Chapter 556

Bang!Bang bang!

Suddenly, the soaring black tower became extremely terrifying.The pair of big fists with terrifying power bombarded his own head like raindrops.

Thump!He smashed it hard.

After a long time, Heita finally recovered, as if he remembered something, with a look of shock on his face.

Yes, it is panic!

What made Tianchen Lengfeng even more dumbfounded was that the black tower rose up into the sky without even looking at it, leaving the battle area of ​​the two spinning top islands.

at the same time!

In front of Tianchen Lengfeng, there were a large number of martial arts fragments suspended.

Of course, including the martial arts fragments that the Black Tower looted from him yesterday.


For a moment, Tianchen Lengfeng was dumbfounded.

Completely dumbfounded.

Just kidding, things developed strangely to this scene, the confused Tianchen Lengfeng seemed to be dreaming.

The black tower can escape from the spinning top island by itself, and go through the air, it is too mysterious!

"how can that be possible?"

"What the hell is going on, this evil girl?"

Tianchen Lengfeng, who was also terrified, fell to the ground with a thud.

In his opinion, the black tower is a prisoner, how can he escape from the spinning top island by himself?Unbelievable.

To the astonishment of heaven and man, that servant left behind all the fragments of martial arts.

Among the 99 martial arts inheritances in the Spinning Top Sky Island area, the heart-breaking martial art ranks first.

That is an extremely rare person who specializes in the power of mind and spirit, the Great Martial Arts.

"Hahaha! Hahaha..."

Not long after, Tianchen Lengfeng, who was fully awake, frantically put away all the fragments of martial arts, laughing wildly.

It's like having lost your mind.

Just imagine, anyone who is hit by such a huge pie out of thin air will not be dizzy.What's more, Tianchen Lengfeng is still a half-grown brat.



"how can that be?"

When Leng Feng, who belonged to Tianchen, returned to the fourth floor like a spinning top sky island, but did not fall to the third floor, everyone was shocked.

Especially the sixth floor of the spinning top sky island, which is actually empty!
Meng Tianchen, who is different from everyone else, immediately communicated with the spinning top island under his feet, and discovered something incredible.

The Black Tower is gone!
Heita is definitely not a child of the Tianchen family, there is only one possibility.


Prisoners are absolutely unable to leave unless they are taken away by guardians.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Tianchen Lengfeng has power beyond the rules of the spinning top sky island, and instantly killed the black tower.

However, this is absolutely impossible.

You know, the day before, Tianchen Lengfeng was defeated cleanly by the Black Tower and fell to the fourth floor!
Meng Tianchen couldn't figure it out!
He is always absolutely sure that there seems to be something hidden in it, something unknown.

Tianchen Lengfeng must be found immediately.

Moreover, Meng Tianchen also discovered that the complete heart-breaking martial art that originally belonged to the Black Tower is actually in the hands of Tianchen Lengfeng.

All of a sudden, there were hundreds of thousands of spinning top islands in the entire spinning top sky island area, and there were suspicions and exclamations.

"A date?"

Meng Tianchen, who had just been promoted to the second floor, unexpectedly received an appointment from the fourth floor.

It was Tianchen Lengfeng who made the challenge.


Meng Tianchen was very excited, he was worrying that he was not qualified enough to challenge Tianchen Lengfeng and asked about the Black Tower!
It can be said that when you doze off, someone will send you a pillow.

How did Meng Tianchen know that Tianchen Leng Feng is in trouble at this moment.

Because, after he got all the martial arts fragments from the Black Tower, he actually had two complete martial arts inheritances.

If he doesn't break up one of the martial arts inheritance in the next day and export a martial arts fragment, in view of the rules of the spinner Sky Island trainees, he must leave here.


Just kidding, this guy has just obtained the heart-cracking martial art, and he hasn't had time to comprehend it yet!
What's more, there is another kind of great martial art, which he has been yearning for for a long time.

Xuanyan Great Martial Arts!
If you want to export, Tianchen Lengfeng's first choice is Tianchen Guangnan on the fifth floor, but he is not qualified to occupy the other party.

I had no choice but to take advantage of Meng Tianchen.

At the same time, the spinning top island where Meng Tianchen and Tianchen Lengfeng were located all fell towards the dark abyss below.

After hitting together.

Can't wait to rush straight over.

"Little kid, hurry up, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

"What's going on?" Tianchen Lengfeng looked puzzled.

"The one surnamed Meng is calling you a brat and turned against you!"

I don't know what's going on, but when he saw Meng Tianchen, Tianchen Lengfeng felt a little upset.

"You're the goddamn boss, right?"

Meng Tianchen, who was a little anxious, didn't care about so much, and asked anxiously: "You really defeated the Black Tower? Where is that fellow?"

After hesitating for a while, Tianchen Lengfeng saw that Meng Tianchen was the young disciple of the old ghost Wanyan, not an outsider, and did not hide anything, so he narrated the scene of meeting with the black tower that day.


This time, it was Meng Tianchen's turn to be dumbfounded.

Of course he understood that the Black Tower was very likely to be his brother, otherwise he would not have heard his name, and a sudden change would have occurred.

Moreover, the Black Tower is obviously extremely dangerous, and he may encounter some terrible things that will seize his home.

