Chapter 529

"No way? Could it be that the weird roar of the dragon came from the fragments of the monument?"

"But why, only Lao Tzu can hear it?"

After repeated attempts, Meng Tianchen was almost sure.

That's right, the weird roar of the dragon definitely came from the fragments of the huge stele in front of him.Unfortunately, only he can hear it.

Moreover, in order to arouse this mournful roar of the dragon, only he can drive the power of Qinglong's blood in his body to do it.

"Damn, is this fragment of the Laoshizi monument really related to the Dragon Clan?"

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen became excited.

This is the treasure of his dragon clan.

However, just when Meng Tianchen was about to further explore the secrets of the fragments of the monument, he suddenly discovered that someone was coming outside the mansion!

"Little brother! Now that you have established a government office, we two elders congratulate you!"

The sound was huge, resounding for hundreds of miles.

The area around Yanhu Lake can be heard clearly.


Meng Tianchen, who was somewhat confused, flashed out of the secret room, he clearly checked outside the mansion, and two people came.

One of them was the third senior brother Tian Chenyuan who had passed away not long ago.

"Isn't it just occupying a heaven-level mansion! Is it necessary to make such a publicity?" Despite being a little confused, Meng Tianchen opened the mansion door wide and welcomed him out.

Moreover, Meng Tianchen also noticed that the two red-armored guards standing at the door looked extremely respectful.

"Little brother, let me introduce you. This is your sixth brother, Tianchen here! We are ordered by our master to come to congratulate you!"

Tian Chenyuan, with a strong smile, handed three storage rings while speaking.

Obviously, this is a congratulatory gift, and one of them belongs to the cheap master, Elder Wan Yan.


Dazed for a moment, Meng Tianchen welcomed the two senior brothers into the mansion.


"Junior brother, it seems that you have to recruit some people! Such a big mansion, it's impossible to be unpopular!"

"Recruiting people?" I was stunned for a moment, there really were Meng Tianchen people, and they were all cultivating in the Blood River Pagoda!

As for the black boy Maomao and the golden baby Beibei, they are too young and have heaven-defying aptitude, so they might be the characters who cause trouble if they are released.

And the first follower I just received, Huo Nu!

He was a member of the Spirit Race, and Meng Tianchen didn't dare to release him rashly.

The ghost knows what is going on between the Shengyan Tiger Clan and the Spirit Clan in Huku Space.

Tianchenyuan and Tianchen brought them here, but they didn't see Meng Tianchen, they just went into the main hall and sat on the guest seat in a big way.

"Where's the wine? Junior brother, you don't even have good wine, do you?"


Looking at Meng Tianchen's astonished expression, Tian Chenyuan who shook his head took out an exquisite small wine bottle by himself, took a very rare sip, and looked completely intoxicated.

Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to call one of the only two red-armored guards in the mansion!

He took out a hundred Wujing and told him to go to the city and buy the best wine back.

"Little brother! You are really rich!"

Tianchen Fenglai was slightly surprised to see the strange red armored guard who received a hundred martial crystals.

"The Patriarch of the Li family, Li Tongtong, established the Hemeng Mansion, and gave Wu Jing three thousand!"

Suddenly, outside the mansion, there was another high-pitched shout from another red-armored guard.

"There is really a gift?" Meng Tianchen became more and more confused.

"Hey, the Li family has such a big hand, it's three thousand martial crystals!" Tian Chenyuan seemed very satisfied, and smiled.

Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to welcome him out in person.

"Old man Li Tongtong, Patriarch of the Li family, in the name of the ancestor, congratulate little friend Meng Tianchen for founding a mansion and setting up a government office. Afterwards, he will be powerful in the central region!" Li Tongtong was ushered into the main hall, and he bowed his hands in a salute, looking very sincere.

Three thousand martial crystals is nothing to Meng Tianchen, but to Shengyan City, three thousand martial crystals is not a small amount, but a fortune.

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, he cupped his hands slightly, and said: "Patriarch Li, you don't need to be polite, please sit down."

However, just as he landed on the main seat, before he could sit still, the red-armored guards shouted again from outside.

"Patriarch Sima and his descendants established the Hemeng Mansion and donated two thousand to Wu Jing!"

"This? What's going on here? I don't even know these people! Why do they all come here to give gifts?"

How did Meng Tianchen know that this is the custom of Shengyan City.

Every time a heaven-level mansion opens its doors, it is a grand event that shakes the entire Shengyan City.

"Could it be that these guys are looking at Elder Wan Yan's face?"

Meng Tianchen greeted him again.

"Sima Qing, by the order of our ancestors, I congratulate Lord Meng Tianchen for opening his mansion and setting up a government office. From now on, he will be powerful in the central region!"

Seeing this old man, Meng Tianchen could feel the incomparably tyrannical power in his body. This guy is definitely a terrifying high-level Martial Emperor powerhouse.

"Patriarch Sima, please come in." Meng Tianchen said lightly.

"The head of the Jiangnan family and his descendants established the Hemeng Mansion, and donated two thousand to Wu Jing!"

"Patriarch Tuoba and his descendants established the Hemeng Mansion and donated two thousand to Wu Jing!"


In just a short while, more and more people came to give gifts, and Meng Tianchen was too busy.

The red-armored guard standing at the door smiled like a flower, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth were a little stiff, but he didn't feel hard work at all, and he had more face.

