Chapter 579 Contradictions
Meng Tianchen's complexion changed again, although he didn't know why the white mist gathered, but his intuition told him that there was a huge crisis hidden in it, and it must not be allowed to gather smoothly. When his thoughts turned, he slapped forward with his palm!
The space trembled, and the palm prints suddenly appeared, like a god and demon, making a bang and moving forward, pressing down hard, trying to disperse the gathered white mist!

The palm prints fell, passed through the fog, rumbled to nowhere, but the white mist seemed not to be affected in the slightest, and it continued to converge towards that point without any pause, but the speed was getting faster and faster. Crazy increase at an astonishing speed!

Meng Tianchen's face was as gloomy as water, and his figure retreated, but he didn't attack again. The fact that the mist couldn't be dispelled was one of the reasons, and the other was that in this mysterious space, the loss of the four phantom martial qi in his body couldn't be recovered!
It is indeed the second layer of the town of the remnant stele of the great power of the Mei nationality, which is really strange.

Meng Tianchen took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the restless thoughts in his heart, and proceeded carefully.

After ten breaths, the gathering of the white mist seemed to have reached its limit, and the space of thousands of miles around had turned into a piece of clarity, and there was no more white mist left. It was all compressed into a ball, about the size of an adult, and strange fluctuations continued to emerge from it. Scattered, it is constantly wriggling like a cocoon, as if it is gestating some kind of creature!

Suddenly, the wriggling mist suddenly stopped wriggling, and the next moment a tyrannical aura burst out from it, dispelling all the wrapped mist!

The moment Meng Tianchen sensed this aura, Meng Tianchen's pupils couldn't help shrinking violently, and when he saw the figure emerging from the fog, countless turbulent waves suddenly arose in his mind!
Meng Tianchen!
The second Meng Tianchen!

The appearance, shape, breath, and cultivation are exactly the same between the two, as if they were created from the same mold, without any difference.Two identical warriors in blood armor stood in the void, staring at each other from a distance, their eyes were all serious, and even the subtle expressions on their faces were the same when they were in crisis.

This mist actually imitated Meng Tianchen and created another him!

"Depend on!"

Meng Tianchen snorted coldly, his eyes flashed sharply, could it be that he thought that by duplicating a warrior who was exactly like him, he would be able to stop him!


While humming, he took a step forward, condensed the light of his sword, and slashed it down.

Killing sword potential!
This is the second greatest sword power of the Litian Great Sword Dao, and it is incomparably terrifying after merging the origin of the Sword Dao.

Meng Tianchen didn't believe that he, who was condensed from the mysterious mist on the opposite side, also had such means.

But when Meng Tianchen hadn't lost his mind, he was suddenly completely shocked by the scene in front of him. He saw the mist and Meng Tianchen also shot instantly.

The same look, the same sword-killing gesture.

The sword-slaying momentum also contained the original aura of swordsmanship, and its power was comparable.

Killing sword potential vs. killing sword potential!
Two identical sword glows stabbed together fiercely.


Amidst the ear-piercing screeches, the shattered golden auras scattered in all directions, which was terrifying.

"See Nima's big-headed ghost!"

The stunned Meng Tianchen was almost dumbfounded.

How can it be!The fog transformed into Meng Tianchen possesses exactly the same supernatural powers as him, and even the power of the two is exactly the same. This is not copying his appearance at all, but more like creating another independent one. Individual, an existence exactly like him, another Meng Tianchen!

"Don't waste your efforts in vain, this seat is you, you are this seat, what you have, this seat owns everything, if you want to control the imperial realm, you need to kill this seat!"

"Perhaps you can say, kill yourself!"

Misty Meng Tianchen opened his mouth slowly, his pitch-black eyes surged with cold light, his expression and voice were exactly that of Meng Tianchen, even people who were familiar with Meng Tianchen would absolutely be unable to tell the difference between the two!
"Kill me, or be killed by me, only one of you and me can survive today." Misty Meng Tianchen said slowly, raised his hand, and suddenly a white mist penetrated into his body, accompanied by this The penetration of the mist made it even more powerful.

"This? This is okay?"

Seeing this scene, Meng Tianchen's heart couldn't help but sink even more, but at the moment he wasn't given more time, the misty Meng Tianchen sneered with the supernatural power and shot instantly.

"Liyue Jianmang!"

I saw the golden sword in Misty Meng Tianchen's hand dancing in phantom, and a series of nine golden meniscus sword lights flew out, locked on Meng Tianchen, and slashed towards him.

Each golden crescent moon sword light contains extremely murderous intent, which is terrifying.

"Your uncle!"

After babbling, Meng Tianchen, who was still extremely confused, also displayed Liyue Jianmang!
Nine golden crescent moon sword glows, meet them.

Evenly matched!

"The real body of the devil's fetus, come out!" The somewhat violent mist Meng Tianchen was furious, and suddenly summoned the real body of the devil's fetus, two against one.


Meng Tianchen, who just wanted to scold his mother, never imagined that the other party even had the real body of the devil's fetus.

"What the hell kind of place is this!" Meng Tianchen, who had never been so aggrieved, almost cried, and bravely summoned the real body of the devil's fetus!

