Chapter 569
However, only Meng Tianchen himself could truly feel that the bloody vortex phantom above his head was different.

At the core of the phantom of the bloody vortex, a blood thread appeared.

You must know that the original location at the core of the phantom of the bloody vortex has always been the territory of the extremely terrifying Shurayan.

Unexpectedly, Shura Yan not only gave up the territory, but also seemed to be very afraid of the blood line, and was actually at the edge of the bloody vortex phantom, far away from the blood line.

Meng Tianchen, who was extremely amazed, drove Guangling's mind to perceive the phantom of the bloody vortex at first, and sense the blood line at its inner core.

The moment he touched the blood line.

Meng Tianchen's body trembled.

In an instant, he came to a magical place.

Everyone didn't know that Meng Tianchen, who was originally inside the golden ladder and was surrounded by a strong atmosphere of chaos, disappeared.

In the huge area surrounding the Golden Staircase, even the nearest Elder Wanyan and Elder Potian couldn't check what happened inside.

There are hundreds of thousands of meters of golden ladder area in the air, all of which shoot out dazzling multicolored rays of light, not to mention looking at it with the spiritual sense, even if you look at it with your eyes, you will feel majestic and terrifying, and you dare not look up.

Meng Tianchen, who disappeared on the golden ladder, was swept to a place by a mysterious force.

This is a real place, definitely not an artistic conception space, Meng Tianchen could really feel his body stagnant on a sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood is boundless and endless.

But it was silent, looking terrifying, but could not feel the slightest power, not even a trace of bloody aura.

"This? Where is this shit?"

Meng Tianchen was startled.

"Ah..." As everyone knows, the moment he saw the strange sea of ​​blood, the old ghost Wuhen screamed in fright and passed out.

Qi Qiran's Meng Tianchen was absolutely incomparably terrifying, he didn't dare to make any rash moves, and shouted urgently: "Master, hurry up, tell me quickly, where is this nima?"

Just kidding, the real body, being swept into such a place bizarrely, is not afraid of being fake.

Moreover, this terrifying space seems to be frozen, and I don't know how to go back.

"Little, little Tianchen!" After waiting for a long time, Meng Tianchen finally found that the old ghost Wuhen had woken up.

However, the voice of Wuhen Old Ghost was trembling, as if he had discovered something extremely terrifying.

"Master, are we in trouble!"

"Trouble you, dead head! Bastard boy, this is good fortune, a great good fortune!" Suddenly, as if trying to regain his composure, the old ghost Wuhen roared.

"Great creation?"

Meng Tianchen, who was a little puzzled, looked around, but he really didn't know where the good fortune was.

"Little boy! Do you know where this is?"

Meng Tianchen shook his head.

"Idiot! This is the Origin Sea of ​​Killing Dao!"

"Ah?" Meng Tianchen, who suddenly realized, stared at the boundless sea of ​​blood below, his heart was beating wildly, and he screamed again and again.

"No! Not right!"

Dazed is the Wuhen old ghost who can't figure it out, screaming shrilly.

"Could it be that the legendary dao source guide can actually make the real body enter the chaotic origin and see the real ocean of martial arts origin?"

The extremely confused Wuhen old ghost slowly explained.

It turns out that the so-called harmony is to let the martial arts that one cultivates perfectly fit with the origin of martial arts in the origin of chaos.

A truly perfect fit, not even a tiny gap.

However, all peak Martial Emperors will have a long time to communicate with the source of chaos before joining the Tao, and want to grab a trace of the source of martial arts that fits with their own martial arts cultivation from the source of chaos.

This is an extremely long and dangerous process.

Even if it is a fluke to sense the existence of the origin of martial arts in the origin of chaos, if it is a little careless, it will be annihilated in the mighty origin of martial arts.

No matter how much it is to cultivate and comprehend, it is impossible for any peak Martial Emperor powerhouse to enter the original ocean of Martial Dao with his real body, he just senses it in the dark.

Like Meng Tianchen, it is unheard of and almost impossible to trigger the Dao Source to lead, and the real body enters the Martial Dao Origin Sea.

Obviously, the most direct benefit is that as long as Meng Tianchen himself can bear it, he may be able to grab more martial arts origin power from the sea of ​​martial arts origin.

If this is spread, and those old monsters who have been in the peak Martial Emperor realm for countless years know, they will definitely faint from fright.


Hearing the old ghost Wuhen's explanation, Meng Tianchen was shocked, his eyes were red and his ears were red, and his breathing became short of breath.

Not to mention Meng Tianchen, any martial artist would definitely feel uneasy when encountering such a great fortune.

Meng Tianchen was no exception.

"Master, can I really grab more power of the original source of killing in the sea of ​​original killing?" Meng Tianchen couldn't believe it.

Such a good thing, how is it possible?
It is impossible to dream, to achieve such a wonderful dream.

"Stupid? Hurry up! Do your best to use Shura's Great Dao of Killing, use it to the maximum, and strive to grab the second trace of the Dao of Killing from within the sea!"

The extremely anxious Wuhen old ghost yelled loudly angrily.


In a daze, with a stern shout, Meng Tianchen tried his best to execute the Asura Great Killing Dao.

