Chapter 527 The Secret of the Mansion
The flaming saber struck Meng Tianchen directly, and countless sparks of saber light appeared on the surface of the Asura Emperor Armor.

But in the end, the Flame War Saber collapsed, and the Shura Emperor Armor was not damaged at all.

"He can't even shake it." Huo Nu was secretly shocked, "It turns out that his defensive power is so strong."

"Although he has reached the realm of the Great Martial Emperor, he is much weaker than the Golden Horn old monster!" Meng Tianchen resisted the opponent's blow, and Meng Tianchen fully understood the fire girl's combat power.

Previously, Meng Tianchen learned through Wuhen Old Ghost that there are two types of so-called followers.

The first to conclude a spiritual contract!Requires Power Totem.As the owner of Laoshizi Martial God Palace, Meng Tianchen knew nothing about the extremely mysterious Martial God Palace.

Not to mention the power totem of the Valkyrie Palace.

Moreover, even if Meng Tianchen wants to refine a power totem by himself, it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time!

Although he has the barren weapon sacrifice method!
But the main material for refining the power totem is Chaos Stone, which Meng Tianchen has never encountered so far.

The second way to subdue a follower is to leave a brand in the mind of the other party.

This kind of secret method is extremely rare, and it is impossible for ordinary warriors to possess it.

As for Meng Tianchen, he has even more secret means.

Soul Seed!

"Yeah." Meng Tianchen looked at Huo Nu and nodded, "Okay, I'll accept you as my follower, open your mind, open your sea of ​​consciousness!"

At this moment, Meng Tianchen has a plan, or a plan.

He intends to establish his own power.

Valkyrie Palace!
And Huo Nu was the first subordinate he took in.

Using the secret method, he successfully planted the soul seed in the fire girl's sea of ​​consciousness, Meng Tianchen smiled.

"I've seen the master." Huo Goddess had a slightly weird expression, but after only being in a daze for a moment, she humbly saluted, that smile was really charming.

"Fire Girl, I plan to rebuild the Martial God Palace! You are the first follower I accept."

"By the way, from now on you will be a martial guard of the Fire Palace of the Martial God Palace!"

"Master will definitely have more and more followers in the future." Hearing that she became the first subordinate of Meng Tianchen's forces, Huo Nu's eyes lit up.

"Master, do you know Chaos Stone?"

As soon as he asked the question, the old ghost Wuhen knew what Meng Tianchen meant, and said in a deep voice: "It is very difficult to refine the power totem! Chaos stones are only produced in the world of the ten directions! And they are extremely rare. Maybe, wait for you in the future." Entering the world in one side, if you are lucky, you should be able to meet it."


After thinking for a long time, the helpless Meng Tianchen sighed secretly: "It seems that there is nothing to do about the power totem in a short time!"

"By the way, Fire Girl, Huku, no, how much do you know about this underground world?"


Fire Girl responded without thinking, and said without thinking: "This place is the underground world where our spirit race lives. It has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and even I don't know how big it is! Everywhere is full of all kinds of terrible dangers. He is a powerful Earth Martial Emperor, and if he is not careful, he may fall."

"It is said that there are many underground worlds like ours in the underground. I just know that adjacent to the underground world where our Spirit Race is located, is an underground world occupied by the Leiren Race!"


Meng Tianchen was taken aback, it was the first time he heard the secrets of the underground world, and he was very surprised.

"Master, is the underground world really that magical?"

"The underground world is the most mysterious place in one world, it's scary! I don't know very well either!" The old ghost Wuhen was extremely surprised.

After questioning, Meng Tianchen had a clear understanding of this so-called Huku space from Huo Nu's mouth.

In Huku, most of them are the Spirit Race, and there are also weird wild beasts.

The most frightening thing is that in Huku, terrible crises are everywhere.

Unfortunately, it was extremely confusing.

The people of the spirit race attack and fight each other.

Really believe in the rule of the jungle!

The weak have no right to survive, or they will become the slaves of the strong, or they will die.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen felt a terrifying power erupting from an extremely far away place.

It seems that a vicious wild beast has awakened.

"not good!"

Seemingly remembering something, the terrified Fire Maiden, with a face full of fear, screamed, "Master, the Hessen Cliff is ahead! That breath, that breath is definitely the superpower of our spirit race!"

"Yes, it must be the Emperor Die Ling who has entered the Hessen Cliff for thousands of years according to the rumors!"

Meng Tianchen could feel that aura from a long distance away, it was extremely powerful.Even if he didn't reach the level of Elder Wan Yan, he should be about the same as Teng Shan.

Just kidding, Tengshan is the emperor of extreme martial arts!

"This is trouble!"

During Huo Nu's emergency introduction, Meng Tianchen learned that this Lao Shizi Die Ling Huang was extremely terrifying and vicious!
Entering the terrifying Hessen Cliff ten thousand years ago, the people of the Spirit Race thought that the old monster died inside!
As everyone knows, it came out.

"Master, hurry up, run away! We must have been discovered by that guy!" It was obvious that the terrifying aura was approaching from far away, and the fire girl was terrified.


