Chapter 560 Extreme Combat Power
"Damn it, it must have alarmed Emperor Gong!"

Meng Tianchen, who was uneasy, accelerated his speed and flew towards the periphery of the magneto-optical stone forest.

Bang bang bang!
A towering giant came from the sky!

This person is hideous and terrifying, with a body height of a hundred meters, and if he strides at will, he is a hundred feet!The power is monstrous.

"Damn!" Meng Tianchen, who had a dry mouth, was stunned.

This person turned out to be an extremely terrifying Extreme Martial Emperor.

The Emperor of Martial Arts can be called a high-ranking Emperor of Martial Arts, and almost every powerful Emperor of Martial Arts is a natural talent.

Once he crossed the peak bottleneck of the Tianwu Emperor and was promoted to the Extreme Martial Emperor, the martial arts he mastered, and even his supernatural powers, all had a qualitative leap.

It is definitely not something that ordinary Tianwu Emperor powerhouses can contend with.

What's more, Meng Tianchen at this moment is nothing more than the Great Martial Emperor, no matter how defiant his aptitude is, it will be difficult to compete against him.

On Spinning Top Sky Island, Meng Tianchen was completely fearless in the face of those monstrous Tianwu Emperors, but in the face of a very powerful Emperor Wuhuang, he really had no idea.

"It's troublesome!" Even the old ghost Wuhen complained endlessly.

"Little Smashing, if you dare to kill people in this emperor's territory, you are dead! Even if you are a bullshit trainer, you will definitely die today!" angry.

Gong Huang is not like other prisoners, he has a secret about Yan prison that most prisoners don't know.

In Yanlao, the relationship between the so-called Holy Flame Tiger Clan and the guardians is extremely complicated.


He rushed towards Meng Tianchen's Emperor Gong fiercely and frighteningly.Above his head, two huge objects suddenly appeared.

One is a huge axe, almost solid in shape, a little fuzzy.However, the other giant sword is terrifying.

The giant sword, with its sharp and terrifying sword intent, almost suffocated everyone.

This battle was extremely dangerous, and this was the first time Meng Tianchen had fought head-to-head, a true Supreme Martial Emperor powerhouse.


With a loud shout, a phantom of a large golden sword suddenly appeared in Meng Tianchen's hand!
call out!shhhhh!

In the phantom of the golden great sword, nine golden meniscus sword lights shot out one after another!

Lock on the giant Qingtian, Emperor Gong, and kill him!

"What kind of bullshit sword power is this?" Gong Huang, who was very disdainful, sneered.

He also cultivated a terrifying sword power, and cultivated to the extreme.In his eyes, Meng Tianchen's sword glow was pitifully weak.

There was a roar in the huge sky, and the space trembled.

Gong Huang drove the terrifying giant axe and giant sword to strike at the nine golden crescent moon sword rays issued by Meng Tianchen at will.


Amidst the bang-cha sound, the golden crescent moon sword light, a little fragile, collapsed in an instant.

"Nimma, is it necessary to be so perverted?" Meng Tianchen's face was so solemn, and his mouth was bitter.

Those who gathered around came, many Martial Emperor powerhouses, these were all prisoners captured by Gong Huang, and they were not at all happy to see Gong Huang displaying his supernatural power.

Some are full of fear from the Martial Realm.

"It's terrible!" Qingshu Martial Emperor who was in the Canglong space saw the situation outside, his complexion was ashen.

She never expected that Meng Tianchen would be so reckless that he dared to kill in the depths of the magneto-optical stone forest, so that he attracted the cruel and bloodthirsty Emperor Gong. She was basically doomed this time.


Meng Tianchen suddenly let out an angry snort, and his stature skyrocketed instantly!
Turning into a body of a thousand meters, with the head of a dragon and the body of a tiger, it can be said to be majestic, and it spreads out.

As a last resort, Meng Tianchen performed a magical transformation.

"This?" In the extremely high sky, seeing Meng Tianchen displaying his real body and hiding Elder Wan Yan, he was dumbfounded.

Originally, the old ghost's doubts were resolved in an instant. Many previous guesses were affirmed at this moment when he saw Meng Tianchen's real body.

"Really, I didn't expect it was really him!"

At this moment, Elder Wan Yan's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the endless void, and fell on Meng Tianchen's ferocious and domineering body with a length of one thousand meters, with an extremely complicated expression.


Almost at the same time, also sensing this scene was Qiu Hu, this terrifying super strong man, the most terrifying person in the entire Yan prison, his face suddenly became ferocious.

"Damn it! It's this kind of breath, I will never forget it!" As if recalling some painful memory, Qiu Hu's extremely painful expression was full of anger.

A fiery red flame was burning on his body.


However, for some reason, Qiuhu's aura suddenly weakened, and he seemed to have aged a lot, becoming very decadent, downcast, and vicissitudes of life.

"Kill!" Meng Tianchen roared.

I saw Meng Tianchen's huge dragon claws, holding a huge golden sword phantom tightly, and at the same time, a vortex appeared above the terrifying dragon's head.

Bloody vortex phantom!
The moment Shura's Great Killing Dao was cast, the originally extremely arrogant Gong Huang suddenly let out a cry.


Who is the hesitant Gong Huang?From the phantom shadow of the bloody whirlpool above Meng Tianchen's head, he felt a hint of heart palpitations, which was an extremely terrifying feeling.

Obviously, there is a terrifying power hidden in that weird blood-colored vortex phantom.

