Chapter 559 Qingshu Martial Emperor

The eighteen Martial Emperors sitting cross-legged in front of the cave all looked up and saw Meng Tianchen.

"Who are you?" One of the black-robed old men asked coldly, "I don't seem to have seen you before."

"I'm Meng Tianchen." Meng Tianchen said with a smile, "I just joined Magneto-Optical Stone Forest, and most of my brothers don't know each other yet."

"Oh, just joined?"


These eighteen Martial Emperors are also responsible for watching here. Except for the head of the black-robed old man, although they all claim to be disciples of Emperor Gong, their status in the entire Emperor Gong's power is not very high.

These eighteen people did not suspect that Meng Tianchen was impersonating, where is this place?This is the depths of the magneto-optical stone forest!There are hundreds of Martial Emperors here, and there are even large guard formations set up by Emperor Gong himself, and the restrictions of many formations are extremely complicated.

Which Martial Emperor dares to run around here?Are you courting death?
What's more, these guys haven't paid much attention to Meng Tianchen's mere Great Martial Emperor's cultivation.

The moment Meng Tianchen appeared on the top of Shizhu Peak, Ji Yan'er sensed that inside the cave, which belonged to the woman in white, that is, the stone room of Qingshu Martial Emperor.

Ji Yan'er, who was extremely anxious, immediately touched the restraint in the stone room, and wanted to notify Emperor Qingshu.

Sure enough, Qingshu Martial Emperor, who was at the top of the peak to interrogate Meng Tianchen, really entered the cave.

"Sister Yan'er, is there something wrong?"

"He came to look for me!" Ji Yan'er was pleasantly surprised and excited, but also felt a little guilty!Because she also knows that this place is deep in the magneto-optical stone forest, which is very dangerous.

Trapped in this place, Meng Tianchen will definitely be in big trouble.

Naturally, there are many formation restrictions, which are very strict.Meng Tianchen is formidable, but getting trapped in this lair is still troublesome.

"What? That seemingly unremarkable boy outside is the man you never forget? Yes! Look at him, he is the Great Martial Emperor. Is he really the little disciple of Old Ghost Wan Yan?"

The Qingshu Wuhuang who was full of surprises was not an ordinary person. Although she was a prisoner, she always wanted to leave the prison.

The reason why she made good friends with Ji Yan'er was because she had a glimmer of hope.

Moreover, Ji Yan'er, who obviously felt that Emperor Qingshu had no malice, did not hide anything, and even told Emperor Qingshu that Meng Tianchen was a disciple of Elder Wan Yan.

"Will you let him in?" Qingshu Martial Emperor asked.

"En." Ji Yan'er nodded.

"Understood." Qingshu Martial Emperor looked at Ji Yan'er and said with a smile, "Looking at your distraught appearance, it looks like that kid really pleases you?"

"Sister Qing, you..."

With a charming smile, Qingshu Martial Emperor, who flashed out of the stone room, came out of the cave, and appeared on the top of the stone pillar again, with a sudden change of attitude, unexpectedly inviting Meng Tianchen into her stone room.

This surprised the other 17 people.

They couldn't figure out how a newcomer, a mere Great Martial Emperor, could make Qingshu Martial Emperor fall in love with him.

"Tianchen..." Ji Yan'er was very excited when she saw Meng Tianchen, with complicated emotions.

"Yan'er." Meng Tianchen walked over.

"Tianchen." Ji Yan'er lowered her head slightly, "I caused trouble."

"I heard that these bastards from Magneto-optical Stone Forest want to take your treasure?" Meng Tianchen asked.

Ji Yan'er looked at Meng Tianchen in surprise, "You know everything?"

Meng Tianchen turned his head to look at Qingshu Martial Emperor, and said, "Qingshu Martial Emperor, if we leave the magneto-optical stone forest, what obstacles will there be?"

Qingshu Martial Emperor suddenly felt that the guy in front of him had a different demeanor and tone. He was still humble at the entrance of the cave, but now he still spoke naturally, but the self-confidence and domineering in his words were obvious.

"If you want to leave, first of all, those 17 people who have been staring at the door." Qingshu Wuhuang said, "They have been staring, and if there is any movement, they will send a message to Gong Huang, and there are hundreds of Wu Huangqiang in the magneto-optical stone forest." Among them, there are some scary guys. The most terrifying thing is that once they drive the prohibition formation, there is really nowhere to escape."

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, with a calm expression.

"Meng Tianchen, can you take me out of the Yan Prison!" Seeing that the heat was almost ready, the Qingshu Martial Emperor, who was anxious, spoke hastily.

"Yes, but you must become my follower!"

"What?" Meng Tianchen never expected that Meng Tianchen's conditions would be so harsh.

"Tianchen!" It seemed that she couldn't bear it, and Ji Yan'er seemed to want to intercede for Qingshu Martial Emperor.

However, Meng Tianchen was the first to interrupt Ji Yan'er's continuation, and said coldly: "You are the prisoner, and you are in the prison. Your end is death!"

"Think about it!"

After hesitating for a while, Qingshu Martial Emperor's face suddenly showed a burst of determination, and said suddenly: "I agree!"

"it is good!"

Meng Tianchen, who didn't want to waste time, said softly: "I'll just put a brand in your sea of ​​consciousness!"

"This?" Qingshu Martial Emperor, who was a little panicked, hesitated again.

She knew that once his consciousness was branded by Meng Tianchen, life and death would no longer be up to her.

After weighing again and again, Qingshu Martial Emperor still bit the bullet and agreed.

She never expected that what Meng Tianchen used was not an ordinary enslavement method, but a soul seed.