Facing such a terrifying ominous creature, how could one escape?
It can't be explained that Meng Tianchen brought Huo Nu into the magic tire real body martial world!

Before refining the power totem of the Martial God Palace, Meng Tianchen planned to use the Demon Embryo Real Body Martial World as a shelter for his subordinates.

With his stature raised to the extreme, Meng Tianchen fled crazily.

However, Meng Tianchen discovered that the extremely terrifying energy had already locked him.

"damn it!"

Meng Tianchen, who had an ugly face, was extremely unwilling.

"Master, is there a way to avoid that guy?" Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to ask the old ghost Wuhen.

"Go back!" Knowing that Meng Tianchen is unwilling, but Wuhen old ghost knows that there is really no other way this time!
Once approached by the Emperor Die Ling, it will be absolutely troublesome.

I felt that I was locked on by that terrifying air mechanism, and the opponent was getting closer and closer, and the roar was loud.

In desperation, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to take out the Escaping Flame Orb!
The Flame Escaping Orb shattered in an instant, turned into a strange flame, enveloping Meng Tianchen.

Just for a moment, Meng Tianchen felt that the space around him was blurred, extremely distorted!

The flames engulfing Meng Tianchen crazily devoured the fire energy that surged around him.

In the blink of an eye, Meng Tianchen turned into a huge fireball.

call out!
The fireball is extremely terrifying, tearing apart the space.

When Meng Tianchen woke up, he found his body smashed heavily on the ground of a hall.

Meng Tianchen felt the pain all over his body, only then did he realize that there was a person standing beside him.

Elder Wan Yan!
That's right, this place turned out to be the inner hall of the Elder's Hall.

It was empty, only Elder Wan Yan was alone.

Obviously, this old guy has been here, waiting for Meng Tianchen's return.

"Hmm! Not bad! Very good!"

Seems to have sensed something on Meng Tianchen, Elder Wan Yan looked at Meng Tianchen very satisfied.

"Little guy, aren't you called Master?"

Elder Wan Yan, who is full of spirit, stared at Meng Tianchen with sharp sharp edges.

"Depend on!"

Meng Tianchen's whole body was like falling apart, he managed to stand up straight, cursed secretly, and thought: "If I don't agree with this old man today, I probably won't be able to get out of here!"

After being stunned for a while, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to shout: "Master!"

"Hey Hey!"

Immediately, Elder Wan Yan was overjoyed and extremely excited.

"Forget it, you go back first! I will find you as a teacher after you are successfully promoted to Martial Emperor!"

After endless instructions, Elder Wan Yan shouted towards the outside of the hall.


In an instant, a big man in red armor stepped in and looked at Elder Wan Yan with extreme respect.

"This is your thirteenth junior brother! Take your little junior brother to Yanhu in the Eastern City, where there is a heaven-level mansion, which is his new home!"

"New home? Junior brother?"

For a while, Meng Tianchen was a little confused and stunned.

After speaking, Elder Wan Yan disappeared ghostly.

"Junior brother, I am Tian Chenyuan, your third senior brother!"

Although he knew about the competition between Meng Tianchen and Teng Shan in the Yanhu Tower, Tian Chenyuan didn't understand how a mere peak martial king in this area became his junior brother.

One must know that it is impossible for Elder Wan Yan to accept him as a disciple if he is not a core child of the Tianchen family or an evil genius.

With deep confusion, Tian Chenyuan led Meng Tianchen out of the inner hall and out of the elder hall!

"Third senior brother! What's so special about the heavenly mansion?" Along the way, Meng Tianchen, who was very confused, still couldn't hold back, and asked in a low voice.

"You don't even know the heavenly mansion?" Tian Chenyuan was so surprised.

Meng Tianchen, who was a little embarrassed, nodded.


Tian Chenyuan, who has a pretty good temper, may see that Meng Tianchen is his junior brother. He walked towards Dongcheng in a leisurely manner while patiently explaining.

It turns out that in Shengyan City, there is a huge secret.

Or, it can be called a secret known to all the senior officials of the Shengyan Tiger Clan.

The vast Shengyan City is said to be built on the ruins of an ancient palace.

Under the ground of Shengyan City, there are some mysterious fragments scattered.

According to the countless years of enlightenment of the Shengyan Tiger Clan, this kind of fragment should be a fragment of a huge stone tablet.

Fragments, no matter how powerful a martial artist is, cannot be collected or moved.

Fragments are incomparably miraculous. After comprehension, not only can condense the soul and martial energy, but also can temper the mind!It is also helpful to improve the realm of martial arts.

The fragments can be said to be an important source and support for the Shengyan Tiger Clan to stand tall in the Central Territory and become the overlord!
Unfortunately, these fragments cannot be collected and cannot be moved.The ancestors of the Shengyan Tiger Clan built the Shengyan City on the ruins!On top of these fragments, mansions of various levels were built.

The largest fragment has dozens of pieces!These mansions are called heavenly mansions.

The second ones are called prefecture-level mansions!The most are Xuan-level mansions and Huang-level mansions!
The core of every mansion is the underground secret room!A secret room with mysterious fragments.

(End of this chapter)

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