Chapter 523 Crocodile Dragon
"I have developed!"

In ecstasy, the power of the black mist poured into his whole body, and Meng Tianchen walked easily at the bottom of the cave.

The lack of strong suction at the bottom of the cave made Meng Tianchen quite relaxed.

Moving forward quietly, they soon reached a corner.

"It's really cool." Meng Tianchen waved his hand and collected the treasure.

In this small corner alone, there are dozens of pieces of sacred artifacts and a complete high-grade sacred artifact.

dagger!A dagger with a cold air.

"Huh? These fragments?" Meng Tianchen looked at those unremarkable sacred artifact fragments.

Meng Tianchen casually grabbed one of the hilts, and only the hilt remained of the long sword.

"This is?" Meng Tianchen frowned, and a deep indentation was clearly visible at the break of the hilt.

"Tooth marks?" Meng Tianchen's heart trembled.

"Take it away." Meng Tianchen waved his hand and put away all these densely packed pieces of holy artifacts.

"Xiao Tianchen, my little ancestor! This time it can be considered a fortune!"

The Wuhen old ghost in the Blood River Pagoda happened to wake up. He had driven the Wuhen Pagoda to refine the fragments of the sacred artifact that Meng Tianchen had given him a few days ago, and the Wuhen Pagoda had recovered a lot.

However, the sleeping Wuhen Tower Tool Spirit still failed to wake up.

The Wuhen old ghost with green eyes was stunned. There were so many pieces of sacred artifacts, it seemed like a dream.

"Hey! It's a fortune!" Meng Tianchen never expected that being sucked into this mysterious place, he would get such a bizarre encounter.

"Huh?" Meng Tianchen murmured softly, with a surprised expression on his face.

He found a strange thing among a large pile of sacred artifact fragments.

Obviously not a fragment of a sacred artifact!

In Meng Tianchen's palm, there is a palm-sized blue-white scale.

"Scales?" Meng Tianchen looked at the lines on it, it was obviously the scales of some kind of strange beast.

"Tooth marks? Tooth marks that crushed pieces of sacred artifacts! Scales? You can't stay here for long. After you have taken the treasure, go quickly." Meng Tianchen thought about it, felt bad, and rushed to another corner.

But at this moment, he looked into the distance, and in another deep cave, there was a stream of light against the whirlwind of flames, approaching here at an astonishing speed.

Meng Tianchen's expression changed greatly.

"Depend on!"

Even now that his strength has greatly increased, Meng Tianchen still has to rely on his dragon claws to dig into and climb the rock wall, but the one that was flying towards him continued to approach against the whirlwind of flames, and the speed was unbelievable.

"Escape." Meng Tianchen didn't care about the treasure anymore, he even climbed up and fled quickly.

"My, my treasure."

When Meng Tianchen collected the scale, the blue-white body lying cross-legged in the depths of the cave, with a crystal beard, was like the head of a crocodile dragon, but the whole body was densely packed with scales like fish scales, and there was a long tail, and four thick and powerful legs.

It was born to live in this endless cave.

Occasionally, some knives, swords, sticks, hammers and other weapons are found in the cave. These weapons are useless to it, but it likes them very much, because these are its trophies and collections!It will put those in some corners where there is no fire swirl, and it will also put down a scale that it has shed, showing that it is its own!

"He even robbed my treasure."


The crocodile is angry.

It immediately turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards Meng Tianchen against the whirl of fire.

"What kind of monster is able to fly against the current in this whirlwind of fire? Could it be that the scales belong to it?" Although Meng Tianchen fled just by looking at it, he could faintly discover that the flying thing was a blue-white body all over its body. The alien beast, the scales he took were blue and white.

"And the tooth marks on the fragments of the shattered sacred artifacts are also its?"

"The complete holy artifacts are all at the level of high-grade sacred artifacts, that fellow must not be able to bite them!"

"But it can crush the fragments of the holy artifact..."

Thinking of this, the sweaty Meng Tianchen understood that the monster's strength might not be something he could fight against.

Whizzing!Whoosh whoosh!
Meng Tianchen's two dragon claws are as fast as phantoms, crazily grabbing upwards, and crawling crazily, they have never climbed so fast before, after all, they climbed all the way down carefully to avoid danger.

Now it is escape.

But that blue and white streamer went against the whirlwind of flames and had already caught up!How could Meng Tianchen's climbing be as good as the opponent's flying?
"Damn it, I got so many treasures, am I going to die here? It's too unfair!" Meng Tianchen turned his head and saw the monster that was approaching and exuding an endless fierce aura.

It looks like a ferocious crocodile!

The crocodile dragon's crystal beard fluttered, and its dark yellow eyes stared at Meng Tianchen full of murderous intent.

Meng Tianchen also chiseled into the rock wall with a dragon claw, while facing the crocodile dragon.

The two look at each other.

"I don't want to be your enemy." Meng Tianchen said.

"Death!" Crocodile suddenly let out an angry roar, and with a whoosh, its tail lashed over violently. The lash was so fast that Meng Tianchen's face changed when he saw it.

The sword intent of the sky!

Meng Tianchen quickly condensed out his sword light, trying to remove the impact.


The sword light collapsed!

