Chapter 570 Strong Asylum
"What? Inner Demon?" Meng Tianchen gasped, knowing the existence of Inner Demon.

However, how could there be a demon at this time?It shouldn't be!
The inner demon can only be born at the moment when the great realm is promoted, but now it is only communicating with the original sea of ​​​​killing Dao, how can it cause the inner demon?

Suddenly, terrifying power swept across Meng Tianchen's huge body, tearing apart the space.

In the blink of an eye, Meng Tianchen clearly saw his thousand-meter-long body crouching on the golden ladder.

Surrounding him, the turbulent air of chaos wrapped his body tightly.

Except for his only thoughts, Meng Tianchen couldn't control his body at all, and he couldn't control the slightest power.

Fortunately, you can clearly see what's going on in your body.

The inner demon is devouring Guangling's mind, and Xiao Zhong's phantom is fighting with all his strength.


Xiao Zhong Xuying was obviously not the opponent of the heart demon Xiao Heiying, and he became more and more bleak.


A terrifying aura suddenly emanated from his huge body, cold, evil, and ferocious.

If the heart demon really devoured Guangling's mind, even though Meng Tianchen was still himself, he would become an extremely evil guy, which is unimaginable.

What made Meng Tianchen even more terrified was that there was a slight broken sound in Guangling's mind.

As if something was split.

However, a terrifying breath came out loosely from Guangling's mind.

This breath is extremely familiar, extremely kind.

That's right, at the critical moment, the seed of immortal heart activated by itself, and the extremely mysterious breath of immortality instantly submerged the little black shadow that was crazily biting Guangling's mind, and instantly swallowed the demon of heart.

In an instant, everything came back.

Take full control of your body.


With a quick shout, Meng Tianchen put away his magical transformation and turned into a human form, with a trace of fear on his face.

It's too dangerous, if the seed of immortality is not activated, he will be over this time.

Although it was dangerous, Meng Tianchen's fortune was hard to describe in words.

That is the origin of the Nine Wisps of Killing Dao. In the future, in terms of Asura's Great Killing Dao, he no longer has to worry about the difficulty of joining the Dao.

Moreover, Meng Tianchen knew the secret of the so-called source of dao, and knew how to communicate with the origin of martial arts in the origin of chaos.

There is also the Dao of Plowing the Sky and the Dao of Martial Arts of Cracking the Heart!
More origins of martial arts must be obtained.

Meng Tianchen thought to himself, even if the remaining two major martial arts can't get the origin of the nine strands of martial arts, they can get the eight strands no matter what.


Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen, who laughed wildly, was so excited.

Below the golden ladder, the closest ones are of course the old ghost Wanyan and the elder Potian. These two old ghosts dare not neglect, this is a great fortune of Meng Tianchen, and absolutely cannot be allowed to be destroyed by anyone.

And below the two of them, more than a hundred figures stood in the air, all of them with solemn expressions, and the aura in their bodies burst out, rushing straight into the sky.But at this moment, their eyes fell on the golden ladder wrapped in layers of chaotic atmosphere, and there was a trace of irrepressible fear in their eyes!

Yes, it is fear!
Being able to make the peak Martial Emperor powerhouses show such a look is enough to prove how excited they are at the moment!

Just now, the sliver of aura emanating from the enveloping air of chaos, although extremely weak, made the hearts of all the peak Martial Emperor powerhouses who sensed this tremble violently, their bodies stiffened, and then their faces paled for a while!
This breath actually gave them a feeling of facing death directly, and could easily wipe them out from the world!

Only Elder Wan Yan, who is the closest to the golden ladder, feels the most clearly.

Because, this old ghost has successfully obtained a ray of the original power of the way of fire through communication from the origin of chaos.

That is definitely the aura emanating from a certain kind of martial arts origin, which is extremely murderous.

Although at this moment, the original aura of martial arts has disappeared, many powerful members of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan still have dignified expressions.

Elder Han Lin's pupils contracted violently, and he lowered his head slightly, so that no one could see the crazy murderous intent in his eyes that almost turned into reality.

This Meng Tianchen must be killed as soon as possible!
Although he has repeatedly shown great talent and potential for growth, he is still far away from truly growing up. Therefore, although Elder Hanlin is worried, he is not in a hurry.

But what happened today completely changed his mind!
This was the first time that Elder Han Lin felt uncontrollable towards Meng Tianchen from the bottom of his heart. This feeling was extremely bad and made him feel completely anxious.Absolutely can't continue to delay, no matter what, we must find an opportunity to kill this Meng Tianchen as soon as possible!
at all costs!
After a while, slowly raising his head, all the expressions in Elder Hanlin's eyes had completely subsided and turned into a calm look.

"Today's events are strange. I believe that Meng Tianchen, who is being guided by Daoyuan, may have encountered a huge crisis!"

"Therefore, this seat proposes that we take action together to disperse the chaotic atmosphere in front of us, and see if Meng Tianchen is really safe."

The voice was calm and mixed with a slight chill, and the space here slowly spread.

