of the scales on Meng Tianchen's huge body is intact.

All cracked.

However, not a trace of blood flowed out, it seemed that there was a strange energy imprisoned under the scales.

Inside, it's completely messed up.

All the flesh and blood formed small grinding discs of different sizes and were grinding.As if to squeeze out the impurities in the flesh and blood.

The rhythm of the meridians, Qi Qi, is constantly pulling, or stretching, or compressing.An invisible force that seems dissatisfied with the thickness and width of meridians.

An even more terrifying sound appeared on all the muscles and bones, the dull sound of metal and iron clanging.It seems that there are countless terrifying hammers, beating the muscles and bones while quenching the heat.

Yes, that's the feeling. It should be that he wants to completely refine the muscles and bones in Meng Tianchen's body into a murderous weapon, a vicious weapon.

As for the internal organs, it is even worse.Especially in the heart, it was riddled with holes.All were stabbed by the energy of those sharp blood-colored threads.

The strange thing is that even after encountering such torture, the heart was still unbroken, and not a trace of blood flowed out.

It was as if there was a kind of sealed energy protecting the heart. This kind of blood-colored thread energy could not be pierced.

The boundless pain intensified more and more.

Finally, after persisting for a while, the giant longan flashed with bursts of flowers, and then went dark, and Meng Tianchen passed out happily.

With his huge body falling down on the ground of the blood spar, Meng Tianchen no longer felt that terrible pain.

However, his body, a huge body, was still shaking, shaking constantly.

About three days passed, and Meng Tianchen's huge body that kept twitching became quiet.

However, Meng Tianchen still did not wake up.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen had a dream.

In the dream, Meng Tianchen came to a scarlet country where there were no humans.There are only demons, all kinds of demons, thousands of them.

Strangely, Meng Tianchen found that he had also turned into a demon, covered in blood-colored battle armor, with wings on his back, like two crescent moon sickles, capable of flying, and super fast.

(End of this chapter)

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