Chapter 522 The Power of the Black Mist
The reason why Meng Tianchen made such a crazy move is that Meng Tianchen has a sense of control over the mysterious black mist in the space of the stele, absolute control.

"Look at how powerful this fog is." Meng Tianchen's mind moved, and the fog that was originally in the space of the stele immediately flew out, revealing the sea of ​​consciousness, and instantly covered the whole body.


Meng Tianchen screamed, and instantly felt that his whole body had undergone a transformation, as if dry flowers and plants had been nourished by water.


"The power of this mist can't be separated from the body?" Meng Tianchen was surprised.

The Four Magic Martial Qi can leave the body, but the mist energy cannot leave the body.

Meng Tianchen tried a bit.

Indeed, this mysterious mist power can only be inside the body and cannot be separated from the body!
"What is the use of this mist power? Is it just moisturizing the body?"

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen stretched out his right hand, and suddenly slammed it towards the rocky ground, a surge of force erupted completely.


The cave rock trembled, and there were some faint cracks.

"This?" Meng Tianchen showed a surprised expression, so surprised.

"My father!"

The unbelievable Meng Tianchen absolutely never imagined that he could have such power with a single blow.

One must know that the rocks made up of this cave are so compact, the previous Meng Tianchen, unless he performed a magic transformation and drove the razor-sharp dragon claws, he would not have thought of leaving marks on this kind of rock.

Now, just a random palm almost collapsed the ground.


Meng Tianchen, who flashed into the Canglong Dimension, had bright eyes.

"Try it."

Meng Tianchen flew at a high speed, and instantly turned into a rainbow light. The speed is so fast, compared to before, I don't know how many times it has increased.

Swinging a fist, causing the surrounding space to tremble, this kind of power is too powerful!

Even, it is no less than the supernatural powers displayed by some low-level martial emperors.


Meng Tianchen, who laughed wildly, got it!

The reason for everything is one, the fog power in the stele space!

Although this force cannot be separated from the body, it can be attached to the body, making Meng Tianchen fundamentally raise a level in terms of strength, speed, etc.

The combat power soared a lot!

Meng Tianchen even guessed that even if he does not fuse with the magic body, he should be comparable to the Great Martial Emperor in terms of strength and speed. Even if he is not as good as the Great Martial Emperor, he is probably very close.

Just being possessed by the power of mist is so terrifying.

"So powerful." Only now did Meng Tianchen truly realize the magic of the black mist in the stele space.

Meng Tianchen was excited.

I have made a fundamental improvement, once I display the sword intent of Qingtian and the fighting intent of Tianshan!With the blessing of the power of the black mist in his body, he may be expected to rival the mighty Great Martial Emperor.

"I am now the peak Martial King, even the Martial King has not reached it, yet he can match the Great Martial King powerhouse! Hehe! Hehe..." Meng Tianchen muttered secretly, then laughed.

Inside the cave.

Meng Tianchen appeared again, waved away the Canglong stick.

"The power of this mist is amazing, um, but it consumes a lot of energy in battle, I have to accumulate more in advance." Meng Tianchen waved his hand and sat cross-legged.

Frantically driving the Four Illusory Martial Qi into the Sea of ​​Consciousness and into the imprint of the stone tablet, the imprint of the stone tablet never rejects anyone who comes, constantly devouring and transforming, the fog in the space of the stone tablet is getting thicker and thicker.

After the Four Illusions Martial Qi in his body was almost exhausted, Meng Tianchen operated the Konglong Zuzhu and slowly recovered.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Finally, after the fog in the space of the stele became extremely thick, a vortex formed.

Black swirls.

Immediately, all the mist was swept into this vortex, and then condensed into a bright drop of water.

black!There is endless mystery.

"Water droplets?"

Meng Tianchen understood it after a little induction.

Water droplets are the form of extremely condensed mist power. When fighting, the mist power can be fully transferred from the water droplets.

"Damn it! I spent so much of the Four Illusions Martial Qi to condense a drop of water! This is too difficult!"

Every drop requires Meng Tianchen to consume a huge amount of Four Magic Martial Qi to transform.

One day, two days, three days!
Three full months passed.

at last.

After a full circle of 36 water droplets surrounded the stele space, it became indistinctly balanced, and at the same time, the oppressive feeling also made Meng Tianchen understand that this is the limit that the stele space can bear for the time being.

With these 36 water droplets, Meng Tianchen will not be afraid even if he meets the Great Martial Emperor!

On this day, Meng Tianchen got up suddenly.

"Senior Huofengzi, thank you." Meng Tianchen turned his head and looked at the writing on the cave wall.

It is precisely because of the Bailiu Hedao left by Senior Huofengzi that after his enlightenment, he not only solved the potential crisis of the broken stele, but also unraveled the secret of the broken stele.

The unraveling of this secret turned Meng Tianchen into a complete monster.

With the peak Wuwang, he will be comparable to the strong Wuhuang, this damn is too scary.

Standing on the edge of the cave on the rock wall, Meng Tianchen looked up and then at the bottomless abyss.

"Climbing up? Or going down?"

Meng Tianchen thought about it.

