Chapter 554

"Bei Bei, look for it, and see if there is any treasure that can recover from severe injuries!" Meng Tianchen murmured weakly.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Suddenly, Beibei panicked.

Seeing Meng Tianchen dying, Beibei was really anxious.Upon closer inspection, his complexion suddenly became ugly.

Meng Tianchen's body is completely messed up!

The mind is sluggish, and the two great martial arts have shrunk.The viscera and six internal organs are dislocated, most of the meridians are broken, and the martial qi is chaotic.

Bei Bei, who originally regarded treasures as her life, suddenly took out a fruit without thinking about it.

Emerald green, extremely rich breath of life, permeating the air.

"Heavenly coffin fruit!"

Seeing the emerald green fruit in Beibei's hand, the Wuhen old ghost gasped, his eyes stared, and he exclaimed.

"Damn it, how could this little brat have such a heaven-defying holy object?"

The imposing Beibei hastily refined the emerald green fruit.


Following Beibei's eager refinement, strands of magical energy, energy containing a majestic breath of life, slowly entered Meng Tianchen's body.


As strands of magical energy entered his body, Meng Tianchen, who was like a spring breeze, was shocked.

In an instant, he felt the sharply deteriorating injury in his body, stagnating.

Moreover, the martial energy of the riot was finally brought under control under the operation of Konglongzu's secret method of biting.The strong vitality is nourishing every part of the body.

Meng Tianchen, who was feeling a little better, didn't dare to disturb Beibei, but asked curiously: "Master, this fruit that Beibei brought out is called Sky Coffin Fruit? Why haven't I heard of it? Is it very precious?"

"It's more than precious!"

The old ghost Wuhen sighed and explained slowly.

It turns out that the sky coffin fruit is incomparably rare, and it is the legendary treasure of life!As long as the body is not destroyed or the soul is annihilated, under the magical power of the sky coffin fruit, it can be revived.

The real sacred object that reverses life and death, the giant treasure.

Even in the Great World of the Ten Directions, the Great World of the Tree Clan known for its power of life, sky coffin fruits are extremely rare, and they are rare!
Wuhen old ghost has no way of knowing how that kid Beibei got the sky coffin fruit.

However, with this sky coffin fruit, Meng Tianchen can definitely get out of danger.

Half an hour later, Bei Bei, who had finally refined the Sky Coffin Fruit, saw that Meng Tianchen's injury was not only under control, but also recovered a lot, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, tell me, what is this place? Isn't it in Shengyan City? Why is it so miserable?"

"This?" In desperation, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to briefly describe the situation in Yan prison.

"What? There is such a good place!" Beibei was excited when he heard the magic of the spinning top sky island area.

"Master, can I..."

"No!" Without waiting for Beibei to continue, Meng Tianchen suddenly vetoed, explaining: "This is not an ordinary secret realm, there are specific rules! I will definitely bring you and Mao Mao next time."

Bei Bei, who was very resentful, had no choice but to return to Meng Tianchen's martial world.

After all, with the magical Luo Teng, Wujie can continuously absorb the mysterious power of time and space from the void, which is helpful for his cultivation.

Meng Tianchen stood upright, put away all the fragments of martial arts, followed the spinning top sky island under his feet, and climbed rapidly to the fifth floor area.

Everyone who followed the battle closely was dumbfounded.


"This is absolutely impossible!"


Especially the other eleven superpowers on the fifth floor, how confused they all were.

Because Donghuanghuan is dead!
Are you kidding me, reach the fifth floor, as long as you survive the first round of challenges, you will be on your feet!It is protected by the rules of the spinning top sky island, and it will never die.

However, Donghuanghuan is dead!
At the same time, at the bottom of the dark abyss below the spinning top island, Qiuhu who was still refining his spear was stunned.

His expression was complex and indescribable.

However, on Qiuhu's face, there was more shock.

"Innate! Innate inflammation?"

Who is Qiuhu? He is extremely terrifying, and his real cultivation is no less than that of Elder Wan Yan. He can see the details of the tiny spark that Meng Tianchen killed Dong Huanghuan at a glance.

"He is the little Martial Emperor of Zhong, how could he control the Innate Flame?" Qiu Hu frowned, unable to understand.

That is the innate flame, Qiuhu, who is a fire warrior, wants to have it even in his dreams.

Qiuhu can see through things that other people can't figure out at a glance!
The reason why Donghuanghuan died was that even the protective power of the spinning top sky island had no time to activate.

That's because the master who created the entire Yan prison set up the power of the fifth layer of the spinning top sky island, which is not as good as Shura Yan.

Donghuanghuan died unjustly enough!


Immediately, Qiuhu's heart was moved by an idea.

However, it was only a momentary heartbeat, and in a blink of an eye, his face became indifferent.

His natal sacred weapon, the long spear that is being tempered, can definitely be promoted if it is slightly condensed by the innate flame controlled by Meng Tianchen.

However, who is he Qiuhu, how could he beg a junior.

What's more, he and Meng Tianchen still have entanglements that others cannot know.

Back on the fifth floor of the spinning top island, Meng Tianchen didn't bother to pay attention to the shock of others, let alone check the spoils of killing Dong Huanghuan.

Beibei's refinement of the treasure of life, the coffin fruit, only saved Meng Tianchen's life.

To fully recover, he had to rely on himself.

Meng Tianchen tried his best to recover from his injuries as he hurriedly executed the Konglong Zuzu's secret method.