Obviously, it is definitely not Heita himself who currently controls Heita's body, but another terrifying existence.Thankfully, the Black Tower didn't really die.

Meng Tianchen, who was extremely anxious, couldn't understand why the black tower could ignore the rules of the spinning top sky island and escape through the sky by itself, which is very strange.

"The Black Tower!"

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen became anxious.

Deeply worried for Heita.

You know, Heita can be said to be Meng Tianchen's only brother, how many times he has shared life and death together.

"My surname is Meng, I'm taking care of you today! I'll give you a piece of martial arts for nothing! Xuanyan Dao martial arts, how about it, it's interesting! When you go out in the future, just hang out with me!"

Unaware that at this moment, Meng Tianchen was in a state of war between heaven and man, and laughed loudly.


"Give me a piece of martial arts fragment of Xuanyan Great Martial Dao for nothing?" Meng Tianchen was very surprised when he came back to his senses.

However, no matter who Meng Tianchen was, he immediately understood that there must be tricks in it.

Even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't believe it. This little brat has such a kind heart.

When Meng Tianchen communicated with the Spinning Top Sky Island and checked the detailed information of Tianchen Lengfeng, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that this kid now has two complete martial arts inheritances in his hands.

Cracking Heart Great Martial Arts, Xuanyan Great Martial Arts.


In an instant, Meng Tianchen, who was overjoyed, stared at Tianchen Lengfeng, and kept laughing strangely.

It's like watching, once you open the barbecue sprinkled with spices, don't mention how delicious it is, tempting!

This guy must output a piece of Martial Arts today, and it must be the Great Martial Arts of Cracking Heart or the Great Martial Arts of Xuanyan!Otherwise, he would be forced to leave Spinning Top Sky Island, where would he have time to comprehend and practice?
"Uncle Xiao Lengfeng, I guess I can't beat you! I can't take this piece of martial arts of yours! Who am I, Meng Tianchen? don't want!"

"What?" Tianchen Lengfeng, who hadn't reacted for a while, was astonished.

Is there really such a superb product in the spinning top sky island?Free victory, free martial arts fragments?

However, Tianchen Lengfeng was not stupid, and immediately knew Meng Tianchen's sinister intentions.

"Damn it!" Tianchen Lengfeng, who hated secretly, dared not offend Meng Tianchen at this moment.

In case Meng Tianchen concedes defeat, he will be in vain.

The two great martial arts that have just been obtained, there is no time to practice, and they will be forced to leave.

"Don't mind! Which one of us is with whom! Besides, you are the young disciple of old ghost Wan Yan. If I don't take care of you, who else can I take care of?" .

"Hmph, little brat, you're still playing this game with me, you won't die today!" Meng Tianchen, who had made up his mind, looked at Tianchen Lengfeng coldly, but kept silent.

"I surrender!"

As expected by Meng Tianchen, Tianchen Lengfeng surrendered cleanly.

Meng Tianchen remained silent.

According to the usual practice, Meng Tianchen, who is the victor at this moment, should choose the spoils, the time to choose a martial arts fragment.

However, Meng Tianchen remained silent.

Scattering Xuanyan's great martial arts, Tianchen Lengfeng took out a fragment of martial arts.

Meng Tianchen still didn't speak.

Looking at Meng Tianchen's playful eyes, Tianchen Lengfeng felt that something was wrong, only to realize that he surrendered, but the other party did not accept it.

"Hey! Hurry up and accept the spoils!"

Tianchen Lengfeng, who was a little anxious, desperately hoped to comprehend the Great Martial Arts of Cracking Heart as soon as possible.

Meng Tianchen just kept silent.

"Meng, what do you want?"

"Hey!" At this moment, Meng Tianchen made a sound, but unfortunately, he smiled strangely.

"Uncle Meng, you are talking!"

Fortunately, other people didn't know about this scene, otherwise their jaws would definitely drop.

Nima, since when is it so difficult to give away martial arts fragments for free?

"Little brat!"


"I want to crack my heart and master martial arts!"

"You are dreaming!"

"Then pull it, this time I admit defeat!"

"Don't mind, let's discuss it!" Immediately, Tianchen Lengfeng became anxious.

Tianchen Lengfeng never expected that Meng Tianchen would be so brazen and want to break his heart.

If he could, he really wanted to beat the guy in front of him who was an eyesore no matter what.

But, he can't win!

At this moment, Tianchen Lengfeng regrets, his intestines are green with regret.

If he had known, he would challenge any opponent at random, as long as he belonged to their gang of experienced practitioners, a piece of martial arts fragment of Xuanyan Dao, can't he give it away?

See Nima ghost.

"My surname is Meng, at worst, I will back down one more step. From now on, we will fight fake battles every day, and every time we lose you one piece of Xuanyan Great Martial Arts, that's enough, until you have all the Xuanyan Great Martial Arts!"

Tianchen Lengfeng, who was already angry, had an ugly expression on his face.

"Heart Cracking Great Martial Arts!"

"no way!"

"Heart Cracking Great Martial Arts!"

"Asshole, you are a big asshole!"

"Heart Cracking Great Martial Arts!"

"Don't dream, I would rather not practice, and leave the Spinning Top Sky Island tomorrow, and it won't be cheap for you!" Tianchen Lengfeng, who had black hair, was really angry, and roared loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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