Chapter 531
As Li Kui said just now, Meng Tianchen not only wants to kill Sha Puliwei!And it seemed that he didn't take Elder Han's prestige seriously, which made Elder Han even more dissatisfied, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Meng Tianchen, this Sharp provoked you unintentionally, and he has already received enough punishment, so let's stop here."

Elder Han spoke, his voice was a little cold, and there was no doubt about it.

If he speaks in his capacity, even the eighteen great lords will retreat, and this Meng Tianchen can't resist either!


Countless eyes gathered and fell on Meng Tianchen, some of them were worried, but most of them were mixed with excitement and a little bit of gloating.

After all, Meng Tianchen's origin is mysterious, and his rapid rise is still very easy to make people jealous.

Now that Elder Han came to intervene in this matter in person, let's see how Meng Tianchen handles it!

If you ignore it, you will definitely offend Elder Han. It is obviously not an easy thing to be hated by an elder among the Holy Flame Tiger Clan.

step back!
It seemed that Meng Tianchen had only this choice.

Meng Tianchen looked calm.

Elder Hanlin, Elder Han, and Elder Ju had already had grudges with him, and the two sides were destined to be rival enemies. In this case, why did Meng Tianchen have to be too scruples and give Elder Han any face.

Offended, is the enemy.

Don't take offense, it's still the enemy.

That being the case, why not make yourself comfortable.

Slightly arching his hands, Meng Tianchen spoke lightly.

"Elder Han, do you know what happened? This scumbag named Sha Pu was obviously instructed by people with ulterior motives to beat and kill me at the time when the kid was opening a government office and building a mansion today, just to save my face!"

"It can be killed, but its heart should be punished!"

"Let me ask, in the future, someone will kill Elder Shanghan's hall in a dignified manner! Can it be possible to laugh it off and not pursue it?"

"If you can't punish this bastard bastard severely today, what prestige will I have in Shengyan City in the future! The boy will never give up easily on today's matter, and I ask Elder Han not to interfere in it."

Speaking of this, Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on Li Kui coldly.

"This person is a warrior under the command of Elder Han, so I ask Elder Han to discipline him well. If he dares to be rude to me next time, he will definitely be severely punished!"

Meng Tianchen spoke in a deep voice, the voice was not concealed, and it spread in all directions.

On the long street and by the Yanhu Lake, countless warriors all looked strange when they saw the scene in front of them.

Even if they were beaten to death, Meng Tianchen was so courageous, not only did he not intend to let Sha Pu go, but he even laughed at Elder Han overtly or secretly.

mad!How crazy.

Elder Han's face was livid, his eyes were rolling with coldness, and his terrifying power was surging!


This Meng Tianchen didn't take him seriously at all, his words were so cold that he didn't save him a bit of face, and even used Li Kui's incident to imply that he had no way to control his subordinates, what qualifications did he have to come here and criticize what he did today !
Since he showed up this time, if he just left in despair, what would the prestige of the elder be?
"Little bastard, this old man will teach you a lesson today for the great elder!"

Elder Han, who couldn't bear it anymore, was furious!

Suddenly, in the sky, another figure tore directly over.

When he saw who was coming, Elder Han's pupils shrank slightly, and he forcibly suppressed the breath in his body, his face became even more gloomy.

"Boy Meng Tianchen has met Elder Quan!"

Meng Tianchen, who was extremely nervous just now, suddenly smiled, happily.

Elder Quan nodded to Meng Tianchen with a smile, and said: "I came here specially to congratulate you kid, and found that something unexpected happened here."

"Oh, it turns out that Elder Han is also here, I don't know why, can you tell me?"


Elder Han snorted, with Elder Quan's cultivation, how could he really not be able to see him, but he was just trying to embarrass him like this on purpose.

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, and he explained the matter briefly, and finally took a look at Elder Han, and said: "This Shapu seems to have something to do with Elder Han, so Elder Han wanted to intervene, and just said that he would kill me! Elder Quan, you You have to save me!"

Meng Tianchen, who pretended to be terrified, almost didn't cry.

"You!" Immediately, Elder Han became impatient.

"Kill you?"

Sure enough, Elder Quan's complexion changed, he looked at Elder Han coldly, and did not speak.

"This little bastard!"

Elder Han who scolded Elder Quan did not dare to offend Elder Quan. Among the nine elders in the Hall of Elders, there is only one person whose cultivation level can match that of Elder Wan Yan, the first elder, and that is Elder Quan.

"Why did I want to kill you so far? You? You can't find death!"

Meng Tianchen, who had long expected Elder Dinghan to have such a reaction, dodged and hid beside Elder Quan, and said in a pretentious manner: "Elder Quan, look, you see! If you come a moment later, I will be gone!"

"Meng Tianchen, don't ruin my reputation. When will I say I want to deal with you? If you dare to talk nonsense, I will definitely not spare you!"

A bit of surprise flashed across Meng Tianchen's face when he heard the words, and he pretended to be surprised, and said: "Elder Han's momentum was turbulent just now, but he didn't speak in such a friendly way now, Meng Tianchen was surprised for a while, maybe he really misunderstood Elder Han. Then I apologize to Elder Han."

