Chapter 557
"Are you really leaving tomorrow?"




"Okay then! I admit defeat!"

"My surname is Meng, you bloody bastard, I'll never end with you!" Tianchen Lengfeng, who was completely pissed off, was trembling with rage.


Tianchen Lengfeng was panting heavily, his eyes were spitting fire, he was extremely angry.

How could he have thought that Meng Tianchen was so hateful, he was just a bastard and a fucker, a scoundrel at the bottom.


Meng Tianchen, who secretly smirked, felt that the fire was almost ready, and if he was teasing, it was hard to say that the little brat really broke the pot.


After a long period of silence, Tianchen Lengfeng seemed to have calmed down a bit, feeling a little depressed.

As for Meng Tianchen, although he hated him, there was nothing he could do about it.

However, after forcibly suppressing his anger, Tianchen Lengfeng has turned the corner!

Even if he temporarily gave Meng Tianchen a piece of martial arts fragment of the Great Heartbreaker Martial Art, with his cultivation base, he will definitely be able to win it back in the next battle.

Although Tianchen Lengfeng really admires Meng Tianchen's aptitude and talent!But the realm is only the Great Martial Emperor, who has just been promoted, and there is a huge gap between him and the Tianwu Emperor.

Unwilling, Tianchen Lengfeng still reluctantly broke up the Great Martial Art of Cracking Heart.

Take out a martial arts fragment.

Meng Tianchen, who seemed to know Tianchen Lengfeng's little plan, didn't immediately accept it.

One must know that only when [-] pieces of martial art fragments have been gathered can one obtain the complete Great Heartbreaker martial art.

I only got one, and it's useful.

"Little Leng Feng!"

At this moment, Meng Tianchen really became serious, and said in a deep voice: "I know! You have the complete Xuanyan Great Martial Arts and the Cracking Heart Great Martial Arts in your hand! And there is also the complete Litian Great Sword Dao here, why don't we use Spinning Sky Island's Rules, what about swaps?"


With a murmur, Tianchen Leng Feng instantly understood what Meng Tianchen meant.

"In addition to my Litian Great Sword Art, the two of us have three rare inheritances of martial arts. As long as we cooperate sincerely, within 20 years, the two of us will definitely be able to control the power of these three great martial arts."

It has to be said that Tianchen Lengfeng was tempted.

Even though he was very upset before, Meng Tianchen's proposal was very attractive.

To Meng Tianchen's surprise, Tianchen Lengfeng agreed!
Originally, Meng Tianchen thought it would take a lot of talking, but he didn't expect to achieve his goal so easily.

This is the heart-breaking martial art!
After a little calculation, it would take close to ten years to win all the [-] pieces of martial arts fragments from Tianchen Lengfeng, and to fight every day.

Ten years is nothing to the Martial Emperor powerhouse.

And just like that, a huge deal was born.

Next, Meng Tianchen and Tianchen Lengfeng began a long-term feigned war, spending most of their time in comprehension and cultivation.

Tianchen Lengfeng was able to get some martial arts fragments from Meng Tianchen from Meng Tianchen every now and then, and more time, he was completely immersed in the comprehension of the Xuanyan Great Martial Art.

Meng Tianchen was rather lonely!
Concentrate on comprehending and practicing the fourth great sword power of the Plowing Heaven Sword Dao, the sword and shield power!

As for the Dao of Asura, it is still at the peak of the Middle Realm, and has not yet been promoted to the Great Realm.

Time gurgles by.

In a flash, 12 years have passed.


This day, following the spinning top sky island under his feet, Meng Tianchen just returned to the lowest first floor, laughing wildly with excitement.

Because, he finally got the complete heart-cracking martial art!
And all the martial arts fragments of Li Tian Dao Dao were also exported.

All were given to Tianchen Leng Feng.

In the past 12 years, Meng Tianchen's sword and shield potential has reached the peak of Dacheng.Unless the realm of cultivation is improved, the power of the sword and shield is already at its limit.

What's more, Shura's Great Killing Dao has also been promoted to the Great Realm!
The real combat power soared.

Today's Meng Tianchen can be said to have few opponents in the entire Spinning Top Sky Island.

However, both he and Tianchen Lengfeng are still on the lowest first floor of the spinning top sky island area.


Meng Tianchen, who couldn't wait, communicated with the Spinning Top Sky Island, and found that [-] heart-cracking martial arts fragments had actually condensed into a small bell.

The little clock has a faint white halo all over its body, which is very magical.

"This? Is this the complete heart-breaking martial art?"

Meng Tianchen was extremely excited.

Even though Meng Tianchen awakened the power of Qinglong's bloodline, awakened the power of Shengyanhu's bloodline, and obtained a large amount of inheritance information, but he knew very little about the martial art that specializes in the power of mind and spirit.

Martial arts who specialize in the power of mind and spirit are extremely rare.

As for the heart-cracking martial art, it is obviously the strongest martial art that specializes in the power of mind and spirit, and it is also a great martial art.

"The little bastard's luck is extremely good! He actually got such a rare martial art!" Even the old ghost Wuhen couldn't help admiring him.

With great longing and surprise, after Meng Tianchen settled down, he carefully drove Guangling's mind to touch it slowly.