Elder Han took a step forward, nodded and said, "I agree with what Elder Han Lin said, if we see Meng Tianchen in trouble, we may be able to help."

Elder Zhu then stepped forward, and although he didn't say much, his attitude was self-evident, and he obviously agreed with this matter.

Elder Zhong Yu hesitated a little, but finally stepped forward and said indifferently: "My seat seconded the proposal."

There is disagreement between the elders, but a certain balance must be maintained. Now that Elder Hanlin’s lineup is losing, Elder Zhong Yu doesn’t mind stepping up to their side to maintain this balance. Otherwise, Elder Wanyan’s family will dominate in the future. Within a short period of time, he could only be suppressed and unable to stand up. Elder Zhong Yu naturally didn't want to see this kind of situation.

This is a flexible way of the mean, and it is also the main reason why Elder Zhong Yu can be alone and at ease between the two major forces in the Hall of Elders. He does not want to change the current state.

The four elders expressed their opinions one after another, and the surrounding Saint Flame Tiger Clan's great powers couldn't help but speak up one after another.

"I agree with Elder Han Lin's words, dispel this chaotic atmosphere, and find out Meng Tianchen's current situation!" Old Monster Phosphorus Sect Shali said coldly, his eyes flickering.

"The old man also praised this matter."

"Being able to attract Daoyuan to receive guidance, Boy Meng is definitely the strongest person in the future of our Holy Flame Tiger Clan. Don't be sloppy. You should dispel the chaos and find out the situation."

"Breaking the air of chaos, it will be easy for us to join forces!"

"This?" Elder Wan Yan's face was ugly, why didn't he know that these old immortals with ulterior motives had no good intentions at all.


With a cold snort, the powerful Elder Wan Yan said in a deep voice: "The energy of chaos has not dissipated, and the source of Dao is still continuing, which means that Meng Tianchen is safe and sound, and he is communicating with the origin of martial arts. Creation is also a grand event for our Sacred Flame Tiger Clan, if we forcibly dispel the energy of chaos this time, it is tantamount to destroying the source of Dao and eradicating his great opportunity, it would be too much."

Speaking of this, Elder Wan Yan's body suddenly erupted with a mighty aura, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, pointing obliquely towards the sky.

"This matter is not allowed by this seat!"

It's not that I disagree, but that I don't allow it. The meanings between the two are very different, which is equivalent to Elder Wan Yan directly stating in an arrogant manner that today he will protect Meng Tianchen at all costs!

This kind of arrogant attitude appeared on the elder of the Shengyan Tiger Clan, which undoubtedly has a strong deterrent effect!

What's more, Meng Tianchen is his little disciple, a real disciple who kneels three times and kowtows nine times.

Therefore, today he will definitely not take half a step back!

Elder Quan, as a staunch supporter of Elder Wan Yan, naturally wouldn't back down at this moment, sneered, and said: "If this matter is on you, maybe you won't be so confident in destroying other people's chances."

"I object to this matter!"

Elder Potian, who was helpless in every possible way, saw his granddaughter Tianchenlu on the ground below, screaming coquettishly, feeling very helpless.Yibian lamented that the girl was extroverted, while comforting himself that we only helped this kid because of our granddaughter.

"There is indeed something wrong with this matter. I don't need to say more about Meng Tianchen's potential. If today's events cause a gap in the hearts of the future destined members of the Shengyan Tiger Clan, it will be very bad. Fellow Daoists, please think carefully about it.”

"I object to this matter."

Elder Potian's words seemed to be kind, but there were hints in them.You all remember, Meng Tianchen is not an ordinary person, he will definitely become stronger in the future, be careful that he will find you unlucky because of what happened today.

Although it was said in secret, which of the old monsters here is not an old and mature character, and his complexion changed after hearing the words, obviously he already had some scruples in his heart.

"This seat is opposed."

Elder Xingchen's face was calm, making it difficult to guess whether he spoke this time because of Meng Tianchen, or simply to balance the faction power among the elders, but the situation is already quite clear.

Four of the nine elders were in a confrontation. The strange thing was that the other elder, Elder Luo Shan, seemed to know something and didn't show up.

Coupled with Elder Wan Yan's extraordinarily tough attitude, the old monsters hesitated. Although they have a strong background, if they offend the elders of the ethnic group, they may have a hard time in the future.

It is not a good choice to express support or opposition, so the whole space suddenly fell silent, a group of old immortals looked at their noses, noses, noses, and hearts, pretending to be indifferent to foreign affairs and things, naturally no one would be stupid enough to do it That early bird.

Elder Hanlin's face was solemn, his brows were frowned, and he said in a deep voice: "Elder Wanyan, with Meng Tianchen's cultivation base, once an accident happens, he will be hard to resist. This seat is also for his own good. Unexpectedly, our Shengyan Tiger Clan is very likely to lose a talented person, who can bear the responsibility?"

Elder Wan Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and a sneer flashed in his eyes. Since he had already decided to shelter Meng Tianchen, how could he change his mind just because of a few words of questioning.

(End of this chapter)

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