Chapter 553
Without the old ghost Wuhen reminding, Meng Tianchen also knew to be careful. The moment he appeared in the death-qi hall, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling.


The magic power of Qinglong Tomb that Dong Huanghuan used this time is absolutely different from last time, it is essentially different.

Even if Donghuanghuan was promoted to Emperor Tianwu and used the supernatural powers of the Azure Dragon Tomb, which was astonishingly powerful, it was impossible to make Meng Tianchen feel creepy.

The hall of death energy that is about to condense into shape seems to contain a trace of spirituality, not just supernatural power, it seems to be beyond the scope of supernatural power.

Meng Tianchen knew that if he didn't do something, he would definitely be in big trouble, hard to say, he would be annihilated in the boundless breath of death.

Hurry up!
Suddenly, a strange black light flashed from Meng Tianchen's body.

In an instant, his whole body seemed to become a luminous body, a black luminous body.

That's right, at the critical juncture, Meng Tianchen activated the dragon's power in his body.

For a time, a large area where the two spinning top islands meet, the space trembles.

"Hmph! Did it drive the mysterious dragon blood again?"

Dong Huanghuan, who seemed to have expected Meng Tianchen's move a long time ago, had even more venomous eyes, staring at Meng Tianchen firmly, his whole body was filled with bursts of blue light.

"Damn it, it's too bad! Zhou, Zhou, that guy is too bad!"

Suddenly, in Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness, the voice of Canglong stick weapon spirit Amethyst little dragon came.

The voice was angry.

"Huh?" Meng Tianchen was very surprised.

In his memory, this is the first time Zijing Xiaolong expresses his ideas to him, that little thing seems to be naturally timid, especially timid.

This time, he became inexplicably angry.

"Little guy, what's the matter?" Meng Tianchen was very surprised.

"Zhou, people of Zhou! That fellow will never be pardoned! As a lowly dragon clan, he dares to enslave the remnant soul of the Canglong! He, he deserves death!"

"When you are detained in the sea of ​​crimes! You will suffer thousands of thunders and bite your heart."


Suddenly, Meng Tianchen was completely shocked.

He was extremely shocked that Amethyst Little Dragon actually knew so much bizarre and secret information, and he could see at a glance that a remnant soul of the Azure Dragon was fused into the magical power of the Azure Dragon Tomb Vault condensed by Dong Huanghuan.

Meng Tianchen didn't know the terrible word "Sin Menghai" until he awakened the power of Qinglong's bloodline.It is an extremely terrifying forbidden place in the dragon world, which is specially punished for the dragons who have made great mistakes.

However, when Meng Tianchen thought that the purple crystal dragon contained a remnant soul of the blue dragon, he immediately understood.

It was still in the Linhe Region, when Meng Tianchen was in the secret realm of the Three Mansions of the Meng Mansion, Meng Tianchen happened to get a remnant soul of the Canglong, which was fused into the Canglong Stick, and later transformed into the spirit of the Canglong Stick.

"No wonder!"

Suddenly enlightened, Meng Tianchen stared at the Death Qi Hall that was about to be suppressed.

The murderous intent on his body jumped up.

"This guy deserves to die! He actually wiped out a remnant soul of the Canglong and merged into the supernatural powers of the Qinglong Tomb!"

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen's aura changed drastically, and a bloody vortex phantom appeared above his head.

This is Shura Dao of Killing.

call out!
The bloody chains condensed in an instant!


At the moment when the supernatural powers of the Qinglong Tomb were condensed into shape, Donghuanghuan laughed wildly.

"Meng Tianchen, die!"

The Death Qi Hall that locked Meng Tianchen's town and killed him is like a god of death, terrifying to the extreme.

In Donghuanghuan's view, Meng Tianchen was doomed this time.

Even ordinary Tianwu Emperor powerhouses would definitely find it difficult to survive under his Azure Dragon Tomb's supernatural powers.

He was waiting for this moment.

A long time ago, before being captured by the Shengyan Tiger Clan, he was lucky enough to get a remnant soul of the Azure Dragon in the depths of the Azure Dragon Abyss.

However, the supernatural powers of the Azure Dragon Tomb can only be forcibly fused into the supernatural powers of the Qinglong Tomb only if he has cultivated to the Heavenly Martial Emperor.

After being fused with the remnant soul of the Canglong, the supernatural power of the Qinglong Tomb, which has been completely transformed, is no longer just a kind of supernatural power, how terrifying.

"Chain kill!"

Meng Tianchen's expression was ugly, extremely angry!After a violent roar, he drove the bloody chains towards the Death Qi Hall, entwining them away.


The moment the chain-killing supernatural power wrapped itself around the Death Qi Hall, there was a muffled sound.

The tyrannical blood-colored chains unexpectedly burst open, turning into bloody light, and scattered in all directions.

And the Great Hall of Death Qi, without stagnation, is still tyrannical, locked on to kill Meng Tianchen.

What's frightening is that the power of the Death Qi Hall doesn't seem to have been dumped much.

"damn it!"

After scolding, the domineering aura on Meng Tianchen's body became stronger.

call out!
The phantom of the golden sword appeared again.

Chi!Chi Chi!

Three consecutive golden meniscus sword lights appeared, flickered out, locked onto the terrifying Death Qi Hall, and slashed away.

That's right, this is Liyue Jianmang!
Today's Meng Tianchen has the third greatest sword power in the Litian Dao of the Great Sword, and the Liyue sword light has reached a small achievement, and he is capable of sending out three golden crescent moon sword lights.