Meng Tianchen breathed a sigh of relief after successfully placing a soul seed in the soul of Qingshu Martial Emperor.

From now on, Qingshu Martial Emperor will be Meng Tianchen's soul slave.

"Master!" No matter how unwilling, Qingshu Martial Emperor had no choice but to admit it. It was hard to say how long he would live in the terrible prison of fire.

As long as you get out of here and go to the outside world, there is always a chance.

The reason why she was humiliated and willing to recognize Meng Tianchen as her master was to leave and to be free, because she, Qingshu Martial Emperor, had a special mission.

"Hmm! From now on, you will be the No.2 Martial Guard of my Martial God Palace Fire Palace!"

Somewhat smug Meng Tianchen planned to raise the banner of the Martial God Palace and build his own power single-handedly.

After directly taking Ji Yan'er into the Blood River Pagoda, Meng Tianchen ordered Qingshu Martial Emperor to tidy up and prepare to leave.

As soon as Meng Tianchen walked out of the cave, he was stopped by seventeen Martial Emperors.

The old man in black robe looked at Meng Tianchen with a serious aura.

I don't know what secret technique these people used. Since Ji Yan'er disappeared and entered the Blood River Pagoda, the seventeen Martial Emperor powerhouses guarding the entrance of the cave all sensed it.

"Hmph! The little Great Martial Emperor, you are quite courageous! How dare you go deep into our magneto-optical stone forest to deceive us, you are courting death!"

call out.

Meng Tianchen, who already knew that the matter had been exposed, suddenly became imposing, and a phantom of a large golden sword suddenly appeared in his hand!
Li Tian Dao Dao!
"It's broken!" Qingshu Martial Emperor, who was following behind Meng Tianchen, had a terrible expression on his face.

Meng Tianchen, who soared into the sky, gave a loud shout.

"Liyue Jianmang!"

Meng Tianchen, who didn't dare to neglect, made up his mind to kill these 17 people immediately.

It would be bad if more Martial Emperor powerhouses were attracted, and it would be even more troublesome if it alarmed Gong Huang.

Chi!Chi Chi!

But seeing the phantom of the golden great sword in Meng Tianchen's hand, nine golden crescent moon lights sprang out quickly, locking on to nine Martial Emperor powerhouses respectively, and slashing away.



The faces of the nine people who were locked by the terrifying golden crescent moon sword light changed drastically.

This weird, unparalleled golden crescent moon sword light gave them an extremely terrifying feeling, extremely dangerous.

At this moment, they couldn't care less about Meng Tianchen being a mere Great Martial Emperor, they screamed violently.

The momentum soared!


Qingshu Martial Emperor, who was following behind, was stunned, and actually made a move?Ji Yan'er's man, who was her new master, was so stupid that he dared to do anything in the magneto-optical stone forest?
However, when Qingshu Martial Emperor saw the golden crescent moon sword light displayed by Meng Tianchen, the strength displayed was far beyond her expectations.

"How is it possible? Is this the power controlled by a Great Martial Emperor?"

The Qingshu Martial Emperor, who was a little cautious, also changed his face in surprise, and thought to himself: "As expected of the young disciple of the old ghost Wan Yan, this level of combat power can definitely match the power of the Tianwu Emperor, my God! He is the real A Great Martial Emperor!"


Amidst the nine crisp sounds, the nine Earth Martial Sovereigns tried their best to display their strongest defense methods despite being targeted by the golden meniscus sword glow.

However, Liyue's sword light is so terrifying that even Emperor Tianwu can't resist it, let alone them.

Amidst a series of weird sounds, the bodies of the nine Earth Martial Emperors who were so arrogant that they didn't pay much attention to Meng Tianchen were strangled to death by the terrifying sword light.

"Run away."

"How could it be so strong?"


The remaining eight Martial Emperors, including the black-robed old man, were all stunned, screaming, and fled in all directions.

However, every Martial Emperor could clearly sense the powerful fluctuations of the confrontation in the magneto-optical stone forest with a radius of a hundred miles, and a large amount of spiritual consciousness enveloped them all at once.

"Who are you, how dare you trespass into the Magneto-Optic Stone Forest!" The closest Martial Emperor rushed towards him, screaming loudly.

"I, Meng Tianchen, am a trainer. You damn prisoners dare to detain my companion, but she is a trainer. Anyone who dares to block the way will be killed without mercy!"

Meng Tianchen's domineering voice came out loosely, towards all directions.

"What? Detain the trainee?"

"How is it possible? Who has such courage?"

All of a sudden, the many Martial Emperor powerhouses who frantically slaughtered towards Meng Tianchen's position were all dumbfounded!
Qingshu Martial Emperor, who was following behind Meng Tianchen, couldn't help being stunned when he saw the scene in front of him and heard the voice echoing between heaven and earth!
"Oh my god, what is the role of my master?"

Looking back at the Qingshu Martial Emperor who seemed to be stunned by fright, Meng Tianchen could not help explaining that Meng Tianchen took him into the Canglong space and galloped away.

Meng Tianchen knew very well that this place was in the depths of the magneto-optical stone forest, God knows what kind of vicious guy there is.

These prisoners were all imprisoned by the Shengyan Tiger Clan, and they had an instinctive hatred for the trainees from the Tianchen Clan.

If it really alarms some terrifying powerhouses, it's game over.

However, what Meng Tianchen was most worried about happened.

Because, an extremely tyrannical consciousness, as if it had traveled thousands of miles, was locked on his body.

Being stared at by this terrifying divine sense, Meng Tianchen felt a creepy feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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