Chapter 530 Sharp
Fleeing away the light, a skinny old man in a black robe, with his gloomy eyes sweeping across the field at the moment, said in a low voice, "Shapu, I asked you to go to the Meng Mansion to wait, why are you here with these people?" Loose cultivator wasting time and actually got injured, really..."

But at this moment, when the old man's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen's body, his pupils suddenly swelled uncontrollably, his pupils contracted violently, and his complexion suddenly turned pale.

The Phosphorus Sect warrior named Sha Pu obviously hadn't noticed this yet. At this moment, his face was full of sternness, he stretched out his fingers to hold Meng Tianchen, and said: "I also ask the governor to be the master for the disciples, this guy relies on his cultivation to bully For me, it is to destroy the phosphorus fire cultivated by my painstaking efforts, and the disciple wants to extract his blood essence!"

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, and there was no change in his expression because of this, but the cold light in the depths of his pitch-black eyes became more and more serious.

The chief governor of Phosphorus Sect looked at Meng Tianchen's eyes, his calf cramped, and he was almost frightened to the ground, and with a wave of his robe sleeve, he sent the fierce-faced Shapu flying. Blood spurted out in unison, falling dozens of feet away.

"Naughty beast, if you dare to utter wild words here again, this old man will never forgive you and shut up!"

The words were harsh, and after finishing speaking, he turned around to salute Gong Jin, and said with an apologetic face, "Lord Meng Tianchen, forgive me, Sha Pu has been practicing in seclusion, and he just left the seclusion today. The evil animal has never seen the appearance of an adult, otherwise he would never dare to offend half, the old man has already taken action to teach him, presumably he will not dare to be so presumptuous in the future, and please hold your hand high, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

"Sharpu, don't thank Lord Meng Tianchen for his innocence!"

Sharp's eyes stared suddenly, and then showed endless horror, this person is actually Meng Tianchen!He suddenly felt chills all over his body. This person who dared to kill Qi family warriors in front of the Qi family patriarch, if he really wanted to kill him, would the governor stop him?
Thoughts turned in his mind, at this moment when he heard the chief governor shouting, Shapu hurriedly got up and saluted regardless of his injuries.

"I have offended Lord Meng Tianchen by being blind and blind, thank you, Lord Meng Tianchen, for raising your hand so high that you don't care about it like the younger generation!"

The scattered warriors around were all silent, it was not easy for Meng Tianchen to take action for them, since Sha Pu had already been punished, and the governor of the Phosphorus Sect had pleaded for mercy, maybe this matter would be settled like this.

After all, they are just unimportant undisciplined warriors, so what qualifications does Meng Tianchen have to seek justice for them?Perhaps he was very lucky to save his life.

Meng Tianchen's face was cold, and his eyes fell on the chief governor of the phosphorus sect.

"This seat has not accepted his apology, what qualifications do you have to decide this matter for this seat?"

The ice-cold voice made the Phosphorus Sect Governor's body instantly stiff, and the horror in his eyes was hard to hide. .

"This seat opens the government and establishes the government, and this guy came to smash the place! Just a mere apology can expose the matter, do you not see me in your eyes, or do you treat my Meng Mansion as nothing?"

Meng Tianchen's face gradually became gloomy as he spoke, traces of chilly aura burst out of his body, and the mighty coercion burst out, straight into the sky!

Sharp's face turned pale in an instant, and he screamed, "Great Governor, save me!"

From this aura, he clearly sensed the aura of death, and he had no doubt that Meng Tianchen would kill him directly!
The chief governor of Phosphorus Sect's face became extremely ugly, but he didn't dare to step forward to stop him at all, and said anxiously: "Master Meng Tianchen, please calm down, today's incident was definitely not intentional by Sha Pu, and I, Phosphorus Sect, dare not treat Sir A little disrespectful."

Although the Phosphorus Sect is strong, it is not known how much worse than the Qi family and the Li family, how dare they offend Meng Tianchen, who has a mysterious background.

Meng Tianchen was unmoved, but at this moment, a shout came suddenly.

"Meng Tianchen don't do anything, there must be a misunderstanding about today's matter!"

Another ray of light galloped over, leaving behind a middle-aged warrior.

"I, Li Kui, was ordered by Elder Han to come here to congratulate Fellow Daoist Meng Tianchen. This Sharp has something to do with Elder Han, and he is deeply loved by Elder Han on a daily basis, so I hope that for the sake of Elder Han, don't continue. Pursue this."

Li Kui cupped his hands and spoke, but there was not much reverence in his voice, instead there was a hint of a hint.This person is Elder Han's confidant, and he is quite trusted. Although Meng Tianchen is powerful, he does not take him seriously because of his strong background.

Especially Meng Tianchen is only the peak Martial King, he really didn't pay attention to it.

No matter how tyrannical you are, do you still dare to deal with the disobedient elders?Today, since he opened his mouth to save Sha Pu, Meng Tianchen has to retreat if he retreats, or if he does not retreat, he has to retreat!In this regard, Li Kui is full of confidence.

"Thank you!" The chief governor of Phosphorus Sect bowed his hands to Li Kui, showing awe in his expression.

Na Shapu's frightened expression also slightly faded, no matter how Elder Han was moved out, no matter how domineering and tyrannical this Meng Tianchen was, he would never dare to kill him again.

This is the prestige of the elders of the elder hall!