Even, the power that can kill his mighty Lord Gong Huang.

call out!
A bloody chain was instantly condensed by Meng Tianchen.


During the roar, Meng Tianchen looked extremely comfortable, this is the embodiment of his true combat power, he really felt how powerful the chain killing supernatural power displayed in the state of divine transformation is.

Meng Tianchen is confident that no matter how powerful and monstrous the Tianwu Emperor is, he will probably perish under this bloody chain.

Even in the face of a peerless powerhouse like Gong Huang, chain killing supernatural powers can pose a huge threat.

Meng Tianchen roared loudly while using the chain-killing supernatural power to target Gong Huang and stalk him away.

"Emperor Gong! It's not that I'm looking for trouble for you. It's really your brats who have the audacity to detain my woman. If you don't accept it, let's fight!"

"Look at the so-called Extreme Martial Emperor powerhouse, how amazing it is!"

"court death!"

How could he care about the palpitations, Gong Huang was completely irritated by Meng Tianchen.

Even the old ghost Wan Yan would not despise him so much in person, just a brat of the Great Martial Emperor, so bold.

Compared with Meng Tianchen's huge body, Gong Huang, who was like a giant in the sky, seemed much weaker.

However, Gong Huang, who had soared in power, appeared extremely terrifying and extremely tyrannical.

A huge palm, as if it could hold the sky and the ground, locked on the bloody chain and grabbed it.

"Tips for carving insects!"

With a sneer, Emperor Gong was obviously extremely confident in his supernatural power.


Amidst the ear-piercing sound, the moment it was grabbed by a huge palm, the bloody chains turned into bloody light and collapsed.

"Nimma, this is too strong!" Meng Tianchen was furious.

Curse the prison!

call out!
In an instant, the terrifying black prison actually covered the huge Gong Huang inside.

"court death!"

With a violent roar, Gong Huang, who obviously felt that the cursed prison was a bit strange, drove the giant ax at will.

The cursed prison breaks apart.

"Boy, try this emperor's tricks!"

While roaring, the huge sword in Gong Huang's hand shot out a burst of sword light.

The coldness is incomparable, and the murderous aura is monstrous!
"Depend on!"

With a parched mouth, Meng Tianchen twisted his body, trying his best to drive the power of the black mist in the space of the stele.

Obviously, the sword light emitted by Gong Huang is extremely terrifying, and it is suspected to be a sword gesture similar to supernatural powers.

"Sword and shield potential!"

In desperation, Meng Tianchen used the fourth form of the Plowing Heaven Sword, Sword and Shield!


I saw the phantom of the golden sword in Meng Tianchen's dragon claws, and the golden sword light flashed repeatedly.

In an instant!
In front of Meng Tianchen, there was actually a huge shield erected.

The golden giant shield is completely condensed by the intersection of golden sword lights.

Far away, many of the magneto-optical stone forest warriors onlookers were all stunned. They never imagined that a mere trainee of the Great Martial Emperor would fight their Lord Gong Huang in an indissoluble battle.

Especially seeing Meng Tianchen's sword and shield posture, exclamations were everywhere.

Anyone who sees this golden sword-light giant shield at the first glance will involuntarily have some feelings in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Rock solid and unbreakable!
Yes, this is the first impression of the sword and shield potential.

bang bang!Bang bang bang!

Amidst the violent sound, the sharp sword light stabbed at the golden sword light giant shield in an instant, causing terrifying energy fluctuations, and the violent sound caused the huge space around Meng Tianchen to tremble endlessly.

The golden sword light giant shield with great defensive power still collapsed.

Fortunately, that incomparably terrifying sharp sword light was also at the end of its strength, and the stabbing Meng Tianchen only caused a burst of blood, unable to break through the defense of the Asura Emperor Armor.


Seeing that Meng Tianchen blocked his sword light unexpectedly, Gong Huang became furious from embarrassment.

"Frenzied Sword Power!"

While roaring, an almost materialized yellow-brown sword glow rushed out of the giant sword in Emperor Gong's hand.


The moment he saw the yellow-brown sword light, Meng Tianchen suddenly felt a sense of crisis and complained endlessly.

According to his estimation, the sword and shield force cannot be defended at all!
However, Meng Tianchen didn't panic in the slightest, having experienced the experience of the spinning top sky island, Meng Tianchen's combat experience was astonishing.

The more critical the moment, the more calm he appears!
"Chain kill!"

While condensing into a bloody chain in an instant, Meng Tianchen also controlled the phantom of the golden sword in the dragon's claw, stabbing and shooting nine golden crescent moon sword lights.

That's right, Meng Tianchen who used the chain killing supernatural power and Liyue Jianmang at the same time spent a lot of martial energy and the power of the black mist.Meng Tianchen's purpose was not to attack Gong Huang's body, but just to dump the power of that yellow-brown sword glow.


The moment the yellow-brown sword light condensed, Gong Huang, who was laughing ferociously, drove this terrifying killing move, locked onto Meng Tianchen and beheaded him.

With a stern face, Meng Tianchen instantly activated the blood-colored chains and nine golden crescent moon sword lights, locking on to the yellow-brown sword light that was too fast.



Meng Tianchen, who didn't dare to neglect, the phantom of the golden sword on the dragon's claw was still moving violently, swallowing out countless golden sword lights.

These sword glows are condensing into a giant shield, a golden sword glow giant shield!

(End of this chapter)

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