Chapter 571 Arrogant
"Since the old man came forward to protect Meng Tianchen, the old man alone will bear any situation and consequences, and there is no need for Elder Han Lin to worry."

Elder Han Lin clearly felt the confidence of Elder Wan Yan, he snorted, but he didn't have any reason to continue speaking, but his heart became more and more irritable, he underestimated the importance that Elder Wan Yan attached to Meng Tianchen!

As for the noisy old monsters around, they looked at each other and kept silent at the moment. Elder Wan Yan had already made up his mind. If they continued to persevere, they would be challenging Elder Wan Yan's prestige.

Sensing the powerful power emanating from his body, no one wants to ask for trouble.

So in the silence under heavy pressure, more than a hundred old immortals stared wide-eyed, no one mentioned the matter of forcibly dispelling the chaos, and no one chose to leave now, they all wanted to know, Meng Tianchen got it A few strands of the origin of martial arts.

So, for ten days, from standing against each other to sitting cross-legged in the air, under the awed and astonished eyes of countless warriors attracted by the mutation of the golden ladder, all the old monsters of the high-ranking clan waited quietly.

No. 11 days!
Flooding around the golden ladder, the chaotic energy that only covered and wrapped the golden ladder dissipated!
No energy fluctuations erupted, and no sound was made.All the chaotic energy dissipated completely, revealing a figure sitting cross-legged on the golden ladder.

Blood armor, a head of black hair flamboyant!

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen, who seemed to be sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes, and the radiant divine light erupted instantly. At the same time, a mighty and majestic aura slowly rose from his body, like a desolate beast awakened from hibernation, Now showing his ferocious minions!This aura is strong enough to be comparable to an ordinary Extreme Martial Emperor.


Amidst the domineering laughter, Meng Tianchen wantonly exuded his aura of coercion, sweeping wildly in all directions like a wave, flaunting it wantonly!
After a few breaths, the divine light in Meng Tianchen's eyes completely converged, turning into a warm color, and the terrifying aura outside his body also completely converged into his body at this moment, and he entered a domineering state again.

Looking around, Meng Tianchen frowned, took the next step and appeared in front of Elder Wan Yan in an instant, respectfully saluting.

"The disciple has now completed the guidance of the Dao source, thank you Master for guarding."

The voice is in awe, from the heart.

In the current situation, Meng Tianchen can easily see the state of confrontation, and can vaguely guess the reason for the current situation, so he feels sincerely grateful for Elder Wan Yan who can guard him in front of him regardless of the pressure, and he feels a little closer to him. .

Seeing that Meng Tianchen was fine, Elder Wan Yan sensed the closeness in his words, and immediately felt relieved.

"It's natural for the teacher to protect you. You don't need to be polite. Get up."

Meng Tianchen respectfully said yes, and thanked Elder Quan, Elder Potian, and Elder Xingchen respectively.

Elder Han Lin clearly sensed the faint aura of martial arts origin contained in Meng Tianchen, and the murderous intent in his heart became more and more intense.

Are you kidding me, Elder Han Lin is a dignified peak Martial Emperor powerhouse, and has been at the peak Martial Emperor level for many years. It is extremely difficult to communicate with the origin of chaos and obtain a ray of fire origin.

And Meng Tianchen, a mere Great Martial Emperor, actually got such a heaven-defying fortune, how could he not be jealous and hateful.

Elder Han Lin with a gloomy face suddenly thought of something, said in a deep voice, "Meng Tianchen, I and you all stay here to ask you something, you must answer truthfully."

"What happened in the chaotic atmosphere of the Golden Ladder, and why is there a terrifying and evil aura emanating from it? This matter is extremely important, and it is absolutely not allowed to be deceived secretly, otherwise it will be a felony!"

After talking about it, the old monster's complexion became more and more solemn, and his voice was low and cold.

As the voice fell, the eyes of more than a hundred old monsters gathered in an instant, all of them dignified.

"Depend on!"

Cursing secretly, Meng Tianchen immediately recalled the scene of inducing the inner demon. The reason why Elder Han Lin could sense the evil and terrifying aura should be manifested by the undead breath swallowing the inner demon.

Meng Tianchen raised his head, with a bit of surprise on his face, and his eyes fell on Elder Han Lin.

"What's the meaning of Elder Hanlin's words? I don't know the source of the terrifying aura. The boy has been trying his best to communicate with martial arts."

Elder Wan Yan was stunned. He was secretly worried about how Meng Tianchen would explain it. He guessed that this aura might be related to Meng Tianchen's huge hole card. If it was exposed today, it would be of great disadvantage to him. I didn't expect this kid to be so slippery. , directly came a refusal to admit it.

With a light cough, Elder Wan Yan smiled.

As for waiting around for many days, many old monsters actually wanted to know how much martial arts origin Meng Tianchen had obtained.

This is what they are most concerned about.

Elder Han Lin took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the anger rising from his chest, and said in a cold voice: "Meng Tianchen, don't be too presumptuous. Now that I am asking you about this matter, I will answer it truthfully. If you dare to do this again Arrogant, I will definitely punish you for a felony!"

The voice was cold, and the chill was churning.

Hearing this, Meng Tianchen's expression also turned indifferent instantly, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, revealing a slight sarcasm.

