Chapter 510 Tiger Library
Just kidding, the surname Tianchen is not used by idlers.If it wasn't a child of the Tianchen family, whoever dared to use this surname would have died without knowing how.

And these old antiques, all of them are old ghosts of the Tianchen family, who actually persuaded Meng Tianchen to change his name and surname!
No matter how stupid Meng Tianchen is, he still wants to understand.

"Fuck me, is it true that my old lady is from the Tianchen family? No wonder that drunkard gave me this name!"

Meng Tianchen suddenly realized that his aura suddenly changed.

Where is the previous cautiousness, like walking on thin ice.

Damn, these are all relatives, it seems to be.

"Hey, my name is Meng Tianchen!"

Facing these old antiques, Meng Tianchen, who responded casually, suddenly felt relaxed.

After careful perception, Meng Tianchen vaguely sensed a sense of familiarity in these people.

"Stop arguing! How decent!"

Following the Great Elder's stern shout, the hall fell silent, even Meng Tianchen was startled.

"Meng Tianchen, do you know what the nine-star bloodline means?"

Meng Tianchen, who vaguely guessed, pretended to be confused and shook his head.

"Where did you come to Shengyan City?"

During the speech, like Elder Wan Yan, the other eight elders stared at Meng Tianchen curiously.


"No! If you came here through the Tianchen order, we should be able to sense it!" Elder Xingchen shook his head, very surprised.

"I came from Hami Canyon!"




Before Meng Tianchen could finish speaking, everyone screamed in unison, staring at Meng Tianchen in disbelief, even the Great Elder, Elder Wan Yan also looked suspicious.

"You, you really crossed Hami Canyon?" Unable to bear it, Elder Wan Yan's words trembled, no one knew the horror of Hami Canyon better than him.

Because, he also crossed the Hami Canyon and went to the Wulian Mountains, more than once.As one of the few peak powerhouses in the entire Jiawu Continent, Elder Wan Yan knows exactly how weird and terrifying the Hami Canyon is.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Meng Tianchen, with the mere cultivation of the peak Martial King, could cross the Hami Canyon and come from the Northern Wilderness to the Central Territory.

In Elder Wan Yan's opinion, even if he enters the Hami Canyon, he must be extremely careful. One mistake may fall into terrible danger.


Suddenly, Elder Wan Yan seemed to have thought of something, looked at Meng Tianchen with a look of surprise, very cautious.

Similarly, the other eight elders, who were contemplating for a moment, stared at Meng Tianchen suspiciously, with different expressions on their faces.

There were even a few of them who even showed strange expressions.

"You? Your father is here too?" Elder Wan Yan, with a face full of fear, stared at Meng Tianchen intently, as if he wanted to deal with some sudden change.

"My father? That old ghost is long dead!"

"What? Dead?"

"Really dead!"


"how is this possible?"

All of a sudden, including the great elder Wan Yan, the nine elders all cried out in surprise, as if they had heard an extremely unbelievable secret.

"Damn!" Meng Tianchen, who was also surprised, stared at the expressions of these old men, his heart was shaken, and he thought to himself in surprise: "No way? Don't they all know alcoholics? Why do they hear the news of the death of alcoholics? Unbelievable?"

Involuntarily, Meng Tianchen recalled the bizarre dream not long ago, the strange dream when he went back to Qiushan Town to dig a grave.

"Is that dream real?"

Meng Tianchen, who was also frightened, felt chilly all over.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Wan Yan and the others, who seemed to be excited together, asked Meng Tianchen all kinds of weird questions.

Very detailed, down to how he grew up when he was a child.

From some of the elders, Meng Tianchen vaguely sensed a trace of malicious intentions, started talking nonsense, and began to talk nonsense.

However, when asked how Meng Tianchen passed through the terrifying Hami Canyon, Meng Tianchen refused to tell even if he was killed, and refused to reveal any secrets.

Because, Meng Tianchen remembered that after Qi paid a heavy price and climbed the Qingtian stone wall covered with sword-shaped statues, he came to Shengyan City through a secret teleportation array, and he was still arrested Teleport to the tenth floor of the Yan Camp.

If it is said that the legend has nothing to do with these old monsters, even Meng Tianchen would not believe it.

"Meng Tianchen, how about worshiping under my sect?" As if he had figured something out, Elder Wan Yan smiled a little, staring at Meng Tianchen eagerly.

Now there are only twelve disciples under his sect, perhaps one more should be accepted.

Moreover, only the nine elders present know how extraordinary this person is.

Elder Quan and Elder Wan Yan looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

The faces of Elder Zhu and Elder Han became extremely indifferent, and it was impossible to see what these two old immortals were thinking about.

As for Elder Potian, Elder Xingchen, and Elder Zhongyu, they were silent, as if they were about to fall asleep.

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered, and he quickly scanned the surrounding area from the corner of his eye, seeing the reactions of the nine elders, and finally understood the faction of the highest power level of the Shengyan Tiger Clan in his heart.

"Damn!" Meng Tianchen yelled, only from this subtle point, he could see that the nine elders were the pillars of the Tianchen family, and it seemed that they were not monolithic.