Now possessed by the power of the black mist, he can easily climb up and out of this cave.After climbing out of the cave?I don't know if I can leave safely.

Climb down?It is also unknown.

"It's not difficult to climb up now." Meng Tianchen nodded lightly, "Don't worry, go down first and take a look. In the endless years, I don't know how many warriors have been swallowed by this so-called fire whirl. The bottom of this fire whirl is deep. I'm afraid there are quite a few treasures."

Although it is dangerous below, there is also a great treasure.

Hallow fragments need a lot.


Meng Tianchen no longer hesitated.

Exercising the magical transformation, the body suddenly became extremely hideous.Quickly began to climb down on the cave wall, and the power of the black mist of the broken stone tablet was behind him, it was too easy.

Meng Tianchen could even easily drive the dragon claws to dig deep into the cliff.

Whoosh whoosh!
Don't look at Meng Tianchen's huge stature, while climbing, he is extremely flexible and very fast. He turned into a phantom and quickly descended.

Ten miles, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles...

Meng Tianchen kept climbing down.

Occasionally, in some cracks on the rock wall, some stuck holy artifact fragments can be encountered.

"Father! This shit is too deep, it has already climbed down for more than 3 miles." Meng Tianchen secretly exclaimed.

And the further down, it seems that the power of this fire whirl is getting stronger and stronger.

Now the fire whirl where Meng Tianchen is located is more than five or six times larger than before at the top.

However, Meng Tianchen's strength has improved too much, and it is still relatively easy.

"Huh?" Meng Tianchen's eyes lit up.

A war knife exuding blood was partially stuck in the crevice of the rock. The whirlwind of flames blew over the war knife, making an ear-piercing scream. The war knife was still dazzling, and Meng Tianchen was startled by the murderous aura.

"The complete holy artifact!" Meng Tianchen showed joy.

After climbing more than 3 miles, I picked up almost a hundred pieces of the sacred artifact, and finally found a complete sacred artifact.


Meng Tianchen stretched out his dragon claw, inserted it into the crack of the rock wall, grabbed the handle of the saber, and pulled out the saber.The saber freely exudes breath fluctuations, it is obviously an ownerless thing, and its owner is probably dead long ago.

"Top grade! An absolute top grade holy weapon." Meng Tianchen was ecstatic.

"Go on down."

"Huh? Is it the end?" Meng Tianchen's dragon claws dug into the rock wall and looked down.

The fire whirl formed a vortex below, but it did not continue to extend down.

From Meng Tianchen's perspective, he could only see a corner of the huge flame whirlwind.

"It should be the end. At least the strong wind has formed a vortex here. Then, the treasures left by those dead warriors may be here."

Meng Tianchen became a little excited, and he picked up quite a few fragments of holy artifacts along the way, but he only got one complete holy artifact.

Huh, huh.

The closer he was to the bottom, the more cautious Meng Tianchen became. He crawled down slowly, and watched carefully with his naked eyes. If it weren't for the power of the black mist, Meng Tianchen would not have been able to survive in such a deep place. where you can climb freely.

"This vortex is really big." As he climbed down, the true face of the flame whirlwind vortex gradually appeared.

"What?" Meng Tianchen was taken aback.

This vortex of fire has a range of about a thousand miles. One end of the vortex is where Meng Tianchen just climbed down. The other end of the vortex also has an extremely deep cave. He roared towards another cave.

"This?" Meng Tianchen's heart skipped a beat.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the scene of Bailiu Hedao emerged.

Rivers of flames kept galloping and finally converging.

"I understand. This is what Senior Huofengzi of the Spirit Race said, and what I'm experiencing now should be just one of the tributaries."

Meng Tianchen suddenly realized.

The fire swirls.

It is a full hundred passages, winding and rotating, and finally converging, each passage is over a million miles.

This whirling fire seems to contain a kind of harmony mystery.

Apparently, Huofengzi of the Spirit Race also watched a few tributaries, and he had an epiphany, and left a hundred streams of enlightenment on the stone wall of the cave.

"This is the turning point of the tributary, and there should be many treasures deposited."

Meng Tianchen faintly understood.

I was sucked in from the outside, and now I encountered the first turning point of this tributary, which should be regarded as the outermost edge of the whirling stream!

"I'm afraid the deeper you go, the more dangerous it is!" Meng Tianchen understood that if he went deeper with this strength, he would definitely die. "

"Take away these treasures in front of you, and leave quickly." Meng Tianchen made a decision immediately, and then continued to climb down carefully, and soon reached the bottom.

At the vortex, there is no suction force and only some tearing force, and it is rare to be calm at the edge of the vortex. Many pieces of holy artifacts have been thrown to the edge corner by the vortex.

At a glance, Meng Tianchen saw at least a thousand fragments of holy artifacts in the boundary area of ​​the whirlpool thousands of miles away, some of which had exceptionally powerful auras.

Looking carefully, Meng Tianchen really found out that there are a total of nine tyrannical and complete holy artifacts.

Obviously, those who can stay intact and not be shredded into pieces by the fire whirl must at least reach the level of high-grade holy artifacts.

(End of this chapter)

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