Chapter 509 The Inner Temple
This is the sixth ring of fire.

With the appearance of the sixth circle of fire, there was silence in the elder hall.

Including the great elder, the nine old antiques of the Tianchen family were all stunned.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth rings of fire appeared one after another.

Meng Tianchen, who had no idea what the nine circles of fire represented, was shocked when he saw that he was locked by a terrifying force.

call out!shhhhh!

I saw nine rings of fire, all of which turned into nine streams of flames, piercing towards Meng Tianchen.

At the same time, in the hall of elders who had been silent for a long time, the nine elders opened their mouths wide, and all of them showed terrified expressions on their faces.

They couldn't speak a word.

However, at the moment when the nine circles of fire turned into flames and flowed towards Meng Tianchen, all the nine elders, including the great elder, lost the sense of the bloodline test space together.

It seemed that the blood test space, which had been in the hands of the elders, was out of control.


Meng Tianchen was stunned when he saw nine flame streamers approaching.

That is a flame that contains extreme destruction, and it contains the terrifying power of the Holy Tiger Flame. How can he, a mere peak martial king, resist it?

I'm afraid that in an instant, it will be burned to ashes.

At the moment of crisis, a huge blood-colored tiger-head phantom suddenly appeared above Meng Tianchen's head.

That's right, this is the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem.

The bloodline totem of the Holy Flame Tiger roared with a howl, displaying an extremely domineering power, fighting the sky and the earth!
This terrifying howl pierced through the Blood Vein Testing Space and resounded over the entire Saint Yan City.

For a moment, all warriors with the blood of the Holy Flame Tiger trembled in unison.

All of them had an urge to worship.

Those with weak cultivation even lay down on the ground directly, incomparably terrified.


Meng Tianchen, who was still in a daze, just felt the terrifying stream of nine streams of flames sinking into the Holy Flame Tiger bloodline totem above his head in the blink of an eye.

Until the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem disappeared, Meng Tianchen was still in extreme shock.


Meng Tianchen, who woke up, seemed to remember something, and asked anxiously: "Master, a circle of fire represents one star. Could it be that my bloodline of the Holy Flame Tiger has reached nine stars? Is the nine-star bloodline the ultimate among the Holy Flame Tigers?"

"I don't know that!" The old ghost Wuhen, who didn't know the secret of Sheng Yanhu's bloodline, was also in shock for a long time. What surprised him was not Meng Tianchen's nine-star bloodline, but because it contained terror. The nine streams of flames from the Holy Tiger Flame actually entered the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem.

What does this mean?
Once Meng Tianchen completely awakens the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline and truly controls the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem, he can have the Holy Tiger Flame.

Are you kidding me, it's Shenghuyan, the third-ranked congenital inflammation on the Skyfire list!
Suddenly, feeling his figure being pulled by a powerful force, Meng Tianchen left the bloodline testing space.

However, Meng Tianchen found him standing at the entrance of an extremely huge hall.

The hall is too big, Meng Tianchen has never seen such a majestic and huge hall.

He clearly sensed a domineering power emanating from the hall, which was hard to resist.

Even in any corner of the vast Shengyan City, one can feel the domineering aura of the hall.

At the entrance of the main hall, stood a big man, as strong as a mountain, exuding an extremely sturdy and fierce aura, and wearing a fierce red battle armor, giving people an extremely violent meaning.

What surprised Meng Tianchen was that he appeared at the door of this terrifying hall for some reason.

In front, there is still a big man, a strong man, definitely the strong man of Emperor Tianwu.

"Master Meng Tianchen, I am under the orders of the Great Elder to welcome you again." Tong Yuan said respectfully, with endless confusion evident in his voice.

As the guard of the Elder Hall, his status, even in the entire Shengyan City, is high.

Even those giant patriarchs are not qualified to be greeted so humbly by him.

However, he clearly remembered the stern instructions of the Great Elder, even if he had endless questions, he did not dare to ask them.

"Could this be the Elder's Hall? In Shengyan City, the most core place of the Tianchen family?" Meng Tianchen glanced at the big man in surprise, just as Meng Tianchen took a step, he felt that the entire huge hall was guarded by a powerful force.

This extremely domineering mysterious power seems to fit perfectly with the entire hall. Once it is activated, Meng Tianchen can't imagine what kind of cultivation level is needed to resist it.

Because Meng Tianchen felt the mysterious guardian force of the hall, which was much more terrifying than the sword-shaped statue he encountered on the rock wall of Qingtian at the end of the Hami Canyon.

If you want to fly into it under the suppression of this force, you need at least the power of the five realms of heaven and man.After all, it was at the core of the power of the Shengyan Tiger Clan, and he had no intention of provoking, so he nodded immediately to express his understanding.

As he stepped into the entrance of the main hall, Meng Tianchen was even more surprised.

The Hall of Elders is heavily guarded, and apart from many powerful guards, there are also prohibition guards. Although he has never triggered those restrictions, Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, and there was an instant fear in his eyes.

