555 Get Out

"Which song is this girl playing?"

Meng Tianchen, who was very surprised, accepted the challenge without thinking about it!

After the meeting, Meng Tianchen knew that Ji Yan'er, who was extremely talented, had actually cultivated Jianguang Great Martial Arts to the middle level, and she wanted to leave.

Over the past few years, Ji Yan'er has also met many prisoner friends in the Gyro Sky Island area.

They are all beauties with unique personalities.

The understanding of Yanlao is even higher than that of Meng Tianchen, Ji Yan'er feels that she has not improved much in the cruel spinning top sky island, and wants to go to other areas and make a living.

Because, I heard that not far from the spinning top island, there is a strange stone forest, which is shrouded in terrible magneto-optical light, and few people can approach it.

Ji Yan'er was moved.

The magneto-optical stone forest may be a terrifying place for other warriors, but Ji Yan'er is a rare light-type warrior, so it's hard to say that he can get rare opportunities in the magneto-optic stone forest.

Meng Tianchen didn't dissuade Ji Yan'er, but was worried that she might be in danger alone, so he was a little worried.

After the separation of the two spinning top islands, Meng Tianchen still returned to the lowest first floor.

However, Ji Yan'er did not immediately communicate with the spinning top island where she was, and informed the guardian of the spinning top sky island to leave.Instead, according to Meng Tianchen's order, he waited for a day.

Then make an appointment with Tianchenbao.

In the entire spinning top sky island area, there is almost an unwritten rule that any trainee will lose the last battle before leaving, and will also lose all martial arts fragments.

That's right, Meng Tianchen is the guy who made friends with Tianchenbao and gave him a big gift.

You know, in Ji Yan'er's hands, there is a complete Jianguang Great Martial Arts.

Even if Tianchenbao is unable to cultivate, he can choose to complete the training and leave at any time.

However, Meng Tianchen can't leave yet!
He didn't get the heart-cracking martial arts that he longed for the most.

And the complete heart-cracking martial art is in the hands of the black tower on the sixth floor, No. 1 in the entire spinning top island.

In addition, Meng Tianchen really wanted to know if the black tower on the sixth floor was his brother, or someone else with the same name.

"A dated battle!"

Meng Tianchen, who is worthy of being promoted to the Great Martial Emperor, although he still can't display the true defensive power of the sword and shield, the fourth great sword power of the Plow Heaven Great Sword Dao.

But enough!
He who has been promoted to the Great Martial Emperor is enough to look down on all Tianwu Emperor powerhouses.

Meng Tianchen, who gradually understood, found that Shura Dao Dao can improve faster in battle, which is much faster than his own self-cultivation.

At the same time that Meng Tianchen started to fight frantically and climbed again.

A big event happened on the spinning top sky island.

The owner of the sixth person with privileges, the Black Tower, made a move.

As the overlord of the Spinning Top Sky Island area, he can invite battles at will, and others cannot refuse.Moreover, as long as you win, you can even plunder all the martial arts fragments of the opponent.

The so-called rules of Gyro Sky Island have little binding force on the sixth floor.

On the sixth floor, the only floating spinning top island is the territory of the black tower. If the black tower does not invite a fight, no one is eligible to challenge him.

On this spinning top island, there was a burly man sitting cross-legged on the ground. Suddenly, he opened his eyes. His eyes were gentle, but seemed to contain countless bright stars, and he whispered to himself.

"It's time for a fight."

"Well, let's start with Tianchen Lengfeng."

Not long after, the warriors of the hundreds of thousands of spinning top islands were shocked.


Tianchen Lengfeng, who had never fallen since stepping into the fifth floor, unexpectedly fell to the fourth floor, and all his martial arts fragments were taken away by the black tower.

So everyone knew that the black tower on the sixth floor made a move and defeated Tianchen Lengfeng!
As everyone knows, what is even more unimaginable is that the second opponent of the Black Tower is still Tianchen Lengfeng.

Including Meng Tianchen, many people mourned for Tianchen Lengfeng.

This is no longer unlucky, being targeted by the black tower, it seems that Tianchen Lengfeng is likely to fall to the lowest first floor.

However, everyone does not know.

In the dark abyss below the spinning top sky island, two spinning top sky islands collided together.

It seemed that the black tower, who was a little impatient, jumped up.

"Is there any wine?"


Tianchen Lengfeng, who looks like a kid, has a completely different aura from the black tower, which looks like a giant tower.Tianchen Lengfeng's aura is more fierce and violent, while the Heita's aura is much gentler and firmer, like a mountain with no visible top, hard to shake.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Lengfeng, why are you so angry." Heita laughed.

Tianchen Lengfeng stared, very angry.

"Since I reached the fifth floor, I have never fallen to the fifth floor. Because of you, I have lost now. I don't accept it, I don't accept it, I don't accept it."

"If you lose, you lose. You fucking are still a man? No! Forget, you're still a brat at all."

"You bastard." Tianchen Lengfeng was extremely aggrieved.

Actually, it wasn't the first time Tianchen Lengfeng lost to Heita.

When the Black Tower hit the sixth floor and knocked down Tianchenbo, Tianchen Lengfeng had already seen the tyranny of the Black Tower.

