Chapter 528
The vast city of holy flames, a mansion built on the largest fragment, a heavenly mansion!No more than fifty.

These are all controlled by the Tianchen family, absolutely controlled.

Even the eighteen great lords of Shengyan City, although they are also members of the Shengyan Tiger Clan, very few of them get a heaven-level mansion.

As for Meng Tianchen, when he first arrived in Shengyan City, he was bestowed with a heaven-level mansion by the Elder Hall.


Meng Tianchen was shocked when he learned the secret of the so-called heavenly mansion.

There are two pieces of his training auxiliary treasures!

Blood River Pagoda, Luo Incense Burner!

However, both of these can only help to improve the realm of cultivation.

The fragments of the secret room of the heavenly mansion can actually condense the soul, martial energy, temper the mind, and also improve the realm of martial arts.

what is this?
How outrageous!

Involuntarily, Meng Tianchen recalled that when Elder Wan Yan granted Meng Tianchen a heavenly mansion in the inner hall, he was strongly opposed by Elder Han Lin and others.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen knew why.

After half a day!

Meng Tianchen saw a huge lake that stretches as far as the eye can see, a magma lake!
Very spectacular, very scary.

Ordinary people, if they fall into the Yanhu Lake, they will definitely be incinerated into ashes.

Even though it was tens of thousands of meters away from Yanhu Lake, Meng Tianchen still felt an extremely hot wave and breath!
What the hell is, there is only one mansion beside Yanhu Lake!
It looks very simple, and it must have been established quite a long time ago.

However, there is a brand new plaque on the main entrance of the mansion.

"Mongolian Mansion!"

Moreover, at the closed gate, there stood two guards in red armor.

"Master Yuan!"

After seeing Tianchenyuan, the two red-armored guards rushed to see him!As for Meng Tianchen behind Tian Chenyuan, he didn't even glance at him.

A mere peak Martial King is not worthy of their attention at all.

"Little brother! This is your mansion order!"

Ignoring the two red-armored guards, Tian Chenyuan looked back at Meng Tianchen and took out a small token!
"Recognize the owner of this heaven-level mansion, and you are the owner of this place!"

"It's really Nima's generosity!" Meng Tianchen was stunned the moment he saw this huge mansion.

It is unimaginable that the Shengyan Tiger Clan actually built a mansion like this.

It was then that Meng Tianchen's two red-armored guards seemed to have remembered something, and they were all shocked.

"Thank you third brother!"

Watching Tian Chenyuan leave, and after recognizing the owner of the heavenly mansion, Meng Tianchen couldn't help but feel a sense of control!

As long as he moves his mind, he can open the gate of the mansion and enter.

On the way here, Meng Tianchen learned that Elder Wan Yan originally had twelve disciples, all of whom were outstanding members of the Tianchen family.

But now there are only two left.

No, including him, there are three left.

One is the third senior brother Tianchenyuan, and the other is sent by the sixth senior brother Tianchen!
The others are all dead, all in the Azure Dragon Abyss.

When Meng Tianchen asked about Qinglong Abyss, Tianchenyuan didn't go into details, and seemed very unwilling to mention it.

"Master Meng!"

Uncharacteristically, when the two red-armored guards knew Meng Tianchen's identity, they were extremely humble, and they dared to underestimate him.


With a lukewarm response, Meng Tianchen opened the gate of the mansion and entered it.

A gust of wind hit.

It was so cold that Meng Tianchen was startled.

Inside the mansion, it was extremely gloomy, extremely gloomy.

"Damn it!" Meng Tianchen who muttered was very puzzled, this mansion is close to the scorching hot lake, so it should be extremely hot.

Why is it so gloomy and cold after entering the mansion just now!
Moreover, there is also a sense of withering and death, it seems that this mansion is a place of death.

The entire mansion was empty, and there was no one there!

Meng Tianchen, who was in absolute control, went straight to the inside, avoiding some powerful restrictions.

Only Meng Tianchen knew that this seemingly ordinary and strange mansion was full of murderous intentions at the beginning, with dense restrictions, and if one was not careful, it would fall into crisis.

As the owner of the mansion, Meng Tianchen can even activate these terrible restrictions at any time.

Appearing in the inner courtyard, the Heavenly Mansion Order appeared in Meng Tianchen's hand.

Drive martial energy, activate.

call out!
A stream of flames shot out and rushed towards the rocky ground.

That's right, there is a hidden secret formation on the rocky ground!

The opened dense array emits faint energy fluctuations.

step in!

Meng Tianchen came to a secret room in an instant, an underground secret room.


Seeing a huge object standing in the middle of the empty secret room, Meng Tianchen was stunned.

This is a boulder, no, not really a boulder.

Because, the two sides of this boulder are very smooth, and there is a faint luster and a strange black halo on it.

"Is this a mysterious fragment, a fragment of a suspected monument?"

Seeing the fragments of the huge monument for the first time, Guangling's heart trembled.

An inexplicable sense of vicissitudes and familiarity involuntarily grew in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Master, can you find out what this is?"

After a long time, the Wuhen old ghost also sighed helplessly: "I don't know, this thing is born with mysterious power, so mysterious, even I have never heard of it."

While Meng Tianchen was trying to touch and comprehend the fragments of the mysterious monument.