A sense of gratitude flashed in the eyes of the wounded warrior warrior, he struggled to get up and bowed respectfully to Meng Tianchen, saying: "Master Meng Tianchen can help our brothers, I am already grateful, but I absolutely don't want to be provoked by him Come on."

"Although our brother suffered a little injury, he gritted his teeth and survived. It's not a big deal."

The man deliberately squeezed out a few traces of smiles while speaking, but with that pale complexion, it made people feel more sour.

Li Kui nodded in satisfaction, this casual warrior really knows the current affairs, now that he has found a way for Meng Tianchen, he must take the opportunity to step down soon.

"You? What's your name? Li Kui? What is it?" Meng Tianchen, who was a little confused, stared at Li Kui with an arrogant expression.

Are you kidding me, Meng Tianchen clearly remembers that Elder Lao Shizihan, who was in the same group as Elder Han Lin, once confronted Elder Wan Yan several times in the Hall of Elders and suppressed him.

If it wasn't for Elder Wan Yan's fierceness, what kind of Huku qualifications, and what kind of heaven-level mansion, Meng Tianchen would have nothing to do with it at all.

The chief governor of the Phosphorus Sect suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, his eyes showed endless disbelief and deep astonishment.

Sha Pu's face turned pale with a "shua", his mind was wrapped in endless fear, and a chill directly melted into his body, as if he could directly freeze the flesh and blood together!
"Meng Tianchen! You?"

Li Kui's face darkened in an instant, and his eyes were full of shock and anger. This Meng Tianchen is so courageous. He is the confidant of Elder Han. He is aloof in Shengyan City. Even those ancestor-level existences would not dare to do this. He scolded and despised him.

"Meng Tianchen, Shapu is a junior whom Elder Han values ​​highly. I will not remind you of this matter for the third time. You still need to think carefully about how to deal with it before making a decision!"

Facing Meng Tianchen's arrogance and unreasonableness, Li Kui's voice also became serious, full of threats.

Meng Tianchen raised his head, his eyes fell directly on Li Kui, his eyes flickered coldly, "What are you?"

Being stared at by Meng Tianchen, Li Kui's heart suddenly turned cold, and an uncontrollable humiliation suddenly emerged from his heart, and then he was a little ashamed, could it be that Meng Tianchen dared to touch him at all!

"Li Kui, under Elder Han's command, is here today with the order of Elder Han to come here to congratulate you on opening your house and establishing a government office."

While speaking, there was a bit of a sneer on his face, and he was about to continue talking, but Meng Tianchen waved his hand suddenly, which really interrupted him.

"This Phosphorus Sect warrior smashed the door, even if Elder Han came in person, he would not be able to intervene in how to deal with this seat, let alone you, a mere servant!"

"In addition, who gave you the qualification to dare to have an equal relationship with this seat, so you don't know the rules, could it be that the elder ordered you to come to congratulate this seat on the opening of the government, and he wanted to use this seat to teach you well, so that You understand the difference between honor and inferiority!"

"Quickly step down for me, if you dare to be presumptuous again, don't blame me for disregarding Elder Han's face!"

Meng Tianchen yelled in a deep voice, his black hair was flying, and his momentum was like a rainbow!
Li Kui's face turned pale, he never expected that Meng Tianchen's aura was so terrifying, it was no less than the general Great Martial Emperor powerhouse.

To be honest, Li Kui hasn't paid much attention to the powerful Emperor Wu.But this fellow is the disciple of Elder Wan Yan and the master of the heavenly mansion, so he should not be messed with.

Suppressing his anger, Li Kui took out a piece of interrogation jade and crushed it.

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, as if he had noticed something, but he didn't stop it, instead a sharp light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The next moment, a mighty coercion suddenly descended from the clouds, and a figure appeared out of thin air, with his hands behind his back, his eyes swept across the field, and his face was slightly gloomy.

The person who came was none other than Elder Han!
In the Meng mansion, a group of congratulators showed up one after another, saluting respectfully.

"I'll wait to see Elder Han."

Everyone bowed down to salute, only Meng Tianchen kept his back straight, his eyes calm, and he slightly bowed his hands.

"Boy Meng Tianchen met Elder Han."

Complacency flashed across Li Kui's eyes, Elder Han came in person, let's see how Meng Tianchen ends up!He didn't believe it, if Elder Han spoke in person, Meng Tianchen would dare to do something!

Li Kui, who looked like a villain, rushed to Elder Han's side, and after respectfully saluting, he informed him of the matter.

Facing Elder Han, Li Kui naturally didn't dare to show off his tongue, what he said was seeking truth from facts, but he slandered Meng Tianchen a lot.

"The subordinates have stated that the elder attaches great importance to Sharp, and hope that Meng Tianchen will forgive him. Unexpectedly, instead of stopping, he reprimanded his subordinates. If he fails to save Sharp today, it will definitely damage the reputation of the elder. , so the subordinates dare not make rash decisions before notifying the adults to come."

After Elder Han heard this, his complexion became even uglier in an instant. The relationship between Sha Pu and him was far from ordinary. He was his youngest son, who was born to a woman who hooked up with the master of Phosphorous Sect.

In fact, Sharp's real name should be Tianchenpu, a child of the Tianchen family.

However, the scheming Elder Han wanted to control the Phosphorous Sect, and kept it a secret.Apart from Elder Han himself, the only one who knew Sharp's true identity was the daughter-in-law of the Phosphorous Sect Master.

(End of this chapter)

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