The extremely terrifying impact made Meng Tianchen's body tremble, and he slammed on the rock wall behind him forcefully, and a gap cracked in the rock wall. Fortunately, Meng Tianchen's body was blessed with the power of the black mist, and he was much more tyrannical. !And the Asura Emperor Armor almost collapsed under the operation of Konglong Zuzhu!
But this time, Meng Tianchen knew that the opponent's strength was stronger than his own!
This monster in front of me!A flick of the tail.

"Death, death, death." The crocodile monster frantically slaughtered, waving its sharp claws.


But Meng Tianchen was like a big spider, quickly climbing to dodge on the rock wall, sometimes climbing to the left, sometimes climbing to the right, sometimes resisting, and sometimes borrowing strength.

"Tear." The sharp claws slashed across, creating a crack on the rock wall.

With a flick of the tail, the rock wall trembled.

Meng Tianchen was completely at a disadvantage.


"It seems that this monster is not that strong." Meng Tianchen faintly reacted after fighting dozens of moves.

"It's stronger, faster, and its claws are sharper. Other than that, it doesn't seem to have used supernatural powers. Kong has such great power, but it fights so clumsily."

"I can't continue to entangle with it like this. It will take a long time. Once the power of the fog in the space of the stele is exhausted, it will be over." After only a short fight, a drop of black water has been consumed in the space of the stele, which shocked Meng Tianchen.

"You can't kill me." Meng Tianchen shouted.

"Death." The crocodile dragon was still insane.

Meng Tianchen summoned the Canglong Stick!
"Go away." Meng Tianchen erupted.

Drive the Canglong stick, grow bigger, and stab!
The crocodile did not hide at all.

With a muffled sound, the Canglong stick with a thick bowl rim stabbed the Crocodile Dragon heavily.

The crocodile flew backwards, its scales flew, and hit the nearby rock wall with a rumble. The rock wall trembled for a while, and several cracks appeared.

"This?" Meng Tianchen was a little dazed, how could it be possible?
When did the Canglong Cudgel become so strong?

The crocodile monster that hit the rock wall raised its head and roared angrily.

Its cry was fluctuating with a strange fire swirl.


Following the fire swirl, it was transmitted to other areas almost instantly.

In the deep cave in the distance, a crocodile that was sleeping in the circle of fire raised its head and muttered softly: "Intruder?"

"Is there an intruder?"

A crocodile heard the sound.

Their breaths can be strong or weak, and some crocodilians shook their heads and sighed.

The nearest nine-headed crocodile all turned into streamers, and they flew in the whirl of fire, just like fish in the water!

Meng Tianchen couldn't understand why the Canglong Stick had such a powerful suppression against the Crocodile Dragon monster.


Meng Tianchen climbed up quickly, and jumped thousands of miles up in an instant.

"Want to escape?" The crocodile continued to chase.

"what is that?"

Fleeing upwards, resisting this monster from time to time, Meng Tianchen suddenly found a streamer flying from below.

"Another end?" Meng Tianchen was shocked.

"Let's go, let's go." Meng Tianchen was really in a hurry, he climbed crazily with his two dragon claws, and occasionally drove the Canglong stick to angrily stab the crocodile dragon that was chasing and killing him.

It consumes a lot of black mist power every time, but the crocodile dragon was only slightly injured. Although he was a little afraid of the Canglong stick, he still persisted in chasing and killing it.

Hu Hu Hu.

Meng Tianchen charged at high speed.

"There are only a few thousand miles away from the top exit. Once outside, without the influence of the flame whirlwind, I can easily escape with my flying speed. It will be much easier to deal with this monster."

"Can't even deal with an intruder?" At this time, another streamer has arrived.

"Help me kill him." The original crocodile roared.


Meng Tianchen gritted his teeth, because he saw another ray of light chasing after him in the depths of the cave.

"How many monsters are there?" Meng Tianchen climbed up at high speed.

For a while, Meng Tianchen didn't bother to display any Qingtian Sword Intent or Tianshan Battle Intent!These two ultimate moves are useless against the crocodile monster, but the frequent stabbing of the Canglong stick can always repel the opponent.



The two crocodile dragons besieged frantically, Meng Tianchen used the Canglong stick to struggle to deal with it, and at the same time climbed up at high speed, at this moment, the third crocodile dragon also arrived.

"This? Damn it! Can it work?" Meng Tianchen was already facing the siege of the three-headed crocodile dragon. What made him speechless the most was that he saw two streams of light deep in the bottom of the cave, and one of them was at an exceptionally fast speed. Fast, the fastest among the five crocodile dragons he saw.

"Surrounded by them, you will die."

Meng Tianchen desperately resisted.

"Just go out."

Meng Tianchen has already seen the bright exit above.

"rush out."

At the same time, I also saw that the fourth fastest crocodile flying below was approaching.


Tianchen took the claw on purpose.

Borrowing the force of the impact, he rushed out instantly.


"What an idiot!"

"It's because you're stupid. He couldn't handle me alone. It's useless for you to come."

"You two shut up."

"Shut up, all three idiots." The fourth crocodile that arrived last roared, and the other three fell silent.

The four crocodile dragons below are all looking up in the abyss. Their dark yellow eyes are full of anger and fear. They dare not fly out, as if they are afraid of something.

(End of this chapter)

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