The Li family in Dongcheng.

The ancestor of the Li family sat on the head, and the Li family and other powerful figures were all present, all of them looked in awe, and they were extremely respectful in front of the ancestor.

"Okay, now that we're all here, let's start the family meeting." The ancestor of the Li family waved his hand, and the head of the Li family, Li Tongtong, and others dared to sit down.

"Meng Tianchen occupies a sky-level mansion in Dongcheng, and opens a government office to build a mansion. My Li family should not underestimate it."

"Tongtong, this time, you will take the place of the old man to send the congratulatory ceremony in person, so don't be negligent."

The owner of the Li family respectfully said yes.

"Remember, all disciples of my Li family will be strictly restrained from now on, and they are not allowed to provoke people from the Meng Mansion! This Meng Tianchen came out of nowhere, but unexpectedly entered the Huku, and even became the disciple of the Great Elder!"

The old ancestor opened his mouth, and all the powerful warriors of the Li family looked at each other. Although Meng Tianchen is in the limelight now, there is no need for their Li family to be so cautious.

Isn't he just a junior of the peak Martial King?
Looking at the expressions of the younger generations, how could the ancestor of the Li family fail to understand what they meant, sighed, and said: "If there are no accidents, there will be another elder in our Shengyanhu Clan within a thousand years, alas, you wait Back off."

The warriors of the Li family jumped in their hearts when they heard this, and raised their heads in shock.

Meng Tianchen has become an elder for thousands of years?What a joke!
Perhaps ordinary warriors would think that Meng Tianchen's entry into the heavenly mansion was a sign that he would become an elder in the future, but the powerful warriors did not think so!

The emergence of elders requires the appointment of the patriarch of the ethnic group. Where is the patriarch?
But today's words came from the mouth of the ancestors, they couldn't help but not believe it!

At the same time, the Qi family.

"Damn junior! Damn!" Upon receiving the news that Meng Tianchen had come out of Huku, and obtained the news of the establishment of a heaven-level mansion, the patriarch of the Qi family suddenly jumped up in anger, but he was faintly relieved in his heart, and secretly said that it was dangerous.

Qi Gu stood at the bottom with a pale complexion, his face was calm, but his eyes were full of resentment, like a poisonous snake dormant in the grass, ready to open his mouth to deal a fatal blow to the enemy at any time.

Now when he heard the news that Meng Tianchen was at the same level as against Tengshan, which made him feel resentful, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of uncontrollable fear!
That's right, it's because of fear, it's unimaginable for the same level to beat Teng Shan in Yanhu Pagoda.He was afraid, maybe this kind of enemy really shouldn't be provoked, but now there is no longer any objection to these things, the Qi family and Meng Tianchen are already in an incompatible situation!
"Qi Gu, how are you doing with the things I ordered you earlier?" The ancestor of the Qi family suddenly asked lightly.

Qi Gu's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't dare to show the slightest strange color, "It's coming soon."

"Okay." The patriarch of the Qi family was silent for a moment, and after speaking, he took a step forward, and his figure disappeared immediately.

Qi Gu clenched his fists tightly, his face grim!
In the secret room, Meng Tianchen, who had tried for a long time, knew the effect of the fragments of the mysterious monument.

Indeed, if you practice enlightenment here, it will help to improve the true meaning of martial arts.

However, the auxiliary effect is not as good as Luo Xianglu.

However, as long as it is practiced, there will always be a trace of invisible energy entering the body from the fragments of the mysterious monument. Not only can it temper the mind, but it can also enter the sea of ​​consciousness without any barriers, condensing the consciousness and soul.

How amazing!
The end is extremely weird.

These are not what surprised Meng Tianchen the most. What puzzled Meng Tianchen the most was that whenever he entered the state of cultivation, the power of blood in his body was always surging.

Of course, there is only one kind of surging blood power, Qinglong blood!
"Could it be that the fragments of the mysterious monument are related to the Dragon Clan?" Meng Tianchen had a mysterious thought involuntarily.

"Try it!"

Meng Tianchen was in a frenzy, and at the same time running the Konglong Zuzhu, he stimulated the power of Qinglong's bloodline to the maximum extent.

Immediately, Meng Tianchen's whole body burst into a dark light, a black light.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen seemed to hear a Canggu roar, similar to the roar of a giant dragon.

"This?" The startled Meng Tianchen quickly asked: "Master, did you hear any sound?"

"What's the sound? No!" The old ghost Wuhen had been inspecting the fragments of the mysterious monument, very surprised.


Now Meng Tianchen was stunned, he clearly heard a howl just now, it was definitely true.

But why is he the only one who can hear it?

Once again, Meng Tianchen used the Konglong Zuzhu to activate the power of Qinglong's bloodline!

Instantly, that howling sound was incomparably desolate and incomparably clear, as if it was resounding in Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

What's weird is that even Meng Tianchen couldn't find out where that weird voice came from.

"Master, did you hear that?"

"Don't interrupt! I'm researching!" Old Ghost Wuhen seemed a little impatient!
"Damn, what the hell is going on with this shit?"

After repeated attempts, Meng Tianchen discovered a slight change.

The fragment of the mysterious monument standing in front of him, on the fragment of the kilometer-large monument, overflowed with a black halo that was much stronger than before.

(End of this chapter)

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