At least, for the next month, he doesn't have to make an appointment or respond to a fight.

On the one hand, it is because of the strength of the Konglong Zu's secret method of eating, and the more important reason is that Meng Tianchen still has a large amount of energy of the sky coffin fruit in Meng Tianchen's body.

In just three days, Meng Tianchen recovered to his peak condition.


With a roar, the aggrieved Meng Tianchen seemed to want to vent.

Meng Tianchen was ecstatic after inspecting the loot left by Donghuanghuan.

What Meng Tianchen didn't expect was that at some point, Donghuanghuan gathered the Jianguang Great Martial Arts, which ranked ninth among the 99 martial arts inheritances.

Ji Yan'er, now she's developed!
Without hesitation, Meng Tianchen immediately sent out a challenge to Ji Yan'er who was still on the fourth floor!

"What the hell is Tianchen doing?"

Knowing that Meng Tianchen had already firmly established herself on the fifth floor, Ji Yan'er was very puzzled when she suddenly received a challenge from Meng Tianchen.


When the two spinning top islands belonging to Meng Tianchen and Ji Yan'er collided, Ji Yan'er, who was in a hurry, rushed towards Meng Tianchen.

"Yan'er!" Meng Tianchen was very excited to see the woman he loved.

"Tianchen, why did you ask me to fight? It's hard for you to gain a foothold on the fifth floor!" While speaking, Ji Yan'er's pretty face was full of doubts.

"Hehe!" Meng Tianchen smirked, pretending to be mysterious, and said with a smile: "You can check my information through the spinning top island!"


A little puzzled, Ji Yan'er communicated with her Spinning Top Sky Island to check Meng Tianchen's detailed information.

Surprisingly, among the martial arts fragments that Meng Tianchen has mastered, there are actually two complete martial arts inheritances.

One is Litian Dao of Swordsmanship, and the other is Jianguang Dao of Martial Arts!

"how can that be possible?"

Dumbfounded, Ji Yan'er was very puzzled, and asked in amazement: "How long has it been, you can't collect all the fragments of Jianguang Great Martial Arts!"

"Then I have to thank Donghuanghuan!"

However, Meng Tianchen, who suddenly thought of something, got tangled up!
Due to the bullshit rules of Spinning Sky Island, he can only lose to Yan'er one piece of martial arts fragment of Jianguang Great Martial Arts in every battle!
And the complete Jianguang Great Martial Arts has 620 martial arts fragments, so it would take almost two years.

Moreover, he had to make an appointment with Ji Yaner once a day.

Very bad!
"Just treat it as two years of cultivation!" For Yan'er, Meng Tianchen didn't care.

Little did he know, Ji Yan'er was so moved.

"Admit defeat!"

After pouring out the pain of lovesickness, Meng Tianchen lost to Ji Yan'er a piece of martial arts shard from Jianguang Great Martial Arts!
Immediately, the complete martial arts inheritance was scattered!
There are 610 nine martial arts fragments left!
Need to continue to lose 610 nine times.

Meng Tianchen, who fell to the fourth floor, couldn't laugh or cry when he thought that he could only stay on the lowest floor of the spinning top sky island for a long time in the future.

Nima, cheating 610 for nine days!
Since Meng Tianchen fell down, there are only 11 people left in the fifth floor of the spinning top sky island, which is very strange.

It can be said that what is lost must be gained.

Meng Tianchen, who soon fell to the lowest first floor, could see Ji Yan'er every day, and he was in a good mood.

The rest of the time is spent practicing, cultivating the third great sword power of the Litian Great Sword Dao!

Liyue Jianmang.

Indeed, Liyue Jianmang is easier to improve than Shura Dao Dao.

In less than two years, to be precise, it is 610 nine days, Meng Tianchen has cultivated the third great sword power of Litian Dao, Liyue Jianmang, to the peak.

Now, Meng Tianchen, whose combat strength has soared in a straight line compared to before, once he casts the Liyue sword light, he can actually emit nine terrifying golden meniscus sword lights.


The majestic crushing power is unstoppable!

What's even more frightening is that the destructive nature of Liyue's sword light is becoming more and more terrifying.

It can be said that it is the nemesis of all holy vessels.

Even so, Meng Tianchen was still in the lowest first floor area, and did not rush to the fifth floor in one go.

His Plowing Heaven Great Sword Dao has reached a critical moment of promotion.

As long as Shen Wu masters the fourth great sword power of Li Tian Dao Dao, he can be promoted to Great Martial Emperor!

Once he successfully controls the sword and shield and becomes the Great Martial Emperor, even Tian Chenbo, who is the most evil on the fifth floor, will have confidence.

Tian Chenbo, but Elder Han Lin's side is destined to be Meng Tianchen's enemy!

If he could step on it, Meng Tianchen would definitely not soften his heart.

Meng Tianchen, who is well versed in the laws of the jungle, knows that the only way to deal with enemies, or anyone suspected of being hostile, is to suppress and kill them!

What Meng Tianchen didn't expect was that the higher the level of the Litian Great Sword, the more difficult it would be for him to comprehend and control it.

It took him a whole year just to initially control the sword and shield, and he was far from forming a powerful defensive power.

"A date?"

On this day, Meng Tianchen, who was very surprised, actually received a message about a fight, and the owner of the fight turned out to be Ji Yan'er.

(End of this chapter)

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