These restrictions, even if you have flower buds to break the restrictions, I am afraid it will be difficult to comprehend them for a while.

The imperial guards who shuttled through the building complex of the Elder's Hall and led Meng Tianchen forward seemed to be of high status. The guards they met along the way saw him respectfully and saluted him, and they never asked Meng Tianchen at all.

It was extremely fast along the way without any hassle.Passing through the barriers of dozens of palaces, the inner hall is far away. This is also the core of the ethnic group, representing the limit of the power of the Shengyanhu clan, and its status is extremely respected!

The golden building exudes a sky-high aura, standing quietly in the huge square, guarded by many guards like Tong Yuan on the edge of the square.

The imperial guards of Emperor Tianwu who led Meng Tianchen forward suddenly stopped and looked towards the inner hall with a look full of awe and enthusiasm.

"Master Meng Tianchen, the front door is the inner hall, I can only bring you here."

Meng Tianchen nodded, his eyes fell, his pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly, he pondered a little at this moment, and stepped forward.

One step, two steps, three steps.

When the third step fell, he easily stepped into the pale golden square, and a faint divine sense suddenly swept across Meng Tianchen's body at an extremely fast speed.

Meng Tianchen's body froze slightly, and he continued to move forward, without any change in his expression.

Passing through the golden square, when Meng Tianchen took the last step, the door of the palace opened by itself, and what was revealed in front of him was a huge palace, which was decorated upright and domineering, and majestic and coercive pervaded it.

Meng Tianchen inhaled, kept his face calm, neither humble nor overbearing, stepped into it, and as far as his eyes could see, was the figure on the top nine luxurious seats. At this moment, his eyes fell on him like lightning.

These nine people are the nine elders of the Shengyan Tiger Clan. In addition to the great elder, the other eight elders are Elder Hanlin, Elder Quan, Elder Zhongyu, Elder Potian, Elder Han, Elder Ju, and Elder Xingchen. , Elder Luo Shan.

These few are super powerhouses standing in the central region, the peak existence of the entire Holy Flame Tiger Clan, who can turn the world into a rage, lay down millions of corpses, and stain the sky with blood!
The eyes of the nine elders came together, and the coercion they carried was so heavy that ordinary warriors would be intimidated and terrified in an instant.

But Meng Tianchen's face was already calm, his eyes swept across the hall indifferently, and bowed respectfully to salute.

"Meng Tianchen, a junior of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan, has met all the elders!" Even Meng Tianchen himself felt surprised, this was the first time he faced so many powerful fierce men, although he was a little nervous, his mind did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Seemingly impatient, Elder Wan Yan spoke first, and said with a light smile, "Elder Han Lin, Elder Han, Elder Zhong Yu, Elder Jiu, you have lost the bet."

Elder Han Lin took a deep look at Meng Tianchen, then nodded, and said, "We are happy to lose! Hahaha!"

Laughing wildly, they threw storage rings at Elder Wanyan, Elder Quan, Elder Potian, and Elder Xingchen.

Elder Wan Yan took it, his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Meng Tianchen, the Qi family belongs to our lineage of the Holy Flame Tiger after all! There is always something wrong, and there is no need to say harsh words, exterminate the clan or something! Now that there is trouble, shouldn't the resentment in my heart be released?"

"Huh?" Meng Tianchen was very surprised.

He thought that if he was brought here, he would definitely be punished. Hearing what the great elder said, it seemed like an elder was trying to persuade him.

Not only Meng Tianchen couldn't figure it out, but even the old ghost Wuhen was shocked.

These old antiques are extremely terrifying, there is no need to explain to Meng Tianchen just because of a trivial matter.

You know, these few people, even in the entire Jiawu Continent, are all peak powerhouses.

Meng Tianchen was confused, and said respectfully at the moment: "Thank you for your concern, Great Elder. Meng Tianchen and the Qi family were originally having a personal grievance. Now that it has been resolved, naturally there will be no more grievances in my heart."

"Stop talking about those useless things! Meng Tianchen, you! Your name is too fucking awkward, change it! Change it!" Elder Jiu, who couldn't wait, seemed to have a violent temper and couldn't help it.

"By the way, Meng Tianchen, what happened in the last moment of the blood test space just now? Also, you made the howling sound that shocked the entire Shengyan City, right?" Elder Han also couldn't help it. .

"Boy, this is your first time in Shengyan City! By the way, where did you come from?" Elder Potian also asked anxiously.

"Meng Tianchen, you should be called Tianchen Meng!" The very eager Elder Xingchen also joined in, looking at Meng Tianchen eagerly.

"Depend on!"

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen, who cursed secretly, was stunned.

He clearly felt the eagerness in the eyes of these nine super scary old antiques looking at him, it seemed that in their eyes, he was a peerless naked beauty.

What surprised Meng Tianchen even more was how these old people asked him to change their names repeatedly.

"Could it be?"

Meng Tianchen, who suddenly remembered something, felt eager in his heart, and also extremely nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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