I don't know how long it's been,
The strength of the black tower has become stronger.

For a long time, in front of the black tower, there was always a premonition that Tianchen Lengfeng thought that he was a genius from the Tianchen family, while the other party was just a prisoner.

It was a prisoner imprisoned by the Shengyan Tiger Clan.

But I don't know, there are many stories in it!
For quite a period of time, the reason why Elder Wan Yan stayed in the Yan prison was to take care of Meng Tianchen. The bigger reason was the mysterious intruder, the Black Tower.

That's right, the Black Tower is not a prisoner who was imprisoned by the Holy Flame Tiger Clan and thrown into the Flame Prison.

Including Elder Wan Yan, and many guardians of Yan Lao, they don't know how the black tower entered.

After carefully searching every corner of Yanlao, Elder Wan Yan, who was extremely confused, still couldn't find anything wrong with Yanlao.

There must be some unknown teleportation secret array connected to the outside world, but Elder Wan Yan couldn't find it.

Several times, Elder Wan Yan wanted to directly interrogate Heita, but in the end he held back.

"Xiao Lengfeng, to be honest, don't be ashamed of your mother! This seat is looking for you, so I want to talk to you!"

"You!" Tianchen Lengfeng rolled his eyes with anger, his teeth itching with hatred.

What kind of joke are you kidding me, because I am pleasing to my eyes, so I took away all my martial arts fragments?Just blast me down to the fifth floor.

No!Bombing down the fifth floor is not over yet!
"It's boring! Little kids are not funny."

"Isn't it just a few fragments! There are many here in this seat! Which martial art inheritance do you like? Tell me, let's go and get it for you, kid, and give it to you for free!"

"For nothing?" Tianchen Lengfeng stared at the sturdy black tower in amazement, as if he was looking at an idiot.

"You think I'm stupid! Even if you are the overlord of the sixth floor, you can't ignore the rules of the spinning top sky island. Can martial arts fragments be given away for nothing?"

"You know what! I..."

Heita, who was despised, swears, and almost misses the point.

"Forget it if you don't appreciate it, this bullshit spinning top empty island is meaningless! It's hard to improve anymore. After I gather those scumbags with noses on their heads one by one, I have to go!"

In the words, Heita was a little lonely, and his expression was strangely dazed for a moment.


Suddenly, with a scream, Heita bent down, raised his big fist, and slammed his own head fiercely. Tianchen Lengfeng, who was not far away, was shocked.

Every punch was so terrifying, even if he was punched, he would be seriously injured.

"Get out! Get out!"

What is extremely surprising is that at this moment, another voice burst out of Heita's mouth.


Bang bang!

Heita's face became a little hideous, and he raised his big fist even more quickly, aiming at the head, and smashed it again and again.

"This?" The terrified Tianchen Lengfeng wanted to turn around and run away, but found that he was in a duel state.

After a while, the Heita, who had barely recovered, was out of breath as if he had just experienced a big battle!

"Damn it, the little guy ran out to mess around again!"

After muttering, it was only then that Tianchen Lengfeng on the opposite side had a weird expression.

"What did you hear?"

Heita, whose tone changed, stared at Tianchen Lengfeng, very fierce, with an unkind look.

"I, I passed out just now!"

Tianchen Lengfeng, who clearly sensed the strong killing intent on Heita, was in a hurry.

"Fart boy, you won't even tell lies!"

The strange thing is that Heita didn't make a move, and his expression was in a trance again and again.

"Fart boy, tell me about the other brats on the fifth floor. What kind of progress do they have? By the way, have any interesting guys appeared recently?"

It seems that it has really returned to normal, Heita asked honestly.

"About strength!" Tianchen Lengfeng didn't hesitate to hide it.Offending this monster, it's hard to say that he will be in trouble today. Given that Donghuanghuan was killed by Meng Tianchen, Tianchen Lengfeng also doesn't believe in the protection of Spinning Sky Island's rules.

What scares Tianchen Lengfeng the most is that he seems to know some secrets of the Black Tower.

"The strongest one is of course Tianchenbo! The other eleven are all about the same! In terms of defense, Old Ghost Jiang is the most defiant. He should be a natural talent, and he can't be killed no matter how hard he fights."

"Then there are Ming Nu, Tianchen Guangnan, Huo Laogui..."

"It's probably like this. They are good at different methods." Tianchen Lengfeng didn't dare to hide it, and explained the other eleven evildoers on the fifth floor one by one.

To die, Tianchen Lengfeng also mentioned that apart from the 12 people on the fifth floor, Meng Tianchen is the most formidable, even if there are some ruthless people on the fifth floor, they may not necessarily be Meng Tianchen's opponent.

"Meng Tianchen!"

With a murmur, Heita became dazed again.


Suddenly, Heita fell ill again, and howled fiercely, like a wounded beast, very terrifying.

"Damn it, why did this guy fall ill after hearing Meng Tianchen's name?" Tianchen Lengfeng, who was far away, looked at the miserable Heita with fear, and murmured in his heart.

"Get out! Get out!"

At the same time, another voice burst out from Heita's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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