What's more, there are actually more and more warriors gathered around the Meng Mansion to watch the grand occasion of the Meng Mansion's construction.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a screaming sound from behind. It turned out that a martial artist on the long street not far from the gate of the Meng Mansion was unable to dodge in time and was knocked into the air by a savage beast. The flesh body was torn apart, his complexion turned pale instantly, and he was thrown dozens of feet away.

"Damn it, don't you have eyes anymore? How dare you block my son's way? If you delay a big event, be careful of your dog's life!" The warrior who spoke was the young warrior riding on the tall beast, with a ruthless expression on his face. The color of fierceness.

"How dare you be so arrogant after hurting someone, brothers surround him!"

"I have to give this kid some memory, and see if he dares to be so arrogant in the future."

"Pull this kid down, beat him hard for a while!"


Loose cultivators belong to the grassroots existence. Although there are many differences among them, if they are in the same team, they are very united. Otherwise, if there is a bad reputation, there will be no foothold in the casual cultivator.

Quite a few warriors shouted angrily, all of them were high-ranking warrior kings, similar to the boy riding the wild beast, and they were ready to rush forward.

Two fists lost to four hands, even if this kid has some tricks, he is not their opponent.

"Looking for death!" The young warrior on the savage beast sneered and shook his backhand.

chi chi!chi chi!
The terrifying phosphorous fire instantly shot towards the crowd besieging him.

Several casual cultivators howled miserably, blood gushed out continuously at the place attacked by the phosphorous fire, and a vicious corrosive power exploded rapidly, spreading quickly to the entire body.

"Phosphorus sect!"

Looking at the terrible phosphorous fire, several exclamations suddenly came from the surrounding warriors, mixed with unconcealable fear.

After confirming the identity of the young warrior, the casual warriors around who were originally unfriendly couldn't help taking a step back. Facing the Phosphorus Sect, these casual cultivators naturally had no strength to resist, so how dare they provoke him.

The place where the incident happened is only [-] meters away from the gate of the Meng Mansion!
The red-armored guard at the gate of the Meng Mansion frowned, today is the day that Lord Meng Tianchen opened his house, and he dared to make trouble today, could it be that he is provoking the prestige of our Meng Mansion?
Having such a thought, the red-armored guard's complexion suddenly darkened, his consciousness swept away, but his eyes suddenly changed, he gritted his teeth after a little thought, turned around and walked straight to the main hall in a hurry.

The red-armored guard stepped into the main hall quickly, with a slightly hurried pace, and whispered next to Meng Tianchen, telling what happened at the door.


Meng Tianchen, who was very happy at first, suddenly turned gloomy, put down his wine glass, and said lightly: "Everyone stay here for a while, I have some trivial matters, so I will go back as soon as I go. Two senior brothers, please entertain me!"

After the words fell, he took a step forward and flashed into the hall in an instant.

The young martial artist riding the barbarian beast was full of evil spirits, and at this moment a bit of arrogance flashed in his eyes, and he sneered: "You don't know how to live and die, dare to be rude to me, die."

While speaking, a mass of phosphorous fire burst out from this person's hand, and a rotten and evil aura spread.

"Phosphorus fire!" The wounded casual martial artist recognized this kind of vicious flame, his face was pale, and there was endless despair in his eyes.

"Hey, do you regret it?" The Phosphorus Sect warrior sneered and threw his hand away, and the phosphorus fire immediately dispersed, making a terrifying buzzing sound and rushing towards the injured warrior!

But at this moment, there was a low humming sound suddenly, and the Phosphorus Sect warrior's heart skipped a beat, and he turned around suddenly, just in time to see a sword glow, flashing!

The phosphorous fire was instantly defeated.

The Phosphorus Sect warrior's complexion suddenly became pale, and blood spurted out from his head up. The Phosphorous Fire was the evil fire that his mind and spirit had nurtured, and it was smashed and destroyed!hit hard.

There was endless shock and anger and unconcealable fear in his eyes, and the phosphorus sect warrior suddenly screamed after a few breaths.

"Damn it! Damn it! You actually dared to destroy this Young Master's fire, no matter who you are, you are dead!"

"I, a Phosphorus Sect warrior, will definitely chase and kill you endlessly!"

The young man's eyes were resentful, but his pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly after he finished speaking.

He was disappointed, and found that his threat was of no use to Meng Tianchen.

It's no wonder that Meng Tianchen didn't know about Lao Shizi's Phosphorus Sect, he just knew that on this important day today, playing wild in front of the Meng Mansion would be an embarrassment to him.

Meng Tianchen's eyes were narrowed, and a slight chill rolled in them.

"You want to kill me?"

The simple rhetorical tone, but it fell into the ears of the phosphorus sect warrior, but it gave him a chill from the bottom of his heart, which suddenly spread to his limbs and bones.

But at this moment, he suddenly sensed a rapidly approaching aura, and his face became ferocious again, and he looked at Meng Tianchen viciously.

"It doesn't matter who you are? Destroy my master's phosphorus fire, you are dead!"

"Hey, brat! I'm not afraid to tell you! I, the chief governor of the Phosphorus Sect, will be here soon. No matter who you are today, you will die!"

Meng Tianchen didn't bother to pay attention, raised his eyes and looked ahead.

A dark green ray of light is rushing towards here at an astonishing speed.

(End of this chapter)

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