Above his head, the phantom of the bloody vortex became more abundant and clearer than before.

There was a slight abnormal sound.

From the boundless sea of ​​original origin of the Dao of Killing below, a thread of blood flashed out unexpectedly.

That's right, this is the original power of killing Dao.

It was the second blood thread Meng Tianchen got, the second ray of original power to kill Dao.


The crazy Meng Tianchen roared, he is really crazy.

Crazy drives Shura to kill Dao.

What kind of joke are you making about Nima, if you are not crazy at this time, when will you be crazy?
This is the source of grabbing and killing!
The third blood thread was then pulled away from the Sea of ​​Origin of Killing Dao, drifted towards Meng Tianchen, and merged into the phantom of the bloody vortex above his head.

fourth root.

fifth root.

The sixth root.

seventh root.

It's the limit!
"Could it be that only seven blood threads can be pulled out?" Meng Tianchen, who didn't know what satisfaction was, knew that he had killed Shura to the limit.

There is no possibility of any improvement.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen felt so remorseful, if his Asura Dao of Dao had a higher realm, how damn wonderful it would be.

With more original power of the Dao of Killing, once he reaches the peak Martial Emperor in the future, he won't have to be so tired, and the probability of Shura Dao Dao's success in joining the Dao of Killing is obviously more certain.

"You bastard, you're so stupid! Hurry up and use your supernatural transformation! Use all your power to the limit, the more power you can get from killing the Dao, the better!"

Without any explanation, Meng Tianchen let out a violent roar and performed a magical transformation.

The thousand-meter-long dragon's head and tiger's real body appeared.

Sure enough, in the state of divine transformation, the power of the black mist has been urged to the extreme, and Meng Tianchen at this moment can be regarded as the real peak state.

Meng Tianchen at this moment is terrifying, like a demon king.


During the roar, Meng Tianchen once again increased the power of Shura's Great Killing Dao.

Chi Chi!

The blood-colored vortex phantom above his head is even more terrifying in power. When the blood splatters, the fierce murderous aura spreads out.

Another wisp of blood slowly floated up from the original sea of ​​killing dao below, and merged into the phantom of the bloody vortex.

This is the eighth thread of blood.

"Boy, work harder, as long as you can grab the ninth root of the Dao of Killing, you will be successful and complete!" The old ghost Wuhen with a distorted voice was so excited.

This old ghost knew that once Meng Tianchen successfully obtained the ninth blood thread, the ninth ray of killing power, it would be truly consummated.

In the future, once he reaches the peak of the Martial Emperor, if he joins the Dao, at least in terms of the Dao of Shura's Great Killing, he will be safe and absolutely successful.

Nine is the ultimate number, the perfect number of harmony.

Ordinary martial arts, if you want to succeed in joining the Dao, you must grab the seven strands of the origin of martial arts from the origin of chaos.And the rare great martial arts such as Shura's Great Killing Dao need nine strands of martial arts origin to be considered complete.

If Meng Tianchen can really grab the origin of the ninth Dao of Killing, he will be successful, and Shura Dao of Dao of Killing will definitely succeed in the joint Dao in the future.


There is no need for old ghost Wuhen to remind him, Meng Tianchen also knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime great fortune, and it is worth all the hard work.

His huge body is winding, frantically wanting to increase the power of Shura's Great Killing Dao.

However, the sea of ​​origin of the killing path below has not moved for a long time, and the ninth ray of the origin of the killing path has not floated up for a long time.

"No! Must succeed!"



With a roar that shook the sky, Meng Tianchen went crazy.

A beautiful and subtle voice wanted to sound, and a thread of blood really floated out of the unwavering Shadao Origin Sea.

The thread of blood floated up slowly, towards the bloody vortex phantom above Meng Tianchen's ferocious dragon head.

However, at the moment when the origin of the ninth ray of killing path merged into the phantom of the bloody vortex, a sudden change occurred.


A long and miserable cry came from the mouth of Meng Tianchen's huge dragon.

In the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, inside the small black ball, a black shadow flashed out, a very small black figure.

The moment the black figure appeared, Meng Tianchen seemed to lose control of his entire body, unable to sense any power on his body at all.

Guangling's mind, Qianmi's body, Wujie, etc. have all lost control.

Especially that weird little black shadow jumped out of the sea of ​​consciousness and ruthlessly threw itself on the colorful little tree Wudan.

No!It's on Guangling's mind, biting.

Seemingly sensing a crisis, Guangling's phantom of the small crowd flickered faintly.

However, even the Great Martial Art of Cracking Heart can't compete against the little black shadow, and can't protect Guangling's mind.

The extremely weird and terrifying little black shadow seemed to devour Meng Tianchen's Guangling's mind.

"This?" Meng Tianchen, who didn't know what happened, was stunned.

"not good!"

The Wuhen old ghost who really felt Meng Tianchen's current state woke up suddenly, complaining endlessly.

"Master! What's going on?"

At this moment, Meng Tianchen can only control his flustered mood.

"Big trouble! I didn't expect your inner demon to appear, boy, you can only rely on yourself this time! Forcibly performing the Shura Dao of Killing, grabbing the origin of the ninth ray of killing, actually induced your inner demon."

(End of this chapter)

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