Touch the small white clock floating in front of his eyes.

The moment Meng Tianchen touched the little white clock, Meng Tianchen, who was shocked, suddenly came to a magical artistic conception, as if he was imprisoned, and he couldn't feel his body at all.

This is a white misty world, boundless.

Nothing but countless white spots of light.

"This? This is?"

It seems that a long time has passed, and there is still no change in this extremely silent world.

It seems that Meng Tianchen, who exists uniquely, does nothing at all, and his whole mind seems to be trapped in this artistic conception space, unable to get out.

Even if Meng Tianchen tried his best to touch those magical white light spots, there was no response.

"Depend on!"

Meng Tianchen, who was a little anxious, cursed repeatedly.

He had just comprehended the heart-cracking martial art, but his mind was swept into such a bizarre artistic conception space, which is troublesome.


However, just when Meng Tianchen was confused and anxious, the white misty world that was trapped in his mind trembled violently.

All the white light spots that were originally silent and motionless, gathered towards Meng Tianchen like crazy.

Countless white light spots surged forward.

Suspended in front of Meng Tianchen, they competed to fight for each other.


Meng Tianchen, who was very surprised, watched helplessly, the countless white light spots in front of him attacked and devoured each other unexpectedly.

Incomparably tragic.

A long time passed, and the remaining white light spots became less and less.

However, the remaining white light spots seem to have some slight intelligence, and they fight and devour each other more ferociously.

At last!
There is only one grain left, a white spot of light.

This white light spot seems to have a strong spiritual intelligence and is evolving.

Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded when the white light spot formed an extremely tiny clock.

The tiny white bell, no bigger than a finger, rushed towards Meng Tianchen's mind in an instant.

Feeling his whole mind, Meng Tianchen, who was tightly covered, just came back to his senses, but found that he had left that mysterious artistic conception space.

He was still on the ground of the spinning top island, sitting cross-legged.

There is no trace of abnormality in the whole person, let alone any improvement.


Meng Tianchen, who was suddenly surprised, immediately checked his body to check Guangling's mind.


With a cry of surprise, Meng Tianchen found that Guangling's mind had changed.

No, it's not changed!

Instead, outside of Guangling's mind, a shadow appeared, the shadow of a small white bell.

The shadow of the small white clock is real, and it is also overflowing with a faint and imperceptible white halo.

Sensing Guangling's mind, Meng Tianchen's body trembled.

He got it.

"Nimma, what a magical power!"

Immediately understood, what is the real heart-cracking martial art, Meng Tianchen couldn't help but jumped up wildly.

Roaring indiscriminately.

"Little bastard, tell me quickly, what's so magical about the heart-cracking martial art? What kind of power is it?" The extremely curious old ghost Wuhen couldn't help but asked loudly.

"Hey Hey…"

Meng Tianchen, who didn't respond to Old Ghost Wuhen, just smirked blindly.

Only Meng Tianchen himself knows that the so-called Great Martial Art of Cracking Heart is a powerful guardian force that is completely fused with mind and spirit.

The guardian power of the mind.

It can be said that after practicing the Great Martial Arts of Cracking Heart, one is basically not afraid of vicious mind attacks, and is not afraid of illusion attacks.

Because, the mind is completely guarded in a small white clock.

Similarly, Heartbreaker Martial Arts is also divided into nine realms.

Like most martial arts, the lowest level is the micro-level, and the highest level is the pinnacle level.

However, it is extremely difficult to cultivate the heart-breaking martial art.

It is very difficult, not ordinary, to cultivate the heart-cracking martial arts to the peak, and to make the little white bell, which is out of mind, completely evolve into a real body.

In the process of cultivating the heart-cracking martial arts, almost any treasures are useless, only the power of the mind and spirit can be used to cultivate and comprehend with difficulty.

Meng Tianchen had already foreseen that the cultivation of the Heart-Cracking Dao might be slower and more difficult than the Asura Dao of Killing.

"Make a lot of money!"

After hearing the magic of the heart-breaking Dao, Wuhen old ghost repeatedly sighed.

That is the power of guardianship of the mind, how mysterious it is, it is unheard of and unbelievable.

Enlightenment and practice of the Heart-Cracking Great Martial Arts cannot be accomplished in a fraction of the time.

Fortunately, as long as he is not in a fighting state, Guangling's mind can cultivate by itself.

Satisfied, Meng Tianchen already had the intention of leaving. Most importantly, he was worried about Ji Yan'er.

Controlling the spinning top sky island, Meng Tianchen collected the complete heart-breaking martial art and issued a battle appointment.

"It's cheap for that brat Tianchen Lengfeng." For Tianchen Lengfeng, Meng Tianchen was quite grateful.

If it wasn't for the other party, Meng Tianchen might not know how much time it would take to get the long-awaited heart-breaking martial art.

"Appointment again?" Seeing the appointment from Meng Tianchen, Tianchen Leng Feng was a little confused.

"Look at what the hell is that rascal doing? Didn't he get the Heart-Cracking Martial Arts? If you don't go to study and practice, you're going to have a fight with me!"

The two spinning top islands collided with each other in the dark abyss, and Meng Tianchen dodged away.

"Little Lengfeng." Meng Tianchen looked at him, "I'm leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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