There were three ear-piercing beeps in succession.

The huge hall of death energy was noticeable for a while, and the speed slowed down a bit, and the death energy above it also dissipated a lot.

However, the three golden crescent moon sword glows still collapsed.

Although part of the power of the Death Qi Hall was dumped.

Still scary, in an instant!The Death Qi Hall bombarded Meng Tianchen.

With a muffled sound, Meng Tianchen's body flew upside down.

It fell heavily on the ground of the spinning top sky island!

The Death Qi Hall didn't stop and smashed down hard.

A huge pit appeared after the Death Qi Hall collapsed.

Where is the figure of Meng Tianchen, it's gone!


But Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness resounded with the immature scream of Zijing Xiaolong, which was extremely miserable.

It turned out that just now, at the moment when the Death Qi Hall was suppressed, Meng Tianchen, who was surrounded by the terrifying breath of death, couldn't care less.

Dodged and hid in the Canglong space.

Ever since, the slam of the Death Qi Hall landed on the body of the Canglong Stick.


Meng Tianchen, who was so frightened by the pitiful screams of the purple crystal dragon, vomited blood again and again.

"If the Canglong stick is damaged, I will suffer a lot!"

"Little Pidian, howling are you a ghost?" After a little inspection, Meng Tianchen was pleasantly surprised to find that the Canglong stick was not damaged at all, but the Amethyst dragon was a little weird. His small body seemed to have become thinner. The breath is very sluggish.

"Zhou, people of Zhou..." Amethyst Xiaolong, who didn't care, was still crying and howling, miserable.

Meng Tianchen's nameless anger ran wild.

He sort of understood that even though the body of the Canglong Cudgel was not damaged, as the tool spirit of the Canglong Cudgel, the Amethyst Little Dragon could be considered miserable this time, and definitely suffered an unimaginable heavy injury.

Flashing out of the Canglong space, Meng Tianchen roared!

"Damn beast, die!"

Meng Tianchen, who was already insane, had soared his aura, so he couldn't care less about saving the power of the black mist.

Meng Tianchen, whose aura soared to the extreme, was immersed in the thick murderous aura.

Above his head, a bloody vortex phantom floated out a spark, a tiny spark.


After seeing Meng Tianchen appeared safe and sound, Dong Huanghuan was stunned.

Even if he was beaten to death, he didn't understand how Meng Tianchen survived.

You know, his previous blow, the terrifying supernatural power of the Qinglong Tomb, even the ordinary Tianwu Emperor, it is very difficult to survive.

And Meng Tianchen is just a weak Zhongwu Emperor.

How is this possible?
"No! Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" Donghuanghuan couldn't believe there was any hatred in his eyes.

Until that tiny spark, the imperceptible tiny spark, draws near.

Only then did Donghuanghuan become frightened.

Because, he felt that this seemingly inconspicuous tiny spark actually brought him an unprecedented sense of danger.

That feeling of death is so imminent.

Donghuanghuan who woke up like a dream panicked.

Suddenly, Donghuanghuan, who had turned into the true body of the green dragon, circulated his martial energy crazily.

"Blue Plume Shield!"

During the roar, a huge shield with a height of [-] meters appeared.

On the giant shield, blue light overflowed, covered with mysterious textures.

Obviously, this is a powerful supernatural power of ultimate defense.

With a slight sound, tiny sparks easily penetrated the Qingling Shield.

Amid the shattering sound, the huge Qingling shield collapsed.

"Impossible!" Dong Huanghuan, who had completely lost his composure, cried out in horror.

Just kidding, Qingling Shield is the strongest defensive power.

Donghuanghuan was confident that even if it was a terrifying blow from the Emperor Jiwu, Qing Lingdun would be able to defend against it.

However, this tiny spark, which was so weird to the extreme, penetrated Qingling Shield's defense in an understatement, and broke such a tyrannical defensive supernatural power.

Amidst the weird sound, tiny sparks landed on Donghuanghuan's body and burned.

The tyrannical combat body on Donghuanghuan's body was instantly burned.

Burning blazingly.

The flames are so dazzling, so weird.


With a horrific howl, Donghuanghuan, the proud son of the five great holy beast families in the Central Territory, fell to the ground.

Yes, completely dead.

The soul is destroyed!

At the same time, Meng Tianchen, who could no longer hold on, fell limply to the ground.

He had suffered a blow from the Death Qi Hall before, and he himself had been severely injured, and he forcibly cast Shura Yan, and suffered a terrible backlash.

Meng Tianchen, whose breath was incomparably disordered, stared forward with dull eyes.

Dong Huanghuan, who had turned into ashes, was gone, and there were many fragments of martial arts suspended in the air.

"Depend on!"

Cursing secretly, Meng Tianchen felt that he was at a loss.

If I had known that Donghuanghuan was so fierce, wouldn't it be over if I cast Shurayan immediately!
It was done like this, which greatly exceeded Meng Tianchen's previous expectations.

Run the secret method of Konglong ancestor bite, and run slowly.

However, it is still impossible to improve the extremely bad situation in the body.

"It's troublesome! Even the Konglongzu's secret method of biting can't be recovered!" Meng Tianchen, who kept complaining, didn't have any strength, and what's worse, he couldn't drive the martial energy in his body.


The old ghost Wuhen also let out a long sigh.

In desperation, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to summon the little golden baby Beibei.

"Master! You..."

Bei Bei, who was summoned from the deep retreat, was about to complain, but found that Meng Tianchen was in a very bad situation, and couldn't help panicking.

(End of this chapter)

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