Chapter 572 Shadow Kill
"Yes!" Meng Tianchen stared at Elder Wan Yan in confusion, in his opinion, Elder Wan Yan might have already seen the details of the Asura Dao Dao that he cultivated.

"Seventh? Among the [-] great martial arts, the legendary martial arts that ranks seventh?" Elder Wan Yan was once again shocked. Even if he was killed, he would never have imagined that Meng Tianchen originally practiced the Dao of Asura.

The old ghost knew Meng Tianchen's heart-cracking martial arts and plowing sky swordsmanship in Yan Prison, but he really didn't know about Shura's great killing method.

Elder Wan Yan, who was shocked again and again, was really hit.

Hesitating to speak, the old man still left ghostly.

"Little bastard, your second-in-command master is right! No matter who it is in the future, you must bear in mind that you only get a sliver of martial arts origin during the Dao source reception!" The ghost's words were full of worry.

It can be said that apart from Meng Tianchen, only Old Ghost Wuhen really knows how much martial arts origin Meng Tianchen has obtained.

The origin of the Dao of Killing, Nine Wisps!It has been completed.

The origin of the way of killing, three wisps.

The origin of the mind, a ray.

"Master, why can my Plowing Heaven Great Sword Dao only reach the three strands of the sword's origin? Especially the heart-cracking Dao of Martial Arts is even more outrageous, it takes the longest time and is the most difficult, and I still only get a strand of the origin of the martial arts!"

"You are content!"

He snorted angrily. In fact, the old ghost Wuhen didn't know the root cause of this.

Another figure entered the backyard strangely.

"Uncle?" Seeing that it was Elder Xingchen, Meng Tianchen was overjoyed.

In Meng Tianchen's eyes, the closest person in Shengyan City is this elder Xingchen.

"Uncle, are you also here to find out how much martial arts origin I have obtained?" Seeing his relatives, Meng Tianchen became visibly excited.

"Xiao Tianchen, I'm here to warn you! As for me, I just need to know that you have successfully obtained the origin of martial arts!"

Seeing Elder Xingchen's serious tone, Meng Tianchen was startled.

To be cautious, Meng Tianchen welcomed his uncle into the underground secret room of Meng Mansion.

However, when Meng Tianchen entered the secret room, he was instantly dumbfounded.

The fragments of the monument in the stone chamber are missing.

No, it's not gone, but turned into a pile of dust.

"This? What's going on here?" Meng Tianchen looked in disbelief.

Just kidding, the mysterious monument fragment is a symbol of a heavenly mansion.Moreover, only Meng Tianchen himself knows that the reason why he triggered the source of Dao is definitely related to the fragments of the monument.

However, the fragments of the monument were destroyed, turning into a pile of ashes without the slightest energy fluctuation.

The elder Xingchen, whose face was full of awe, let out a low sigh.

"Xiao Tianchen, it seems that you only know about the fragments of the giant monument! Not only your Meng Mansion, but all the high-level mansions in Shengyan City and the mysterious fragments guarded by them are all destroyed!"

"Moreover, some people with ulterior motives, through the collapse of the giant tablet fragments, think of your Daoyuan connection!"

"Ah?" With a cry of surprise, Meng Tianchen was really frightened.

Because, Meng Tianchen knew that this nima's conjecture was the truth!
However, what Meng Tianchen didn't expect was that he induced Daoyuan to lead, not only destroying the cultivation auxiliary treasure of the Meng Mansion, the fragments of the huge monument!What's more, the fragments of monuments in all the high-grade mansions in Shengyan City were destroyed!
This shit is a big deal.

After thinking about it, Meng Tianchen calmed down a little.

After all, there is no evidence for this kind of thing, even if the owners of all the high-level mansions want to accuse him, there is no evidence.

Taking a full view of Meng Tianchen's expression, Elder Xingchen felt anxious.

Meng Tianchen actually cracked the secret of the giant stele fragments that countless ancestors of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan could not comprehend, and it is a huge secret, which can actually attract the source of Dao.

It has to be said that Elder Xingchen guessed very accurately.

"Uncle, that's why?" There is someone behind Meng Tianchen, who is not afraid at all. There is nothing he can do about such unsubstantiated matters.

"Of course there is business!"

Suddenly, Elder Xingchen, with a more serious expression, said in a very small voice: "From now on, don't leave Shengyan City at will! I will always hide around you."

"Bastard, what a good thing!" Wuhen, who had been extremely entangled in the beginning, cried out in a hurry when he heard Elder Xingchen's proposal.

Ignoring the high-pitched voice of Wuhen old ghost resounding in the sea of ​​consciousness, Meng Tianchen stared at his uncle in puzzlement.

"Uncle, why is this? Isn't this delaying your cultivation?"

"Little Tianchen, my talent has reached its limit! Trying to communicate with the origin of the fire way is nothing but a dream! You are the hope of our Tianchen main line, and nothing will happen!"

In Elder Xingchen's slow explanation, mixed with Wuhen's old ghost's supplement, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.

It turns out that for those peak Martial Emperors who have not achieved the Master of Heaven and Earth, as long as they have communicated with the origin of martial arts, they can use a more despicable method to increase the chances of comprehending and communicating with the origin of martial arts.

This terrifying method is to kill other peak Martial Emperor powerhouses who have also integrated the origin of martial arts, and capture a trace of the original aura of martial arts that has been integrated into the opponent's body.