"Since Elder Han is not going to intervene in today's affairs, no one will continue to stop the kid from doing it."

At the end of the speech, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Elder Han froze for an instant, and finally realized that he was being tricked by Meng Tianchen. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, his old face almost turned into a purple color, which was enough to tell how depressed he was.

A smile flashed across Elder Quan's eyes, but his face was full of seriousness, he pondered for a while, and said: "Meng Tianchen, since this Shapu is a junior whom Elder Han valued, even if he did something evil, he hadn't taught him well. What's more, Elder Han came to intercede in person, no matter what, you should give some face?"

Elder Han took a deep breath, the veins on his forehead suddenly swelled, he thought to himself that the ruthless Elder Quan was not helping him, he clearly pushed him hard, and stomped on him hard, ruining his reputation!

I will remember this matter!

Meng Tianchen showed a bit of embarrassment on his face, and he shook his head helplessly after a while.

"Since Elder Quan opened his mouth, Meng Tianchen naturally has to save some face. Sha Pu's death penalty can be spared the life penalty!"

Yuluo, an extremely weird black prison, crashed down.

In the cursed prison, Sharp howled miserably, and the vitality dissipated!Collapse, consciousness, soul, mind!All are sluggish and dim.

Fortunately, Meng Tianchen kept his word and didn't really kill Sharp.

Instantly removed the cursed prison.

At this moment, while screaming, he fled directly behind Elder Han. The shriveled Shapu was trembling with death energy wrapped around his body.


Holding back, Elder Han didn't make a move.

Elder Han's face sank like water, Meng Tianchen's last words clearly meant that Rao Shapu was not dead in the face of Elder Quan, and had nothing to do with him. Come.

After all, Meng Tianchen has already made concessions, if he continues to make things difficult, his reputation will be completely ruined today!

Elder Han glanced coldly at Elder Quan and Meng Tianchen, and said in a cold voice: "I have made a note of what happened today, and if there is a chance in the future, I will naturally repay you twice!"

After finishing speaking, he took Nasha and Li Kui and left in an instant.

Elder Quan and Meng Tianchen looked at each other, they both raised their heads and smiled, they didn't take Elder Han's threats to heart at all.

Even if there is no today's event, the two sides are definitely not friends. If this is the case, so what if there is more resentment.

"Meng Tianchen, today I came here specially to congratulate you on the opening of your government and office. From now on, you will officially set foot in the power of Shengyan City and become the power of our Shengyan Tiger Clan!"

"But I hope you can understand that no matter what is going on inside our Holy Flame Tiger Clan, we must let go of all prejudices in times of crisis and be unanimous to the outside world!"

"This matter, you must keep in mind!"

Speaking of this, Elder Quan took out a jade box with his backhand and said, "This is a small gift from me, please accept it!"

"This seat will not stay for long today, let's take a step first."

Elder Quan's expression was calm, he didn't show the slightest elder intimidation to Meng Tianchen, he just walked away at this moment, turned around and left.

A storm subsides.

However, Meng Tianchen knew that in the days to come, more troubles would come to him.


Must become stronger as soon as possible.

Greeting the numerous guests and re-entering the main hall, Meng Tianchen gave orders to the red-armored guard who spent a hundred Wujing to buy a large amount of fine wine.

"Those undisciplined warriors outside, you can screen them yourself. Those with reliable aptitude and provenance can be brought into the mansion!"


In response, the red armored guard was very excited.

To be honest, this red-armored guard has joys and worries in his heart!He belongs to the imperial guards of the Elder Hall, and now he is assigned to Meng Tianchen.

He had never heard of Meng Tianchen's name before, but today he became a big hit.He didn't even give Elder Han face.

After the banquet was over, all the warriors bid farewell and left with their own thoughts. Meng Tianchen handed him off, and the red-armored guards led the newly recruited servants to respectfully send off the guests.

In the entire hall, only the third senior brother, Tian Chenyuan, was left alone. He patted the wine jar beside him and raised his glass from a distance.

"Junior brother, offending Elder Han today seems like it's not worth it!" Tian Chenyuan, who was a little worried for Meng Tianchen, sighed in a low voice.

"Don't be afraid! There is a tall one on top!"

Meng Tianchen didn't care at all, the reason why he stayed in Tianchenyuan was to learn more about Shengyan City.Including the nine elders of the elder hall, and the entire Tianchen family.

Tian Chenyuan, who had no intentions, knew everything while gulping down the fine wine.

Meng Tianchen was very confused under the side-talking.

Although from Tian Chenyuan's mouth, he knew a lot of secrets!Especially the secret battle among the nine elders.

However, Meng Tianchen did not find any information about the mysterious old lady.

Tian Chenyuan's words confirmed with certainty that for thousands of years, there was absolutely no woman with heaven-defying talents in the Tianchen family.

"It's strange, with my aptitude! No matter how you say it, my old lady is also a talented beauty! The third senior brother doesn't seem to be lying. Could it be that my old lady is not from the Tianchen family?"

"It shouldn't be. I can inherit the Holy Flame Tiger bloodline totem from my old lady. Is she an ordinary person?"

(End of this chapter)

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