Chapter 526 Fire Lady
These hundreds of Martial Emperors are all full of confidence, below the Earth Martial Emperor, they are really not afraid of anyone to fight them head-on.



The lights of knives and axes roared one after another.


Meng Tianchen's speed increased suddenly.

Black light radiated from his body, setting off the bloody Asura Emperor Armor was dim, how strange.

This is Konglong Zuzhu running.


A large number of terrorist attacks fell on Meng Tianchen, only causing ripples of black light!




Immediately, all the golden-horned monsters who besieged Meng Tianchen were dumbfounded.

Who is this fucker?Still human?
This defense!
how can that be possible?
You know, this is the joint bombardment of nearly a hundred Zhong Wu Huang and Da Wu Huang.

A mere peak Martial King, not only completely resisted it, but also looked very relaxed.


The Golden Horn old monster who was in the distance and hadn't planned to do anything at all was dumbfounded.

"Damn it! This alien race actually hides the realm of cultivation!"

In the eyes of the Golden Horn old monster, Meng Tianchen is definitely a strong Martial Emperor, most likely the Earth Martial Emperor!Otherwise, it would be impossible to face the continuous bombardment of hundreds of Zhongwu Emperors and Di Wuhuang without any damage.

"This?" Far away, there was no Huo Nu who was eager to escape, and she was also stunned.


With a loud shout, Meng Tianchen took advantage of the moment when these Martial Emperor powerhouses were stunned, and unleashed a killing move.

Curse the prison!

An extremely strange black cage quickly surrounded a Zhongwu Emperor!

Chi Chi!

Inside the curse prison, the small chi chi sound was so ear-piercing and breathtaking.


I saw the golden-horned monster trapped in the cursed prison, a shrill and incomparable scream resounded through the air.

There was a strange black snake wrapped around that fellow's body.

However, the black snake flashed a terrifying black thunder.

After about one breath, he cursed the Emperor Zhongwu in the prison, and his body slowly faded away.


Completely dead!

Including the Golden Horn old monster, everyone gasped.

What a terrible attack!

Vicious and weird!
A powerful Zhongwu Emperor powerhouse, just gone!It turned into nothingness, leaving nothing behind.

"This? What kind of innate power is this?" Immediately, there was no previous arrogance, the golden horned old monster stared at Meng Tianchen with a face of fear, and his aura soared.

He is serious and ready to fight.


Meng Tianchen, who was laughing wildly, had fun!
How happy, with the blessing of the power of the black mist, the cursed prison is so powerful.

It was far beyond Meng Tianchen's expectation to kill a Zhongwu Emperor powerhouse so easily.

How powerful it would be if it was fused with the real body of the magic fetus.

For the first time, Meng Tianchen felt his strength for the first time!
What is it to kill opponents by leapfrogging.

Lao Tzu, you have to go beyond a few steps so as not to kill your opponent.

The more imposing Meng Tianchen has no scruples!
His defense is strong enough, unless he is a powerful Earth Martial Emperor, these people are not enough to break through the defense of Emperor Shura's armor.

This is mainly due to the strength of Konglong Zuzhu, and more because of the power of the black mist.

call out!

Meng Tianchen's fingers moved, and a sword glow quickly formed in front of him!
A sharp, domineering, and tyrannical aura emanates from it.


With a shout, Qingtian Sword Intent targeted a terrified Zhongwu Emperor and beheaded him.

Jianmang is too fast!
Stabbing and slashing at the body of the Zhongwu Emperor, the cold and sharp sword glow flew.

In an instant, that fellow's body, like a rag, was chopped into many pieces.


A large piece of plasma was sprinkled down, blood red, so dazzling!

Broken limbs, fragments, splashing, flying horizontally!
"Haha, I didn't expect the power of the black mist to be so sharp! With the blessing, even the Qingtian Sword Intent is so powerful!" Meng Tianchen was extremely excited.

The black eyes became more and more deep and indifferent.

"Damn it, all go! Siege! Siege!"

The moment the golden-horned old monster, who was completely insane, found Duan Duan, his two servants of Emperor Zhongwu died!Completely angry.

"Whoosh." Meng Tianchen went straight to the golden horn old monster.

"How is it possible?" The Golden Horn old monster was really frightened, compared to the last time he chased and killed Meng Tianchen, he found that the opponent's speed could be too fast.

"Block him." Feeling something was wrong, the golden-horned old monster hurriedly roared at the numerous servants of the Martial Emperor.


Meng Tianchen has arrived.

It was less than a kilometer away from the Golden Horn boss, and it happened to be within the locked attack range.

call out!
The sword glow flickered.


The sword light slashed on a small round shield and stabbed.


The golden-horned old monster who was fortunate to have escaped hadn't had time to feel sorry for the little round shield destroyed by the sword glow!Only to find that he was shrouded in a terrible black prison.

This is the cursed prison!

A dreadful prison of curses!


Suddenly, there was a deep and long scream from the cursed prison, full of fear.

It wasn't until this moment that the Golden Horn old monster regretted, regretting that he shouldn't have provoked Meng Tianchen.