As the Great Elder, Elder Wan Yan is the most powerful, the leader of the crowd. Together with Elder Quan, his strength cannot be underestimated.

Headed by Elder Han Lin, together with Elder Han and Elder Ju, their strength should not be underestimated. There seems to be considerable differences with Elder Wan Yan and Elder Quan.

Elder Potian, Elder Zhongyu, and Elder Xingchen belong to the neutral faction. As for Elder Potian, he seems to be outstanding and independent.

Meng Tianchen never thought that Elder Wan Yan would suddenly say that he wanted to accept him as a disciple, so he was suddenly unsure and could not make up his mind.

"Thank you, Great Elder, for your appreciation, but now Meng Tianchen has just entered Shengyan City. Please be patient with the Great Elder for a few days, and reply after Meng Tianchen thinks it through."

Fortunately, Meng Tianchen's words did not spread, otherwise the hundreds of millions of warriors in the entire Shengyan City would drown him and scold him to death.

Are you kidding me, who is Elder Wan Yan? He asked to accept disciples, but he was politely rejected.

Sure enough, Elder Wan Yan, who was obviously a little unhappy, frowned slightly although he was not angry.

However, Elder Wan Yan held back and took out a red token.Throw it to Meng Tianchen.

"Forget it! This is the Wanyan Token! Holding this token, you can be like the Hall of Elders. After you think about it, there will be tiger guards to lead you into the Wanyan Palace!"

The command talisman is about the size of half an adult's palm, and is made of neither gold nor wood. It is crimson in color and densely covered with texture, obviously it is specially made.

Meng Tianchen accepted it and saluted respectfully.

Elder Ju, Elder Han, Elder Potian, Elder Zhong Yu and others looked at each other, and couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

Seeing Meng Tianchen accepting the token, Elder Wan Yan was naturally in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Okay, now that the inquiry has been completed, the matter of the Qi family will be exposed, and no one can mention it again in the future."

"According to the teachings of the ancestors!"

All of a sudden, Elder Wan Yan became strict, and said lightly: "I believe everyone is clear about the results of the blood test. Meng Tianchen is a rare genius of my Shengyan Tiger Clan. According to the ancestor's instruction, open the Tiger Library!"

But at the moment when Elder Wan Yan's voice fell, Elder Hanlin frowned instantly, and said: "This matter is not appropriate, although Meng Tianchen is..., but he is not a child of my Tianchen family, I think it is not appropriate to open Huku. "

"Yes, I agree with what Elder Han Lin said." Elder Ju was not far behind.

"Secondary." Although Elder Han didn't say much, he obviously agreed with Elder Han Lin's proposal.

"Huh?" Elder Wan Yan's eyes narrowed, endless flames rolled endlessly, and his complexion became a little ugly.Although Elder Han Lin would have some resistance to his decision on weekdays, it was the first time that the three of them came forward to firmly oppose him at the same time. This made Elder Wan Yan feel that his authority had been greatly challenged!

But he has already regarded Meng Tianchen, the future Holy Lord of the Sacred Flame Tiger Clan, as his disciple in his heart, and this game was intentional, so naturally he will not give up easily.

"Since Elder Han Lin, Elder Jiu, and Elder Han object, then all elders should express their opinions. This matter will be decided by voting." Elder Wan Yan said in a deep voice.

"It's not an exaggeration to open Huku in Meng Tianchen's capacity."

"Therefore, I agree with Elder Wan Yan's proposal." Elder Quan said solemnly, his voice low.

After his voice fell, no one thought that another Great Elder would suddenly open his mouth, clearly expressing his support for Meng Tianchen.

"I agree with what Elder Wan Yan said." Elder Potian said lightly, lowering his eyelids slightly not to look at the reactions of everyone, obviously he did not intend to explain.

Among the nine great elders, there are now 3 votes in favor and 3 votes against. So far, the remaining elders Zhongyu, Xingchen, and Luoshan have not spoken, and all eyes have gathered.

Elder Zhong Yu looked hesitant, hesitated for a moment, sighed, and said: "I abstain from this matter."

Unexpectedly, Elder Luo Shan immediately whispered: "This seat also abstains!"

Elder Wan Yan was overjoyed, while Elder Han Lin's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. Although Elder Zhong Yu and Elder Luo Shan belonged to the neutral faction, they had always been closer to him. I didn't expect that they would abstain right now, so the final decision It fell on Elder Xingchen.

As the most low-key and weakest of the nine elders, Elder Xingchen has always been reluctant to say much about major matters in the elders' council. Elder Han Lin doesn't have much personal relationship with him, so he is a little uncertain at the moment.

Elder Xingchen frowned, looked up and swept around, and said lightly: "Meng Tianchen is unparalleled in talent and noble in blood! For the peerless genius of my Shengyan Tiger Clan, who can only be born once in all ages, it is absolutely necessary to open the Tiger Library."

"My seat, I agree with Elder Wan Yan."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head, his expression indifferent, and he didn't care about the ugly faces of Elder Han Lin, Elder Ju, and Elder Han at all.

(End of this chapter)

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