"A felony? I don't know why Elder Hanlin has any reason to punish the boy for a felony?"

"Where did the evil aura come from? Don't say that the kid doesn't know. Even if he knew, he would have no obligation to tell Elder Han Lin about it. I have just come to Shengyan City and opened a government office. I have never done anything. For harming the interests of the clan, Elder Han Lin, even if you are an elder of the Shengyanhu Clan, what qualifications do you have to punish this felony!"

In Meng Tianchen's words, the underlying meaning is that everyone can understand.

Even if the terrifying evil breath is released by me, what does it represent?It can only show that I may have some kind of powerful hole card in my hand, and its strength can even reach the point where it threatens the peak Martial Emperor.

But, what does this have to do with you, Elder Han Lin?I own the trump card of this seat, can others control it?
Elder Han Lin's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he shouted sharply: "Presumptuous!"

As soon as the voice fell, one step fell, and he wanted to make a move.

With a slight flash of light, Elder Wan Yan stepped forward to block Meng Tianchen behind him, and waved his sleeves lightly.

Blocked the terrifying coercion of Elder Han Lin.

"Elder Han Lin, pay attention to your identity. As Meng Tianchen said, he is a warrior of my Holy Flame Tiger Clan and a young disciple of this seat. He did not do anything wrong to my Holy Flame Tiger Clan. What qualifications do you have to call him right?" He punished him with a felony, who gave you such rights!"

"Don't say that Meng Tianchen doesn't know where the power comes from. Even if he knows, he doesn't have the obligation to explain it clearly to you! You and me, warriors, who don't have a lot of cards in their hands, are they going to make it known to others? .”

"This matter, you have done it, stop here."

Elder Wan Yan's face was gloomy and cold, and he faced the reprimand without leaving any face for Elder Han Lin.

"Let's leave today's matter here, and don't mention it again in the future, otherwise the old man will be severely punished!" Elder Wan Yan waved his sleeves, turned around and stepped forward, and disappeared in an instant.

Meng Tianchen bent down respectfully to salute.

"Congratulations to send Master."

Then, Meng Tianchen looked at Elder Han Lin coldly and smiled.

"Boy, thank you Elder Hanlin for his teaching today. If you have the opportunity in the future, you will definitely repay him a hundredfold!"

After finishing speaking, Meng Tianchen ignored Elder Han Lin whose face was darkened, nodded to Elder Quan, Elder Xingchen, Elder Potian and Elder Tian Chenlu, and left in a flash.



"Let's go!" Elder Hanlin sensed the shock and amusement in the surrounding sight, let out a low growl, and left through the air at the same time as Elder Ju and Elder Han. He really lost his face today!
A massive incident finally ended with a lot of thunder and little rain.

Falling into the Meng Mansion, Meng Tianchen immediately saw Zhu'er with a joyful face, elated. Of course, some of the individual warriors who belonged to the Meng Mansion saw Meng Tianchen again, one by one involuntarily showing awe.

This man is so ruthless that even Elder Han Lin didn't pay attention to him, and even challenged him.

Back to the empty backyard.

Meng Tianchen was shocked.

There were actually people in the backyard.

It was Elder Wan Yan.

"Xiao Tianchen, hurry up, tell me quickly, you really succeeded in this great fortune? Got the origin of martial arts?" Compared with before, Elder Wan Yan, who seemed to be a different person, was extremely eager.

Meng Tianchen was stunned for a moment, he had no intention of telling the truth, he didn't intend to hide it, but he was afraid of scaring this old man.

"Master! The three major martial arts I practice are Shura's Great Killing Dao, Plowing Heaven's Great Sword Dao, and Heart-Cracking Dao of Martial Arts!"

"This time, in the Daoyuan guide, I obtained three strands of the origin of killing and the origin of swordsmanship! However, there is only one strand of the origin of mind. I..."


Before Meng Tianchen could continue speaking, the screaming Elder Wan Yan fainted.

Who is Elder Wan Yan? He is currently the most powerful person in the Holy Flame Tiger Clan, the super strong person among the peak Martial Emperors, and even a super old monster with the origin of martial arts.

Actually almost fainted, it can be seen how powerful Meng Tianchen's words shocked him.

"This old man can't stand it!" Meng Tianchen murmured to himself, thankfully he didn't tell the truth, if Elder Wan Yan knew, the origin of his way of killing was not to get three strands, but nine strands!It has already been consummated, and has reached the extreme, so it’s not bad!
Elder Wan Yan, who was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time, managed to regain his composure, and murmured in a trembling voice: "How is it possible? To get the origin of seven strands of martial arts all at once, too! It's too appalling!"

Suddenly thought of something, Elder Wan Yan, whose expression became serious all of a sudden, sternly warned: "Xiao Tianchen, from now on, whenever anyone asks you, you just say that you only got a sliver of the origin of martial arts during the Daoyuan guide." , yes! It can only be a wisp!"

"Obey!" Meng Tianchen could see that the frightened Elder Wan Yan was really doing it for his own good, even though he didn't take it seriously, he still humbly responded.

"By the way, what did you say earlier? You are cultivating the Dao of Asura?" Elder Wan Yan, who remembered it, stared at Meng Tianchen suspiciously again.

(End of this chapter)

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