What the hell is this peak martial king? He is clearly an extremely terrifying old monster. The looming old ghost who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger hides so deeply and hides his cultivation.

However, until the moment of death.

The golden horn old monster didn't even know that the culprit who killed him was Meng Tianchen!The realm of cultivation is really the peak martial king.

It's just that this peak Martial King is too evil, an eternal evil.

At the moment when the Golden Horn old monster lost his soul, all the remaining Martial Emperor powerhouses all released their mind-spirit contracts and were free.


These golden-horned monsters with the cultivation base of Emperor Wuhuang and Emperor Wudi didn't dare to look at Meng Tianchen again, and ran wildly and escaped one by one.


The extremely excited Meng Tianchen didn't even bother to chase him down.

Because, six drops of black water in the space of the stele have been consumed!

How long has it been since the battle, 36 drops of black water, actually consumed six drops!
The power of the black mist is consumed too quickly!

Only Meng Tianchen himself knows that it is not easy to condense these black water droplets.

"This, this..." The fire girl in the distance looked at the scene in front of her and was completely stunned.

"The Golden Horn old monster is the pinnacle of the Great Martial Emperor. He was almost able to step into the Earth Martial Emperor, but he killed him casually. He? Is he really a powerful Earth Martial Emperor?"

"Earth Martial Emperor?"

"But he is clearly the peak martial king, and the martial king's aura is very obvious. I saw him a few years ago, and he was the peak martial king at that time. This is absolutely true." Huo Nu trembled in her heart.

However, can the peak martial king easily kill the great martial emperor?

Even if it is a legendary evildoer, it is absolutely impossible!


"Senior! Thank you so much! This is the Fire Girl of the Spirit Race!" He didn't dare to get too close to Meng Tianchen.

After all, Huo Nu knew that outsiders like Meng Tianchen who broke in were not good people.

"Senior? Hehe! I'm definitely not as old as you!" Meng Tianchen, who was in a big mood, could tell at a glance that Huo Nu was a peerless beauty, and she was too hot.

She is the kind of woman that any man will want to fall in love with after just one glance, just like a conquered woman.

It is obvious that Meng Tianchen has no hostility.

The somewhat apprehensive Huo Nu was very charming, and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, are you really the pinnacle Martial King?"

"That's right! I am the peak Martial King!"

Meng Tianchen didn't even think about it, and answered confidently.


Huo Nu, who cried out softly, was dumbfounded.


"I have come across such an evildoer." Huo Nu was excited.

This kind of monstrosity, the peak Martial King can rival and even kill the Great Martial King.

how can that be possible?There is absolutely no such monster in the legend!In the history of our spirit race, it has never appeared before.

"If such an opportunity is missed, I will regret it to death." Huo Nu made a decision in an instant.

"You can call me Young Master Meng." Meng Tianchen said.

At this moment, seeing Huo Nu's fanatical figure, that extremely charming little face, especially the little golden horn on her head, her mind started to sprout.

An involuntary feeling came out.

Meng Tianchen, whose blood was agitated in his body, seemed to have been lured by something.

"What a top-notch beauty, no wonder that golden-horned old monster is persistent!" For a moment, Meng Tianchen's eyes became hot, and he swept the fire girl unscrupulously.

Especially those extremely tempting parts.

As if seeing Meng Tianchen's expression in her eyes, Huo Nu secretly rejoiced.

"Young Master Meng, I wonder if I can become your follower?"

"Follower?" Meng Tianchen was taken aback, he never dreamed that happiness would just come like this!
too fast!
Before he even opened his mouth, he actually attracted the top-quality beauty, who took the initiative to fall into his arms.


Meng Tianchen, who was laughing all the time, didn't think his charm was so great.

This is a good way to say it, but it is a servant at a bad level.

There is no freedom, life and death are up to people!
"Really?" Meng Tianchen looked at Huo Nu carefully.

I want to see some clues from this extremely seductive spirit beauty.

Of course, Meng Tianchen was very moved.

First, he is a man with strong desires, especially when facing these disasters.

In addition, Meng Tianchen wanted to learn more about the Spirit Race, especially the information about this underground world from the other party.


Obviously, Meng Tianchen is still very unfamiliar with the so-called Huku space.

"Young Master Meng, I know you outsiders have a way to leave here, I don't want to stay in the underground world!" After a little hesitation, Huo Nu still spoke slowly.

"And, staying here, I have only two paths, one is to become the plaything of those old monsters, and the other is to die!"

"Okay! I promise you!"

Meng Tianchen, who fully agreed, changed the topic.

"However, let's try your strength first! You take action, deal with me, and use your most powerful means. If you can, you can be my follower."

"Okay." Huo Nu's eyes lit up, "Be careful."


With a coquettish drink, Huo Nu's white fingers moved, and a red light flashed in her seductive pupils.


Nine streams of fiery red light rushed out from her side at the same time. After careful inspection, it was discovered that each stream of fiery red streamer was the confluence of a large number of fire blades.

These nine flaming streamers have been completely combined in mid-air, forming a huge sword, the whole body is filled with flames, fiercely slashing at Meng Tianchen.

Powerful and powerful, extremely domineering.


(End of this chapter)

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