Immediately, the two extremely fierce demon fetus avatars fought together, powerful and powerful.

More than half an hour passed, and Meng Tianchen, whose face was as heavy as water, was extremely shocked.Although the two sides are evenly matched, neither can gain the upper hand. Both sides have exactly the same hole card magic power, which seems to be equal, but don't forget the most crucial point. In this secret space, Meng Tianchen can't absorb any energy to supplement his own consumption, and The misty Meng Tianchen can be supplemented by devouring the white mist, and when it grows and grows, the only thing waiting for Meng Tianchen is the end of death!

"Hahahaha! Meng Tianchen, don't waste your efforts in vain, I own everything you have, today's fight must be your defeat!" Misty Mengtianchen sneered and said, murderous intent.

Meng Tianchen seems to have thought of something, but he can't grasp it vaguely, but at this moment, he knows one thing in his heart, he must not let this misty Meng Tianchen take the initiative, otherwise it will be extremely bad for him to be tired of fighting!

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he punched forward!
He didn't use supernatural powers, but a display of pure physical strength, fighting.

Misty Tianchen let out a long laugh, without any hesitation or fear, the figure shot out loudly, punching forward!
Fist and fist collided, and terrifying force erupted from the point of confrontation, penetrating into the bodies of the two people, there was a burst of crackling, and the two mouths groaned in unison, obviously similar and suffered some injuries at the same time.

Meng Tianchen shook his shoulders, dispelling all the counter-shock force, and the figure rushed out again after a while.

In the mysterious space, there was an unbelievable booming sound, and the two Meng Tianchens used their physical power to catch each other and fight each other. Their methods were fierce and domineering, and every time their physical bodies collided, there would be a loud noise that would shake the sky and shake the void.

Meng Tianchen's complexion turned pale, a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, his brows were tightly frowned, the ray of spiritual light in his mind became clearer and clearer, but he was always unable to grasp it.

With a punch, the figures of both sides flew upside down under the influence of mighty force, barely stopping until thousands of feet away.

The mist covered Tianchen and raised his hand, and a large amount of white mist merged into his body, making his pale face and weak breath suddenly recover.

"Meng Tianchen, don't struggle and resist anymore. This seat said that I have everything you have. In this space, if you can't swallow energy to replenish yourself, you are doomed to failure!"

"This is where you died!"

The foggy Tianchen laughed wildly, the rolling and turbulent fog was churning endlessly, exuding an incomparably domineering aura from his body, his state was restored to its peak state by devouring the strange white mist in just a few breaths of time!
The supernatural powers are the same, with the origin of martial arts, the body cannot suppress it, and the opponent has the ability to swallow the white mist to quickly restore its own loss. This situation is indeed desperate!
But at this moment, an astonishing cold light erupted from the bottom of Meng Tianchen's eyes in an instant, and then disappeared, and he slowly raised his head to look at the misty Tianchen, and he finally caught the gleam of aura that he had been unable to grasp in his heart!
This misty Meng Tianchen has been emphasizing one thing from the beginning, what Meng Tianchen has, he owns it all, and it seems that this point has been proved in the previous battles and fights, which makes people believe, and the misty Meng Tianchen also This kind of thinking has been instilled.


The corner of Meng Tianchen's mouth reveals an imperceptible sneer, what he owns, this misty Meng Tianchen also owns, is this really the case?
Foggy Meng Tianchen has the same cautious attitude as Meng Tianchen, so when he noticed the sneer at the corner of Meng Tianchen's mouth, he felt a sharp shock in his heart, and suddenly had an extremely bad premonition.Although he already had everything that Meng Tianchen had in his memory, it was precisely because of this that he knew Meng Tianchen very well, so he could taste enough information from this slight smile.

This is definitely not a deliberate disguise to make him feel suspicious, but that the other party has really found a way to deal with him!
The foggy Tianchen's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and he made a sudden move at this moment!

"Black Heart Sword!"

He wants to use powerful attack methods to kill Meng Tianchen or force the opponent to have no chance to make a move.

A small black sword shadow was suspended in the misty Meng Tianchen's hand, exuding an extremely strange and cold aura, desolate and mighty, suddenly locked on Meng Tianchen and stabbed.


Meng Tianchen never dreamed that the other party could even control his fourth talent, the Black Heart Sword.

Familiar with the terrifying power of the Black Heart Sword, Meng Tianchen dared to be negligent and let out a sharp shout.


Meng Tianchen activated Guangling's mind with all his strength, and a vast undead breath spread out from his body.

Especially the phantom of the little bell in Guangling's mind, shining brilliantly with a white halo.

In this way, it is enough to withstand the attack of the Black Heart Sword!

"You!" Clearly feeling the strange undead aura on Meng Tianchen's body, Wu Qi Meng Tianchen's face really changed drastically, indeed the undead aura is beyond the control of Wu Qi Meng Tianchen.

However, this is not Meng Tianchen's strongest method, if he wants to kill the other party, no!In other words, it is obviously impossible to kill oneself with only the breath of immortality.

(End of this chapter)

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