But today's Meng Tianchen, even though he is only a mere Great Martial Emperor, has absorbed this kind of heaven-defying good fortune through the source of Dao, and has integrated the origin of martial arts. He is definitely fat in the eyes of those old monsters who have the origin of Martial Dao.
Hearing the explanations from Elder Xingchen and Old Ghost Wuhen, Meng Tianchen's original excitement dissipated and his face turned dark.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen couldn't even believe Elder Wan Yan's second-in-command master.

Fortunately, with Elder Xingchen, the peak Martial Emperor, secretly protecting him, Meng Tianchen's frightened mood was a little more stable.

Under the persuasion of Elder Xingchen and Old Ghost Wuhen, Meng Tianchen became honest.

Living in seclusion in the backyard of the Meng Mansion, the gate does not go out, and the two gates do not pass.

After merging the three great martial arts with the origins of martial arts, Meng Tianchen's true combat power has reached a terrifying level.

Meng Tianchen is confident that the general Extreme Martial Emperor powerhouse can contend.

If Meng Tianchen meets Emperor Gong in Yan Prison again, Meng Tianchen will definitely not be without the slightest strength to resist.

The realm of cultivation is still too low!
Meng Tianchen, who practiced diligently, improved quickly after comprehending the Sword Essence Orb bestowed by Elder Wan Yan, and the Dao of the Great Sword.

The fourth great sword style of the Litian Dao of Sword, the sword and shield style, is close to a great achievement in less than half a year.

The realm of cultivation is comparable to that of the Great Martial Emperor in the middle and late stages.

It's a pity that Shura's Great Dao of Killing, even if it is fused with the original source of the Nine Wisps of Dao of Killing, is already perfect, and it is even more difficult to truly comprehend and practice it.

What's even more outrageous is the heart-cracking martial art. After half a year, it is still in a small state, and even a small state cannot be reached.

At the same time, Meng Tianchen still had two important things in mind.

He repeatedly asked Nobita to go to the extreme trading firm many times, willing to obtain two extreme sacred objects at a high price.

The same, it is the black woman's money, the key treasure that makes the Canglong stick promoted to the lower-rank holy weapon, and the other is the supreme treasure of killing, the spirit of shadow, the upper-rank sacred object of heaven and earth!
Meng Tianchen, who had already reached the realm of Great Martial Emperor, could cultivate another kind of supernatural power in Asura Martial Art.

Shadow kill!Shadow Killer Avatar.

However, the supernatural power of shadow killing needs the spirit of the most precious shadow of killing Tao to cultivate successfully.

It's a pity that even the most powerful trading firm, not to mention finding the two treasures Meng Tianchen needs, doesn't even have the source information.

On this day, Tianchenlu, who became more and more harmonious with Meng Tianchen, came to Meng Mansion again to look for Meng Tianchen.

Coincidentally, third senior brother Tian Chenyuan also came with fine wine.

While drinking to his heart's content, Meng Tianchen learned about some of the latest news and events in Shengyan City from the open mouths of the two.

Meng Tianchen felt that there was a vague feeling of a storm coming in Shengyan City.


Suddenly, Meng Tianchen, who was chatting and drinking with Tianchenlu and Tianchenyuan, changed his expression.

He seemed to have sensed something.

almost simultaneously.

In Shengyan City, north of the city!
Several inconspicuous warriors followed the crowd into the city, looking at the majestic city and the bustling streets, each with unconcealable excitement on their faces.

"Shengyan City, this is Shengyan City. Sajia feels different from other places. I feel comfortable even after taking a breath. It is indeed the root of our Shengyan Tiger Clan!"

The leader of these warriors was actually a short and fat man, spitting all over the place as he spoke, as if there was no one else around.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Beside the Humpty Dumpty was a blind old man who seemed to be in a good mood and laughed loudly.

However, this guy's laughter is really not flattering, it's sinister.

Behind these two people is a kind of young warrior, each of them is very excited.

"Okay, don't be embarrassing and conspicuous here, just like an old turtle who has never seen the world, let's find someone to ask for the direction, so we can go to Meng Tianchen." Humpty Humpty said with a smile.

That's right, this group of people is the Guan Shan group who managed to escape from Qinglong City.

Humpty Humpty is the senior brother in name, but in fact he is Emperor Guan.

And Ya Pu, that gloomy blind old man, is the Emperor of the Mountain.

Following behind the two were Feng Xie, son of Xiejian, and others.

Meng Tianchen's reputation was so great that it had spread throughout the Central Region, and even the elders of Azure Dragon City and Azure Dragon Palace were alarmed.

The Heaven-defying talent who can attract Daoyuan to lead is definitely an extremely terrifying figure after the Holy Flame Tiger Clan.

After crossing hundreds of millions of miles of obstacles, I finally came to Shengyan City, and I finally got to meet Meng Tianchen, Guan Huang and others who are the most monstrous in Guanshan. It would be a lie not to be excited.

Entering the bustling street, Guan Huang told everyone to be careful, after all, this is Shengyan City, one of the five holy cities in Central Region.

"Remember it for me. It's fine with Meng Tianchen in private in the future, but you must be respectful and polite in front of others, otherwise I can't spare you. Hehe, that kid actually opened a government office!"

"Then hurry up and ask someone for directions, I can't wait to see Meng Tianchen today." The scruffy young man looked anxious.

Tie Ke pursed the corners of her lips, revealing a pretty smile.

It just so happened that when they entered a rather prosperous hotel, when they were sitting around, a waiter stepped forward to greet him.

Didn't you know that the waiter's face suddenly became ugly when he heard that Guan Huang asked about the Meng Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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